Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lunacy and Excitement ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Chapter Five

Sesshoumaru wasn't exactly happy when his brother suddenly appeared, bringing news to be on the look out for some idiotic girl traveling around alone in the feudal era with uncontrollable power. He was surprised however, when Inuyasha didn't pick up on the girls' scent that practically covered him. Truth be told, he kind of liked it.

He walked in the opposite direction his annoying half-brother had taken, almost desperate that they wouldn't run into each other again. Rin was probably worried by now; the girl probably not even recovered from the poison of the spiders.

She intrigued him. Not human, but nothing he had ever come across before. She couldn't possibly be Kyuketsuki: he knew that scent. He would have to inquire about it when she awoke.

He made his way back to the clearing he had left them in, speedily crossing the miles between. What he heard surprised him. Both of the girls were awake, and laughing away joyously as if there were nothing wrong in the world. Sesshoumaru watched them from between the trees.

"…Yes, and it is very funny because he is really afraid of Lord Sesshoumaru, but he tries not to show it. He is always coming to see me, but I do not think my lord likes it very much," Rin laughed, shaking her head. "If you think that is funny, you should see the days when he feels brave! He will try to sneak past my lord, though he rarely succeeds! When he does, he feels it is quite the feat, though I just think Sesshoumaru is letting him do it for his own reasons."

"Do you tell him?" Kiko asked, halting her laughter.

"I don't know if my lord would allow it," Rin suddenly said, serious.

"I think you should tell this Sesshoumaru lord that you love…the…" Kiko stopped talking, smelling something strange in the air. It was familiar, but she wasn't sure what it was. She turned towards the woods, seeing a flash of white that suddenly consumed her vision. Looking up, she saw her savior from before. "Whoa, tall." Where were you when I went to school, she thought, thinking about her high school, where the majority of people were on the shorter side. She had never liked feeling tall.

"Lord Sesshoumaru!" Rin suddenly exclaimed, standing up as fast as she could, which seemed to be a mistake: she lost her equilibrium and was about to fall flat on her backside when a boy mysteriously popped up out of nowhere to catch her in his arms.

They seemed to be lost in each others eyes for a long moment, Sesshoumaru lightly growling at them, until Kiko loudly cleared her throat, motioning towards the towering demon standing above all of them.

"Daddy's a bit overprotective, isn't he?" she whispered to the couple, completely aware that Sesshoumaru could hear her. `Daddy' raised a brow at her, looking down at her like she was crazy and foolish. She only smiled childishly up at him, wrinkling her nose in a cute way while squinting her eyes.

Kiko was about to stand, but hesitated, almost sure that she would fall just as Rin had. She ignored herself, just as she had done many times before, and slowly stood; Lord Sesshoumaru, Rin, and Kohaku looked on amused. As she settled herself on her feet, she thought that perhaps she wouldn't collapse, and let out a large breath she wasn't aware she had been holding.

Sesshoumaru knew what was happening, but made no move to stop her fall. After another glance as the small `gown' she wore, he thought better about it. She landed in his arms once more, staring up into his golden gaze again, but this time, she didn't receive the overwhelming emotions that came with it.

I can come to like this, all four of them thought in unison and blushing deeply.

"Ummm…Lord Sesshoumaru," Kohaku broke in suddenly, clearing his throat and finally letting go of Rin, though rather reluctantly. "I ask your permission to travel with you. If not that, then to escort Rin, while you are away, of course."

Sesshoumaru saw Rin's pleading smile, and knew he would not be able to deny her Kohaku's companionship. He bowed his head in acceptance, almost touching foreheads with the girl in his arms; his nose was buried in her hair, and he breathed in her scent.

"You're demon, aren't you?" Kiko asked him, already knowing the answer. Her question brought him out of his thoughts of moonlight lotus and cresting waterfalls. "You're Lord Sesshoumaru of the Western Lands, correct? Inuyasha's half-brother who absolutely hates his…guts? You're Lord Fluffy-sama, right?"

Sesshoumaru nearly choked when her heard the last interrogative, and he could tell Rin and Kohaku were about to burst out in laughter. Where had she heard that strange nickname?

Kiko leaned her head back again, smiling childishly once more. "Kagome told me," she told him nonchalantly. "But that was a long time ago. You know, I have a cobra back home named Fluffy! He's really nice! Except when the Jehovah's Witness' come around, then they all go running! My nee-chan's mom used to have a Burmese-I think it was a Burmese-and she was about eleven foot, and she scared all the J.W. people away! And then…"

Sesshoumaru silenced her with a finger set upon her lips, amusement playing deep set within his golden eyes. Kiko felt the growl vibrating in his chest, and she wanted to laugh from the feeling it made down her back. She wriggled in his grasp, but he didn't let go.

