Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kuronue's Pendant ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kuronue's Pendant

         Disclaimer: Don't own any of the characters therein, they were all thought up by others.

         AN: Sorry about how long it took to get this chapter out folks. We, the authors, profusely apologize for the writers block, and due to the holidays we were playing hit and miss with each other for most of a month. Hope it was worth the wait!

         Chapter 6

         Hiei woke at the break of dawn, as was his habit. He rolled over, looking at his mate, smiling as he did so. It was very rare that he actually smiled, and always in these quiet, predawn moments. He reached down to Mukuro's bare shoulder, causing her to blink at him sleepily with her good eye. "I have to go back, Mukuro."

         The sleepiness left her at his words and Mukuro raised up, propping herself up on an elbow while she reached her free hand out to cup the side of Hiei's face. "I know," She whispered, "But try to come home sooner next time, okay?"

         Hiei nodded, "I'll do my best. I owe the kitsune much, and Yusuke is a friend as well." He finished, leaning forward to kiss her, all the while wishing he could just stay here forever.

         Mukuro broke the kiss first, knowing that if she allowed it to continue, she would be all but ordering Hiei to remain by her side... in her bed. It was getting harder and harder to let Hiei continue going to the Ningenkai, but he had told her what was going on with his friends and she knew of his sister. She could not stand in the way of what was going on, simply ask him to come back, which she had. "Now go, before you cannot leave!" Hiei looked at her and nodded once. As he slipped out of bed and dressed, she watched him, sighing at the image of perfection that was her mate. As he started towards the door, he was stopped as she said, "I expect a full report upon your return. If you need my help, let me know." She smiled at him wickedly and added, "And expect to pick up where we left off." Her words brought a warm feeling in the region of his heart. All he said in response, however was, "Hn." as he closed the door behind him.


         "Keiko, this was a wonderful meal. Thank you for offering to cook it for me tonight." Kurama said, eyeing the petite brunette while enjoying the blush that crept across her cheekbones at his praise.

         'You know, not that it's any of my business, but it certainly looks like it's wonderful!' Kuronue sighed, 'I wish I could eat it, Meikin.'

         Keiko finally got over her flustered state enough to thank both of them, adding a bit of sympathy toward Kuronue.

         The disembodied demon chuckled, 'It's not your fault that I'm stuck here, it's just that Kurama's always been very hard to please when it comes to food, so I know that you must be an excellent cook.'

         "Thank you, Kuronue." Keiko said shyly, blushing again when she heard Kurama chuckle softly. Looking over at the smiling red head, she gently teased. "And what do you find so amusing?"

         Kurama added, "Nothing, it's just that I never thought that I was that hard to please."

         Kuronue snorted, 'You must be joking! You were impossible for some of the best cooks in the Makai to please, always sending it back as over-spiced, under-seasoned, and that was only the beginning!'

         Kurama stood up, "Shall I apologize to half the Makai, then?" He went over to Keiko, "Do not listen to this old bat, your cooking is most excellent, however, I must be going. I'm hoping an idea comes to me soon."

         Keiko rose from her seat as Kurama reached her, allowing him to draw her into his arms for what she thought would be a brief hug. What it actually wound up being was alot more when Kuronue decided he would borrow Kurama's body long enough to steal a kiss.

         Kurama let Kuronue have his moments, as he knew just how much his partner wanted this woman and he knew what Kuronue saw in her. He had seen it in her himself for a very long time. He took back over with a growl at Kuronue as he made the kiss his own. The two of them had always worked well as a team and had been much, much closer than brothers. Close enough that he didn't mind sharing his body, but he wanted Keiko to know the difference between him and Kuronue and remind her of both of them.

         Keiko melted into the embrace after the initial startlement wore off. She could tell that this was actually Kuronue, but she couldn't object. She liked him too much and she was starting to realize that these two kind of came as a package deal of sorts. She moaned slightly when she felt the loss of Kuronue, thinking that would bring an end to the kiss, but then she felt the intensity and knew this was actually Kurama kissing her.

