Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Spirit Detective Cousin ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter three

Yuske!,shouted Kagome as she ran outside to greet her cousin only to find him with 3 other people.A guy with red hair introduce himself,Hello my name is Kurama that's Hiei.Kurama pointed

to short guy wearing black clothes.And I'm kuwabara.Kagome look at the guy who spoke he was wearing the same outfit like his cous but his was blue not green.I wonder what they are here for.Yuske as if reading her mind said,Kagome we need to talk about something and why they are here but we better get inside first before we explain.

20 minutes later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Wow your guys are spirit detectives and I thought my life was weird.

What do you mean by weird,is there something you want to tell us couse.Kagome realize she thought out loud.Well I kinda wanted to tell you this for a very long time Yuske but I thought you wouldn't believe me,said kagome.I should start at the very begginig and how I met Inuyasha.

15 minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

They stared at her shock.Your not lying are you Kagome.Why would I lie to you cous you know I never lie especially not to you,answered Kagome.She's right she never did lie to me before and i can tell when she's lying she doesn't sound like she's lying to me.Yuske snap back to reality when Kagome ask,Are you okay Yuske?Yeah I'm fine,answered Yuske.

Cous do you want to go up my room and put your clothes and things away,Kagome said.Yeah sure.Wait a minute where would we stay,ask Kuwabara.Umm..let me think..uh yes Yuske can stay with me in my room and the three of you can stay in Souta's room,you can sleep in his bed if you like he's not gonna be back for 4 days,.What about aunty and grandpa(let's just say Yuske mom's is Kagome's mom's sister.)Well mom's visiting aunt Kona with grandpa for 3 weeks sorry,

anwered Kagome then she smile sweetly which made Heie heart

pound like crazy.Oh my god she has the sweetest smile,if my heart

keep pounding like this I'm sure I 'm going to explode.They went upstairs in Kagome's bedroom and then they went to Souta's room.

When they were all done Kagome cook food and then they ate.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Feudal Time~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Should I or should I not go get her.Ohh men thinking is really hard,mumble Inuyasha.He was about 5 feet away from the well.Okay I decided,I should go get her and apologize.But what doesn't Inuyasha know is that Kagome is with 4 other male.

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Okay I might not continue this story unless reviewers want me to.Review if I should or should not continue this fic.