Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Missions of the Heart ❯ Secrets ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Missions of the Heart
Chapter Nine: Secrets
“Hey why's Kagome on the screen?” Kuwabara in his dimwitted brilliance questioned. Aggravated, Yusuke hit him upside the head in an attempt to silence him. The action only served to fuel Kuwabara's anger as he rubbed his head sourly.
“There must be some mistake, why would Kagome need our protection?” Kurama's eyes had never left the screen and inside his mind Yoko was purring with delight. `Isn't this wonderful! Now you HAVE to spend time with her!' he cooed which only caused Kurama to grow annoyed with him. `Don't you understand Yoko, this means that Kagome is in trouble.'
Hiei didn't know if he should be angry or pleased by this new mission. In the plus side, he would be by her all the time and thus would be able to gather more information. Yet on the down side he could no longer force information out of her…or could he? A smirk crossed his face at the new possibilities this mission brought.
Koenma looked at them all, his face grave, “I'm afraid there's no mistake. It's vital that she is guarded with your lives. If this girl dies, it could mean total war in makai as we know it!” he sighed and rubbed his temple, “Not only that, she is the protector of the scared Shikon no tama which-”
“She's WHAT!” Yusuke couldn't believe what he was hearing, it just couldn't be true. Not Kagome, the girl they've come to know as their good friend. How could she be in such danger without them having the slightest clue? Better yet, how did she come into the possession of the sacred jewel in the first place?
Koenma looked at Yusuke surprised, “You mean you know of this jewel?” from what he had known information on the history surrounding the jewel was limited. `I'll have to get another group to check out just how much information about the jewel is known among the mortals…' he thought with a small frown.
“Damn right I know! Having to sit through a whole fucking history lesson about the damn thing!” if anything, Yusuke was even angrier then he was a mere minute ago. He thought the jewel was just a myth, nothing that actually existed.
Koenma's eyes looked the size of soccer balls, “A whole HISTORY lesson!?” how could a whole history lesson be based on a moment in time supposed to be kept secret from the mortal world? `The lord wont be pleased to know this, his fear's are being realized…' he thought glumly, not wanting to be the one that had to give the bad news.
Sighing he rubbed his temples, great a headache was coming on, “Tell me Yusuke, who's your teacher? Wait never mind that it's to late to fix this problem, the damage has been done…” he looked over to the clock that the mortals used for time, his face grew worried as the second hand ticked by.
“Koenma, what damage?” Kurama's green eyes watched him closely, not wanting to miss a single movement that could lead to some more information about what was bothering the young spirit ruler. It was apparent Koenma had no interest in telling them what was going on.
Just as expected the spirit world ruler froze in his seat, “Never mind, it's not important. I need you guys to also try and gather up any further information you can get on Kagome. Let me know how far she is in on her…” he trailed off and looked at them all for a moment, “Just let me know what you find out about her.”
Yusuke sighed; the toddler was making an extra special effort to piss him off today. Obviously he knows something that they don't about Kagome but what? More importantly, hadn't he sent them on a mission to find out what the strange energies where on her shrine?
It seemed Koenma had somehow gathered more information since then. But from what?
“Could you tell us how Kagome came to posses the sacred jewel?” Kurama's smooth voice pulled him from his troubling thoughts and he looked over to Koenma, interested.
Once again it was apparent that the spirit ruler didn't want to get into the topic of Kagome or the jewel. If it wasn't the way he looked at them nervously or fiddled his fingers together, then it was the way he took long moments to reply, as if contemplating any word he said to them.
“I'm afraid I cannot.”
Kurama was slightly taken aback by this answer. He had expected something, anything, but not that. `I have a feeling Kagome's secrets lay in the history lesson Yusuke had.' Yoko stated in a contemplating matter, `Think about it. Yusuke said Kagome had given a great lecture on the third member to join, better then the teacher had even told the story. Then there was her grandfather who told the tale before the quest for the shards, a piece of the story no one else knew.' Kurama was beginning to see Yoko's point.
Kuwabara frowned. Despite how many view him he wasn't as dimwitted as first perceived. There was still a question no one had asked yet, and it was driving him insane, “Why would there be a war in makai if she dies?” finally he spoke, and everyone turned to him surprised; they hadn't thought to ask that.
