Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miracle in a Pendant ❯ Miracle in a Pendant ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Miracle in a Pendent
By: Linter
It was just too complicated, she could not understand math. Who needed it anyway? Everyone, or so her teacher said. They had a nice conversation about her studies and she had utterly refused to get help from him. She couldn't get help from someone she hardly had any respect for. Because of her honesty, he sent her to detention and was forcing her to get tutored by Suuichi Minamino. Kagome sighed, she didn't need a tutor, and she didn't need anything but for people to just leave her alone. Kagome had cut off almost everyone in her life, she didn't want to be friends with people, they would hurt you and she didn't want to love others, they would only betray you. Kagome was lost.
“Kagome-san?” Suuichi asked.
Kagome looked up and saw him, sure everything thought he was the cutest guy and that he was very polite but she wanted action and safety. She tilted her head in question before she turned back to her lunch.
“Hai.” Kagome said without looking at him.
Suuichi was taken back, she was always kind to everyone but lately she had been cutoff and standoffish. Thank goodness for his human patience, Youko bristled at her blatant attitude. Kurama took in a small breath before saying anything more.
“Could I speak to you?” Suuichi asked.
The girls that surrounded Kagome were in shock. This boy had transferred to their school only three months ago and he was already making advances. Hojo would be better for Kagome they thought.
“Hai.” Kagome said.
“Privately?” Suuichi asked.
Kagome looked at him and raised an eyebrow before standing up and nodding. She walked away waiting for Suuichi to follow her. She had some ideas about him, that he wasn't all that everyone thought. Especially after the betrayal of her friends, her power had spiked.
“Sensei suggested that I tutor you in mathematics.” Suuichi said.
Kagome nodded.
“Come to the shrine this afternoon, at four, we can study then.” Kagome said before she walked away.
Kurama watched as she walked away. She looked so sad and confused. He knew of her problems with her ex-boyfriend and couldn't help but feel jealous about that. Somehow, he knew that she was just untouchable as he was because she wouldn't let anyone get close and he couldn't get with her because his job just didn't let them have a life.
Kurama was only half listening to Koenma as he spoke about their next mission, the only thing on his mind was Kagome. There was something about her that just demanded his attention. Her scent was soft and pure, her skin was flawless and she was always such a bright and cheerful girl. Key word being WAS. Kurama made a vow, he would do whatever it took to make Kagome happy again, make her smile like she did several months ago.
`Pay attention fox.' Hiei said
Kurama gave him a glare but nodded. There were important things that were being discussed and it would be wise to pay attention to them.
`Not more important than our mate!' Youko yelled
`She isn't our mate.' Kurama said
`Not yet but can't you just taste her? Can't you just feel her? See her under us as she writhes in ultimate please?' Youko said surly
`Disgusting.' Hiei muttered.
`I wasn't talking to you!' Youko yelled.
Kurama inwardly rolled his eyes and glanced at the clock before looking at Koenma, then his eyes darted back at the clock and he ran out of the room and meeting. Everyone except Hiei looked confused. Kurama was in a rush to get somewhere.
“Where the fuck is he going?” Yusuke asked.
“He's going to the priestess.” Hiei answered.
Koenma's eyes widened and snapped at Hiei.
“He's her tutor.” Hiei said.
Botan and Koenma blanched and yelled out a loud question. It seemed that they didn't need to prepare the group for much, Kurama could just do it for them. He could protect the priestess, get close to her and find out her past. It was perfect. Koenma decided that since Kurama had the power to protect the priestess, the rest of the spirit detectives could just relax.
Kagome was in her room, listening to music and doing her homework. She totally forgot about her session with Suuichi as she completely forgot about anything other than her math and history homework. Kagome's little brother spent his time in her room doing homework as well, cuddling next to Kagome as he did his reading homework.
Kurama had knocked on the door. Immediately, a middle aged woman opened the door to greet him. She looked at the young boy and let him enter the house. Kurama smiled, she was so much like his own mother, always smiling. He liked the atmosphere of the home as well, but the thing that bothered him was the tree and the well house and of course, Kagome.
“I'm Minamoto, Suuichi. I've come to help Kagome-san with her academics.” Kurama said.
“Hello. I'm Higurashi, Asume, Kagome's mother. That man outside is her grandfather, Higurashi, Seiko. We're very glad that you have come.” Asume said
Asume and Suuichi spoke about different things before she told him that Kagome would be in her room, studying and doing her homework. She also warned him that her little brother also studied in her room. Asume sent Suuichi up with some snacks and asked if he would stay for dinner.
“I would love to but it would be wise to ask Kagome-san first.” Kurama said.
Asume nodded her head in agreement and smiled, this boy was just what Kagome needed. Her daughter had gone through so much pain that she didn't think that Kagome would ever come out of her shell. Asume noted that her soul had created barriers around it to protect it, using her miko powers to ensure that she stay pure.
Suuichi took a deep breath before knocking on Kagome's door. He heard someone run to the door and open it, a young child stood there staring up at him. The little boy opened his mouth and screamed out Kagome's name. The said girl came, picked up the child and ushered him inside. Suuichi stepped into the room, placed the snacks upon her desk and waited.
“It's okay Souta-kun, this person is good.” Kagome said
“That's what you said about Inuyasha too.” Souta said.
Kagome had a look of hurt flash upon her face.
“Yes but Inuyasha had turned evil, letting power corrupt him.” Kagome answered.
Kurama stayed silent through this. He watched as Kagome ushered the young boy out of her room to help their mother with either dinner or washing the dishes. There were a lot of questions he wanted answered but he would do it in stride.
“Are you ready to study?” Kurama asked
Kagome looked at him and nodded, grabbing her books and sitting down on the floor. Kurama followed her lead and sat down as well. This was really nice, the two of them working together. Kurama and Kagome shared a couple of secrets and jokes. Kurama thought at that moment that he would live to make Kagome laugh and smile.
“That was easy. How come Kaneshiro-sensei makes it so difficult?” Kagome whined.

Kurama smiled, this was the real Kagome, this was the little girl who had to grow up quickly. This was the pure priestess Koenma was talking about as well, he could just feel her power. It overflowed into him, saturating him in it and surrounding him with Kagome's scent.
“He likes to skip a step and he likes to use flowery words that make no sense whatsoever.” Kurama said.
Kagome nodded in agreement. That teacher did tend to use flowery words and was always blabbering about her high school experience. Now it didn't matter, she had a cool tutor, something that would help her through school but she didn't have anyone to help her through her life.
“Would you stay for dinner?” Kagome asked.
Kurama looked at Kagome before smiling and nodding. They walked down toward the family only to meet Seiko Higurashi. Kurama crossed his eyes as he stared at the ofuda attached to his forehead. Kurama looked at Kagome who shook her head, Souta looked completely embarrassed and Asume Higurashi was laughing.
“Higurashi-sama, if you want to make these work, you have to chant with them, to give them more power. Throwing them around won't do anything. I will help you strength your ofudas.” Kurama said.
