Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Many Conflicts ❯ Kagome Goes Back ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 6. " Kagome goes back "

" Ahhhh.............How relaxing......" Kagome sighed as she dipped herself in the hot spring, " Kagome...... are you sure your alright with the whole.......demon thing? " Sango asked watching her friend massage her own shoulder
" Yep,...... I guess I could get used to it........ I mean,....I just have to learn how to control my transformation...."
" Good........................." Sango slumped down to keep warm, " So,.... what are you going to do? "
" What do you mean? " Kagome asked opening one eye to look at her
" After we finish the Shikon jewel and destroy Naraku......"
" Oh......." Kagome looked down at her own reflection in the water, " I,......don't know..... I haven't thought about that...........Inu Yasha would probaly become a full demon, and I'll probaly go back........." Kagome narrowed her eyes more, they began to well up.
" Gomen, gomen nasai,....... we shouldn't think about that right now.......should we.........? " Sango smiled
" I guess your right...........let's just consontrate on the present........."

************************************************ ******

The boys were bathing at a spring as well, " Nothing beats a nice, hot, relaxing bath.........." Yusuke put his hands behind his head, and leaned on a rock. Kuwabara, Kurama, Miroku, Shippou, and Inu Yasha were bathing too, but Inu Yasha had his serious face on, * Damn it! how are we going to get those shards back?.... Naraku has more than half of it already...........* His thoughts were shattered when Shippou pinched him. " What on earth are you thinking about? people will think your some sort of weirdo....."
" Get off my back, Little THINGS like you shouldn't be snooping around other's business! " Inu Yasha clenched a fist a Shippou. Shippou poofed and turned into a mini Inu Yasha, " Oh look at me! I'm Inu Yasha! I'm thinking for once! " Shippou giggled, everyone hid a smile by covering their mouths, " Ha! ha! ha- ~BONK!~ Ow! What was that for?! " Shippou had a tear at the corner of his eye.
" Making fun of me! That's what it's for! " Inu Yasha's fists smacked into Shippou's head several times after the first. " Stop it! " Shippou swam away from Inu Yasha as quick as his small body could take him. " COME BACK HERE YA LITTLE FURRBALL! " Inu Yasha chased Shippou around the spring in circles.
" Ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! " They all laughed at the scene.
" Come Hiei, join the fun! " Kurama grinned at him where Hiei sat on a tree.
" Hn......I'd rather not....." He disappered right after his last word, " I wouldn't want to waste my energy on such stupidity..............I must find somewhere quiet, away from that Kuwabara's horrible laughter....................Hn.....this looks a fair place for me to rest......." Hiei found a tree not too far from them, and laid back. Seconds later some voices were heard by him, " What is it now....." he mumbled opening one eye to peek, the sight almost made his heart skip a beat.

" What do you do in your era? " Sango asked
" Well, we go to- AH! " Hiei's sweating grew heavy, " That's right! I have to go back to school! Only 3 more days till winter break is over! I have a homework too! " Kagome quickly realized

~THUMP!~ Hiei fell when she had risen out of the water

" Wha?! What was that?! " Kagome yelled sinking back into the water, " I'll tell ya who! Perverts! " Sango threw a rock at the direction the noise came from.
" What!? What is it!? " Inu Yasha quickly rushed into the scene, with the dangling Shippou in his grasp, " There! There was a-............whoa........." Kagome blushed in the deepest shade of red.
" WELL?! What is it?! "
Kagome and Sango quickly turned around.
" Huh? " Inu Yasha was clueless, " Ummm........Inu Yasha? You might want to put on some clothes........." Shippou pointed to his..........well.......ya know... " thing "
Inu Yasha looked down at his wet body, and blushed..............