         Kuronue took up residence in the back of her mind, just sharing the emotions.

         Keiko moaned into Kurama's embrace, finding it different, much as he was different from Kuronue, but if she would've had to put one in front of the other, she couldn't have. She found both of them wonderful, if in slightly different ways and was beginning to feel that even as they both loved her, she was coming to love both of them.

         Kurama pulled back, panting heavily, but realizing that it was much too soon to go beyond this stage of heated kisses and passionate embraces. Maybe when they had solved the problem, they could go further, but he was unwilling to tarnish this woman that both he and Kuronue loved.

         Keiko whimpered as Kurama pulled away. She immediately came to the conclusion that both Kurama and Kuronue's kisses were addictive and she stated her observation verbally. "You two are so bad, do you know that?"

         Kurama grinned down are her with the mischief in his eyes shining through, "You think so?"

         Kuronue chuckled in her head, projecting so that Kurama could hear him, 'Really? We try really, really hard for you!' The grin in his voice was obvious to both of them.

         Keiko returned the smile. "And it shows," She said, rising up on tiptoe to kiss Kurama lightly on the lips again.

         Kurama allowed the kiss but at the mental pout of his old partner that they both heard, he pulled back and said, "I should be going. Thank you again for the wonderful supper, Keiko. I'll be by in the morning. Hopefully Hiei will be back. I'm nervous with Yusuke being elusive this last week."

         Keiko sighed, allowing Kurama to release her and step back. He was right. It was slightly disturbing, not knowing what Yusuke was doing... what he was up to. After their last encounter with him, it worried her quite a bit. "Do you think Hiei was able to talk some sense into him?" She asked. Though she had been afraid of how Yusuke had been acting around her, she missed her best friend and wanted things to get back to, at least somewhat, normal.

         Kurama sighed. "I don't know. If anyone would have been able to, it would have been either Hiei, or myself. However, Hiei knows what mating entails within the Makai." He shook his head and added, "We'll just have to see."

         Keiko's look turned curious and asked, "Exactly what does mating entail in the Makai?"

         Kuronue's chuckles turned almost embarrassed, even as Kurama blushed and said, "It's kind of common knowledge, so please forgive two old demons for getting embarrassed explaining it." He looked down at Keiko, smiling gently, "When a demon finds someone that they want to spend their lives with, they mate them. It's a sharing of youki that binds their souls together. It can entail physical love, or not, depending. Mating must also be consenting, or else the bond will break, sooner or later. Most of the time it is romantic in nature, however there are cases where two demons trust each other to the point of almost being one, in which case the bond of lovers is superfluous. If the bond is severed, such as a death, the remaining one will live on, but it is almost like a half-life." He whispered.

         Kuronue inhaled sharply. As badly as he had suffered, Kurama had been the one still living. He was stuck. 'Keiko, please, give him the embrace that I am currently unable to.'

         Keiko automatically complied, enfolding the redhead in her arms, bringing his head down to nestle against her chest, near the pendant. She lovingly stroked his hair. "Don't worry, Kurama. We will figure out a way to bring Kuronue back to you." She whispered, though unbiddingly, a bit of doubt seeped into her. Not of them getting Kuronue a body of his own, but of where she would fit into their relationship once they had.

         Kurama sighed, raising his head as he put his own arms around her. "You know, Keiko, it's not just Kuronue anymore. He has tied himself to you, as well. The pieces of my soul that went missing when his body died are slowly putting themselves back in place, but it seems fuller. Kuronue can share either of our bodies, but only because his youki is also twining itself around you." He tipped her face up and bent down, kissing her gently.

         She couldn't help the audible sigh of relief that his words caused. She was happy that she was now considered a part of their bond and couldn't help but hug him tighter as words seemed to refuse to come.

         Kurama lifted his lips from hers, smiling down at the girl, "Soon will come a choice, Keiko. Neither Kuronue, nor I have gone too far. However, there will come a point that even if we don't join with you, you will be tied to both of us as a mate. Because of that, I ask you to please make a choice." As Keiko could do nothing but stand there, staring in shock, Kurama bent down and kissed her forehead. He reached down and brought the pendant up for a kiss as well. "Sleep well." He whispered, and with that, he turned and hurried on to his own apartment.