He got a gasp from Kagome and glomp from Souta and a smile from Asume. He knew of Kagome's relationship with the hanyou, hell everyone knew of her relationship. He was very open about it, very public while she tried to keep it private. Even their break-up was public and painful for Kagome but to Kurama's amazement, she didn't cry, didn't give any sign that she cared about it. It showed him that she was strong, that she didn't need the sympathy other humans needed. That moment, Kagome had gained Youko's respect even though Suuichi had given her his respect way before that time.
“Never thought of that boy. But you are youkai?” Seiko said
“Hai, he's a kitsune youkai.” Kagome said.
Kurama looked at her with a raised eyebrow, wondering how she knew that. That's when he remembered. She was a miko, a pure miko, so of course she would be able to see him, all of him. He guessed that they would have a talk, explain to each other their duties. Kurama was looking forward to this conversation, wondering exactly how Kagome was, the real Kagome.
“Come let us eat, we can speak about this later.” Asume said.
Kurama couldn't help but feel completely accepted with this family. Souta was a very hyper child, asking questions at a 100wpm, Kagome smiled at them, her eyes shyly meeting his. Asume and Seiko laughed and made jokes with each other and the children but Kurama was only really paying close attention to Kagome. She confused him, she was like a puzzle with different levels, each unlocking the next.
`Yes, I like puzzles.' Youko said
Kurama mentally rolled his eyes. He would have to tell Kagome about Youko soon but should he tell her about his job? Kurama thought about it deeply, he should, it concerned her and he would protect her with everything that he was.
`Where are you fox?' Hiei asked
`Higurashi residence.' Kurama answered
`Take care of her. Koenma said something about her holding something dangerous and desired.' Hiei said.
`I will.'
“Suuichi-kun?” Kagome asked.
“Please, call me Kurama.” Kurama answered
Kagome nodded and led him back to her room. Kurama understood that they needed to talk and he could tell that she was a little apprehensive toward her. He understood and would take whatever she was going to say or do in stride and with patience.
“Who are you exactly?” Kagome asked.
“I am Minamoto, Suuichi and I am Kurama, Youko.” Kurama answered.
Kagome closed her eyes and spread her miko powers, letting it flow throughout the room and surround both herself and Kurama. She didn't see the look of peacefulness that passed Kurama. She was more focused on finding if this young man would betray her like Inuyasha had. It may have been true that they were dating but it wasn't anything romantic. They didn't hold hands, they hardly kissed and Kagome made sure not to bed with him. It was her instinct not to so she listened.
“I understand. I am Higurashi, Kagome, protector of the Shikon no Tama.” Kagome said.
Kurama nodded then stopped. What the hell was the Shikon no Tama?
`It's a powerful jewel. It's what got me killed.' Youko said bitterly.
“I understand. Listen Kagome-chan, you have been put understand my protection. There are people who want the jewel and yourself.” Kurama said.
Kagome bowed her head and looked to the side.
“I know. Inuyasha is one of those people. They only want it for themselves and will do anything to get it.” Kagome said softly.
Kurama wrapped his arms around Kagome, letting her cry on his chest.
“I promise I'll protect you with my life. The only way you die is if I'm already dead.” Kurama said.
Kagome's eyes watered as she remembered the sacrifice already made because of the jewel, she couldn't ask someone to make another.
“No. I don't want you protect me. If it is my time to die, let me die.” Kagome said sadly.
Kurama looked at her and shook his head.
“I can't. I won't allow you to die such a useless death.” Kurama said.
Kagome struggled in his hold.
“I already lost someone because of duty. Don't make me go through that again!” Kagome yelled out.
Souta barged into the room to see Kagome crying against Kurama's body. He walked up and hugged his sister. There were many things that he didn't understand and that he was still learning but he did understand that his sister was still hurting.
“Who did she lose?” Kurama asked softly as he placed the sleeping Kagome in her bed.
“She lost my grandson, Shippo, a kitsune youkai. He promised to protect my daughter against anything that would harm her because of that, he perished in the battle against Kagome-chan and Inuyasha.” Asume said.
Kurama looked at Asume and frowned. Kagome had a son, could that be the reason why she was hurting for such a long time. He would get Inuyasha for hurting her like that, he would kill anyone who dared to cause his mate pain. He would rip off those dog ears from his head and mutilate him to little pieces.
`Youko!' Kurama growled out.
`She is to be our mate! I refuse to let you let her go through our fingers! DO YOU HEAR ME!?! I'LL KILL YOU IF YOU DO! I'LL MAKE YOUR LIFE HELL!' Youko yelled.
Kurama nodded, he knew that it was rare for them to agree on a woman and that him being so protective. Kurama refused to let Kagome go through such pain again. He refused to die. At lease he got more information about Kagome, now all he had to do was tell the rest of the detectives.
“Thank you very much Higurashi-san. Please tell Kagome-chan I will stop by to pick her up for school.” Kurama said.
Asume raised an eyebrow at Kurama getting a slight blush from the boy but nodded anyway. She had a good feeling about this boy, hopefully he would help her family get over their fear and their sorrow. She could only hope. Asume knew that Kagome would have some problems and that her family would suffer but she couldn't stop it.
The walk home was peaceful, there weren't any fan girls running after him and his mind was on a very wonderful topic, Kagome. Kurama just walked into his home, not bothering to say hello to his mother and not noticing the other detectives in his room. Kurama grabbed some clothes and walked into the bathroom, taking a shower and changing before walking back into his room. He fell onto his bed and sighed. The dinner was wonderful, Kagome and Asume were like professional chefs. He could really get used to that kind of cooking.
“Kurama!” Yusuke yelled
Kurama jumped from his bed in surprise at the shout of his name. He looked around and saw the other detectives with a calm façade even though he was shaking inside. He looked at Yusuke, Kuwabara and Hiei. There was always a reason those dudes are here if not to crash or eat.
“Where were you?” Kuwabara asked
Kurama had a small smile on his face.
“Kagome.” Kurama whispered.
There was nothing that could bring him down, nothing that could stand in his way to protect Kagome. Although it did make him angry that, that stupid arrogant hanyou killed her son, a kitsune kit. He could have raised that kit well and help him and Kagome, protect and love them. Kurama then remembered that Koenma owed him several favors and would use his desire to make Kagome smile and happy as one of them.
“What were you doing there?” Yusuke demanded.
“I had dinner there. There are things we must talk about though. We should go to Koenma, I found some disturbing news.” Kurama said.
Yusuke called Botan, demanding that she send them to Koenma. She did so, only because of the look from Hiei and Kurama. In a few seconds, they were in Koenma's office waiting for him to finish his ice cream and candy. Kurama wasn't very happy, he was annoyed and frustrated and it was noticeable.
“Yes Kurama?”
“I have some information. I also have two requests.” Kurama said.

Everyone looked at him, never had Kurama ever demanded anything. This was very interesting indeed. Koenma looked at Kurama in mid bite and smirked with a nod. He knew that something was up, there were good and bad news with this meeting.
“What have you gathered?” Koenma asked.
