Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kuronue's Pendant ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kuronue's Pendant

Disclaimer: We really don't own any of these characters and are penniless since we spent all our money on manga and DVD's.

AN: Same warning about the presense of Shonen ai.

~Chapter 4~

Kurama's mind was still running over all the events that had transpired as he made his way to his own apartment, located only four doors down from Keiko's own. He had just slipped the key into the lock and turned when his entire body tingled as he sensed the familiar aura of a nearby youkai. Without so much as turning around, Kurama smiled lightly as he proceeded to turn the knob and open his front door.

"So good of you to visit me, Hiei. Why don't you come in."

"Hn." Hiei followed the fox into the apartment and settled down on the couch as Kurama closed the door and said without preamble. "I saw Yusuke."

The door closed with a soft click and Kurama turned to look at Hiei. "I see," He said simply before heading toward the kitchen area. "Is that why you are here?"

Hiei nodded. This was the beauty about talking to the kitsune. Kurama understood precisely what Hiei was saying, even when he wasn't saying much. "I thought I should get your version." He allowed the briefest spark of what could have been the beginnings of jealousy flare in his eyes. He still wasn't sure exactly how he felt about the kitsune, but he was his closest friend.

"And what did Yusuke tell you?" Kurama countered. "It almost seems as if you're accusing me of something. Shall I have to defend myself, I wonder."

"The only thing that I have that is a concrete reason for anything is that you left work." Hiei told the kitsune. "Now, Yusuke tells me you cleared a few days to work on something with Keiko? Yusuke's girl?"

Kurama blinked. "Yes, I did. Something of importance came up and I have to deal with it." He said simply, turning to the refrigerator to fetch a drink.

Hiei knew that he couldn't let the slippery youko dance around him. "Something of importance? This wouldn't have anything to do with a pendant, now would it? Yusuke said he felt a surge of youki from one."

Kurama stalled his reply by opening his can of soda and taking a slow sip. Finally lowering the can, he said, "Oh, right, that. Well, it's nothing you should worry about, really. I've got it all under control."

Hiei raised his brow. "Really? You nearly lost your head to Yusuke ealier. I took the brunt of his anger off, but he is still quite furious. Fox, you owe me." He got up and walked over to the red headed kitsune in human form and stood in front of him, grabbing Kurama's shoulders in an iron grip, "I realize that you've been dancing around me for years now. I've ignored it, but if even our friendship means a damn, you will tell me what is going on!"

Kurama met the red eyes of the fire demon's with his own green one's. He sighed, "You are right, Hiei. And I am afraid that nothing may ever be the same again." He gently removed Hiei's hands from his shoulders. "Allow me to tell you everything, well most of it, anyway. Some of it is not mine to tell, but I think he'd allow you to know, though not Yusuke, not yet."

"Hn, I cannot keep this from him completely."

"I know. But it all tracks back to our incident with Yakumo and the person who pretended to be my old friend, Kuronue. I learned that Keiko has had in her possession the real Kuronue's pendant." Kurama told him, watching Hiei's eyes widen in realization. "Somehow Kuronue himself is within the pendant."

"Fox," Hiei started.

"I know you do not like this situation, it goes without saying. There is one other thing you need to know about this situation." Kurama took a deep breath. "I think Yusuke's demonic side is taking over. He has been forcing his attentions on Keiko."

"Hn, and why is that our concern? She is, after all, Yusuke's chosen mate."

Kurama put his own hands on the smaller demon's shoulders. "It is our concern, though! You ask how? Hiei, all of us are in this world on sufferance alone. If we do anything out of line, then Reikai will be forced to do something. Excuse me, but I already died once in the hands of the SDF and I do not intend to do so again. If Keiko does not wish to be Yusuke's mate, then even in the Makai, the mating does not take place. Can you deny this?"

Unable to disagree, Hiei shook his head begrudgingly.

Kurama looked down at his first true friend in this lifetime. "Thank you. Now, it has become our concern. We either need to teach Yusuke to control his demonic instincts," He sighed, "Wouldn't be easy, or we need to find a willing outlet for Yusuke's demonic passions. He's still human enough that he wants a human mate. I don't know what we can do. I'm up to my ears in this issue currently."

Hiei looked thoughtful a moment, "Either choice you have presented us with has its merit, Fox. However, whichever one we choose to go with will bring us problems we do not need."