Koenma mentally sweat dropped, leave it to the dimwit to ask the only question he wanted to avoid more then anything. With a nervous laugh he scratched his chin, “Well…you see that's a good question…” he stared at them all for a moment before clearing his throat and saying in a rushed voice, “One that I'm afraid I can't answer as well…” and then he winced waiting for the onslaught of demands to follow.
Koenma peeked an eye open and looked at his group. None of them seemed to even be paying attention to him. They all appeared lost in thought at the news he just shared. A small sigh of relief escaped him, he had a big enough headache already, he didn't need a full migraine.
It seemed that no further information was going to be given by Koenma, so the last thing left to do was to find out when they were supposed to start. Yusuke glanced around and by the looks of things, everyone was eager to get going.
“Toddler, when do we start?” once again Koenma found himself the soul focus of attention. `Why do their stares have to be so unnerving?' he mentally complained while he answered, “Right away actually. With that strange demon running around the sooner you get there the better.”
Yusuke looked at him, “You know about the demon lurking around at night then?” he asked surprised. He had thought the demon was weak and therefore had slipped past Koenma's barriers unnoticed.
“Of course I do! Why do you think the sudden protection is needed?” he seemed perturbed that Yusuke had known anything about the demon. He looked at him closely; “Have you seen the demon at all?” his breath seemed to hold as he awaited an answer.
Yusuke slowly responded, “No…but why would that matter?” his teammates watched the conversation intently, interested in anything that got Koenma very worried. The seemingly young spirit ruler let out a breath of relief, “Never mind that right now. Botan!”
The grim reaper jumped slightly as attention was suddenly shifted on her, “Yes sir!” she responded out of habit.
“Open a portal to Kagome's house, she'll probably know where coming.” Botan nodded at the command and quickly opened a portal. The group was already walking into the vortex when it was complete.
“Good luck.” Koenma said as the portal closed, “You'll need it.”
“But Kagome, I want more chocolate!” Shippo pouted, it just wasn't fair! He had been good all day, why couldn't he have the whole bag of chocolates?
Kagome sighed, “Shippo, you ate half the bag already, that's enough.” She stated sternly, which only made Shippo pout even more.
His aqua eyes traveled over to the bag of chocolates longingly before glancing back over to where Kagome was now cleaning dishes. With a devilish smirk he slowly began to creep towards what he liked to call heaven. `Just a bit further!' he thought with glee as he reached a paw out to snatch the bag. Suddenly, his paw just inches away, Yoru popped out of nowhere and growled warningly.
The action served its purpose. Kagome glanced over in the direction just in time to catch Shippo red handed in his attempt at the chocolate bag, “Shippo…” her voice sounded just like when she was going to sit Inu-Yasha.
“Gah!” Shippo slowly turned to look at Kagome with big watery eyes, “I-I'm sorry Kagome! I-I just w-wanted some ch-chocolate!” his hands were together as he pleaded for mercy. Kagome was a gentle person by nature, but when angered her rage out-matched all.
Shippo's answer was narrowed eyes, which only caused him to scream and run. Little footsteps echoed up the stairs and then down the hall. Finally a door was heard opened before quickly being shut.
A smile graced her lips; Shippo really was so easy to discipline. His witnesses of Inu-Yasha's punishments had made him so terrified that a mere glare could silence him into submission. Shaking her head Kagome turned back to dishes and started washing them again.
Her mother laughed as she dried, “Honey, you really have that boy under control don't you?” she said mirthfully as her eyes looked towards the stairs. Kagome laughed herself and nodded, “He knows from experience mother.”
Kagome's mom stopped drying dishes for a moment and looked over to her daughter, “You haven't actually hurt the poor boy, have you Kagome?” her eyes looked concerned and Kagome couldn't believe she was seriously asking this question.
Setting down her rag she placed her hands on her hips, “Of course not mother, what do you take me for!” she seemed slightly hurt at the accusation.
Her mother sighed, “I'm sorry Kagome but I just wanted to make sure. You never know what some parent's do to their children. The sad thing is they don't realize its wrong…” her eyes glazed over slightly and Kagome knew exactly where her thoughts were.
“I wouldn't do that mom.”
Her eyes cleared and she looked at her daughter for a very long moment, “Oh Kagome, I'm sorry. It's just, lately he's been on my mind.” A shutter left her lips and she continued to dry the dishes again.