“She's the priestess of the Shikon no Tama. There isn't much we can do to help her, she won't allow it. Her barriers are very powerful, even with her mind. The hanyou Inuyasha, half brother to Lord Sesshoumaru, was her boyfriend for a period of time. He betrayed her and now wants to control her. She has a younger brother, mother and grandfather. Kagome defended her family against one of his attacks, she lost her son.” Kurama said.
Everyone nodded in acknowledgment. It must have been tough to go though, watching her son get killed. It must have been extremely hard on her and even harder that she has to move on. Everyone was still thinking when Kurama spoke again.
“I have two requests. I want Kagome's son, Shippo to be returned to her. I will take him to her myself. Two, I want complete protection for Kagome and her family. She will stay with me and someone else will guard her family.” Kurama said.
Hiei looked amused. Kuwabara looked confused. Yusuke looked shocked. Botan was surprised and slightly hurt and Koenma just smiled and nodded. A few minutes later, a young boy was being carried to them. Kurama smiled, this was Shippo. He bent down when Shippo was placed on the ground.
“Hello Shippo-san. I am Kurama. I'm here to take you back to Kagome-chan.” Kurama said softly.
Shippo looked at him, as if to analyze him. When he figured that Kurama had no intention of hurting him, Shippo jumped into his arms and cried. There were a lot of things the young fox had to deal with and death was not one of those things he liked. Kurama held the kit as he told him all about their mission. Shippo also understood that he wouldn't be allowed to stay with him and Kagome but was happy that he would be able to come over as much as he wanted as long as he spoke to him about it.
Several of months later, Shippo was well enough to return to Kagome. Kurama spent much time with Kagome, always by her side and sending her to her family when he had a mission. Shippo was happy that his mommy was happy, returning to the happy person she once was. The only thing that Shippo hadn't told Kurama was how fiery she could be, her anger was really scary but according to Kurama he knew, Yusuke and Kuwabara had insulted him and Hiei. That was one of the most frightening moments of his life.
“You'll take care of my mother?” Shippo asked.
Kurama nodded his head and smiled. There was something about this kit that he couldn't help but like. They talked a lot, spent time to get to know each other and he found some things about Inuyasha. There were two others, friends of Kagome's, Sango and Miroku. They turned their back on Kagome. That just made Kurama mad, enough that his eyes flickered between green and gold.
“Alright, let's go. Hiei, Yusuke, Kuwabara. Follow me I'll explain this all to Kagome.” Kurama said.
“If you hurt my mommy, I'll hurt you.” Shippo threatened.
Everyone nodded and followed Kurama. Shippo had jumped in his arms, liking that Kurama was taking care of him. No sooner had Shippo laid his head on Kurama's shoulder did he fall asleep. The others followed Kurama as he stepped up to the house. Hiei found it amusing that Kurama was nervous.
`Problems fox?' Hiei asked
`Of course not!' Youko screamed
`Just a little, how will she react to Shippo?' Kurama asked.
`I don't know.' Hiei answered
“Kurama-kun!” Souta cried out.
Kagome popped her head out of her window and smiled, running down the stairs and toward Kurama. He passed the kit to Hiei who just looked at him funny as Kagome rushed and jumped into Kurama's arms. The detectives, except Hiei, stared wide-eyed at Kurama and Kagome. It seems like their relationship has improved over the months. They were going school together, lived together and helped each other. The detectives knew why Kurama liked Kagome so much. She was an excellent cook and listener. She tended their wounds and allowed them to sleep in her home, Kurama's home as well.
“Seems like someone's happy to see her.” Yusuke said.
Kurama was currently twirling around with Kagome in his arms, she was laughing as she sort of flew in his arms. They laughed as the hug came to a stop. Kagome laid her head against Kurama's heart, taking comfort in the steady beat. They had gone through a lot, sort of. Kagome had understood and trusted Kurama enough to give her freedom up to him. They lived in a comfortable home, provided by Koenma, because the detectives practically stayed there as well. Kurama was always by Kagome's side, letting her know who he was and in return, he got to understand and know her.
“Miss me?” Kurama asked slyly.
Kagome blushed and ducked her head into his body. The detectives laughed, she always did this, shy and innocent by playful and fiery. They watched as Kagome saw Shippo, her eyes widened and watered, her body collapsed and she cried as she opened her arms. Shippo ran toward her with a loud “Mommy”. It was a wonderful reunion.
“Hello Kagome.” A new voice rang out.

~Yusuke's Pov.~
Kurama wrapped his arms around Kagome and looked around. I was still a bit confused until Hiei came to stand beside Kurama as Kuwabara and I stood on the other. This guy had a weird energy, kind of like one who was being controlled. I looked over at Kurama because I heard growling, Kagome was clutching onto Shippo while Kurama was clutching onto her. Hiei was standing there glaring and Kuwabara was mumbling something. That stupid idiot.
“Who are you?” I demanded.
“I would be Kagome's lover.” The voice said.
“Bullshit! Kagome and Kurama are together you dumbass!” I yelled
“That doesn't matter to me. She is mine and will always remain as mine.” The voice said.
I looked at Kagome who looked frightened and back to Kurama and Hiei. They looked pissed. I could understand why Kurama was angry but why was Hiei? I know that Hiei doesn't like Kagome, she's a ningen and even if she is powerful he refused to let himself care about others who haven't done something for him. I saw Kagome step out of Kurama's embrace to stand up to this person. She was either really gutsy or really stupid. I prefer to say gutsy. There is nobody who could take on this girl when she was furious.
“I will not be yours. I never will be!” Kagome yelled.
“Shut up bitch or I'll punish you like the last time!” The voice yelled out.
The said man grabbed her and forcefully kissed her. I watched as Kagome released her purifying power burning this man. I was amazed but then this man had strike Kagome, flying her toward the Goshinboku. I couldn't believe it, someone had stuck Kagome. I saw Kurama cradle her as he sniffed her wounds. His sigh told me as well as all of us that Kagome was okay, just probably shaken up. I watched Kurama as he stood with Kagome as she clutched onto him, crying. The sound of that made me want to cry. She shouldn't be crying.
“You had your chance Inuyasha. You lost that. Kagome-chan is mine.” Kurama said.
I couldn't believe this, this was the hanyou who hurt Kagome? Oh fuck that, he isn't getting anywhere near her. I would die before I let him touch her or hurt her. I looked at Kurama, he was growling again. He sent Kagome and Shippo into the house, making Seiko-san use his ofudas to keep everyone out. I could hear Kagome yelling for Kurama and it just broke my heart. I knew the octave, Keiko yelled like that when I was in danger. It was one of fear, she sounded so pitiful though like she would die if she didn't see him, if she wasn't by his side. That squeezed my heart, knowing that Kagome was in pain and there was nothing we could do for her.
“So you're the one who's taking what's mine?” Inuyasha asked.
“She wasn't marked, not even with your scent. She is mine. She has been marked by my scent. You will never have her.” Kurama said
“She will never be yours. Kagome is mine.” Inuyasha said.
“Why are you hurting her? If she truly is yours, then why cause her pain?” I demanded.
“She needed to be punished.” Inuyasha taunted.
