Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Little Meilin ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own anything ok…never have, never will. Are you happy now?
It's been a real long time since I saw their faces. Since I saw any of them. My friends...or so I thought. Maybe they still are. I don't know. All I know is what Inuyasha did to me that day. He was the one who sent me back. Back to where I came from.
Truth is, I don't belong in the Modern Era. I really belong in the Feudal Era with them. I am a demon after all. Well, half anyway. I don't understand why he sent me back. Could it be that my father was...?
Enough of that. I turned and saw the sleeping girl in my bed. She looked so much like her father, right down to the adorable dog ears. To think that he never knew, yet he nearly killed her when he pushed me down the well all those years ago. I nearly lost her and it was all his fault! I still remember that day...
I'm sure you want to know my name, since I keep rambling on and on and on...I am Kagome Higurashi, a miko, a young half demon (cat demon really), and my daughter's name is Meilin. Yes, she is the daughter of Inuyasha. Yes, I was born in the Fuedal Era.Now I will stop rambling and tell you my story. How I became like this...
I'm not sure of my past. I was pretty sure that I was born like this. My father was a cat demon, while my mother was a miko. I lived in the Feudal Era until the war began. The war between the dog demon tribe and the panther demon tribe. That was when my mother sent me to the well. She was able to go through there before. She sent me there so that I could be safe.
I was found by my adoptive mother. I was probably 4 or 5 at the time. She was pregnant with Souta. You would've loved seeing her father (my adoptive grandfather) when he first saw me. I still felt the burns from his wards. She cuddled me and said, "She's so adorable!"
And that's how it was for the last few years. Over the years, my demon side was sort of dormaint. Till my 15th birthday. The day that I fell through the well and back to the Feudal Era. The day that Mistress Centipede forced the Shikon No Tama from my body. The day that I met the Inu-demon at the tree. The day that I freed Inuyasha.
Of course, we continued our adventures from there. I'm sure he was pretty "peeved" when I broke the Jewel of Four Souls. I just sat there and laughed. We met Shippo, Miroku, Sango, and I got pretty attached to Kirara. One day, when we were in a battle with Naraku, that was when my demon side emerged. You should've seen the looks on their faces. Betrayal, shock, anger, distrust.
It was funny. Inuyasha never really knew, although he says he did. We began playing a dog and cat game every now and then. He would harm Shippo and I would chase him. Or I would "sit" him and he would chase me. That was how our relationship began. We would argue and then make up.
Now where was I? Oh, yes. Meilin. I was planning on telling him the day he pushed me in the well. He was "off" with Kikyo as usual. Why he even bothered with her was beyond me? I hated that. I found him by the well later on that day. He was unusually quiet.
"What's wrong?" I purred. "Nothing, wench," he grunted. He then grabbed me and pushed me down the well. "So long, Kagome!" I heard before I was surrounded by the blue light...
...According to Souta, he found me outside the well house. I was crying and screaming in pain. He panicked and called mom. Soon, I was in an ambulance on the way to the hospital.
I almost lost my baby that day. And it was all his fault!
~End Flashback~
"Momma," I heard. I quickly shook my head and turned to my little girl.
"Yes, little one," I soothed. She smiled at me.
"Are we gonna see your friends today?" she asked. I nodded.
"Yes, we will," I replied. I got her ready to go to the Feudal Era.
Feudal Era
"We are here!" I announced as I jumped out the well with a frightened girl in my arms. She was shaking.
"Look, Meilin," I soothed, "we're out of the well now. No need to be scared."
She looked around at her surroundings. "Wow!" she exclaimed, "just like in your stories." She jumped out of my arms and ran.
"Come back, Meilin!" I cried. I ran after her towards Kaede's Village. Shippo, Sango, and Miroku were there.
"Look!" Shippo cried, "a chibi Inuyasha." Sango and Miroku looked up at me and Meilin.
"Kagome!" Sango cried. She ran to me and gave me a hug. I missed her, my sister.
"Hey you guys," I said, "this is not Inuyasha. This is my daughter, Meilin."
"She looks like Inuyasha," Miroku said, "Could she be..?" I gave him a "look."
"Oh," was all he said.
Shippo launched himself at me. "Momma I missed you so much," he cried, "and Inuyasha was being mean and picking on me again."
"He did, did he?" I replied...Meilin growled at Shippo.
"She's not your momma," she growled, "she's mine." Shippo stuck his tongue out at her. He jumped off me and ran, Meilin in tow.
"Kirara," Sango called, "bring them back." Kirara changed to her other form and ran after the two children.
"What happened to you all these years, Kagome?" Miroku asked. I shook my head at him.
"Where's Inuyasha?" I asked. I gave him a glare.
"He's in the woods," he quickly answered, "he probably knows that you're here right now."
As if right on cue, Inuyasha ran in with Tetsuaiga drawn. "Where's the demon?" he growled.
"Sit!" I commanded. He fell to the ground with a thwack.
"Ka-kagome?" he asked. He crawled out of the hole in the ground.
"Who else?" I hissed at him, "follow me Inuyasha." Meilin ran back with Shippo and Kirara.
"Beat you, fox!" she cried. She jumped into my arms. "I won, momma," she cried. She looked at Inuyasha.
"He looks like me, momma!" she exclaimed, "why?" I handed her to Sango. "Stay with Sango, little one," I replied, "I have to talk to Inuyasha." She nodded.
By the Bone Eater's Well
"Who the hell is she, Kagome?" Inuyasha asked me when I stopped. I glared at him.
"Sit!" I hissed.
"How dare you talk about her like that!" I asked, "you barely even know her, yet you think that you could talk about her the way you do." Inuyasha jumped out of the hole in the ground.
"What are you talking about, wench?" he growled, "I asked you once and I will ask one more time. Who is she?"
"Sit!" I growled. *thwack* "She is Meilin," I explained, "and don't you dare talk to me like that. You know my name. Learn it and use it. Unless you have the same stupidity that you did before. And isn't it obvious. Who else is she? She looks like you and is my daughter, so that would maker her..."
"My pup?" he answered.
"Good boy!" I applauded, "nice of you to figure it out. Although, I'm surprised you did."
"Why didn't you say anything before?" he asked.
"Considering the fact that you pushed me down the stupid well before I got the words out, hmm...let me think, could that be why?" I hissed...I was angry.
"I poured my heart out to you and all you do is push me down the well!" I cried, "just when I could think that we could finally be happy and all, here you go and do something stupid. Did you know that I was pregnant with your "pup" when you were with Kikyo in the woods? Did you know I was pregnant with her when you pushed me down the well? Did you know that both of us nearly died because of you?"
"I'm sorry...Kagome...I didn't know," he said. I glared at him.
"I brought her so that she could see you," I answered, "so she could meet her so-called "father." Although I don't know why. Why she would give you a chance?"
"Momma!" I heard. Meilin ran to me. "Why are you yelling?" she asked.
I picked her up. "No reason, sweetie," I replied, "just telling your daddy what a fool he is. Let us go now. Maybe you can see him soon." I jumped down the well. Not caring about the tears that were streaming down my face.
A/N: How do you like it?I actually think this one's pretty good. I don't know whether to keep Kagome and Inuyasha together or maybe introduce someone else into the picture...Someone who helped her through her "tough" times. Please let me know. Read and Review.