Kagome picked up her rag and started to wash again. Her thoughts had been on her father lately as well, for obvious reasons. The question that arose in her mind was, why was her mother's thoughts on him. Her eye's widened slightly, `What if he came while I was gone?' the very thought horrified her to no end and she frantically washed dishes to get her mind off of it.
“Kagome, is everything alright?” the concerned voice of her mother snapped her out of her craze and she looked to her with the usual smile, “Of course, why wouldn't it be?” another pause passed between them where her mother simply stared at her closely. After a while she sighed and started drying dishes again, “I don't know, that's why I asked.”
Sometimes it amazed Kagome at how well she could pull off a fake smile. A simple sincere look and a tilted head was all it took. Then again, she had years of practice to perfect it. Why wouldn't she be the master she was today?
A sudden energy spike caught her attention. It felt familiar…Suddenly it hit her why and she quickly bolted out of the door with Yoru in tow, “Keep everyone inside mom!” she called over her shoulder before slamming the door. She didn't need anyone giving her position away.
Her eyes darted to the sky and sure enough a portal was slowly forming. With narrowed orbs she ducked behind a bush giving the growling Yoru a warning look, `Quiet or you'll give are cover away.' The neko silenced instantly.
Kagome covered her aura, not wanting to be sensed. What she wanted was to find out what the hell they were doing back here. More investigating? God she hoped not, she would protect her secret and carry it to her grave if that was the case.
Just like before the four boys tumbled out of the portal, two of them landing with grace while the others landed in a heap with one on top of the other. She rolled her eyes, honestly could they show a little poise once in a while?
“Where at Kagome's place.” Kuwabara spoke, gazing around awestruck. The others shrugged at his expression; it wasn't the first time they were here, “This place always feels so…magical.” He finished, his eyes flashing over to the god tree.
Kagome watched Kuwabara curiously; she never knew the dope could feel the true power of the shrine. Sure, those sensitive could feel the pure energy floating around it, but if they truly wanted to experience its mystic energies they had to have a good sense of the higher world that existed just above Earth.
“Of course it feels magical idiot, it's a shrine pumped full of age old energies!” Yusuke yelled hitting Kuwabara upside the head. Honestly the guy said the stupidest things sometimes….
Hiei glared at the two idiots, “Enough, you're making a racket.” He said simply as his eyes traveled slowly around the shrine. `I know you're here onna, but where?' he hated how good she could cover her aura from him of all people. All he needed was a small trace, then he could track her…A smirk graced his lips when he found one.
“Come out Kagome.” He spoke suddenly, startling the group. His eyes flashed over to the bushes where she and Yoru lay hidden, “You may have covered yourself, but your feline friend's existence is far from hidden.”
Kurama smiled; sometimes it amazed him at how well Hiei could pick up on things. It was apparent that none of the group had even noticed the small demonic energy coming from the bushes. Having fought many high level demons they must have mentally shrugged it off as insignificant.
Slowly Kagome stood, her eyes narrowed as she stared at them all, “What are you doing here again?” she asked as she sized them up, she couldn't actually consider fighting them could she?
`People with deep secrets will do anything to keep them just what they are.' Yoko wisely stated within Kurama's mind. Mentally he agreed with him, having been in such a situation himself many times.
“Oh Kagome, look your friends are all here!” her mother chirped through the doorway and Kagome's stance faltered. Honestly her mother had the worst timing…
“Hello Mrs. Higurashi, pleasure to see you once again.” Kurama greeted with a pleasant smile and inwardly Kagome was fuming. Damn him and his sneaky personality, able to say a few words and get people to bend to his will…
“Oh Hello again. My apologies, I don't believe Kagome knows you boys?” she raised her eyebrows in question as she looked at the four of them.
Kurama was quick to step in before Yusuke said anything stupid, or Kuwabara, whichever one came first, “Actually yes we have. It was Kagome here who recommended her shrine for our school project.” Kagome was amazed at how well he could lie. If she hadn't known better she would have believed him herself!
“Oh in that case, why don't you boys come in for a bite?” right at that moment she felt like shooting her mom. Not in actual sense but you get the point. `Sometimes it amazes me at how…' her thought trailed off and her eyes dimmed slightly, `How naive she can be, like I once was…'
Yusuke couldn't be happier to accept an invitation in his life, “We'd be delighted to Mrs. Higurashi!” he winced slightly, it sounded so strange to talk like that.