         The sound of the door clicking closed brought Keiko from her stupor and Kurama's words hit her fully. "Kuronue," She whispered softly, "Would you and Kurama truly want me as a mate as well? I can tell that you were both very close when you were together and I don't want to intrude."

         Kuronue smiled, Kurama had such a gift for explanations, 'You are right, Meikin, he and I were close, and still are. In fact, our bond has never faded. Even so, I can feel my youki wrapping tighter around you. Kurama's has a bit further to go, but you and I are very close to being mates already. The words Kurama spoke were for me just as much as they were for you, reminding me that you have to choose. I know that I would like to have you as a mate. Kurama I cannot speak for, however the fact that he mentioned it, means that he would as well. Always remember,' He added with some humor, 'That with Kurama, you have to listen to what he doesn't say, just as much as what he does say.'

         Keiko was pretty much overwhelmed at this point, but knew a response was needed. "I understand," She said.

         Kuronue knew that Keiko had to be overwhelmed by everything, 'Meikin, go to bed, you do not have to answer us right away. Though mating with me is pretty much the same as mating with Kurama, as he and I are mates. My youki contains elements of his and his youki also contains some of mine. Ah, you are such a treasure, meikin. How can I express it?' He watched as her feet turned toward the bedroom.

         Keiko went to bed, completely numb. So affected by the revelation of Kuronue and Kurama's intentions towards her that she didn't even remember getting undressed, or climbing under the covers clad in her nightgown. She absentmindedly wrapped her hand around Kuronue's pendant, closed her eyes and didn't wake until morning.


         Keiko woke the following morning feeling much better, but still not sure about things. She still had not officially broken up with Yusuke yet, and that made things much more awkward. She rose from the bed and approached the mirror mounted on her dresser and stared at her reflection, wondering why two skilled and powerful youkai could possibly want to mate with her .

         Kuronue saw sunlight first as his consciousness drifted into a wakeful state, followed by a heavenly vision the likes of which he was not sure he had ever seen. 'Ah, meikin, you are so beautiful in the morning. Did you know that?'

         Keiko wasn't entirely sure how to take that. She still hadn't brushed her hair, her teeth, or taken a shower yet and here was Kuronue complimenting her.

         'Have you made a decision, meikin?'

         "Kuronue, I haven't even officially broken up with Yusuke yet, and here you are asking if I'm willing to-to mate with you... and Kurama." She whispered the last. "I'm just an ordinary girl, what do the two of you see in me?" She shifted her eyes from the mirror and in effect away from Kuronue's gaze as he peered out from the pendant.

         Kuronue wished that he had actual arms that he could wrap around this wonderful songbird of his, however, his mere presence would have to do. An idea of how to do this came to him suddenly. 'Have you ever pleasured yourself?'

         Keiko blushed, taken aback with this totally off-the-wall question, she answered, "No, why would I?"

         'Because the one who wishes to, cannot.' Kuronue whispered back, 'I cannot prove to you how much you are wanted. Your wits match ours, and more. You fit with the two of us.' He sighed in slight frustration. 'Damn, Kurama should be here. He always was the persuasive one. I always had this wicked sense of humor, not that Kurama doesn't have one, but mine is considerably more prevalent.'

         "Yes, but I have you here now, and I'm asking you. Why me?" Keiko persisted.

         'Meikin, there is no simple answer for that. I felt my heart warming to you as a child. Perhaps I recognized a little of myself in you, I don't know. I protected you as best I could and then your parents locked me away after they caught you stealing that scarf. Perhaps suspecting that I was to blame?'

         Keiko smiled wistfully, "I suppose so. Kuronue, they were just trying to protect me. Stealing is wrong here in the Ningenkai. I know it was a way of life for you in the Makai, but here, it's . . ." She trailed off, wondering how exactly to answer that.

