Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Missions of the Heart ❯ The Final Battle ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Missions of the Heart
Chapter Three: The Final Battle
They had spent days tracking him down. It was obvious that he was going to wait for them to come to him, instead of the other way around. Apparently he wanted to fight them at full strength because they hadn't run into one single demon, low level or high.
Kagome's opinion was that Naraku wished to prove his power to make it a humiliating defeat to them if he won. Inu-Yasha simply snorted and said, "Keh, like that would ever happen!" The group for once agreed with Inu-Yasha's his theory.
"Hey, do you guys feel that?" Kagome asked when a foreboding and familiar energy reached her sense. They all nodded as Inu-Yasha growled out, "Naraku you bastard! Show yourself!"
A sinister laugh reached their ears causing them to wince at the sound. How they hated everything to do with Naraku, the name itself wanted to make them gag. "I see you have finally arrived my little puppets."
A man with long dark curly hair taunted them as he sat on a cloud of miasma.  He wore a dark purple kimono, his red eyes blazing with amusement and malice. Beside him were two people, a woman and what appeared to be a small child.
The woman had her black hair up in a bun, her crimson eyes hopeful as she stared down at the group. A white fan was clutched in her right hand, as she prayed that she wouldn't be forced to use it upon her only chance of freedom.
The girl, who looked around eight but was actually the older sister of the tall woman, was completely white. Her eyes were like voids, lifeless, and uncaring as she held a mysterious round mirror in her two hands. Her long white hair stretched just past her shoulder, with a pure white flower perched on the side of her head.
"Kanna, suck the miko's soul out," Naraku ordered the small girl. She immediately turned and pointed the round mirror towards Kagome, her eyes still lifeless. "Kagome run!" Inu-Yasha shouted the warning over his shoulder as he charged the offending girl who dared to hurt his Kagome.
"Hiraikotsu!" Sango yelled as she launched her weapon, a giant boomerang, at Naraku.  Naraku just smiled and summoned hordes of hordes of demons and disappeared, Hiraikotsu slamming through a few demons and returning to Sango. 
The whole group stood there for a moment watching as thousands of demons appeared to stand or float before them, each one with an evil grin on its face. For miles around the spot where they stood demons congregated, called by their master. The group then turned to each other.  Miroku smiled a bit.
"Sango, since we are about to face thousands of demons, would you mind if I give you a hug for good luck?" he asked.  Kagome and Inu-Yasha shook their heads as Sango shyly nodded.  Miroku smiled and hugged her gently until...
Sango's eyebrow twitched, "Miroku, if we weren't about to fight I would smack you here and now, and I will if you don't remove your hand right now!" she yelled.  Inu-Yasha and Kagome gave each other a look.
"That's why I did it now, Sango," he said, and he smiled.  Then he leaned closer and whispered something in her ear.  At first Sango looked as if she was going to smack him, but then, for what was most likely the first time of her life, she squealed and hugged him tightly.
"Of course," she said, "But there will be some rules and conditions," and
Miroku returned the hug, his smile widening.  Inu-Yasha looked between the two, confused about what he just overheard as Kagome smiled, clapped her hands, and ran over and hugged the two tightly.  Miroku had to keep himself from dropping his hands, for he knew that not touching other woman's butts were part of the conditions.
"I'm so happy for you!" Kagome cried.  Inu-Yasha snorted, having finally processed what he had heard.
"I'm happy as well, but don't you realize that there are demons out there and they're coming this way!" he yelled. The others separated and looked at, smiling foolishly.
"Don't die," Miroku said, directing it towards everyone but meaning it most especially for Sango. The others nodded and turned, the demons now only ten yards away.  Sango raised her boomerang, Miroku his staff, Inu-Yasha drew and transformed Tetsaiga, and Kagome drew her sword, planning on saving her arrows.
The battle of the past, the present, and the future had begun.
"What are you on toddler? When we checked the place out no spiritual power reached us! Well except for that really tall tree, but it was nothing threatening or weird!" Yusuke shouted at the small boy who had yet again broken another date with his girlfriend. Man was he going to get an ear full when he got back.