“For what? Being nice?” I asked.
“She refused me. She should and will be punished for that.” Inuyasha said.
“Kagome-chan deserves better than you! Kurama is her mate, just ask her son!” I yelled.
“I took care of Shippo. He's dead.” Inuyasha said.
“I brought him back. He didn't deserve to die.” Kurama said.
I saw Inuyasha sniff the air and frown. His glare piercing Kurama as he snarled out in anger, he's scary but not as scary as Kagome when she was mad, the look she gives is scary as hell, gives me shivers. I was pushed out of the way as Inuyasha charged Kurama. It was surprising to see Kurama just stand there as if he didn't need to fear anything. A few seconds before Inuyasha passed me, Kurama brought out his Rose Whip. I swear that is the coolest thing and it hurt to be hit by it. He whacked Inuyasha a few times before Inuyasha ran away. I swear I could feel the hits myself. Hiei jumped next to me and Kuwabara stood on my opposite. We all watched Kurama carry a fainted Kagome out.
“Is she okay?” Kuwabara asked.
Kurama nodded.
“Stay with her family. Protect the kit then come over in an hour or so. I'm sure Kagome will have dinner ready by then, if not we'll just order something.” Kurama said.
I swear he is just a little too over confident but I didn't say anything. Dinner made by Kagome was always the best. With a sigh, I walked toward the Higurashi shrine. It was time to pacify the damage. It wasn't too bad though, everyone seemed to be used to this.
Kurama carried Kagome home and laid her on their bed as he sat beside her. Kurama and Kagome shared a bed, Hiei had another room and Kuwabara and Yusuke had the other. It wasn't like someone could sleep in the living room, there was no room. Well there was but it was uncomfortable and Kagome refused to let anyone sleep on the floor. There was much to be discussed and even though he hated it, he would have to cut more of Kagome's freedom. It would be easier to make her his mate but they wanted to have a normal relationship first then get serious.
“Kagome-chan?” Kurama whispered.
He brushed some of her hair away from her face and placed his forehead against her as he whispered things to her. Kurama was happy that she was sleeping and unharmed. It astounded him at the sense of protectiveness and possessiveness he demonstrated today. He did feel like Kagome was his. Hell they lived together, spent restless nights talking and playing games, enjoying each others company, helping each other whether it be with bandaging him up when he came home from a mission or holding each other when one had a nightmare or even protecting them from other people, the two of them were meant to be together. They shared a bed and a home together, working so that they could pay bills and take care of each other as well.
It hurt him to see her like this, so fragile and so innocent that anything could cause her harm. She was fragile though, small things hurt her, pure things hurt her, beautiful things did as well. It was then that he found out, being the pure miko had its major downfalls. Kagome could not live as everyone else. She could not live life without fear or pain, worrying about others as well.
He remembered when he came home to her the first time after a mission, since they moved in together, he had come home with the other detectives but he was the only one hurt. Kagome ran to him and laid him down on the couch, bringing the first aid kit and tending to his wounds. As she did, she cried, her tears fell upon his skin and wounds, helping with the natural healing process. Even after that initial introduction to his job, she still cried for him.
“Kagome-chan, wake up.” Kurama whispered.
He wanted her awake, he wanted her to talk to him and laugh and smile at him. Kurama sighed and lay down next to her. If she was still going to sleep then it would be wise to do so as well. He had a feeling that he wouldn't be sleeping a lot tonight. Kurama wrapped his arm around Kagome's waist and buried his face in her hair. Her scent calmed him greatly, both his human counterpart and his demon counterpart.
Cleanup at the Higurashi shrine was very easy. Asume and Seiko weren't hurt, just shaken up by Inuyasha's presence. Shippo was more worried about his mother and Kurama rather than the gash in his arm. The detectives were amazed at his bravery and his stubbornness. They decided that he got it from his time with Kagome. She was stubborn as hell and could argue with you until you gave up.
Hiei watched as Kuwabara and Yusuke led the family into the house, he could feel the presence of Inuyasha and two other humans and relayed the message to the other detectives. Kurama told them to put ofudas around the home, locking the family inside and keeping the others out. He would not let anything harm Kagome again. He told them that the two humans were probably the friends Kagome had, the ones who turned their back on her.
When they were finished, Yusuke told the family that they would come back to release the ofudas. Shippo told them to protect his mother, he would not let something like that idiot come between their family. The detectives nodded and ran to Kurama and Kagome. They were hungry and wanted some of her cooking and company.
“They're following us.” Kuwabara said softly.
“I know.” Yusuke replied.
`Just keep running. You'll be at the barrier soon. They won't be able to tell where you all went.' Kurama said.
Everyone ran as fast as they could. They could see the barrier and sighed when they entered it. The house was just ahead and they smiled, they smelt dinner. The house was one of a kind, given as a gift from Koenma and King Enma. It was known to the humans and they could pass it if they meant no harm to the group, especially Kagome. The detectives raced each other toward the door, Hiei winning as usual.
“Hey guys. Dinner's almost ready.” Kagome said from the kitchen.
Kurama was standing behind her, hugging her around her waist, whispering things. The detectives found it peaceful and elated, hearing Kagome laugh. They saw as Kurama was pushed out of the kitchen and smile with a baby tomato in his mouth. They looked at Kagome who was sort of fuming.
“Don't come in here Kurama-kun. You aren't stealing anymore vegetables.” Kagome said.
Kurama just smiled and nodded. Kagome rolled her eyes as she completed her cooking, which made the house smelled so wonderful, the aroma of Oden, Miso Soup and Broiled Fish. The detectives looked at Kurama who was happily munching on his bounty, stolen baby tomatoes.
“Who would have thought, the notorious thief Youko Kurama would be stealing tomatoes from his lover.” Yusuke teased.
Kurama glared as he popped another tomato in his mouth. They turned to the T.V., each trying to beat the other in a game. Kuwabara had bought Kurama and Kagome a video game console and games, just so he would have something to do when they stayed there. A good thing too, Kurama and Kagome hardly spent time watching T.V., only listening to music, reading and or playing games. The shelf on the opposite side of the games section of the entertainment center was filled with movies, Yusuke and Kuwabara demanded it.
“Okay guys. Dinner's ready.” Kagome said.
She watched in utter amusement as Kuwabara, Yusuke and Hiei rushed to the table. Kurama walked to the table still smirking that he stole her baby tomatoes, he pulled out her seat and sat down next to her. The guys were already eating and pigging out. Hiei at first refused to eat anything Kagome made, he didn't eat human food anyway, that was until Yoko flared, now he only ate what Kagome made not because Yoko flared but because it tickled his taste buds.
Dinner went without a hitch, Kagome smiled and joked with everyone. Watching as Kuwabara and Yusuke fought against each other, both wanting to kick each other's butt in their game. Hiei was currently eating a rather large bowl of ice cream. Kurama and Kagome were cuddled on the couch, whispering things to each other. That's when the phone rang.
“Hai, moshi moshi Minamoto residence.” Kurama said.
