Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Missions of the Heart ❯ The Boogieman ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Missions of the Heart
Chapter Eleven: The Boogieman
Kurama's eyes saddened, “We…don't know.” He finished, his leaf green eyes looking out into the never-ending darkness. He hoped that they were ok.
Kagome stared at him for a moment, as if in disbelief, before suddenly walking away, “Well I'm going to go find them.” She stated, her eyes set in determination. Before another step could be taken Hiei was in front of her.
She blinked at him while he glared, “Baka.” Was his simple word, and Kagome found herself staring at him stupidly, “Excuse me?”
“You can't possibly want to go find the idiot ningens on your own.” He elaborated, his eyes flashing a moment in an unreadable emotion.
Ignoring what he said she simply by-passed him, “Naturally I do, but I was more or less expecting you guys to join me.” She shook her head, “Sometimes Hiei, I wonder where your brain is…” Yoru meowed as if laughing at him before the fire ice cat turned and walked beside his mistress.
Hiei only increased his glare but he didn't protest, instead he turned around and started following her, his hand held tightly to his blade. Kurama followed behind Hiei silently, his hand on his rose whip ready to use incase of emergency. He hoped the others were fine.
Silently the three of them traveled closely together, worried that they would get separated once more. The jewel continued to glow, now more brightly in Kagome's side. Why, she didn't understand, but for now she would ponder on it later.
“You do know that whatever you changed in your memories, never really happened in reality.” Hiei suddenly spoke, startling her.
She blinked and turned to look at him, “Of course, I wouldn't be that lucky.” A small sad smile crept upon her lips, “That was the only way I could beat him, knowing he wasn't really there.” And then she turned to face the front once again.
Hiei only stared at the back of her head for a really long moment, before saying his trademark, “Hn.” And looking off to the side.
Kurama watched the display with keen eyes, wondering what, or more importantly, whom they were talking about. Yoko seemed to contemplate in his mind, getting eager at the prospect of yet another puzzle to solve in the area of Kagome. Kurama mentally rolled his eyes, `Here we go again…' Yoko blinked at him, `You can't tell me your not curious, I am, after all, apart of you. I know what you feel.' He said with a coy smirk.
Kagome suddenly stopped, “Its Yusuke!” she gasped, rushing to his side.
The others join her, following her seemingly slow pace with ease. Sometimes it was good to be a demon.
Kagome lowered beside Yusuke, grasping his hand in worry as he moaned sadly on the ground. It seemed whatever had gotten her had also managed to trap Yusuke in the same spell. This knowledge worried her, she couldn't read minds, or enter them for that matter. The only person who she knew could do that was…
“Hiei, help him, please.” She gave him pleading eyes as she rubbed Yusuke's hand reassuringly when he moaned again. She never broke eye contact with Hiei as she silently waited for an answer.
He just gave her a bored look, “Please, you need not lower yourself to such antics as pleading. I was going to save the stupid detective already, without your asking.” He sneered at her slightly before closing his eyes, already making his way cautiously into Yusuke's mind.
Kagome blinked in disbelief, she couldn't believe that Hiei was actually showing…kindness. Then again, who was she to judge? Hiei had always seemed at least somewhat kind to her, despite his cold eyes. Now that she thought about it, he never really was unkind to her, except for the `give me answers or die' episodes she often had with him.
Kurama just gave Hiei a knowing look, “Despite how he may act, he does actually care for his companions. Of course he would never openly admit that, but I guess through the years we've worked together he's come to respect Yusuke, and even Kuwabara, since witnessing them in battle.” He chuckled, “That's how you gain his respect, through your fighting ability.”
Kagome smiled; slightly reassured that Hiei would do everything he could to help Yusuke with his own inner demons. Though, she didn't know how much luck he would have…
During their search through the dark Yoru had boasted about how it was only because of him that she was now awake and alive. This knowledge only served to trouble her; she was relying on Hiei to save the rest of the group since neither of them could enter the minds of others.