         'I know that,' Kuronue replied in a feeble attempt to defend himself, before admitting sheepishly, 'Now anyway. However, it was getting colder and you still did not have a scarf at that time. Your mother always kept putting it off. And three days later, it did snow, didn't it? I was locked away, but I could feel it outside.'

         Keiko nodded. "You are right, it did snow, and that was a catalyst for my mother to buy me a scarf. Even so, I came down with a terrible cold and I was terribly lonely because I couldn't find you."

         Kuronue looked out sadly from the pendant, 'I had already begun the bonding process without being aware of it.' He admitted, 'We were tied together enough that it affected you, didn't it.'

         Keiko could only nod, tears beginning to form in her eyes. "I was very lonely and lost until I met Yusuke." She whispered in confession. "His bad attitude reminded me just barely enough of you that he filled the hole, a little anyway."

         'Oh, Keiko. I never meant to hurt you, my precious meikin.' Kuronue whispered, wishing he really could hold her and kiss her now, to wipe away her tears that were even now spilling over her cheeks. However, the best that he could do was help her achieve a bit of pleasure to counteract the grief. 'Keiko, lay back on the bed and remove your nightgown. I want to bring you pleasure.'

         Despite her tears, Keiko blushed again, though the curiosity in her tone was evident. "But... how can you do that, Kuronue? You don't have a body!"

         'No, but by the gods, I can direct your hands, and,' He smirked evilly, 'I can co-inhabit your mind. If you don't mind that is.'

         Keiko laughed lightly as she willingly took off her nightgown, whisking it over her head and tossing it off to the side. Putting herself into Kuronue's 'hands' as it were. "I need to know you are still there, Kuronue." She said, clutching the pendant to her as if she could give the bat demon within a hug. "I need to know that you will always be there for me."

         'Ah, meikin,' Kuronue sighed, relishing the feel of her hands on his pendant. 'I wish I could embrace you back. Hopefully, Kurama will come up with something soon.'

         "But after you get a body, will you still be there?" She asked meekly.

         'Always.' Came the emphatic answer. 'I will always be here for you, my meikin.'

         "What about Kurama? It's obvious that he needs you as much, if not more, than I do." Keiko continued, still unsure of how the three of them would work.

         'Keiko, meikin,' Kuronue said soothingly, 'Kurama needs me that much because we are mates. It is becoming very obvious that my youki has already wrapped quite thoroughly around you as well. You, my dear, are becoming a craving in my soul, much as Kurama is. I require you both, or I am not whole. Can you answer the same?'

         Keiko shuddered as a bolt of pure longing swept through her. Kurama and Kuronue . . . and her. Just the thought of them... and her... together... it sent shivers throughout her body. She should never have been thinking these things, she knew. But she was. She wanted that... them... so very much. She laid back on the bed. "Kuronue, can you guide me? I don't know what would bring me pleasure."

         Kuronue took that for an affirmative answer as he projected himself outside of his pendant, inhabiting her mind in order to guide her hands. He whispered in her mind, 'Meikin, there is so much more to pleasure, but that will have to wait for Kurama to be present too.'

         Keiko felt the softness of her own hands ghosting over her body, though not under her control. They slid gently down her throat, cupping her breasts and kneading the pliant flesh, bringing the tips to hardened buds.

         Kuronue guided her hand back up to her mouth, sucking on two fingers briefly before moving them down to her peak, moistening the hardened tip at the contrast between the cooler air and her own body temperature.

         Keiko moaned. It was, and yet, it wasn't the same as if she was washing herself. This was a more intimate contact, made so by the fact that while it was her hands, she could not predict their direction, nor what they would do... what they would touch... next. It was an incredibly erotic feeling and she could feel herself getting wet, for the first time between her legs.

         Kuronue would have chuckled, but he wanted to concentrate on Keiko for the moment. He knew that she was not ready for much sexual teasing, or testing. Not yet, anyway. He would leave that for a time when either all three of them could share in the activities, or he would let Kurama induct her. He now knew just how the youko had felt all those years ago when Kurama had taken him in. Keiko was a rare and precious treasure indeed. He wanted to feel her in his own hands, but he knew that if there were any possibilities, Kurama would figure them out. He monitored Keiko's responses from the depths of her mind. It was so easy to slip in and out of her mind that he knew he would never be whole again without her. Just as there were still holes where Kurama should inhabit. They were slowly being filled, just being with Kurama, but they were filling so slowly that it was only enhancing the pain that he felt.

