Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midknight Boudries ❯ Chapter One-don't have a name for it yet lame huh? ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Summary: Kagome a queit school girl obsorbed in her art, band and family gets the unwanted attention of the schools playboy.Its a challenge of wills, bets are placed who will win. What would you do if the bane of your exsitence messed with one of your very best friends. Kick a** of course...and maybe make allys with the unthinkable.

HUGE HINT:: When there are songs read the lyrics. They all have hints in them.NO DEMONS IN HERE!!!!! ALSO Hiei is taller but still just as hot.^^had to do it.

I'm sooooooooooooooo soooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyy *cries* okay I'm better. Its not my fault I swear. Today being what Tuesday and I can't post this till around Sunday, well don't that suck.MWahahahahahhaha Well I just got my own computer so I can udate hopefully once a week.^^like that Please all the people who want to kill me please don't.*says from hiding place behing a rock* I'll give you a cookie!!heheh

God things are actually going good for me. Just watch someone dies, gets hit by a car, Naraku hugs someone becomes hippie and votes for world peace(lmao), Miroku becomes a nun(lmao), Justin Betts declare he's gay(lmao), Thatz turns prep(lmao), Inuyasha dyes his hair bright pink,Shippou is not obsessed with chocolate, Bush is found kissing Saddam etc. You do get that I'm running on irony right oh well.I just got watching about 46 minutes of Jeepers Creepers and was already creeped the fuck out. How stupid could a person get but i stoped watching after they stoped when the cops head fell on there winsheild and then they got out of the car.=_=;;; very stupid obviously........no one reads these god darn things any way so what am I going on about .....

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters in this story so far they all belong to Rumiko Takashi(can't spell worth shit) and the maker of Yu Yu Hakusho.....*cries* even Sesshoumaru.

Chapter One-don't have a name for it yet lame huh?

Looking up from my latest work I see my tormentor. Seeing her smirk fills me with slight dread. Why me? What does she have against me? "So Kagome, that your new drawing?" Kikyou asked over sweetly. "Yes. So what about it?" "Could I see it?" she asked while extending her hand. "No you can't. Can you please leave me alone now Kikyou."

And so it began, again, I should have seen it.Everything then seemed to go really slowly, slow motion you could say.(yawn bored. Lame huh...it gets better but this part is lame but always remember I am always up for suggestions.) I could see it all happening but couldn't say or do anything about it. I could see Kikyou taking my drawing about to rip it up and then Hiei come running up at top speed, which you can bearly see,'I swear he must drink jet fuel every morning' taking my drawing from her hand and pushing her down.

Blinking I see everything is not really slow still. "LEAVE Kagome alone Kikyou!"Hiei said voice dripping venom. Kikyou got up tossed her hair and walked off. "bitch" I heard him mumble before turning to me. "Kagome, you alright?" "Yeah I just have a slight headache now. Thanks Sp-Hiei." '*giggle* I shouldn't call him that when he's already mad at kikyou.' "Hn" was my only reply, but I couldn't help but smile as he walked away. Looking around I see my discarded drawing.It was of my friends and I. It had taken me two days to get it perfect. It means alot to me since they are all I have. After picking it up and examining it for about 3 minutes for flaws. Scanning over the faces of Sesshoumaru, Rin, Hiei, Shippou, Souta, Kohaku, and lastly my own. Reasuring myself she didn't ruin it, I put it away safely. *sigh* Nothing Unusual.

Kikyou. The name puts a bitter taste in my mouth. I can not figure out why she hates my so though. Its been this way since Junior High. We were on good terms then all until April break. After that she has hated me.

"Kagome! Earth to `Gome!" looking down abit from my spot by the window I had been staring out of I saw Shippou attempting to wave his hands infront of my face.What can I admit he's short......--_--;; "Hey little bro. Where's your other half?" I asked looking around expectently. "Would you call me his brother, your brother already. Its irritating sis." Souta said for him while coming around the corner wiping the water from his mouth.

Unlike most would think that twins are identical they obviously never met Souta and Shippou.

Souta looks like our mother even has her chocolate brown eyes. He always has a michevious air about him which goes against his innocent look.

Shippou on the other hand has firey orange hair and auqa eyes like our grandmother. He has our grandfathers Facial structure which reminds of a fox, very much so.Shippou always either a red or orange, sometimes both, shirt with Black pants. Sometimes they have foxes on them. They being his favorite animal

Souta always wears a blue or green top with black pants. looking at them you couldn't tell they were related except there smile so carefree no matter what happens. They love to pull pranks.

The thought of them and all the crap we've been through with the help Hiei, My aunt on my mom's side, and Hiei's twin Yukina, brings a bitter-sweet smile to my face.

"We goin' home or what!?!?!" They both yelled at me in unison. "Uh...yeah lets just find Sesshou first. He'll probably want to set up before we even have a chance to change for the gig. But thats Fluffy for ya'." "How many time have a told you not to call me that. You'll never change will you. You've always been like that." A monotone voice said out of the shadows of the hall. "Sesshoumaru you know when all you can see is your eyes glowing its REA~~~LLY creepy." Souta said. He and Shippou shuddered remebering when he had made Them his personal slaves for two weeks for dying his hair pink. They both came out of their thoughts hearing Kagome's laughter.