Kurama nodded. "Neither of us are young and I don't even remember what it was like having to consciously curb my tendencies. Finding a willing human mate, well, that is a whole different set of problems."

Hiei looked thoughtful, "Fox, I don't think either of these are quick answers. How are we supposed to find a human who knows enough about demons to recognize the signs?" He looked up at his friend. "Before you answer that, I have a different question. Is it possible to meet your friend in the pendant?"

Kurama looked slightly surprised, "I suppose it could be possible. We would have to go by Keiko's, however. That is where Kuronue is."

"Hn, well as it is late, shall we reconvene in the morning? How many days did you take off to take care of this?"

"Three. Though I may have to take more time off due to a rather...complex situation."

"Then, Fox, I shall be back in the morning. I wish to examine this situation myself, after which, I will find Yusuke." Hiei replied, leaving by way of the balcony.

Kurama watched Hiei disappear in a blur of black. He didn't know it this would be right or not, but there was no way that he could have hidden the presence of Kuronue from his best friend. He sat down on the couch, remembering times with both of the men that meant the most to him, mentally comparing them and wondering if they would get along. He let out a short laugh when he came to a conclusion. No, probably not.

He also realized that the real reason that he had been turning to Hiei was the terrible loneliness that had been eating him from the inside. He was also the only one who truly understood what physical love meant for a youko. The inclusion of Keiko was an unforseen part of the equation as he had always seen her as Yusuke's and so had not even given her a second glance. Now that seemed to be, while not a false assumption, it defintately needed readdressing, especially with these new feelings coming in. Kuronue really liked her and he was now seeing her as not merely a friend, but a woman who seemed to find him attractive and trustworthy. Why else would she kiss him?: Yusuke was too inexperienced as a demon and Kuwabara? They carefully kept him out of the loop on such issues ever since the Itsuki incident where he was revealed to be homophobic.

He reluctantly pushed away those thoughts, turning instead to the problem of Yusuke. Between the issues of Kuronue, the complication of Hiei, Keiko's inclusion and Yusuke's demonic side trying to take over, even a little, the entire situation was turning into a problem of Sensui proportions, just with different results. He put the empty Dr. Pepper can in the trash and went to bed, hoping that tomorrow would not be as messy.

Early the next morning, Keiko awoke to the sound of knocking at her front door.

'Wake up, sleeping beauty. It seems we have a couple of visitors.' Kuronue's voice filled her mind and Keiko glanced down at the pendant. She had given in to Kuronue's begging the night before and kept it on throughout the night. Quickly, she pushed aside the part of her brain that kept insisting that in doing so, she had in a way allowed Kuronue to sleep in her bed with her.

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Keiko rose from her bed and grabbed a house robe, throwing it on and being sure to keep Kuronue outside of the material as she made her way to the door. Upon opening it, she was greeted by the sight of a pleasantly smiling Kurama, flanked by a slightly glowering Hiei.

"Good morning, Keiko," Kurama greeted her pleasantly as she invited the two inside and closed the door behind them. "I hope this is not too early for you." He said placatingly, eyeing her robe and slightly messy hair and knew that they had woke her up. For some reason, though, Kurama couldn't help thinking she's adorable like that . The thought wouldn't leave. Even worse, it took up residence, set its feet on the living room table, and stayed.

Keiko gave a small smile and said reassuringly. "No, of course not, Kurama. I knew you were coming this morning, and we never really set an exact time." She said, eyeing Hiei curiously. Kurama noticed the direction of her stare.

'You told him about me, didn't you.' Kuronue stated, sounding slightly put out.

Before Kurama could reply to this, Hiei surprisingly nodded, which no one expected to have happen. "He did. Your death was the gravest scar his heart carried. He told me about you, you see."

Kuronue was taken aback, 'Oh? And just what are you to him?'

Hiei smirked, "Hn. Wouldn't you like to know."

"Hiei, Kurnoue, enough! I will not have my two best friends bickering." Kurama chastized them both.

"Um... maybe we should all just... sit down? It sounds like we have alot to discuss here." Keiko said tentatively, gesturing to the newly uncovered couch as she did so.

Keiko felt a slightly defensive pulse radiate from the pendant and knew that Kurama felt it. It was also apparent that Hiei felt it as well, if the sharp glare the fire demon sent her way, or rather the pendant's way, was any indication.