It was Genkai. She had heard about Kagome and wanted to help. Kurama understood and allowed Genkai to train Kagome. She would come over tomorrow afternoon. After their talk about training, Genkai concern for the fox and the miko rose.
“So how is she?” Genkai asked.
“She's fine. Tired and stressed but she'll be okay.” Kurama answered.
“Keep her safe Kurama. You have no idea how her existence ties into the three barriers.” Genkai said.
“I will Genkai. No harm will go to her.” Kurama said.
“Goodnight. Tell the dimwit that he still owes me 50 laps.” Genkai said.
“I will. Good evening to you as well Genkai.” Kurama said.
He turned around and saw everyone looking at him, Kagome was confused but she didn't question him, everyone else wanted to know what Genkai wanted. The look on Yusuke's face though, he wanted to know but he also didn't. The boy always had trouble with the old woman.
“What's wrong?” Kagome asked.
She looked worried. Kurama smiled down at her and sat down, wrapping his arm around her and bringing her to lean against him.
“It's nothing. A good friend of ours is coming to train you.” Kurama said.
“Are you sure that's safe? You know how Genkai is to me?” Yusuke said.
Kagome didn't look worried though, she was safe now as she was wrapped in Kurama's arms.
“That's just you Yusuke. You're the one who calls her old hag or grandma.” Kuwabara said.
Kagome just giggled. She could picture Yusuke doing that then running away from her screaming with the woman beating him over the head with whatever she could get her hands on. Her giggles turned into a full blow laugh with tears and everything. Her laughter was such a beautiful sound to the detectives.
“What's so funny?” Yusuke demanded.
“I can just picture it. You insulting her as you run away from her screaming or yelling certain words while she throws things at you.” Kagome said.
Kurama bent his head to her ear and whispered. The hot air that tickled her neck made her shiver and when he gently nibbled on it, she softly gasped and blushed.
“He does just that.” Kurama said huskily.
The detectives looked at their friend with shocked faces. It was completely weird to see Kurama like this, flirty and possessive. They wondered if he would act like this at school. It was true that Inuyasha and the two humans switched schools so they didn't have to protect Kagome as much and Kurama was always off with his clubs or running away from his fan club. Yusuke thought it would be entertaining to see what everyone would do if Kurama and Kagome started acting like the couple they were now.
“Well we have school tomorrow. Let's get some sleep.” Yusuke said.
Kagome and Kurama nodded. Kagome gave them a smile before she went upstairs to take a shower. Kurama gave her neck a soft kiss before he ushered her up. Kuwabara was going to shower in the downstairs bathroom but not before talking to everyone. There were some things that needed to be cleared.
“What's going on between you and Kagome-chan?” Kuwabara asked.
Kurama looked at his friends and smiled a little.
“Don't worry. I'm not using her, we're dating. We started a little while after we moved in together.” Kurama said.
“Why didn't you tell us? This is important information!” Kuwabara demanded.
Kurama inwardly rolled his eyes. It was both his and Kagome's decision, to get to know each other without everyone interfering in their business.
“Are you going to act like that at school?” Yusuke asked.
Kurama thought about it, it wouldn't hurt to act like the couple they were. It would give him an even bigger excuse to stay by her side.
“I believe so. Why do you wish to know?” Kurama asked.
He was curious, why did his relationship with Kagome cause questions between his friends?
“It would help with your fan club as well as your protection of her. As you remember, none of us other than you has fully protected her.” Yusuke explained.
Kurama nodded and turned, Kagome was out of the shower now. It was his turn. Kuwabara also turned to take his shower. Yusuke and Hiei rolled their eyes. They knew why Kurama was in such a hurry to shower and Kuwabara. Kurama wanted to spend time with Kagome before they went to sleep and Kuwabara had a weird obsession with being squeaky clean.
Kurama walked into the room he shared with Kagome, she was reading one of her favorite books, “Angel Face” by Suzanne Forster. Kurama smiled when she looked up at him. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do for her. There were times when it would take everything he had not to claim her like he wanted. Kurama grabbed his clothes and walked into the bathroom.
She smiled, Kurama was such a sweetheart. He treated her with respect and kindness something that Inuyasha could never do. She sighed, Kagome knew she should have listened to her instincts. Inuyasha was bad news but he looked so heartbroken when she told him no. Kagome also thought about Sango and Miroku, it was natural to go with your first friend. It hurt her that they would just cut all connections with her because of the situation of the relationship, she could have handled that well but they too were attacking her and she just couldn't deal with that.
Kagome looked up when the door opened, Kurama walked in only dressed in pajama pants as he toweled his hair. Kagome got up and walked toward him as he sat in front of her dresser. They always did this, Kurama would take a shower and she would brush his hair. It brought them together, intimately. They hadn't kissed yet, they were more concerned about creating a strong foundation for their relationship. She stood behind him and brushed his hair, massaging his scalp and then his shoulders. It was their nightly ritual although Kurama was going to add something new to the mix.
“Kagome-chan?” Kurama asked.
“Hai.” She answered.
“Are you okay with everything? Living here with me?” Kurama asked.
Kagome stopped what she was doing and looked at him through the reflection of the mirror before softly smiling.
“I am. Everything will be fine Kurama-kun. I happen to like living with you, it's peaceful. I'm able to live my life.” Kagome said.
Kurama smiled and stood up, turning to Kagome and brushing the back of his hand against her cheek. He smiled down at her and cupped her chin, his lips descending upon hers. It was like lighting had struck him, the feeling was just too much. Kurama felt her hands wrap around going under his arms to grip his shoulders. His own arms held tightly against her, one behind her neck and the other tightly around her waist. The chaste kiss turned passionate as he took great pleasure in her taste. That's when the detectives busted in.
Kuwabara, Yusuke and Hiei all stopped and watched openly at Kurama and Kagome's love for each other. Yusuke gaped and loudly swallowed as Kurama ended the kiss and stared at them. He could tell that Kurama was annoyed and so was Kagome but he was thankful that Kagome was understanding. She wrapped her arm around Kurama and pulled him down for another kiss.
“Go, it's important.” Kagome said softly.
Kurama looked at her and smiled before stealing yet another kiss. He didn't want to go but understood that whatever Koenma called them for must be important. He was glad that he had Kagome to share and understand all of it. When Kagome grabbed his arm, everyone turned. They were a little worried, wondering if it was too soon to leave her alone but she just dressed Kurama. It would be bad for him to walk out in only pajama pants.
“Come back to me soon.” Kagome whispered.

Kurama tilted her chin up and gave her a passionate kiss.
“Always.” He answered.
The detectives sat around Koenma as he explained a couple of things, giving them more options about the situation. It would seem that the hanyou had an older brother, Koenma's father and he were best friends and he agreed to help them. Koenma kept looking at Kurama, something told him that he was upset, annoyed. Koenma told them about Kagome, more information but Kurama already knew all of this, Kagome allowed him to see into her mind, her soul, he got to see the real Kagome.