******************************************** **********

The silent group stood, Inu Yasha gulped, " What's wrong with you guys? " Kuwabara watched Inu Yasha, then Kagome.
" Yeah,........ things have been acting weird around here........Inu Yasha, Kagome, and Sango are all silent,.....Hiei,...............well..........let's just say he's not himself...." Yusuke pointed at Hiei
" I...I....I...I..I..I...I..I......." Hiei stared at one direction, repeating, " I...I....I...I...I...."
" He won't snap out of it...." Kurama snapped his fingers in front of Hiei, the only response was, " I...I.I....I...I..I....I..."
" Hmm...... I know.....step aside Kurama......let the professional handle this........." Yusuke pushed Kurama back and cleared his throat, " ahem................HIEI! YUKINA IS IN TROUBLE HELP! HURRY! "Yusuke shouted loudly
" What?! Where!? Where?! " Hiei sat up and demanded looking left and right.
" Hhhmmmmmmmm........very impressive.........." Sango stated
" See.....I told ya....."
" Grrrrr............" A low growl echoed behind Yusuke, " Heh.......Don't tell me....................Hiei, is right behind me getting very pissed off....right? " Yusuke put on a fake smile, Yusuke turned around hesitating.
" You.....Kisama.........." Hiei growled even deeper as he took off his bandana.
" Hello!...Bye-Bye!....." Yusuke ran off
Hiei then felt something tug his pants gentlely, It was a small cat, Kirara, Hiei bent down, " What do you want? " Hiei hissed out harshly.
" Hey.........wait a minute.......................I thought you had two eyes........." Inu Yasha pointed to his jagan
" Hn. "
" Oh Gods! What is it with you and the " Hn. " ing! " Inu Yasha grumbled
" Inu Yasha! That's not nice! " Kagome cupped her hips
" So?! " Inu Yasha looked back at her.
" Ugh.......... you can never teach an old dog new tricks........." Kagome sighed
" What?! What was that?! " Inu Yasha yelled back
" Oh nothing..... anyways I have to go back..." Kagome got on her bike, Inu Yasha jumped in front of her, " Kagome! I demand to know what you just said! "
" Nothing okay?! Now get out of the way before I run you over! " She got ready to go
" Ha! I'd like to see you try! "
" Humph! Fine! But remember,... your the one you said so yourself! " Kagome rode towards Inu Yasha, He just crossed his arms, " SIT boy! " She yelled at the last moment and rode over him like a bridge.
" You! teme! get back here! I'm not done with you! " Inu Yasha shouted after her.
" Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! " Kagome shouted from a far distance.

" Okay.........56.............then...number 45, 2x divided by 5 over 4, perentheses 7 and 8 over 9 times 678.09 equals............." Kagome sat at her desk, finishing her homework that she had forgotten, " *sigh*..........this....is soooooooooo boring.............."
" Kagome! " Kagome's mother called for her from downstairs, " It's dinner! "
" Okay! Coming mother! " Kagome leaned back on her chair, she gave one more sigh, then got up, and went downstairs.
" Mmmmm........ smells good.......... what's cooking? " Kagome asked joyfully to her mother in the kitchen.
" Oh just some soup, and some traditional sushi....." her mother smiled warmly at her, Kagome went into the dinning area and sat down, Kagome was just about to pick up her chopsticks when....