         Keiko never knew that her breasts could be so sensitive. She could feel the slightest breath of air against them, much less a touch, which had her gasping. Her legs were starting to move restlessly, shifting and squeezing together of their own accord.

         This was the sign that Kuronue was waiting for. He wasn't going to make her beg for it, he could never be that cruel to one that he loved. He just wanted to show her the height of pleasure in which he could take her... well, that is, as far as he could without a body. He kept one of her hands on her sensitized breast while he brought the other to her nether lips, just brushing the outer folds, causing her to cry out.

         Keiko couldn't believe the sensations she was experiencing. It seemed as though Kuronue knew just where to touch her to bring her body to that aching level of awareness. Even as she thought this, she heard the deep timbre of his voice whisper through her mind, 'This is nothing, meikin. The true master of pleasure is Kurama.' She didn't know what he meant by that, but wasn't about to ask. She supposed she would find out at some point later. But now, she could only gasp as Kuronue guided her fingers down between her thighs, pausing to play with that tangle of nerves just above her opening, the sharp jolt the touch elicited causing her hips to involuntarily thrust up and press harder.

         Kuronue smiled in true pleasure. Yes, he would have had quite a problem if he'd had a body, he realized. But just watching her as she writhed in the throes of his guided touch was bringing him a sense of satisfaction. Intently, he brushed her fingers over her wet opening again before cautiously inserting her middle finger, testing her.

         They both gasped. Kuronue could feel just how tight she was, and Keiko couldn't believe that anything could feel so good! 'You are a virgin, meikin. You declared that you were, however, this is proof. You are so tight, so hot... How are you real?' He whispered in awe.

         Keiko couldn't reply, the feelings were simply overwhelming her. She hadn't realized just how much Kuronue meant by wanting to bring her pleasure, but she was learning now. She was reduced to simply moaning his name. "Kuronue!"

         Carefully, Kuronue stretched her with one of her fingers until he could easily slide her index finger to join the middle one. He started thrusting, slowly, with only those two fingers. Being careful not to tear her barrier, which he had accidentally brushed once, causing her to hiss briefly in pain, he continued the ministrations with fervor. He would warn Kurama of her sensitivity to the pain as he knew that Kurama's body would be the one breaching her maidenhead. However, for the time being, he simply withdrew into the shallower, but still pleasurable areas. She seemed to be very close to orgasm, only requiring a little further to go before she reached it.

         Keiko thrashed upon the bed, her head whipping from side to side as she was overwhelmed by what she was experiencing. She wondered at these sensations, ones that she had never even thought of and couldn't begin to think of anyone else causing them other than Kuronue or Kurama. Suddenly, stars seemed to exploded behind her clenched eyelids and her world went white as she felt her body convulse around her fingers. She called out Kuronue's name even as she collapsed against the pillows, panting, her hands finally coming to a halt.

         Kuronue let out a burst of youki, similar to an orgasm, however without the physical release that an orgasm would have provided. It did, however, cement their bond. He felt Keiko's presence within him, settling next to Kurama's. He gave a shaky breath. 'Meikin, I must apologize.' He said in the most serious tone she had ever heard him use.

         "Apologize? For what? You showed me pleasure. I could never have dreamed of such." She replied in a distant tone.

         'I must apologize to you because I just finished our mating bond.' Kuronue carefully told her, hoping it didn't drive her away.

         Keiko laughed, hearing her new mate so flustered. "Kuronue, really, I don't mind. I feel things for you and Kurama that that jerk never could cause me to feel. I think I was just clinging to something I knew." She sighed and rolled over onto her stomach. "Now to just get him to understand that. I'm not for him, and never could be, especially now."

         'Meikin.' Was all Kuronue could say to that.


