Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Koku Ryu no Ai ❯ Hiei meet your mate ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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I'm back. This chapter is where Hiei finally meets his mate Kagome. Kagome has to explain about Sesshy and Inu and why Inu is in a 50ft. hole of himself. On with the story!!
Hiei looked at his mate and was breathe taken with her beauty. She had long black hair that looked like it would be soft to touch and pale skin that looked soft and smooth. Her eyes is what got him the most they where a deep shade of blue and was beautiful in many ways than one. She comes up to his chest. `She was shorter in real life than in that crystal ball of Taki's' Hiei thought to himself.
“Well, are you going to tell me who they are? Yusuke” said Kagome. Yusuke looked from the human create and at Kagome. “Huh? Oh, Yeah,” Yusuke said, “um…the one with the goofy hair do is Kuwabara.”
Kuwabara was about to make a remark back ,but when he looked at Kagome he forgot all about and made his way to her took her hands and asked, “Well you be my girlfriend?” Kagome looked at him like he was crazy than hit him in the face that sent him to the ground. {gee, another Miroku} Kagome thought. This made Yusuke burst out laughing, Kurama to hold it in ,but ended up with Yusuke, and Hiei give a little smirk. Sess and Inu already went in the house to wait on Kagome. After calming down some Yusuke started again, “The red-head is Kurama”
Kurama greeted Kagome with a hello. “The last one in all black is Hiei.” Yusuke said. Hiei just give his trademark “hn” and looked Kagome in the eyes. Kagome's breathe hitched when she looked into Hiei blood like eyes. They were beautiful. A nice shade of red, but the more Kagome looked she could see something breadth(SP) the surface like a beast wanting to get out and clam something that's theirs.
“Oi, Kagome what was with that guy and the sit thing.” Yusuke asked. Kagome looked at Yusuke and sighed, “Everyone come inside and I will explain everything.” Kagome said.
Everyone went inside and took a sit and waited for Kagome to start explaining.
I know its short but I don't have any more ideas, but chapter seven will be longer ok bye.