They lapsed into silence.
The darkness around them only seemed to thicken as time went by, which only caused them to worry. Whatever this strange substance or creature was, it was not a foe easily dealt with. It was cunning and deadly, using knowledge and their senses against them. It almost seemed to perfect an enemy…like someone had known their weaknesses and strengths.
Kagome's orbs widened.
She slowly turned to look at Yoru with a terror filled face. `It can't be Mistress.' Her neko tried to talk sense into her having heard her thoughts, `It can't be possible…'
“Yes, it is.” She spoke aloud, causing Kurama to stare at the two of them in confusion. He blinked at them, a knowing look crossing his features, “Might I ask what the two of you are talking about?”
Kagome only closed her eyes, “He's here right now, he's the one causing this.” She shuttered as she slowly fell to the ground, hugging herself, “He's really back to torment me again…”
Yoru sent her sympathetic eyes, `Mistress…how can you be sure? You don't know if he's actually a demon.' A small growl left his lips, `Not that he never acted like one…No, he was a monster.'
Kagome only let a small bitter chuckle escape her lips, “Yes, that I can agree with, but I found out only a few nights ago…I sensed it…when he came…” her eyes glazed over in memories.
“When who came?” ok, now Kurama was getting slightly annoyed, though, he would never let it show. The two were completely leaving him in the dark, and it seemed they were talking about something quite important. `This is when Hiei's powers would come in handy…' he mentally wined while Yoko only rolled his eyes.
Kagome gave him an apologetic look as she stood from the ground, “My…father…” she finally managed to say, and Kurama's eyes widened.
Yoru growled at her in annoyance, `I refuse to believe your father is behind this treachery. It can't be possible! If he's a demon, then that means you would be-'
“A half demon.” She interrupted and Yoru only growled again. Though, she couldn't blame the neko, the whole idea seemed impossible. If she were a half demon, wouldn't she have known it by now? Wouldn't her mother know? `Maybe…that's why she could never face him…that's why she never told?'
“A half demon?” Kurama raised an eyebrow in a questioning matter at her. Kagome blushed slightly, forgetting that he could not here Yoru's mental messaging.
She sighed, “Never mind, its nothing.” She didn't want him to know that she thought she could be a half demon, not until she was perfectly sure it was true. Besides, wouldn't she have sensed her own demonic blood if that were a fact, wouldn't any one of the four boys realize it?
Kurama stared at her for a long while before shrugging, deciding it wasn't worth pursuing. After all he wasn't expecting a lot of information to come willingly from Kagome, after what he had found out about her. It seemed she only shared what she wanted, but that didn't mean he couldn't find out what she was hiding. In his mind Youko smirked, pleased at his sneaky thoughts.
The darkness around them increased.
All of their eyes narrowed.
“I suggest we stay on guard.” Kagome spoke suddenly, shattering the quiet. She received no verbal response, but the fact that Yoru was now in a defensive position and Kurama had tighten his grip on his…erm…rose…she figured they heeded her warning.
More silence passed as the group looked around, their bodies tense. They had to make sure everything was safe, because if Hiei had to leave Yusuke's mind very suddenly, it could damage both of their mental well-being.
A strange movement caught Kagome's attention and she gestured to the others to be on full alert. They both nodded at her, eyes narrowed and searching. Suddenly something shot out at them.
A bright light engulfed them, and Kagome knew no more.
………………………&# 8230;………
A groan left her lips. Damn she had the most horrid headache. What the hell happened anyway?
“She awakens.”
Kagome opened her eyes, she knew that voice. A growl left her lips as the blinding light from the sun assaulted her senses. `Wait, light?' confusion laced her and she abruptly sat up, her eyes wide as she stared at the four looming figures surrounding her.
“What happened?” she questioned them all, and her response was only a shrug. She blinked in surprise, `They don't know?'