"Thank you, Keiko. Yes, I believe I would like to have a seat." Kurama replied softly. The situation was already getting out of hand and the kitsune wasn't quite sure he was ready to handle it.

Kuronue wasn't sure just what to make of the fire demon. Kurama had said two best friends; did that mean that he was lovers with the diminutive demon? "Kurama? Please, tell me what is going on here."

Hiei was impressed that this friend of Kurama's instinctively looked to his partner for explanations. He needed to see more of his personality though, before anything could really be determined. He sat down on the floor, so that he could clearly see everyone involved. He noted that Keiko did not sit immediately by the kitsune, but didn't sit very far from him either. "Fox, I'll let you explain what happened, and what needs to be done."

"Thank you, Hiei." Kurama said dryly. He took a deep breath and started to explain what was going on with Yusuke, which was how Hiei found out anything.

"And Hiei? Where does he fit in with this. You said best friends, does that mean what I think it does?" Kuronue asked tentatively, almost as if he was afraid to know the answer.

"Not yet, and now, maybe never."

Keiko was sitting tentatively in the couch near Kurama, listening to everything unfold. She scrunched her nose up slightly in confusion as the last bit of conversation didn't make sense to her at all. Turning to the kitsune beside her, Keiko sent an inquisitory glance.

Hiei looked back and forth between the pendant, Keiko's bewildered look and the kitsune's determined expression. "Hn, I don't know if I should feel relieved, or jealous."

Kurama flushed slightly, "Sorry, Hiei. Keiko, you've never asked about demons' sexuality, or at least I will assume you never have as the only one's that you could have asked was Yusuke, or one of us here. Most demons are not completely straight, as it is said in the human world. Most of us are bi-sexual, especially youkos, but others are as well. Kuronue has always been, and Hiei?"

"Hn, Fox, you should know by now." Hiei stated in a pause.

"I know, you have no interest in men." Kurama stated, "Heaven knows, you've ignored me for many years now." He looked at Keiko. "I'm sorry this is coming so suddenly."

Keiko was silent for a good while, overwhelmed by the information that seemed to have been heaped upon her so suddenly. She had just been getting used to the idea that she had actually kissed Kurama the day before, and him kissing her back, that she had put aside the personal teasing between the two males and not really thought it through. Now it was being shoved into the forefront of conversation again and... she wasn't quite sure what to do.

"E-excuse me," She murmured softly, rising from her seat. She gently pulled the pendant from around her neck and handed it to Kurama. "I think... I'm going to go get dressed. Please, continue your discussion. It sounds like you have alot to work out amongst yourselves." She finished a bit rushed as she backed toward her bedroom.

"Keiko-" Kurama began, rising slightly from the couch, only to be gestured to silence by Keiko.

"No... Just stay. I'll be back in a little bit." And with that, she disappeared behind the bedroom door.

Hiei looked at how tenderly Kurama handled the pendant. Given the kitsune, he could only surmise that he still loved his old partner. "Silly ningens."

"Hiei! That silly ningen, as you put it, is a friend!" Kurama stated.

'No insults to our songbird are tolerated, Hiei. Kurama, this one doesn't have the same feel as the one who came yesterday. He doesn't have that same repressed sexuality eminating from him.'

"You mean you actually like Hiei?" Kurama asked.

Hiei arched a brow. "Hn, how do you get that?"

"He didn't call me Youko and he called you by name." Kurama explained. "Kuronue never comes out and says what he means, unless he is in the presence of people whom he trusts."

'I hope we didn't scare away our songbird, Kurama. Grr, I hate names! Silvermoon doesn't fit you anymore, not in that body! I refuse to simply call you Fox. Crimson? No, I'll have to think it over.' Kuronue exclaimed, frustrated. 'Hiei, I am sorry that I implied what I did earlier.'

"Hn, it is not a problem, Kuronue." Hiei replied, then added for Kurama's benefit, "I am sorry that I attacked you."

"Thank you for getting along." Kurama said, clearly worried. "I wonder what is keeping Keiko."

'That has me worried as well.' Kuronue added, 'Dressing doesn't take this long. I wonder how she's handling this information?'

"I don't know, Kuronue, and that's what worries me."