         Kurama felt the burst of youki coming from close by. He had been laying in bed having a pleasent morning, contemplating Kuronue, and Keiko and what they had discussed last night. He recognized that youki, and recognized what must have happened.


         He bolted out of bed and hurriedly got dressed, heading for Keiko's apartment.


         From outside the window, unnoticed by the bedroom's occupants, Yusuke watched, seething. He had stopped by to check on Keiko, having stayed away in hopes of allowing her time to hopefully forgive him for the way he'd acted the last time they'd been together. He had been about to peck on her window when he saw her standing in front of her mirror when she'd suddenly taken off her gown, leaving him a full view of her body, all supple curves and toned skin. Being who he was, Yusuke simply couldn't tear his eyes away from the sight and even proceeded to watch as she began pleasuring herself. He'd never known Keiko would be so bold in the bedroom. His eyes remained on her as she trembled in the beginnings of orgasm when a sudden unknown demon aura abruptly spiked within the room.

         More specifically, it was radiating from within the pendant that lay around Keiko's neck.

         The same pendant that had been around her neck that time back when he had... well, when he'd last been inside her apartment.

         He bristled. 'What the hell is going on here!?' He needed to find out. Intending on opening the window and entering to confront his so called girlfriend, the majin was blocked from his mission when a figure materialized seemingly out of nowhere between him and the window.

         "Well, well, if it isn't our friendly neighborhood shadow. When did you get back from the Makai, Hiei?"

         Hiei looked over at Yusuke, not answering for the moment before looking through the window, taking in the scene with one glance. He knew what had just occured. "Just now. Mukuro's given me a little leave."

         "So, she finally loosened her leash on you, eh?" Yusuke said in an attempt to joke when he was really pissed off about the interruption. He wanted desperately to confront Keiko.

         Hiei met Yusuke's eyes, more than a little annoyed at the slight on his mate. It was getting harder and harder to hide his true relationship with Mukuro, and truth to tell, he wasn't sure that he wanted to keep hiding it, however, for the time being, he would try. "If you wish my help in this situation, Detective , curb your tongue. In fact when I explained to her what exactly was occuring here, she offered her own help."

         "Sorry," Yusuke apologized, holding up his hands in mock defense. "Is that so. What does she think she can do to help my situation?"

         "Nothing that either of us can think of so far, however there is more to this situation than you are aware of." Hiei told him, "Do you know what you just witnessed?"

         Yusuke's eyes narrowed. "Can't say that I do. But from the sounds of it, I'm beginning to get the crazy idea that maybe you do?"

         Hiei only nodded. He remembered a very similar burst of youki, from both he and Mukuro, when they finally mated. He closed his eyes, savoring the remembrance. "Yes, there is no other feel quite like a mating, Yusuke." He said quietly, even for him.

         "You sound as though you know this from experience." Yusuke stated, cocking an eyebrow in confusion before both suddenly rose in realization. "You! But... when... what... with who?!"

         Hiei opened his eyes, meeting Yusuke's steadily. He sighed. "It's not like I could have hidden it forever." He said as if to himself, before continueing in a more normal tone. "Mukuro, Yusuke. She is my mate. Just as Keiko is now a mate."

         "You... and Mukuro...?" Yusuke began before shaking his head and continuing on with, "Wait a second. Keiko? And who?"

         Keiko called loudly, "Just a minute! I'll be right there."

         The sound of Keiko's voice issueing from within the apartement drew Yusuke's attention back to the window just in time to see Keiko, having risen from the bed, hurriedly getting dressed. He tried to once more go through the window, only to be stopped by a strong hand on his shoulder, "What?"

         Hiei shook his head, "You would have found out sooner or later, in any event, Yusuke. On both counts. You may remember Kurama's opponent from the whole Yakumo incident."

         "Yeah, the guy was masquerading as some old friend of his. What the hell does this have to do with Keiko?"

         "Everything." Hiei told him, turning to face Yusuke. "It was not simply some old friend of Kurama's that he impersonated, but his mate."

