Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Spirit Detective Cousin ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Kagome's Spirit Detective Cousin

SIT,said a very angry Kagome.Inuyasha I'll be back 3 weeks my cousin is gonna visit my me and my family today.BITCH get back here we need to find the shikon shards before Naraku does,said Inuyasha as the spell wore off.But Kagome heard none of what Inuyasha was saying because she already jump down the bone eaters well.As Kagome climb up the well she began to think about sitting Inuyasha.Arrggh c'mon Kagome,

you need to stop thinking about that guy and enjoy 3 weeks with your favorite coolest cousin,said Kagome.

``````````````Spirit World``````````````````

So what's going on Koenma,ask Yuske.As the rest of the spirit detectives came.A calm Kurama,a curios Hiei and a mad Kuwabara.WELL YOU BETTER ANSWER THE STUPID QUESTION,I had to cancel my date with Yukina to be here,said Kuwabara extremely loud.Hiei growl as he heard his little sister name.Hey what's your problem shrimp,ask Kuwabara who was in front of Hiei staring at him.GRRRR...You better shut your

freakin mouth up before I permanately cut it,Hiei replied coldly.Arrhh... make me shut up shorty.Both of you shut up there are other important things you guys must do,Koenma finally said.Koenma is right he wouldn't just sent us here if it weren't important, Kurama calmly said.The two of you just chill out,said Yuske.I have a very important mission for you guys,well you see Kanon a blood sucking demon just escape and he wants to kill this all the mikos in the world because he need there blood to strengten his demon abilities.Unfortunatly there's only one living miko in the world and she is very powerful but she still can't depend herself so you guys need to protect her,said Koenma.Oh and Yuske this kind of concern you too,Koenma continued.HOW! all of them shouted.

Well huh..umm...the miko is your.........umm....

To be continue(Hah cliffhanger)

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Please review this is my first fic ever.