As soon as the door shut behind her, Keiko slumped against the wooden frame and slid down the surface onto the carpeted floor. Drawing her knees up to her chest, she hugged them to her as she tried to gather her reeling thoughts. Though she had never really considered herself what you would call a prude, Keiko had never really given any thought to the subject of same sex relationships. Whether they be between two men, or two women, Keiko had simply paid no mind. Nevermind that it was a taboo thing in most parts of the world, that had nothing to do with it; Keiko just simply hadn't recognized it.

Why then, had the revelation of the truth to Kurama and Kuronue's relationship in the past made her feel so strange?

Concentrating more on the sensation, she finally came to the conclusion that it wasn't necessarily a <i>bad</i> feeling. Just... different. This was a new experience for her and she felt it not her place to pass judgement and feel embarrassed about what had transpired between the two in the past. They were, after all, youkai. And hadn't Kurama said that most youkai were like that? So why should she be embarrassed, especially since it was apparent that they, themselves, were not?

Keiko suddenly felt like she had no reason to feel ashamed of their displayed affections toward one another and instead felt ashamed for the way she had reacted at Kurama's words.

Keiko then grew worried that she had hurt Kurama and Kuronue's feelings with her behavior just prior and rose to her feet quickly to dress. Shedding her robe and nightgown, Keiko drew out a pair of jeans and blouse and donned them after putting on fresh undergarments. Pulling a brush through her hair a few strokes, she observed her appearance in the mirror a moment before drawing a deep, cleansing breath. She then turned to the door and prepared to rejoin her guests.

Kurama and Hiei both turned as the sound of the bedroom door opening drew their attention. Kuronue, too, reached out his senses in order to observe Keiko's reemergence from the bedroom.

Keiko walked into the living room, crossing the space without a word and made her way to stand before Kurama, who rose to meet her. Silently, she reclaimed Kuronue from Kurama and placed the pendant's delicate chain back around her neck, allowing her fingers to caress the pendant briefly before turning back to the red head and surprising him by throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him.

"I'm sorry for the way I reacted," She murmured softly into Kurama's chest, directing her apology to both the kitsune and the bat. "Please forgive me?"

Kurama held her gently. "It's alright, Keiko. We shouldn't have sprung this information on you quite so suddenly."

'Songbird, you came back to us, and that is the important point.' Kuronue embraced the two with his insubstantial arms.

Hiei observed all this and felt like very much the outsider. Witnessing this, he knew that Yusuke would not be happy, but he had lost all claim on Keiko the minute that he chose to force his attentions on the girl. He didn't know if Yusuke had taken her or not, but one thing was certain, after seeing her handle the pendant, and embrace Kurama, he knew that her place was with the two of them, not the toushin. Yusuke wasn't going to like this at all. "Hn, I hate to break up the reunion here, but . . ."

Kurama chuckled, making Keiko's head bounce slightly on his chest. "You are right, Hiei, we have much to do."

'It's not so much to do, I think it's more there is so much to discuss!' Kuronue sent the thought. 'I mean, either there is a way for me to get a body, preferably my own, or there isn't. I can't constantly keep borrowing yours, Kurama, grrr, that's it! You are Kurenai bara!'

Kurama raised his eyebrows. "I always knew that you hated names, Kuronue. So, I am crimson rose. It works. Hiei," Kurama coaxed Keiko into sitting down on the couch with him, then turned to his friend. "I think we need to get started on the issue with Yusuke right away, but it's going to be Keiko's decision as to which alternative that we use."

"What alternatives?" Keiko broke in, unsure of what all she had missed while in the bedroom.

Hiei grunted, "You want to explain, Fox?"

Kurama nodded. "Keiko, Hiei and I discussed this last night after he came over to my apartment. In essence there are two alternatives, but you shall have to decide which one we try. The first is if you try to stay with him, which is to help him control the demonic instincts of the toushin. The second would be for us to, Inari help us, find him a willing human mate who understands his demonic tendancies and can work with them. As always, the choice is yours." Kurama took a deep breath, hating having to ask the next question, but it was unavoidable, "Now for the most difficult question of all. Keiko, did he have intercourse with you?" He held her eyes, showing only compassion in them as he asked the question.

Hiei held his breath. Forced intercourse was not unheard of in the Makai, in fact most suffered from it at one point in time or another, but it was exceedingly frowned on by the majority of the population and it was primarily in out of the way places. Kuronue was also sending out comforting waves of his own, letting her know that whatever happened she was accepted among them.

