Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome isn't in love with Inu-Yasha anymore ❯ Meeting ( Chapter 2 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Yuske and the gang were heading to his house they had gotten back from a tough mission.When they got there Yuske's mom was waiting outside for him.
your cousin Kagome is coming to visit now listen she's been through some major heartace and she's been sick a lot.So shes going to be staying here and is going to make a fresh start.But be warned she has really changed,"and with that she went back into the house.
is going to be intresting,"Yuske said and everyone else thought the samething even Hiei.Just then a black eclispe pulled up besides them.This getting the guys attention.A girl wearing a black leather mini skirt and black high heels with a shirt that said 'I already rule Hell next is Heavn'in red.Her hair was down it looked like the ends were dipped into a fire.She had red lipstick on.And standing besides her was little boy with red hair in kaki skater pants with a black shirt that had a red fox on it.isn't that your cousin over there,"The boy with red hair said pointing over to Yuske.like you found him before I did Shippo,"Kagome said.guys were shocked Yuske cousin was a mother.And for Kruma it was worse Yuko wanted to kill who ever mate with her first.But then Kagome gave Yuske a hug getting everyone's attention.before you flip he's my adpoted son,"Hiei and Kurma let out a sigh of relieve.But then Kagome moved to the back of the car and got her and Shippo's suitcases.The gang was amazed there was at least 40 suitcase and it didn't seem to bother her.Then she looked at there faces.And laughed,then she said,"What Yuskes not the only one who is strong."
your cousin Kagome is coming to visit now listen she's been through some major heartace and she's been sick a lot.So shes going to be staying here and is going to make a fresh start.But be warned she has really changed,"and with that she went back into the house.
is going to be intresting,"Yuske said and everyone else thought the samething even Hiei.Just then a black eclispe pulled up besides them.This getting the guys attention.A girl wearing a black leather mini skirt and black high heels with a shirt that said 'I already rule Hell next is Heavn'in red.Her hair was down it looked like the ends were dipped into a fire.She had red lipstick on.And standing besides her was little boy with red hair in kaki skater pants with a black shirt that had a red fox on it.isn't that your cousin over there,"The boy with red hair said pointing over to Yuske.like you found him before I did Shippo,"Kagome said.guys were shocked Yuske cousin was a mother.And for Kruma it was worse Yuko wanted to kill who ever mate with her first.But then Kagome gave Yuske a hug getting everyone's attention.before you flip he's my adpoted son,"Hiei and Kurma let out a sigh of relieve.But then Kagome moved to the back of the car and got her and Shippo's suitcases.The gang was amazed there was at least 40 suitcase and it didn't seem to bother her.Then she looked at there faces.And laughed,then she said,"What Yuskes not the only one who is strong."