"We picked up the readings three hours ago. We had trouble tracing it but we finally found out that it belonged to a well at Sunset Shrine, the one we had originally told you to investigate because of the same reasons!" The child ruler spat out, tired of being called a toddler and having to deal with the hotheaded punk.
"Ugh! You ruined my date because of a stupid old well!" Yusuke continued yelling while the three behind him watched in amusement.
"I don't care what you say! You're going and that's final! BOTAN NOW!" The ferry girl jumped to attention and replied quickly with a, "Yes s-sir right away!" then she opened a portal below them so they had no choice but to go through.
"Damn you toddler!" Yusuke yelled as he fell into the portal along with the rest of the group.
Yusuke and the gang once again appeared at the Higurashi shrine. "Maybe we should talk to the people who own it?" Suggested Kurama, and the others quickly (other than Kuwabara, it took him a second) agreed.
"Hello Mrs. Higurashi, we came here to learn more about the shrine for a school project." The team had voted for Kurama to do the speaking, since Yusuke was too rude, Kuwabara was too dumb, and Hiei hated talking and wouldn't be very convincing, having never been to school.
"Of course! Dad! We've got visitors!" Mrs. Higurashi called into the house and an elderly old man appeared before them. "Normally my daughter Kagome does the tours but she's in bed sick with the flue." Mrs. Higurashi explained.
"So that's why she wasn't at school today," piped in Yusuke all of a sudden.  They all turned to him with questioning glances before shrugging it off and waiting for the old man to show them around.
They walked around the shrine, ignoring the old man's useless babbling about these ridiculous old legends and looking around, trying to see if there was anything out of the ordinary.
"And this is the god tree, a tree that has existed for thousands of years. This is the tree that the most legendary tale of this shrine originates from, the legend of the Shikon no tama." The last words got both Hiei's and Kurama's attention.
"You see, five hundred years ago, a hanyou had wanted the sacred jewel to become full demon. The jewel was entrusted to a powerful priestess who at the time was thought able to purify the jewel and keep the evil in it at bay. The young woman fought countless demons and killed them all, except for the hanyou who she only stopped and gave warnings to.  You see, the hanyou reminded the young priestess a lot of herself. They were both outcasts, unable to be the same as everyone else. She could not be a normal woman for if a demon found out her weakness, they would get the better of her, and the hanyou was an outcast because he was half-human and half-demon.
In the care of the priestess was a bandit that was wounded in a fire. He grew found of the kind priestess that looked after him. He later found out through the younger sister of the priestess that the priestess had fallen in love with a hanyou and grew jealous of the two so he plotted his revenge. He offered his body to the demons and became a powerful half demon.
The hanyou and the priestess grew fonder and fonder of each other. It was on the day in the field that the young priestess had an idea that would allow them to be together and free. If the hanyou wished to be full human instead of full demon, the jewel would be purified and most likely disappear off the face of the earth, setting the young priestess free. The hanyou readily agreed to this and the date was set for when it would happen.
However, things did not go as planned. The new demon that the spider thief had created was out for revenge on the two. With his new found abilities and powers he learned of a perfect way to get his revenge.
The priestess was walking out in the fields, with the jewel in her hands, as she searched for her love, the hanyou. It was then she was attacked from behind by who she thought was the hanyou, but was actually the transfigured demon thief that she had saved. He gave her a fatal wound on her shoulder by her neck, deceiving her into believing that her love had betrayed her.
He then told her he had no wish of becoming human but would take the jewel nonetheless.  After that he informed her that the jewel was about to experience a great deal of pain and suffering when he used it to destroy her village.
The evil demon then turned into that of the young priestess and tried to kill the hanyou. He escaped however, and went to the village to get the Shikon no tama that the supposed young priestess had put back.
That is what the young priestess walked into, the hanyou destroying the village and the Shikon no tama in his hands. She then pinned him to this very tree with the last of her strength. He fell into an enchanted sleep as he gazed into his former love's eyes.