“I know all of this Koenma, I would like to leave. Having Kagome-chan by herself does not bode well with me.” Kurama said
Botan just watched as Kurama walked away. She was confused. Kurama never spoke like this and never cared like that if his mother was alone by herself. She would put it off to later. Botan had always had a thing for Kurama, hell all of the girls they met had a thing for him. Except for Kagome, she hadn't looked his way until the teacher asked him to tutor her. It was then that she understood, Kurama had fallen in love and it wasn't with her.
“Well, that was different.” Yusuke stated.
Hiei rolled his eyes.
“You can't expect Kurama to be happy with this.” Hiei said.
Koenma and Botan looked at him, expecting him to elaborate.
“Kurama has a relationship with the priestess. They started it soon after they moved in together. It would suck for both sides if you were to call Kurama away when he is spending time with Kagome-chan. Besides, the…their auras are intertwining. Maybe Kurama sensed that something was wrong.” Kuwabara said.
Yusuke and Hiei just looked at him, did the boy just grow a brain or something?
“He knows that his job comes first.” Botan said.
“His job is first. Kagome-chan is his job and his life. It's hard you know, keeping a relationship when you're always getting called away.” Yusuke said.
Koenma sighed. He understood what they were talking about. His father felt the same way, when he was called away to deal with business matters. He sighed, there was nothing he could do anyway. Because of Kagome's newly formed strength, the three barriers were holding perfectly, nothing could wiggle its way into the other world. Koenma decided that he could allow Kurama happiness, happiness that the young man deserved.
“I understand. Pretty soon we won't even need you like we did several years ago. The barriers around the three worlds are getting stronger. Kagome-sama is getting stronger as she purifies the evil.” Koenma said.
Botan was shocked. No, if that happened then she would never see Kurama again, never get a chance to worm her way into his life.
“But sir…” Botan started.
“Leave it alone Botan. Kurama is happy, he's found his mate.” Koenma said.
Botan nodded as she seethed. She was lady death, nothing could stand in her way, she would just pay Kagome a visit and take her life then she would have Kurama running to her. Just as she thought of the things she could do, her body started to sizzle. Botan's eyes snapped open as she screamed in agony. She was being purified.
“What the…?” Kuwabara started.
Hiei shook his head. Yusuke frowned and Koenma turned his back. The grim reaper had malicious thoughts against Kagome and Kurama therefore Kagome was purifying her. They knew it wasn't anything that Kagome could control, she didn't have the training to do so. The four men sighed as Botan was purified into dust. It was a pity but they knew the reason.
“What the hell happened?” Kuwabara demanded.
“Botan had malicious thoughts against Kagome-sama and Kurama. Because of Kagome-sama's newly found strength, Botan was purified.” Koenma said.
“Does Kagome-chan know of this?” Yusuke asked.
“No. She doesn't have the training to pick out who she purifies, it's all instinct and power.” Koenma said.
Hiei was going to go back but decided against it. After the threat Kurama gave him, he definitely decided against it. After his experience with the bandits when he was younger, it was a very bad thing to interrupt a couple.
“Let's go home then.” Yusuke said.
“No.” Hiei commanded.
“Why the fuck not? I'm tired!” Yusuke whined.
“Kurama is busy. We shall not disturb him.” Hiei demanded.
Kurama rushed home as quickly as he could. He could feel that something wasn't right, it was instinct that made him move faster, transform and go to Kagome. When he got home, he saw Kagome, crying and fighting against Inuyasha. The hanyou had broken into his home to rape his mate. Kurama's transformation brought Yoko out with a vengeance. Youko roared in anger and attacked Inuyasha. The hanyou had no idea what had hit him.
The fight lasted all of fifteen minutes before Inuyasha escaped. The stupid idiot couldn't even handle defeat properly. Kurama ran back into his home, opening the windows to release the scent of the hanyou's arousal and Kagome's fear. Kurama walked back into their bedroom and saw Kagome, she lay in the same position Inuyasha had her in, her eyes were wide and open, her shirt was ripped off of her and tears were flowing down her cheeks.
Kurama walked to her, lay down next to her and held her tightly, telling her how sorry he was for not being there sooner. It snapped Kagome out of whatever held her as she wrapped her arms around him. True, she was scared, scared of Inuyasha, scared that she wasn't able to tell Kurama she loved him, scared that she would never get the happiness she was starting to feel.
“I'm so sorry.” Kurama kept repeating.
Kagome hugged his form and sighed, he felt so safe, warm. He made her feel so loved, protected, special. There was nothing Kagome couldn't overcome if Kurama was with her, she could and would do anything to keep this. Kagome laid his head against her breast as she raked her fingers through his hair.
“It's not your fault. You've done nothing wrong.” Kagome whispered.
At first, he was surprised when she laid his head on her breast, it was so soft. He tightened his arms around her and whimpered. He almost lost her. Inuyasha almost took her away from him. Kurama could not let something like that happen again, he refused. She was the best thing that had ever happened to him and he was damned if he was going to let someone take that away from him.
“I can't protect you.” Kurama said.
Kagome shook her head. He was wrong, he could protect her, he could and he had given her the world.
“I have to mark you.” Kurama stated.
Kagome looked at him funny, she didn't understand what he was saying. True, Inuyasha used to say the same thing but she hadn't stuck around long enough for him to explain it to her. Kagome tilted her head and brushed Kurama's bangs away from his eyes.
“What's that?” Kagome asked.
“I have to bite you, above your left breast.” Kurama said.
“Why?” Kagome asked.
“It's a mark saying you are mine. It'll help to keep other demons away and spiritual sensitive people away from you as well.” Kurama stated.
That was something different, she thought that if she could dim her power, people would just leave her alone. Kurama was nice and they had formed a good relationship and he was so patient with her, letting her get accustomed to being intimate with each other.
“I trust you.” Kagome whispered.
She blushed hard as Kurama kissed her, letting his lips trail down to her chest. She knew it would hurt. Hello! He was going to BITE her. She forced herself to relax and to keep the turmoil inside her womb at bay. She wasn't ready for that step in the relationship, not to consummate it, not yet. The look in his eyes told her that there was nothing to fear, that he could and would wait for her.
Kagome nodded her head and arched her back when Kurama's hands molded themselves to her breasts, massaging and manipulating them, tugging at her nipples. A broken version of Kurama's name exited her mouth as a sensual moan followed it. Kagome grasped his head and pulled him to her.
“Kagome-chan.” Kurama whispered.
He looked at her, she was beautiful. Her body was soft and fit to him so easily. It was hard to control himself, especially with Youko wanting to claim her. Kurama laid his head against her breast, kissing and molding his mouth to her skin. His mouth sucked on her breast, loving the taste of her skin. His tongue lapped at her, enjoying the feel of her nipple bead against it.
“Forgive me.” Kurama murmured as Youko merged with him.
Kagome was about to ask what he meant when his teeth suck into her skin, right about her heart. Her hands held him to her, her back arched in both pain and pleasure. It seemed like she was offering herself to him, letting him take what he wanted from her body.
Her nails bit into his skin as she arched against him. Kurama sighed as he tasted her blood, the bond forming between them. He slit his tongue and lapped at the wound, his blood mixing within hers and her blood mixing within his. The feeling was incredible. The heat rising from her body was like a thick blanket, keeping him safe.