Keiko blushed at such a personal question being directed at her, and for a moment was unable to respond. However, she finally gathered her wits enough to shake her head and utter a soft, "No." in reply.

Kurama let out the breath that he didn't realize that he was holding, "Good, that means this will be a little easier."

Hiei simply nodded. "Yusuke is not easy to pursuade after he has chosen a course such as that. I commend you."

'I'm proud of you, songbird! Kuronue piped in, 'Though I think it might have been a different story had I not been there yesterday!'

Kurama smiled down at Keiko, "Have you thought about what you want to do about Yusuke?"

Keiko pondered a moment before giving her answer. "You know, I wanted things to work out for us, I really did." She said softly, avoiding eye contact in order to hide the tears threatening to spill. "But after the other day, I've come to realize that things aren't ever going to be the same as they were, and so I've decided to let him go. I obviously can't give him what he wants, so I should just let him go and hope that he finds someone who can. You guys will help him, right?"

"I've never been close to you, Keiko, but I know what having a mate is like. You need to trust your partner implicitly. Without that, there is nothing." Hiei said. "I will go help Yusuke now. Keep me informed, Fox." With that, Hiei left by the front door, pausing only to say, "Good luck, and for what it's worth, you belong with these two. Farewell."

Kuronue whistled, 'Damn, is he always that insightful?'

Kurama nodded even as he let out a deep breath. "I never knew just what would happen there. This should be interesting. We are now committed to trying to find a human mate for Yusuke. Are you sure, Keiko?"

Keiko nodded, "Absolutely." She had never known the fire demon all that well, but this seemed a surprise to everyone, herself included. It seemed odd that Hiei, who had only seen her around Yusuke suddenly sees her as right with Kurama and Kuronue. She also wondered at how Hiei knew about having a mate and what it took. She shook her head, trying to clear it of confusion.

Glancing up at Kurama, Keiko asked, "So, what now? I'm pretty much finished unpacking..."

Kurama looked down at her. "I think all three of us have been working non-stop for the past day. How about we go to lunch, pick a movie to watch and get some ice cream afterwards?"

Kuronue grunted, 'Ya know, I really hate to show my ignorance here, but what's a movie?' Kurama and Keiko both laughed, which only served to make Kuronue more disgruntled. 'Well fine, laugh at the disembodied youkai. See if I care.'

Keiko continued to chuckle, then a thought struck her. "Kurama, is this a date?"

Kurama brought his laughter under control. "I believe you can call it that if you'd like, otherwise, well, just think of it as a well deserved treat."

Keiko inclined her head slightly, in order to direct her words to the pendant, as well as to hide the playful smile. "He's dancing again, isn't he."

Kuronue chuckled, 'The day he stops dancing, is the day I worry. So yes, he is, though he's not being terribly subtle about this one. So would you like to, as you say, go on a date with us?'

Keiko smiled brightly as she looked back at Kurama, "I'd love to." She said, happily taking the arm that Kurama presented to her.

Kurama smiled back at her. "Well, where would you like to go? Your choice." He led her out the door even as they were discussing her favorite places to eat.

Hiei looked out over the park from where he was perched in a tree. He liked the trees in the Ningenkai, especially the pines. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, thinking of his own mate. He had not told his friends about this as of yet.


He whispered her name in his mind. The bond of trust between the two of them was so strong that nothing could break it. He had seen that same level of trust between the three of them. A youko, a bat demon and a ningen. There had been stranger matings in the Makai, but not by much. They had their work cut out for them working with Yusuke. He hadn't told Kurama, but he was honestly wondering if there was such a human left in the Ningenkai. There had been, in the old days. They had been mikos and sometimes in rare times, even worked with the youkai in the area, but that had been a long time ago...

He sighed. He would report to Yusuke, and then he would have to return to the Makai for a day or so. Mukuro hated him being gone for too long, but then he would be back. He wondered how much he could tell Yusuke about what was going on. He didn't think that Kuronue would want news of his presence getting out, but he didn't see his way around telling the toushin something.

He opened his eyes, only to gaze off into space, seeing Mukuro's face swimming through his consciousness. He missed her. Ah, well, soonest done, the sooner I can get back to her for a short time anyway. He left to try to find Yusuke and let the toushin know what was going on, the better to hurry home to his mate, only to return once again. He flitted off to the toushin's apartment.
be continued . . .