The young priestess retrieved the fabled jewel and asked for it to be burned with her body so that the hands of those who would abuse it would not be able to get it. She then died of her wounds and the villagers burned her body with the Shikon no tama." The old man finished, but it was clear he was keeping part of the tale from them, for when he finished he had this tone in his voice as if that wasn't the end.
"What a sad and tragic tale," Kurama said as he gazed at the god tree, bathing in its warming presence. The others nodded in agreement; they also were looking at the tree while enjoying its warming forces.
Yusuke looked at the god tree, the tale he just heard seemed to be somehow linked to the mythical legend they were learning in history. The Shikon jewel, the hanyou and the priestess, the evil half demon…they were all mentioned in the Shikon Myth in his history class, how odd that he would hear the before story from this old man. Did his history teacher even KNOW the before tale?
"That it was. Well that's the end of our tour! Have a nice day and come again!" the old man happily said with a small bow but the group didn't leave, for their attention was drawn to a shack the old man hadn't showed them.
"What's in there?" demanded Yusuke as the old man began to fidget nervously. The other's eyed him suspiciously as he rubbed the back of his head and gave them a sheepish smile.
"Oh, in there is just a dried up old well, nothing important. Since it's not really important, we don't include it in the tour, and besides, my granddaughter fell down it one time, trying to retrieve the cat.  She had to stay home for three days recovering and we don't need a repeat of that, now do we?  So just run along and have a good day!  Don't forget to visit the gift shop; we have replicas of the Shikon no Tama key chains!  They're a great deal!" he yelled, trying to distract them, and make a profit.  It didn't work. "Boys, we are not responsible for any accidents!  My family has been the caretakers of this shrine for years and I don't appreciate you ignoring what I say!" he yelled, waving his hands in the air.
"Whatever old man," Yusuke said, clearly annoyed. The others, except Kuwabara, gave him warning glares and he simply rolled his eyes.
"Well I must be off, remember, stay away from the well house!" With that the old man left to go continue his chores around the shrine.
The others looked at each other, then to the well. "I say screw the old man, we go check it out," Yusuke suggested, already liking the idea. Excluding Hiei, everyone rolled their eyes at Yusuke.
"Man, you call me an idiot! Our mission is to check the well out! Talk about stating the obvious!" Kuwabara laughed as Yusuke hit him on the head yelling, "Shut-up!"
"Come, let us go see this dry well he speaks of." Kurama suggested, trying to stop a future fight from happening between Kuwabara and Yusuke. Hiei did his normal, "Hn," before speeding off in the direction of the well.
The others followed him, and soon they were all at the door to the small mini shrine. Kuwabara tried to open the door, only to find out it was locked. "It's locked," he stated stupidly, as Yusuke pushed him out of the way. 
"Here, let someone that has an IQ higher then a monkey try!" Kuwabara scratched his head, trying to figure out what Yusuke meant. Once again his face light up in anger when he realized, and he tried to hit Yusuke on the head. The only problem was he missed and ended up swinging his hand in a circle until it collided with the side of his face.
"Hn, stupid ningen," Hiei scoffed as he waited patiently for Yusuke to open the door. Already the buffoon was getting on his nerves. Of course, Yusuke didn't even think about the fact that they had a renowned ex-thief.  They were both stupid ningens.
Kuwabara turned to look at Hiei, clearly angry with him for calling him stupid. "What did yeah say shortie?" he questioned in outrage while taking a swing at the small but quick demon.
"Hn, I meant what I said," Hiei stated in a matter of fact way as Yusuke finally got the door to the well house open.
Kurama looked at Yusuke while shaking his head. "You should have just let me do it. It would have been quicker, and less obvious," he stated while looking at Yusuke's handiwork.  The door to the shrine was ripped off.
"Feh, whatever," was all Yusuke said as he walked into the small dark mini shrine. He took one look at the well, which was all he needed, before stating, "I feel spiritual power from that well." The other's nodded their agreement.
"What do you suppose it means?" Kurama asked, stepping down the small stairway, and if you meant ladder of stairs to take a closer look at the well.