~ ring ring! ring ring! ~

" I'll get it! " Sota called for the phone, " Oh no you don't! " Kagome reached for the phone before Sota
" Hey! That was mine! "
" No it wasn't, I betcha it's for me....." Kagome held her brother back as he tried to jump for the phone.
" ahem...... Hello? " Kagome answered in the sweetest voice
" Oh please........." Sota sat back down
" Who is this? " Kagome said politely
" Hello? " She repeated
" Who is this?! It better not be a prank! " Kagome shouted at the mysterious caller
"...............................seven days till you die......................." The person said
" *gasp* what-......................hey............. wait a minute......" Kagome realized
" Ha! ha! just kidding Kagome! It's just me, Yusuke." Yusuke joked
" HA! I knew it was you, don't think I don't reconize your voice Yusuke! " Kagome yelled through the phone
" Yusuke? " Kagome's mother asked carrying a pot over to the table
" Oh nothing heh...... just a friend from my school.....heh........" Kagome closed her eyes and sweatdropped as she cupped the phone placing it on her chest, " Go on..... you can start dinner without me, I.....I have to work on a project........." Kagome rushed up to her room, and continued talking
" A project? " Yusuke questioned
" Well what do you want me to say?.......and stop eardropping,........anyway, what is it? "
" It's that lady, Kikyo or whatever....... when you went back, she tried to shoot us with some sorta magic arrow.... guess she wasn't kidding about killing us..." Yusuke told her
" Well of course.... Kikyo is not the kind of person that likes to joke,..."
" And..........." Yusuke continued, " Naraku has collected more shards, we need to get a move on, he'll have completed the jewel before we know it! "
" alright, alright, I'll go back about a week or so...."
" A week?! Naraku is no slow poke! "
" Fine! gimme six days"
" one "
" five "
" one "
" five "
" two "
" ten "
" six! "
" Deal! done and done! " Kagome exclaimed
" Damn it! " Yusuke scolded himself
" awww......... don't feel bad, Naraku won't get that far, besides, if he does, I'll just use my demon ma- oh that's right! I haven't told my family yet, and I have to go eat dinner too,.... I have to go Yusuke bye! "
" No matte! remember, you have to do your part of the deal and continue looking for the jewel....."
" yes!yes! I know! I know! I have to go now! "
" But- " Kagome hung up on him
" Humph,..." Kagome slowly turned around to put her phone back, " Kagome this, Kagome that, ... do I have to do everythi-...AH! "
" Whoa! Ah! " His balance came back when he was about to fall off, " Damn it! didn't I tell you not to do that anymore! "
" Oh sorry Hiei, I didn't even know you were standing on my window........hey, how long have you been there?...." Kagome relaxed a little
" Long enough,..........I was just here to tell you that- "
" Blah, blah, blah..................I know, Yusuke told me already, find the shards before Naraku does....." Kagome dulled her eyes, " but thanks for informing me anyway, now if you'll excuse me,..... I have dinner to attend to...." Kagome walked out of her room closing her door gentlely.
" Kagome? what was all that yelling about? and if my ears were correct... was that a boy's voice I heard? " Her mother asked suspiciously
" Oh! um.... my partner just talks very loud over the phone...." Kagome reassured
" Ah ha...............sure......." Sota looked at her bored
" Hm! I sense a demon nearby! " Grandpa shot out
* Oh no...........come on Hiei......leave already!............he's gonna get suspicious.....* Kagome thought nervously.
" Ka....gome? " Her grandfather stared at her with horrid eyes, " No! my own grandaughter! a demon?! "
" Uh... I- " Kagome was about to speak
" Nonsense father..... what are you talking about? " Mother asked
" I can sense a demon presense in here! "
" here? Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you............."
***************************************************** *
( now backing away from the Higurashi shrine.........)
" OWW! wow grandpa! I didn'r know that you could yell that LOUD........" Kagome covered her ear, rubbing it hoping that her eardrums didn't break.
" Kagome...........is this truly true? your a demon? " Sota asked in disbelief
" Yes! yes! don't yell please!...sheesh!..............some people just aren't made for surprises........" Kagome whispered to herself
" ooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh................."
Kagome prepared to cover her ears
" COOL! my sister's a demon! " Sota happily danced around
* Oh god...................* she thought
" What do you really look like?! " Sota couldn't stop moving
" Well, " Kagome got up, " I guess it wouldn't hurt if I tried, besides I need more pratice........" Kagome consentrated.
Sota's, Grandpa's and Mother's eyes widened
Kagome flipped open one eye, " Well? did it work? "
" It sure did! you look so different, a huge difference of beauty! " Sota kept his mouth open
" Heh, well I-......HEY! what's that supposed to mean! "


" Where is that fuck'n Kagome, when there's a fuck'n problem, in this fuck'n era! " Inu Yasha yelled at no one
" Careful, you'll die in fustration............." Shippou said, as he munched on his snack.
" What do you know runt?! " Inu Yasha was worse than usual
Shippou jumped behind Miroku and hid, " Calm down Inu Yasha, I does not help if you keep whinning........" Miroku suggested
" Whinning?! who said anything about whinning?! I'm not whinning! " Inu Yasha tried to convince his friend
" Inu Yasha! please, your over, over reacting..........." Sango piped down
" Shut up! don't tell me what to do! " Inu Yasha screamed
" *sigh* ..............Sango,.....it's time for plan B.........." Miroku looked towards her, Sango nodded back
" LET ME GO!!!!!!!! LET ME GO NOW!!!!! " Inu Yasha screamed and kicked, his hands were usless since they were tied.
" Inu Yasha! calm down! we did this for a purpose! " Miroku tried to keep him down
" We! don't want you to get hurt! or do something regretful! " Sango had to wrestle him to the ground