“Kurama-kun.” Kagome whispered.
The detectives returned home after an hour. The moment they stepped through the barrier a foul and frightening scent invaded their noses. The scent of Inuyasha's arousal, Kagome's fear and Kurama's anger flowed their noses and senses. Kuwabara, Hiei and Yusuke ran full fledge toward the house. The detectives ran into Kurama's bedroom, stopping immediately and slamming into each other. The sight was something interesting. Kurama was sleeping, to what they could tell, naked with an equally naked Kagome laying on top of him.
Kagome had her head above Kurama's heart, her land hand draped over his side with his right hand clasping hers and his left across her back, holding her body to his. The blanket was just above their hips, not showing their pajama pants. The detectives could only stare at the couple before Kagome's moans snapped them out of their stupor. Each of them ran to their rooms, not wanting to be on the receiving side of Kurama's anger.
Hiei sat in his room, near the window and smiled. Kurama has found his mate and had done a good job keeping her safe. He spoke to Kurama through the mental link and blanched. Youko was awake and very horny. He found that Kurama had marked Kagome after he kicked Inuyasha's ass. Hiei snorted when Kurama told him about his plans at school. Truthfully, he didn't know if it was a good idea, to flaunt Kagome because his fan club? They would kill her to get to him.
`They won't touch her! I will not allow it!' Youko seethed.
`We will help, protect your mate.' Hiei said.
`Thank you.' Youko said.
Kurama woke up alone, his hand groped for Kagome but she was gone. He got up and sniffed, Kagome was making breakfast. He grabbed a shirt and put it on before he went downstairs. The other detectives were still sleeping, which he was glad. Kurama walked behind Kagome and hugged her, kissing her neck.
“Good morning.” Kurama whispered against her skin.

Kagome tilted her head back to kiss him.
“Good morning.” She whispered back.
Kurama was happy that Kagome wasn't affected by Inuyasha's actions, although the remembering of what he was going to do almost threw him into rage. He then noticed that his friends were coming down the stairs and Kagome had set the table in front of the T.V. she knew the boys needed to watch cartoons, morning . She knew they had questions, she could feel it and she knew that things were changing.
“Good morning.” Kagome said.
The boys just grunted, they couldn't say words, morning had hit them a little too hard. Kagome was laughing as she filled their plates full of food, each boy scarfing down their food. Kagome made herself a plate and sat down to watch T.V. with everyone, Kurama sitting behind her hugging and holding her.
“So…what happened last night?” Yusuke asked.
Kagome looked down as she remembered.
“Inuyasha attacked me, he told me that I was his. He was going to force the mating mark on me. Kurama saved me.” Kagome said.
Kurama was holding her, giving her his strength. To everyone's surprise, Kagome wasn't crying she was laughing. The sound was so sweet and Kurama couldn't help but laugh with her, he knew exactly what she was thinking. The intimacy they went to last night rang in their memories and they were just completely elated about it.
“Apparently I missed something, what's so funny?” Yusuke asked.
Kurama and Kagome looked at each other and smiled, Kurama holding Kagome's face as he leaned down to kiss her. The other detectives stared wide-eyed at the couple. Never had they seen Kurama and Kagome kiss and they were pretty much always with them. They watched as the kiss turned passionate. Kurama's arms wrapping themselves around Kagome's back, tightening and pulling her up against him, while Kagome arched against his body and softly moaned into his body.
Kuwabara looked at the clock on the wall and freaked. School would be starting in twenty minutes and they had yet to get ready. The detectives rushed around the house while Kurama and Kagome were still locked in their passionate kiss. Kagome, needing to breathe, broke the kiss and smiled at Kurama. They got ready and were out the door before the detectives who were completely dazed and confused. Hiei was already lounging on a tree a mile down the road.
The five of them walked onto campus. Kurama's fan girls were crowding him, glaring at Kagome because his arm was around her waist. They couldn't believe this, this nobody comes out of nowhere and steals their man. They were furious as they glared at Kagome, following them around and whispering things, plans to hurt her.
Kurama rolled his eyes and tightened his hold on Kagome. He would be damned if he let the group of girls hurt what was his. With deep breaths he led Kagome to their class, being in the same class did have its advantages. Kurama sat by Kagome, she usually sat in the back with Hiei. The fan girls were throwing deadly glares at her but she could care less, Kurama was here with her, nothing could harm her.
School for them was like a mission in itself. The girls would not leave Kurama alone and the guys refused to back down from Kagome. The detectives were getting annoyed, Hiei was trying so hard not to kill anyone but his control was slipping. Yusuke was getting into trouble for protecting Kagome and Kagome was emotionally stressed. Kuwabara couldn't always help Kurama with the fan girls.
For months, the detectives fought to protect Kagome and Kurama worked on their relationship. Inuyasha had only attacked them three more times before they got some peace. Kagome's barrier around their home was stronger and the three barriers were getting stronger as well.
“Gods today sucked.” Yusuke said.
They had run away from the fan girls who had a clear intent on killing Kagome. Kurama had said in front of the entire school that he and Kagome were dating and had been dating for months, almost making a year. He thought it would make things better but it only got worse, the girls were pissed. The moment they got home, the guys collapsed on the sofa while Hiei had carried an exhausted Kagome upstairs, Kurama was making tea for her.
“WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!?” Yusuke yelled.
The fan girls had tried to attack Kagome today. If Hiei didn't get there when he had, Kagome would have been injured. The girls were vicious, saying that she was a whore and that she stole Suichi from them.
“That was a bad decision Kurama.” Kuwabara said from his place on the living room floor.
Kurama walked away, Kagome was exhausted. He thought that his finding happiness would keep the other girls at bay, but it only made things worse. Yoko had fumed and yelled within his mind so now he had a gigantic migraine. Yoko had been flaring and growling at anything that so much as looked at Kagome. Kurama knew what he wanted, he wanted a mate, he wanted Kagome, he wanted to look deep into her mind and see exactly what she saw, what she felt.
“I'm going to check on Kagome-chan.” Kurama said.
The detectives stood up and went to follow him.
“Don't come near our door. I want privacy.” Kurama said.
The detectives and Hiei stopped. Hiei was laughing in Kurama's head, teasing him. The boy would claim the young priestess. This would be interesting. Yusuke and Kuwabara were gaping at their teammate, never had they ever heard him say something like that. Yusuke smirked, seems like he wouldn't be the only one who got some action.
Kurama's Pov
I walked into my room. I should have just told Kagome to put up a barrier, now they will never let me live what I said down. This was turning into a big mess. I'm glad that Inuyasha had stopped for a while but it hasn't helped with everyone else. Kagome, she didn't deserve this.
“Kagome-chan.” I whisper.
She lies on the bed, sleeping. I lay next to her, holding her to me. She's so warm and she feels so good. Shippo wanted to live with us but it's too dangerous now, he understood that. Why can't our lives be normal or somewhat close to it? Because Kagome's the pure miko and I'm the demon detective, sometimes I wish that we weren't that, that we were just normal people. At lease our relationship has grown and gotten healthy. Our intimacy level has gotten stronger. I want her, Yoko wants her.