Yusuke just shrugged, "Not sure, it doesn't seem threatening." Kurama nodded, still inspecting the well.
"Hn, if it isn't dangerous, then why are we here?" Hiei stated annoyed, he wanted a good battle, not a stupid well. Yusuke looked at him, clearly angry, "Because Hiei, it is giving off spiritual energy! I can understand the tree doing that, but the well is a different story!" Hiei simply glared at him as he leaned against the ledge of the door crossing his arms.
"Should we jump in it?" asked Kuwabara stupidly as he peered down the deep dry well. This earned him a hit in the head by Yusuke who was annoyed with his stupidity.
"Ow," Kuwabara complained while rubbing the sore spot on his head from Yusuke's hit. Yusuke simply rolled his eyes while praying to the gods for patience knowing that if he made a racket the old geezer would hear and come to investigate.
"Well there's nothing more we can really do other then tell Koenma the well has a low spiritual energy. The only problem is that he already knows this," Kurama stated, straightening up from examining at the well.
"So this mission was a complete waste of time!" cried Yusuke indignantly as he clenched his fists into a ball while imagining what he was going to do to that toddler.
"Hn, I could have told you that," was the curt reply of Hiei. Yusuke only glared at him, which he returned ten times worse.
"Die Naraku!" Inu-Yasha shouted as he unleashed the wind scar towards the world's most despised half demon. All Naraku did was laugh in his face while using the multitude of demons still at his disposal as a shield.
"Coward! Hiding behind demons to protect yourself! Will you go no lower?" Miroku shouted, angered that they had yet to get a blow on their worst enemy.
At the beginning of the battle, Kagome shot an arrow in Kanna's mirror when she caught a glimpse of the white haired demon in between the hordes of youkai. The result lead to the destruction of the mirror and the death of the white haired girl.
The group was weakening, becoming exhausted from fighting so many demons for such a long period of time. Sango continued to throw her giant boomerang, every time it came in contact with her hand, it took that much more effort to send it back once more.
Kagome continued to fire off arrows and use her combat skills with the sword to kill as many youkai far and near as possible. Inu-Yasha fired off the wind scar constantly, killing many demons only to have them replaced by even more.
Miroku used his staff and sacred scrolls to kill as many demons as possible; every now and then he used the wind tunnel when the hell wasps weren't near. Kilala pounced on the demons and helped out those who needed it most.
Shippo was left at Kaede's for he was not strong enough to fight, and much to young.  He had protested, but not too much.  Myouga had `nobly' offered to stay behind and help guard Shippo, and for once they let him, knowing that he would just be a distraction.
They had been fighting for five days, five long gruesome days and still going. The land was littered with low-level demon corpses and the number of corpses just increased with no end to them in sight. If they didn't get help soon, then they may actually loose the battle. Fatigue was barring down on them, their bodies crying out for nourishment and replenishment.
Kagome jumped up, narrowly avoiding a demon's sharp teeth as another one from behind her whacked her with its tail. She went flying and landed face first in the ground, skidding. "Dammit! I'm loosing my touch!" Kagome complained, jumping on her fours to escape being eaten once again.
She stuck her sword in the head of one beast while taking a hidden dagger out with her free hand and jamming it into the forehead of another. Doing a back flip she dodge another attempted on her life as she made her way over to the struggling Sango. Sango did wield a big and heavy weapon after all.
"Mutt face! Looks like you need a few helping hands!" A familiar and for once welcome voice rang out to the weary group as Koga the wolf demon made his appearance.
"I brought along a few old friends who you may recognize from some time ago," The wolf prince stated proudly as familiar faces emerged behind him.
Among the first was a wolf demon girl. Her hair was a long and wavy red tied in two ponytails atop her head. Her green eyes shown with determination as she prepared to enter the final battle, the battle for the times.
"Ayame!" Kagome cried happily, the two had become close friends over the year. Behind were all the wolf tribes of the lands along with their leaders. 'Must be Koga's doing' Kagome thought happily, for now they had a better chance. Instantly the wolf tribes went into battle, however, the allies didn't end there.