"You ....should have.... seen the look ....on your faces...it..was.... priceless." I said between laughing and trying to breath."Ooo... okay I'm okay now." "No you aren't" Sesshoumaru sarcastically remarked. "Shut up. We going already?!?"

[I could be evil and leave it off here but I'm bored and can't sleep.Pathetic, yes I know,]

-------------------Other side of School

"INUYASHA!!!!" yelled a very annoyed and ticked off Sango.

"Oww whench watch it. What'd ya want now."

"Have you seen my idiot of a boyfriend?!? He was supposed to meet me 25 minutes ago."

"Miroku...no. Probably trying to grope that new sub in the chem. lab."At that she only got redder. "Speak of the devil..."Inuyasha said as he saw Miroku running as fast as he can towards them looking like he saw a ghost.

"Sorry..*huff*..Sango...*huff*..Teacher kept me after for some fucked up...*huff*..exam."Miroku said to Sango appoligetically.

"yea~h su~~re." Inuyasha looked at him skeptically.

"I'm honest."

"Okay whatever."

"So when are we going to go practice for tonight?" Miroku asked them all.

"Whats Tonight?"--Inuyasha

"Oh boy"--Sango

"The gig that we got last week....any of this ringing a bell?"--Miroku

"We got a gig today?"---guess who Inuyasha

"YES!"--Miroku & Sango

"Oh now I remeber the one at that club, whats it name, oh yeah the Shikon. The hottest club in town."--Inuyasha

"Not just us are playing there will also be Sudden Death, Mid-Knight Jewel, and a few other small bands."---Sango

"Only competion is Mid-Knight Jewel, and Sudden Death. And I heard thy are really good."---Miroku

"Whoooooooo cares we'll still kick there asses." Inuyasha replied cockly.

"DO YOU-- oh, whats the use.*sigh*"Sango started to say but then decided not to bother.

"Lets go practice." "Yeah sure, whatever."

------------At Kagome's good sized apartment-----------

"Come on.Come On. Come on we have to get there early.COME ON!!!"

"God Dammit Sesshoumaru. Will you shut up!!!" you could hear Shippou yell while walking into the room holding his ears, Souta right behind him, doing the same.Soon after Kagome and Hiei came out to meet them. Eyeing them each with scrutiny.

Shippou wearing his new red hoody that said 'Mid-Knight Jewel' on the back with a Purple round jewel is shown in the background floating above a weeping girl. Purple light surrouding them both. His Black pants were baggy and the thread they were sawn with was red so that all the seems were red.(I actually thought about bying those one time but they were $40.00. So that thought was quickly erased from my mind.)

Souta was wearing what looked like a dark green skateboarders shirt. He too was wearing Black baggy pantsbut the seems were green.(;_; wanted those too;_;)On the right back pocket was the same picture as on Shippou's sweatshirt.

Next looking at Hiei, Sesshoumaru saw he was wereing the same thing as earlier that day. Kagome seeing his eye start to twitch she decided to stop a fight before it started. "Sesshou he washed them, We'll be meeting Kohaku there, k"

Looking at Kagome, Sesshoumaru saw that she at least had changed. She was now wearing a black miny skirt with sliver chains hanging from them also with a small zipper pocket on the back. She was also wearing a black form fitting tanktop with the words 'Mid-Knight Jewel' in Red letters. She wore black eyeliner and mascara, blood red lip gloss, and red eyeshadow. Her wavy black hair was let hang loose around her naturally pale face. Kagome seeing him nod she started out towards there large black SUV.

"What are all of you just standing around for?"Kagome asked them all recieving only shrugs before piling into the vehicle.Sesshoumaru jumped into the drivers seat as Kagome hopped up into the passengers seat makeing sure her skirt was kept straight.

"Sis did you pack everything???"

"Yup."Kagome replied upon hearing Souta's question.

"Oi Cuz you didn't leave your extra set of strings again did you?"Hiei decided at the last moment to ask Kagome.

"YE~SS Hiei......" Kagome replied exasperously. "hn"

The car ride was slow since Sesshoumaru was a VERY very cautious driver, seeing as how he goes like only 10 mph.

"Sesshoumaru you know you can go alot faster!!"Kagome yelled redily loosing her paitents.

"But- He started to say but was cut off quickly.

"NO Buts DRIVE!!!!" Shippou decided to say for everyone.

"Screw it Sesshou pull over here, your switching seats with me.NO argueing either!" Kagome yelled at the teenager siting beside her. After slowly pulling over, and dragging Sesshoumaru out of the car, Kagome jumped into the drivers seat and they took off.

"For someone who was soooooooooo urgent on getting their early you sure were driving slow." All Kagome recieved for an answer was a slight snort.

Well Thats chapter one.Personally I thought it sucked but The next chapter WILL be better, but if you want the next chapter you have to review^^ I want at least 5 so R+R gtg Ja ne