Mrs. Higurashi smiled, “Well in that case, come on in!” and the boys all bowed politely to her and waited for her to go inside.
Their eyes all shot towards Kagome as soon as the door was closed and suddenly she felt like she wanted to be any place but here.
“After you Kagome.” Kurama motioned with his hands to the doorway with a polite smile on his face. Kagome knew better then to trust that smile. It had devious intentions.
Reluctantly she stepped inside, knowing that there was no escaping the situation her mother just put her in. The boys all followed her closely behind, all seemingly pleased with themselves.
“I just don't get it Rin. I feel like there is something really important I forgot yet I'm scared to try and remember what it is.” Kohaku sighed and glanced over to the girl beside him.
Rin hummed for a moment, “That is a problem…I wouldn't push your memories though Kohaku, they'll come when your ready for them.” She stated and smiled at him.
Kohaku chuckled, “Your starting to sound like my sister Sango.” He let out a sigh and continued laying in the flower meadow, his eyes locked onto the sky, “What I think though, is that I only want to remember this single memory. For some reason it wont stop haunting me, whatever it is…”
Rin rolled off her back onto her belly. She propped her chin on the palm of her hand and looked at Kohaku curiously for a moment, “Lord Sesshomaru always tells me this when I have a problem, maybe it'll help you. He says: What will be, will be.”
Kohaku continued looking at the clouds and simply raised an eyebrow, “What will be, will be? What's that supposed to mean?” he turned his head towards her.
Rin shrugged, “He says different people take the saying in different ways, so I couldn't really tell you. I guess you'll just have to figure that out too. Maybe once you do it will help you with your memories?” She blinked at him and tilted her head, “If that's the case, I hope you figure it out soon…”
Kohaku sighed and looked back at the clouds, “Me to Rin.” He stated longingly. He watched the clouds slowly traveling across the deep blue sky, wishing all his problems could float up there with them and leave him in peace.
“Hey Kohaku, look at that one, it looks like Kagome!” Rin suddenly spoke, pointing to a cloud that surprisingly did look similar to Kagome. Kohaku smiled, “Yes it does Rin.”
He watched the Kagome cloud for a while. Soon it began to take a different shape as time rolled on. `Hm…that looks familiar…' he thought to himself as the cloud continued to morph into something, or someone new.
Suddenly terror gripped his soul. Why, he didn't understand but for some reason the shape of the morphed Kagome cloud scared him. He glanced over at Rin finding that surprisingly she was scared for some reason to.
“I-It's him!” she squeaked in a small voice. Kohaku sat up and looked at Rin, trying not to think of the terrifying cloud, “What's who Rin?” he asked her, concern evident in his voice.
With a shaky finger she pointed to the morphed Kagome cloud, “The bad man.” Her eyes darted to Kohaku and she quickly covered her mouth and shook her head.
Now defiantly worried Kohaku crawled over to Rin and grabbed hold of her wrists, “Rin what's wrong, whose the `bad man'?” he asked her desperately wanting to quell the fear inside her.
Rin stopped moving and looked at Kohaku straight in the eyes, “I'm not supposed to say.” She whispered after what seemed like a long time, “Not around you.”
This time confusion echoed in his deep brown orbs, “Why not?” he asked.
Rin pulled away from him, “They all told me not to say anything but I did!” tears were now making their way down her cheeks, “I'm sorry Kohaku!” she was practically balling now, “You didn't hear what I said right, you didn't hear!” she was going into hysterics!
Before Kohaku could do anything more to try and quell the sobbing Rin Sesshomaru in all his glory appeared. He looked coldly at Kohaku for a long moment, as if accusing him of making Rin cry, before he spoke to Rin, “Rin, stop crying.”
Kohaku couldn't believe it; just like that the girl had quelled her tears. He looked away, feeling slightly hurt for some reason. Why, he couldn't figure it out, but the fact that he couldn't stop Rin crying hurt him.
“Now tell me, what is the matter.” The demon lord's cold voice chilled him slightly; he didn't know how Rin could stand it all the time.
Rin looked up to Sesshomaru and for a moment it looked like she was going to cry again, “I said things I shouldn't have to Kohaku. I told!” tears were falling out of her eyes again as she ran and clung onto Sesshomaru's leg, effectively soaking the fabric there.
Sesshomaru didn't even glance at her.
“Rin, stop crying. It's time we go home.” His cold eyes then traveled over to a confused and worried Kohaku, “I suggest you go home as well.” He stated.