A familiar figure came out of the shadows, his very aura demanded respect. Flowing silver hair blew slightly in the wind, golden eyes narrowed on the despicable villain Naraku. There, Sesshomaru stood in all his glory.
"Little brother, I have come to aid you in this battle, for I have my own grudge against this monster," he stated in his usual cold, calm, emotionless voice. Little did the shard group know, he also came to make sure Kagome was safe. After helping save Rin once, she had become somewhat a little sister to him.
Kuranosuke Takeda (The lord that had fallen in love with Sango but found out she loved Miroku and wished them well) had also shown up for the battle with his own armies. His sparkling black hair in a high ponytail was also caught in the oncoming breeze. Brownish-green eyes sparkled in the sunlight as he drew his sword and ordered his men to charge into battle.
"Nazuna!" Kagome called out in amazement, the young demon hater village girl sure had changed. Her once short black hair now flowed beautifully in the wind, it was apparent that she had trained quite a bit since their last meeting. She wore armor, a sword strapped to her side; she looked tougher and held more of a skilled aura around her. Her brown eyes held an older look, as she gazed at the battlefield knowing she may not come out alive.
"The one and only, long time no see Kagome! Now lets get this battle started!" Nazuna called out as she drew her sword and charged into battle with a fierce battle cry.
The new arrivals greatly increased their odds in winning the battle. Lesser and lesser low-level youkai were seen, until all were slaughtered and lay dead on the ground. A mixture of human, wolf, and low level demon's bodies littered the once clean and beautiful field.
"It's over Naraku, your time ends here!" Inu-Yasha shouted with venom at the now terrified Naraku. 'The allies were not supposed to show up in time!' Naraku thought panicked as he gazed at all the people whose faces held hate, hate directed at him.
"Wind Scar!" Inu-Yasha yelled out as Sesshomaru's poison whip flew out of his hand. Kagome shot a purifying arrow while Sango launched her giant boomerang. Everyone watched as the deadly attacks hit their target; relief falling upon them knowing it was all over...all...over.
"NO!" Naraku screamed in agony as the attacks hit him. He fell to the earth in a mess of blood; gashes covered him tenfold.
"It ends here Naraku." Kagome said, gazing into the most hated monster that would soon be dead. She notched an arrow in her bow and took aim for the final blow.
Just then, Naraku laughed. He let out a crazy insane denied laugh as he gazed at the disgusted Kagome. "You think you've won, don't you little miko? Tell me, what have you won when you lose your most precious possessions?" Naraku taunted, confusing everyone around him.
It was then that he released his tentacles that flew towards a shocked Inu-Yasha, hitting him right in the heart. It was then that another flew out towards Nazuna, Koga, Miroku, Sango and Ayame, each one going right though their heart killing them instantly.
"NO!" Kagome yelled out, her heart wouldn't accept it. With a sudden burst of power, she let her arrow fly, hitting Naraku dead on where his black heart would beat if he had one. He exploded in a wave of miasma, knocking everyone left off their feet and causing them to fly twenty feet into the air.
"Inu-Yasha...no..." Kagome cried out one last time as blackness overtook her vision.
"I wonder how sick Kagome really is? I mean she's been gone for five days already," Yusuke spoke out all of a sudden to Kurama during lunch. He nodded his agreement, thinking the same thing.
Koenma had told them to simply stop by the shrine every once in a while to make sure no changes had happened. Since the well hadn't done anything wrong and no signs of anything unnatural occurred at the shrine, which was about all he could do.
"What made you notice the absence of Kagome anyhow?" Kurama asked, suddenly interested. Yusuke never noticed, or even cared for that matter, when someone was gone for a length of time.
"Oh nothing, it just seemed a little weird that's all," Yusuke stated, only making Kurama's interest grow.
"Why does it seem weird?" he prodded, hoping to get some information out of his friend.