"I think it best that we move on," he told the small group emotionlessly, his arm still around Kiko's waist, which was not going unnoticed by Rin and Kohaku.

Walking over to Ah-Un, he kicked the sleeping Jaken, successfully waking him, and let him know that they were going. Rin and Kohaku gathered themselves onto the large, two-headed dragon's back, and the short imp following closely behind his Lord.

Kiko wondered what was going to happen, when she was answered by a large gust of wind, a large rust-colored cloud lifting the three of them into the sky, the others following closely behind. A wave of fear ran through her as she looked down, the trees far below them. Being in an airplane was okay, but this was downright scary! Unknowingly, she grabbed hold of the nearest thing: Sesshoumaru.

Her arms wrapped themselves around his waste, holding him tight in fear of falling. She could barely hear Jaken's outburst as her head was buried inside of kimono, the white silk and cool smoothness of it brushing against her cheek.

Several chills made their way up and down her spine, and, looking down, she realized for the first time since the night before what exactly she was wearing. She looked back up, burying her bright red face once more in Sesshoumaru's chest.

I am going to kill Neko, she told herself, growling at her so-called Sister-chan.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Inuyasha grumbled as he slammed the door of the well house closed. After the run-in with his brother, he had to go talk to the mangy wolf. It really didn't meet to either of their liking. Kouga had been running around, `teaching' his pups how to hunt, when Inuyasha popped up, telling him something about some damned female and the stupid powers she had, but wasn't supposed to. He hadn't really listened, until he told the wolf prince that the `request' to look for Kiko had come from Kagome.

The monk hadn't been reluctant at all, but he received a good beating from Sango, who was five months pregnant, meaning she was prone to major mood swings. Good thing Inuyasha didn't have to deal with that…yet.

He stomped into the kitchen, wondering why the heck all of the girls were giggling and sighing. `Great,' he thought rather dryly, `Another girly scene to deal with.'

As he made himself known, all the females in the room became silent, looking at Kagome, almost seeming to persuade her of something. He raised a brow, standing rather impatiently with his foot tapping on the linoleum floor. His wife hesitated a moment before finally coming to her senses. Taking him by the arm, she led him away from the mass of femininity to the living room, where they could have a little bit of privacy.

"So," she began, trying to control her breathing. Inuyasha thought it was because of the laughter from before his arrival. "Did you find anything out about Kyoko?"

He shook his head. "No, but Sesshoumaru did smell weird. And he wasn't his usual self. He seemed in a hurry to get back to somewhere-or someone. And Kouga didn't know anything, but he said he'd keep an eye out for her, though it was highly unlikely with the amount of pups crawling all over him. You should know Miroku's answer already, even though he was beat up by Sango. A pregnant women beating up a monk doesn't seem as funny as when you hear about it until you finally see it."

Nekkyo walked in, already hearing Inuyasha's explanation. "Well, my theory is that your brother kidnapped her and is using her as his personal slave."

"Get your mind out of the gutter!" husband and wife both yelled simultaneously.

"Sesshoumaru isn't exactly one to go for the human girls," Inuyasha added. When he saw Nekkyo about to protest about Kyoki's humanity, he quickly intercepted her. "I know she's not human! But knowing my brother, he probably didn't notice her strange scent. I even thought she was human!"

"You're not the Demon Lord of the Western Lands, now, are you?" Neko asked haughtily, her hands on her hips.

"How did you even come to the conclusion Lord Sesshoumaru was using her as his personal slave?" Kagome inquired, completely confused.

"Uh…Well, I once bought her this really…uh…not-so-modest nightshirt, and I bet her that she would never wear it. She was wearing it last night. In all honesty, if I was a guy, or turned that way, I would have picked her up as…that's probably why he was in a hurry to get back to her! To go…!"

Kagome quickly cut her off, however, before she could finish the unruly statement, by clamping her hand over Neko's mouth; her palm was rewarded with a tongue-lashing. Pulling away, she wrinkled her nose and wiped her offended appendage off on her jeans.

"…Get some of that!" Neko quickly edited. They were all completely aware of what she was going to say; they only hoped she wasn't correct, or at least Sesshoumaru-if he was the one who had her-did not do anything…ill mannered to Kiko.


(AUTHOR'S NOTE) Well, there's chapter five! I'm a little surprised at the amount of reviews-or rather lack thereof-but I still continuing to type, even though it took a while for me to type this one. I think it turned out well though! ^_^ Please review! I still want to know what you think…I need some feedback!

As for the disclaimer: you should already know it.