         Yusuke's brown eyes widened, mouth ajar as he stared at the fire demon. "What the fuck!?"

         Hiei smirked while raising an eyebrow. "I believe you heard me the first time detective. Must I repeat it?"

         Yusuke pouted, "No, but still, how was I supposed to know? How do you know anyway? And that still doesn't explain what this has to do with Keiko!"

         "As for how I know, it does not really signify, but I have known ever since we ran across Kuronue's imposter. Kurama's response to the imposter was such that only his mate would have brought out that much anger in one so controlled." Hiei explained. "Not that that is any of either of our business, but you did ask. As for what it has to do with Keiko." He sighed, "Well, it seems that Kuronue is not quite as dead as all that."

         "Huh? Could you repeat that, Hiei? Because I hope I didn't hear you right the first time." Yusuke asked incredulously.

         Hiei sighed, once more wishing that the fox was there to explain this whole sitution. Sensing a familiar ki entering the apartment, he turned to Yusuke and asked, "Are you calm enough to see Kurama?"

         At this time Yusuke was desperate for answers and realizing that Kurama was his last option for getting any hope of straight answers, he grumbled, "Yeah, sure, whatever."


         The door opened, revealing Kurama's form filling the doorway. "Kurama!" Keiko exclaimed happily, launching herself into the surprised red-head's arms.

         Kurama willingly embraced her as he gave a mental message to the inhabitant of the pendant, 'I hope this means that she consented, Kuronue.'

         Kuronue replied with satisfaction evident in his tone, 'Are you kidding? Would I have really have done something if she had protested?'

         Kurama gave a stern mental look down at the pendant, stating out loud, "That is not an answer, Kuronue."

         Kuronue chuckled, 'Of course it is, Kuranai Bara, did you doubt that she would?'

         Kurama pulled back just far enough to look into Keiko's eyes. "You concented?" Was all he asked.

         Keiko nodded wordlessly, a smile widening on her lips.

         Kurama, hearing Kuronue's smug chuckle, started chuckling himself, crushing her to his chest.

         Kuronue, being blinded, and smushed between the two asked, 'Can we do this when I have a body?' Bringing blushes to both their cheeks.

         It was at that moment that Hiei and Yusuke rounded the courner to the sight of a brightly blushing Kurama and Keiko, wrapped in each other's arms. Yusuke's jaw dropped. Hiei was prepared to restrain his friend as best he could, knowing Yusuke's temper.

         "What the fuck?! Get away from my girl, Kurama!"

         At the sound, Kurama quickly released Keiko, thrusting her behind him in an age old gesture of protection.

         Hiei simply took in the situation and suggested that they move into the apartment.

         They entered, Keiko retreating to the bedroom to actually get dressed, having thrown on her nightgown earlier. Keiko removed the pendant lovingly, the gesture not going unnoticed by Yusuke, before handing it over to Kurama, so that Kuronue could be in on the whole situation.

         "All right, Kurama, spill it. Tell me what the hell's going on here?"

         Kurama held the pendant up wordlessly, letting Yusuke get a good look at it.

         Yusuke lifted an eyebrow as he stared in bewilderment at the pendant. He was about to ask what Kurama was doing when he noticed a flicker in the stone setting before a figure appeared in the center. The figure, he realized, bore a striking resemblance to the figure that Kurama had fought during the Yakumo incident. "Is that who I think it is?"

         Kurama sighed, "Yusuke, meet Kuronue. Kuronue, meet Yusuke."

         Kuronue sighed resignedly as he projected his voice, including Yusuke, 'Oh, joy. Well, hello, Yusuke. Youko, I still think he's wrong for our meikin, of course, that's beside the point as she is now ours .'

         "What?!?" Yusuke yelled.

         Kurama winced at the shrillness of Yusuke's voice. "Yusuke, please, calm down. It's not as bad as you think."

         "No," Yusuke stated, "It's worse."

         Kurama shrugged. "Really, Yusuke, you are overreacting to the situation. Now, sit down!" He told Yusuke in no uncertain terms with the gold apparent in his eyes.