Rin sniffled and waved goodbye to Kohaku as Sesshomaru turned and started walking away. Kohaku simply stood there confused and shocked at what just happened. Was it possible that Rin knew some thing about his past that she wasn't saying? Was it possible they all knew?
Suddenly he felt betrayed on all sides. If that were true then they were all letting him sit in misery for no reason. A single word could spark his memories, and chances where they knew that word, the key to unleashing his mind.
Slowly, Kohaku turned, but it wasn't towards home.
……………………….< /div>
“Yeah I'll just be a moment!” Kagome called down the stairs as she headed towards the bathroom, or what she would like to call her hideout. She knew those stupid boys were just waiting for the perfect opportunity to question her, but she'll be damned if she gave it to them without a fight!
Sighing she closed the bathroom door and slid to the floor, “Finally some peace, they're just so smothering.” She muttered. Her eyes glanced around the bathroom with a hopeful look, `Could there be something in here I could use?' before she shook her head, `Don't be stupid, it's a bathroom for god sake!'
Her eyes suddenly landed on a window, and a large smile played across her lips. Could an old fashion trick work on the four idiots downstairs? Only one way to find out!
Quickly she got up and headed straight for the window. She opened it just enough to peek her head out. Glancing around she got her bearings and smiled. She was nowhere near a window to the kitchen.
Closing her eyes she quickly sent Yoru a telepathic message, `Yoru, I'm going to try and leave, stay here with Shippo alright?' there was a pause before the neko replied, `I don't think it wise to leave you alone, my sense are telling me trouble is near in future.' Kagome blinked, could Yoru see into the future, or feel it?
Shaking her head she dismissed the notion for now, `Please just stay here with Shippo, no matter what happens ok?' again there was another pause, `You wont make it, the short one knows we are talking.' Kagome rolled her eyes, figures he would, `I don't care if he does, he probably doesn't know what I'm planning to do anyways. Just stay with Shippo, even if they do catch me.' With that she ended the conversation.
With almost a giddy grin she opened the window fully and jumped on the ledge, her hand holding onto the glass for support as her body crouched low to fit into the hole. Glancing around again she jumped and landed smoothly on the ground. `Training is good for more then just fighting!' her mood couldn't be brighter as the reality of escape seemed more apparent.
Dusting her clothing off she prepared to leave. With a smile she looked up into…glaring crimson orbs. Blink…Blink… “Hi Hiei!” she said with a small mental sweat drop. Why was it things could just never go her way today? `I guess Yoru was right…'
Hiei's glare deepened and Kagome scratched her chin sheepishly, “I was er…going out for a small stroll?” she started to turn in a sad attempt for escape when she crashed into a hard chest. She sighed, “Hi Kurama.”
“Kagome, how did you get outside?” she sent him a bored look, honestly the guy held his act up nicely…a little to nicely…
“I was going for a stroll?” she opted for an answer. Kurama smiled, “I have an idea, why don't we all go!” he said happily as Yusuke and Kuwabara joined them. Yusuke smirked evilly and nodded, “Yeah sure, I have nothing to do.”
By now Kagome's eye was twitching, what had she done? She made an already horrid situation even worse! `I seem to have a special talent for that…' she moped as Kurama and Yusuke each wrapped an arm with her own.
“I'll be back later mom! Hopefully…” she added the last part under her breath as the boys practically kidnapped her right in front of her own mother. Honestly, not even she was that naïve when she was younger…
Once they cleared the extremely long steps Yusuke and Kurama let go of her arms. Sadly, both remained on either side of her while Hiei stood behind her and Kuwabara in front. In her opinion they were being slightly ridiculous, it wasn't like she was going to suddenly spring into action and bite their heads off…not that the idea hadn't crossed her mind though.
After another half hour of walking, to Kagome, in extremely uncomfortable silence, they turned into a small empty park. `Great, this looks like questioning grounds to me…' she thought bitterly as they continued deeper into the park.
Finally on a small hilltop they all stopped and looked at her. Nervousness gripped her and she let out a small laugh, “Heh heh…I take it you guys don't want to go play on the swings?” what, she could always hope that they wanted to!
Stony silence was all she was met with.
`Come on guys, just start saying something, ANYTHING.' As if them towering over her wasn't intimidating enough, they had to do it in cold silence. It was touchier!