"I heard rumors of that Higurashi girl. She was transferred here because of so many absences in her last school. Her mother and grandfather claimed it was because of illnesses, but now that I think of it, it's a bit far fetched, don't you think?" continued Yusuke, still thoughtful of the whole bit of information rolling around in his head.
"I'm surprised with you Yusuke" Kurama stated, shocked. Yusuke never got this detailed or thoughtful about anything. Let alone some girl that he just met, well, a girl that gave him a good fight. That could be it.
"Why?" Yusuke asked irritated, Kurama just shrugged, deciding not to continue the conversation. He suddenly lost interest.
"Hey Urameshi, day dreaming about some girl? What about Keiko?" Kuwabara asked tauntingly, before getting punched in the face by Yusuke. Kurama just shook his head at the two, clearly thinking they would never learn.
"I say we go check out the shrine today, I just got a feeling like something is wrong." Kurama rolled his eyes, knowing that Yusuke only wanted to see Kagome again. He couldn't blame him; the girl was intriguing to say the least.
"I don't think you should go Yusuke, you have Keiko. I cannot allow you to wonder around visiting other girls when you are Keiko's boyfriend. It isn't right and I will have no part in it," Kurama said sternly, thinking quite lowly of his friend at the moment.
He seemed angered at the comment, as expected. "What are you on Kurama! I would NEVER cheat on Keiko! I really do have an odd feeling telling me to go check the shrine for your information!" Yusuke yelled at his friend, angered by the words he said to him. Like he would ever cheat on someone, sure he wasn't the nicest, but that was plain wrong!
"I was only making sure," was all the red-headed boy said as he got up from the bench and left. Yusuke sat there fuming about how stupid silver foxes never learned to keep their noses out of everyone's business.
"Ow, my head. wha-where am I?" Kagome said groggily, propping herself up on one elbow while clutching her head with her hand. Shaking off the dizziness she stood up and took a good look around. It was then that all the memories of the final battle attacked her, making her fall down to the ground, now clutching her head with both hands.
"No! It's not true, it's not true, it's…not…true…" Kagome whimpered weakly, curling up into a little ball.
"I am sorry Kagome, let us take our leave." Sesshomaru had known the first moment Kagome woke up. He watched as she felt the pain of the battle, and when the memories of her friend's deaths kicked in. Everyone else was still unconscious, but he didn't care about them.
"Oh Sesshomaru! It's my fault!" Kagome cried as she latched onto Sesshomaru's stomach, afraid that he would suddenly leave her as well. This put Sesshomaru into and uncomfortable position, no one ever hugged him before except his mother and father. He also wasn't known for comforting either.
"It's not your fault Kagome, my sister, my friend. Please stop your useless morning, it pains me to see you like this..." Ok, not the best comfort but it was a start. At least he was showing some type of kindness, not bad for a supposed heartless demon. 
It seemed to have worked nonetheless as Kagome's sobs subsided into sniffles. "Thank you Sesshomaru, and…do you really see me as…as a sister?" Kagome asked, looking up into his cold golden eyes that seemed to show just a tad bit of pity and warmth towards her.
"Yes Kagome, I do," he said simply, looking down into her eyes.
Despite everything that happened, Kagome let a small smile grace her lips, making Sesshomaru feel a bit more relieved now that she wasn't crying anymore. At least he could tell that this experience wouldn't change her too much, she would always remain the happy and semi-naive girl that he knew and loved.
"Come, let's get your wounds patched up." Sesshomaru stated as he turned and walked off.
“Hey! What about the others?” Sesshomaru stopped, before slowly turning to face her, “What about them?” was all he said, but Kagome new that he would help them as well, or at least he better.
Kagome stood there, a little happier then before, but still greatly mourning the loss of the one person she loved as well as the friends she had made.
A thought crossed her mind as she watched the demon lord walk toward the wounded, his sword shining momentarily in the sun. `It can bring back the dead…' the thought filled her with so much hope that Kagome couldn't help but smile a wide, toothy grin.  
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Well, there is the next chapter like a promised! I will post the next one tomorrow, and thanks to all whom reviewed! I hope you enjoyed!