         Yusuke plopped down on the couch and said, "What gives?"

         Kuronue grimly added, "Well, he does have a brain!"

         "Kuronue, you're not helping at the moment." Kurama replied.

         'Sorry, but neither is Yusuke.' Kuronue shot back before adding petulantly, 'Where's Keiko?'

         "Hey! Don't talk about Keiko!"

         Before Kurama could say anything, Kuronue broke in again, "Why not? She's my mate!"

         "Wait a minute! I thought Hiei said that Kurama was your mate?" Yusuke asked, confused.

         At this point, Kurama sent a pointed glare towards Hiei. "Excuse me? Then I suppose that Yusuke also knows about you and Mukuro?"

         Hiei sweatdropped. "Fox, I had to tell him something. And yes, I did tell him about my mate as well. However, I did not tell you."

         It was now Kurama's turn to sweatdrop. "The change in your ki gave you away."


         "Riiiiight. Hello, people? Feeling left out here! How about we get back to Keiko and this mating stuff. And what the hell do you mean, she belongs to you?" Yusuke asked.

         Kuronue looked out of the pendant. 'For what it's worth, she does. Belong to me, that is. Well, me and Kurama, since he's my mate, too.'

         Yusuke sent Kurama a betrayed look, "What?"

         Kurama had the grace to look embarrassed. "I felt the transfer of youki, Yusuke. If you look closely within my own, you will see traces of the same. Not my own, but Kuronue's."

         Yusuke did as Kurama said, focusing his concentration on the human body of Kurama. He immediately recognized the kitsune's aura, but upon further examination he felt the traces of a foreign youki that he had never bothered noticing before. Yusuke, taken aback by this discovery, looked questioningly into the somber eyes of Kurama.

         Kurama nodded, "You noticed it. This is the way that a demon marks their mate. It ties them together. If you examine Hiei's aura, you will find the same. However, the current topic of discussion is Keiko, and Kuronue. I think that we should wait for Keiko before discussing her as if she was not here."

         Keiko reentered the room a few moments later, noticing that the tension in the room had been subdued somewhat, however, she noticed the tick in Yusuke's jaw, signifying his impatience. Keiko nervously made her way back to Kurama's side, hoping her action would not set Yusuke off, but feeling much more at ease around the kitsune at this point.

         Kurama returned Kuronue's pendant to her, while subconsciously placing an arm around her shoulders.

         Yusuke's eyes had tracked Keiko from the moment she had exited the bedroom. He searched her aura, curious as to what he would find and smothered a moan of disappointment when indeed he sensed the youki presence in her body. It was the same as he had sensed in Kurama and finally accepted what the kitsune had said was true. However, he did not sense any of Kurama's youki in Keiko and so turned a questioning look on the red-head, "Wait a minute! I thought Kuronue said that she belongs to both of you. I only sense his aura, not yours, Kurama. How do you explain that?"

         "Quite easily, actually, Yusuke." Kurama started, only to be interrupted by a tempermental fire demon.

         "Because, with Kuronue's energy as it is, Kurama's bond will actually need to be reinforced." Hiei snorted.

         Kurama wrapped his arm tighter around Keiko's shoulder. "Actually, Yusuke, seeing as Kuronue and I are already mates, and he and Keiko are now mates, it is only a matter of time before I, myself shall be mating Keiko." He added with a golden eyed stare at Yusuke.

         Keiko blushed at that, whether it was embarrassment of Kurama's declaration that he would be mating with her or frustration at Yusuke's thickheadedness could not be discerned, especially with Yusuke's following exclamation of, "Over my dead body!"

         There was a nice pregnant pause in which Hiei could not predict whether Keiko would be the one to strike Yusuke down with one of her infamous slaps or if Kurama would beat her to the punch and simply use his rose whip to do the job. Of course there was the possibility that Kuronue himself could step in, possessing one of their bodies and dismembering the detective on the spot. Hiei surveyed the scene and began to wonder if either the situation could be diffused, or if this could indeed get worse. Just as he was completing that thought, there came a knock that drew all eyes to the front door of the apartment.