“Is it true?”
The question startled her. She looked over to Yusuke, the one who asked, and tilted her head, “Is what true?”
Hiei glared at her, “That you posses the Shikon no tama.” He growled out and Kagome gasped. How did they know? It was inside her for god sake!
Unconsciously her hand flew to her side where the jewel resided. She looked down, her hand moving away slowly. The jewel was glowing. Her eye's widened, `Why is it doing that?' Her face turned frantic; the last time the jewel glowed was when her life was threatened. It always glowed when serious danger was on the way. Her head shot to the side, she could have sworn she saw something. `Damn why does it have to get dark now?'
“What's that?” a voice startled her and she looked to Yusuke. `I forgot they were here…' inwardly she groaned, but at the moment more important problems where at hand. Funny of her number one predicament turned into something completely insignificant to her in a split second.
She stood, completely ignoring Yusuke and the others. Her eyes traveled around the park, something didn't feel right. She glanced at the four boys, did they sense anything? What if she was just going paranoid? Her eyes moved down to the jewel that was still glowing in her side, `Or perhaps not…'
“Do you sense it?”
They all blinked at the sudden question, “Sense what?” Kurama asked Kagome confused. Even Hiei was looking at her oddly.
Her eyes remained glued to her surroundings, “I don't know what it is, but it feels familiar…” obviously she didn't realize what she was saying for her eyes were misted. The statement was more to herself then to any of them.
Yusuke began to search around, as did the rest of the group. It was possible that they were missing something; with Kagome you never really knew just how far her powers could stretch. Yet they all came to the same conclusion after a minute of scanning; there was nothing there.
Hiei glared at her, “Stop stalling with fake accusations.” Apparently he came to the conclusion that she was lying. Another possible theory considering she hadn't been truthful to whom she really was.
Kagome gave Hiei an annoyed look, “Idiot.” Was her one worded statement before she looked around the park once more. Aggravated and afraid she pulled out a hidden dagger, `Best be prepared for any sudden attacks.'
Kuwabara frowned at Kagome, and he to began to search the quickly darkening park, “I feel it too.” Came his whisper and the others stared at him in surprise. Was he serious? He gave them all an annoyed look, “If you were paying attention, you would to. It grows stronger as it gets darker.” He explained as his muscles tensed ready for battle.
The group spread out their sense again and sure enough something, or someone, was definitely there.
………………………&# 8230;…..
“It has been done?” a cool collected voice asked. Golden orbs flashed in the darkness surrounding his form as he waited for the young spirit ruler to answer his question.
Koenma nodded, “Yes, my best detectives are on the case as we speak.” He looked at the figure before him with a thoughtful expression, “Come to think of it, they were all to willing to start.” He shrugged, “Apparently they know her.”
The shadowed figure chuckled, “Of course they would. Investigating her shrine was a foolish thing to do Koenma.” His golden orbs looked disappointed, “Because of your idiocy there mission will prove more difficult. She is of course, already suspicious and wary of them.”
Koenma sighed, he had a point, “Yes, but at the time, I did not know what I do now.” He grumbled, “I asked them to try and find out information on her as well, to see where she is on her little quest. I'm slightly worried because even Hiei was a little to eager to start this mission as well.”
Again the figure chuckled, “Do not worry, I'm sure whatever plan they have Kagome can take care of it. All I am concerned with for now is the insurance of her protection.” A sigh escaped his lips, “I would of course go and see to this protection personally, but knowing our history I have to be sure her quest has finished.”
Koenma nodded in understanding, he knew how hard this must be for him, “I assure you they will find out the information needed in no time at all.” He smiled proudly, “They are the best I have.”
The golden eyes gave him a bored look, “You really don't know whom your dealing with. If you think Kagome will give her secrets away so willingly, a surprise will soon greet you.” here he paused, “She'd rather her secrets die with her then be revealed.”
A doubtful look was all he received, but he did not care. The fact that the prince was so naïve did not concern him, soon he would learn, “You are dismissed.”
Koenma nodded and bowed before turning and walking out of the room. He opened a portal and let out a breath, “Glad that's over.” Before continuing to walk through the purple vortex. `I hope he knows what he's doing.' Was his last thought as he was suddenly transported to spirit world.
………………………&# 8230;..
There we have it, another chapter done. I hope you all enjoyed! I have to be going now, toodles!