" Oh brother,...... I guess I should go now..............This week has just been all commotion......, First, trying to get along, then Kurama and Sesshomaru, and then me turning into a demon, last but not least, we have to deal with Kikyo and most importantly, Naraku.......... What's wrong with my life......." Kagome had a conversation with herself while she was packing, she had a good feeling that it was going to take long.......
" Well, here goes,..." Kagome jumped in, and climbed out hearing yelling and screaming, " What's going on?...." She wondered.....
As she walked closed to Kaede's village, the louder the noise ,and the stronger the vibrations on the ground, she took the courage to open the door, " Uhhhh..................." Kagome formed a large sweatdrop
" Kagome! " Sango exclaimed happy to see her, " Thank god your here! "
" I......uh........."
" Kagome! your here! good! NOW TELL THEM TO GET OFF ME! " InuYasha pounded his fist on the wood floor, Miroku and Sango were sitting on Inu Yasha's back, trying to hold him still, Kagome guessed.
" Inu Yasha has been going crazy ever since you went back............." Shippou reclaimed his position in Kagome's arms.
" What?! I have not! Why you little thing! " Inu Yasha struggled some more, and managed to get them both off his back, " SIT BOY! " Kagome cried to stop him, " OH! " Inu Yasha moaned
" Serves you right! " Shippou snuggled closer to Kagome.
Inu Yasha bared his fangs,
" Ahem............."
They all looked towards the door,
" Is, it always like this..............? " Yusuke asked
" Hardly............." Miroku responded
" Oh Yusuke, where is the jewel shard? " Kagome suddenly remembered
" Oh yeah..." Yusuke dug into his pockets, and took out a piece of the jewel, " Here ya go." He threw it to Kagome.
" Wa-what?! you gave him a piece of the jewel?! " Inu Yasha shouted
" Yeah, your point? " Kagome was calm about it
" My point is that you trust him with the jewel!? "
" Is this going anywhere? " Yusuke butted in
" Well, he needed to get back here..." Kagome thought about it
" Inu Yasha,...... does the outcome always have to be like this? " Sango leaned against the wall
" Fuck off! "
" Sit! Inu Yasha! why are acting so,........umm.......what's the word I'm looking for?.........uh..." Kagome bit her lip
" Insensitive? "
" Yes! that's the word! thanks Kurama..............KURAMA?! What are you doing here?! " Kagome mearly dropped Shippou
" Uhh....same reason as everyone.......? " Kurama made her dumbfounded
" Must we waste more time? let's go, " Hiei landed in the doorway
" Sure, but what about Kuwabara? " Sango looked over to the well
" What about him? " Hiei grunted
" He'll catch up........" Yusuke reassured

They were on their way again................

" *sigh* " Kagome rubbed her hands together, " It's gett'n kinda cold........"
" Baka weakling " Inu Yasha grumbled, and put his fire rat coat on Kagome,
" Inu,.....Yasha..." Kagome looked at him with shiny eyes
" Uhhhh..........Wouldn't,....want our jewel detector person to catch a cold! " Inu Yasha sweatdropped
" Wrong move my friend,.....wrong move............." Miroku whispered
" Urgh......... I should have known..........." Kagome's smile turned into a frown
She walked ahead, pushing Inu Yasha aside, but a stinging sensation went through her stomach, kagome moaned, and dropped.
" Kagome! " Inu Yasha widen his golden eyes
They looked to the being who cause the pain, " Ha....ha........ Inu Yasha,........ your WOMAN is no more......." Kikyo mocked, still holding her bow
" How,....how could you! busu! " Inu Yasha was about to spring into tears, but heard a moan
" ugh............."
He turned around, " Ka-Kagome?................"
" Owww..................." Kagome pulled out the arrow that went through her stomach, " Hey! that hurt! ya don't have to be so rude Kikyo.........." Kagome complained
" Nani? HOW? " Kikyo dropped her weapon
" I'm a demon,.......remember? " Kagome held the arrow in her hand, waving it back and forth, " Oh great! how am I supposed to get the blood stain off my uniform now?! ohhh..........my mom is gonna kill me.........." Kagome moaned
" Your mother?! Kagome! you could have been killed right now! " Inu Yasha yelled at her
" Pipe down! I'll take care of this........." Kagome got up, and steadied her bow, Kikyo stepped back in shock, and the fact that she was about to die again. Kagome released her arrow but aimed somewhere else.
" Argh............." Naraku held his wounded shoulder
" Darn! I was so close to his heart! " KAgome took out another arrow
" HOw can you sense me? " Naraku appeared from the shadows
" I dunno....I can sense a lot of things........." Kagome let go , but shot his hair instead, Darn it! would you hold still! " Kagome aimed