“Kurama-kun?” Kagome whispered.
“Daijobou desu ka?” I ask.
Kagome nodded and opened her arms to me. She knows exactly how to make me feel better, I go to her, laying in her arms. She's so comforting, soft. I love her…I love her. I never thought I could feel that, never thought that I would be given the chance to love.
“Hai, daijobou.” Kagome whispered.
Her lips are so warm as they touch mine. Gods, she tastes so good. I nibble on her lower lip and groan as she grants me entrance. Her tongue meets mine and we dance. Her hands are unbuttoning my shirt and her nails rake down my chest. I can feel my muscles quivering at her touch, gods, she has the power to make me into putty.
“Are you sure?” I ask.
I don't want to pressure her into anything she's not ready for. Her nod was my answer. I pull her up against me and smile. This is my mate, this is to be my wife, my love and mother to my children, my kits.
“Please.” Kagome moaned.
Kurama's hands danced along her body, his fingers unbuttoning and tugging at her clothing. His eyes widen as her body lays next to him, nude and tantalizing. Kurama stares down at her, making her feel a little weird and exposed. He grasped her hands as they moved to cover her breasts.
“Please don't, you're beautiful.” Kurama whispered.
Kagome smiled and moved her hands to him, her lover. He was beautiful and so caring. Kagome couldn't remember when she felt this loved. Her eyes widened as the shirt fell off his shoulders. He was lean and toned, Kagome trailed her fingers down his chest, letting her nails scratch his skin. She felt and heard Kurama growl and smirked. She lifted herself up and attacked her lips to the skin of his Adam's apple, sucking and nipping. Her lips moved down to his chest before trailing back up to his lips.
Kurama couldn't handle it anymore, the heat was just unbearable as he pushed Kagome down upon the bed. He quickly stripped down, completely naked and crawled up, gripping Kagome's hands in his, intertwining their fingers together. To think, this was the patient one of the group. They would have laughed at how frustrated he was.
“Look at me.” Kurama demanded.
Kagome opened her eyes and looked at him, keeping eye contact as he entered her body. It was uncomfortable, the way her body stretched to accommodate him. He felt large, hard and hot as he pushed his way into her. Kagome opened her mouth and cried out as he broke through her maidenhood.
“Shh, it's okay.” Kurama whispered.
He planted kisses around her face and neck, stilling himself so that she could get used to him. Kurama sighed as her death grip on his manhood relaxed. He slowly moved so not to hurt her more than the initial pain. Kurama smiled at the noises she made, the soft moans and gasps and of course his name, spilling from her lips. Their passion crashed around them, wrapping them in a warm blanket.
He bent his head down to kiss her neck, his lips moving around her body until they molded to her breasts. Kurama smirked when Kagome mewed, her breasts were so sensitive to his attention. He quickened his pace, lunging into her body and forcing her orgasm to come quicker and harder.
Kagome whispered things to her mate, how much she loved him, how much she cared for him, how much she adored him and how much she wanted him. It was obvious that she was feeling every pull and push from Kurama. She screamed out his name when she came, gripping onto him and holding him to her. She got a snarl and a howl from Kurama.
Downstairs, the detectives stared up at the ceiling. They had heard the screams and they had heard the howls. Yusuke muttered, Keiko never screamed his name. A few minutes later, Kurama walked downstairs with Kagome in his arms. She was sleeping.
“Did you get it out of your system fox?” Hiei asked.
“For now. Kagome-chan is my mate, she and I will never stray far from each other.” Kurama said proudly.
“YOU STOLE HER FROM ME!” A voice boomed out.
Kurama looked and growled. Inuyasha was back and with the two humans by his side. There was no way in hell he would allow Inuyasha to take what was his. Kurama set Kagome aside and stood in front of Inuyasha with Hiei on his right and Yusuke and Kuwabara on his left. They all refused to let anything happen to Kagome. She was so fragile, so precious.
“Inuyasha.” A soft voice called out.
Everyone turned to see Kagome. She was floating, her body glowed and her eyes were a soft blue. The color may have been soft but the glare was not. Kagome was tired of this, she found peace and happiness and she refused to allow anything to come between her and Kurama.
“Get over here.” Inuyasha growled out.
Kagome did nothing, just stood by Kurama's side. She brought her hands in the shape of a bow, like she was going to fire one, and focused her energy on it. In its place came a bright sharp blue with bright pink around it. With a single tear, she let it go. She turned to Kurama and smiled.
“I love you.” Kagome whispered.
The moment the arrow hit Inuyasha, Kagome faded. Kurama cried out her name and reached for her. A blinding light erupted and screams were heard. Kurama collapsed when the light faded, Kagome was gone, his mate wasn't here with him. Inuyasha was gone and the two humans were unconscious on his living room floor.
“Kagome-chan.” Kurama called out. His voice cracked with emotion.
“She's gone. I lost her.” Kurama whispered.
The detectives could only stand there as they watched Kurama mourn. They mourned with him. Kagome was their sunshine, their little sister. It would be a while but they were sure that Kurama would get pass this, they would remind him of the happy times and tell him that Kagome refused to let him fail.
Months had passed and it had only gotten worse before it got better. Kurama had been depressed, refused to go out and even refused to go to school. Hiei understood him, he knew what happens to a demon when their mate dies. Then one morning Kurama was up and ready to go, a frown wasn't present on his face. Around his neck was a pendent, the pendent she had given him after they moved in together. The guys just walked to school, the girls finally gave up on him. They now understood that Kurama would never look their way. They began to walk through the gate when a young girl slammed into Kurama.
“Ah I'm late. I'm soo sorry.” She said. “This is all my fault I wasn't looking to where I was going.”
“Kagome-chan?” Kurama whispered.
“How do you know my name?” She asked.
We all looked toward her, her voice sounded so familiar. When she looked up we all stopped, Kurama frozen on the floor. Kagome. She was back. We could only watch as she looked at Kurama and then his necklace. They both glowed, the necklace and Kagome. Koenma had said something about it. Kagome gave up her life to protect them, strengthen the barrier and create heaven on Earth or close to heaven.
“Kurama-kun.” Kagome whispered.
He looked at her. His eyes watering as he hugged her to him. The rest of the school watched, they were told that Kagome had disappeared and they saw what it did to Kurama. The school cheered when Kagome and Kurama kissed. Hiei turned and saw the two humans.
“Thank Kagome for us.” The young man said.
“How are you here? You died that night.” Hiei demanded.
“We were spirits. That demon had our souls and when he died we should have moved on but we couldn't. It was Kagome's reunion with her mate that freed us, it was part of the pendant's gift. It was what kept Kagome's soul from moving to the afterlife. Smart girl that one.” The young man said.
“We're finally free from him. Thank her for freeing us.” The young woman said.
Hiei watched as they walked away, fading into thin air. He understood now. Kagome freed their souls, purified Inuyasha and sacrificed herself for Kurama only to return to him when he called for her, after his mourning had stopped. True love who ever thought it was real?