Yusuke sighed and offered her a hand, which she gratefully took, “We don't know, we woke up just the same as you.” he explained as he looked around the now lit up park. It seemed to be early morning.
Kagome frowned, the last thing she remember was a bright light, like a sun's ray…before that Hiei was trying to help Yusuke and they had no idea where Kuwabara was...wait, Kuwabara? Kagome looked around the group expectantly and relief shone in her eyes when they landed on the big oaf.
“Your alive!” she cried cheerfully, happy that the group seemed to make it out not to wounded.
Yoru gave her a fanged grin as he transformed into his smaller state while Kuwabara sent her a proud smile, “Yup, I made it out all on my own!” he boasted proudly, before being smacked in the head by Yusuke, “Idiot, you were found unconscious on the ground!”
They all lapsed into an uncomfortable silence and Kagome inwardly winced, knowing what they were going to do next.
Yusuke scratched the back of his head and looked anywhere but where she was, “So, Kagome…” he started, “About that, oh, I dunno,” he turned to glare at her, “Jewel glowing in your side? Care to elaborate?”
Kagome only huffed and crossed her arms, “Not likely.” She muttered, though, they still heard her. She didn't care; she wasn't going to tell them anything! It was easy to see that she wasn't in the best of moods, but really, could anyone blame her?
Hiei narrowed his orbs at her, “Fine, we'll find out through other means.” His voice held an underlining warning, and her eyes snapped towards him, “Just try it.” She seethed, her anger growing.
There was no point in hiding her powers, or her fighting abilities, so why not use it to her advantage? They wanted a fight, they would get a fight! She could take them! Yeah! Four strong guys, two of them demonic, all with powers, not just weak powers, but strong powers…yeah…she would win easily…
Hiei released a cold bark of laughter, “Stupid girl.” He stated, looking at her with mocking menace, “My other means do not involve you directly, but more…other relations.” He finished, knowing she would catch on, unless she really was stupid, like the stupid oaf beside him.
Kurama looked at Hiei in slight surprise, as did Yusuke and even Kuwabara. He frowned, he thought Hiei had meant through classic investigation, not through violence of another family member. Then again, since when did Hiei not solve anything through violence?
“Now just wait a moment Hiei!” Yusuke was about to protest, but he was quickly silence when a hand clamped tightly over his mouth. He blinked, surprised, before glaring at Hiei and yelling muttered retorts as he tried to get free of his iron like grip.
Hiei looked at him for a moment, before he became silent. The display made Kagome wonder what Hiei had said, no doubt through telepathy, to the hotheaded punk. She glared at him; “You will not lay a single hand on any of my family!” she seethed, and was pleased to find everyone else, excluding Yusuke, nodding their agreements.
Hiei simply gave the disagreeing bunch a bored stare, “I don't quite see how you can stop us.” He replied uncaring, and Kagome raised an eyebrow at him.
“Us?” Kurama questioned for her, his eyes moving to Yusuke before landing back on Hiei. The fire demon smirked and Kurama glowered, “Yusuke you can't-”
“Yes I can!” Yusuke cut through, glaring at Kurama, though, his eyes held a strange look to them. It was almost as if he were pleading for Kurama to understand something…Once more Kagome grew suspicious, she wasn't stupid, and she often saw things that others missed.
Hiei stared at Kurama for a long moment; emotion flickered in the kitsune's orbs before it was gone with the briefest breath. A growl escaped her throat; she hated being left out of things! `I wish I had psychic powers….' She inwardly moped, Yoru silently laughed in her head.
“Fine, do as you wish.” Kurama stated crossly, and Kuwabara remained silent, as if pondering something. Perhaps the oaf was more observant than they gave him credit for, but if that were true, then perhaps their plans were obvious.
Kagome finally snapped, “Enough! Stop mind-talking, it's rude!” she stated harshly, looking from Hiei to the others, “Whatever it is your planning, it wont work, no one will hurt my family while I'm around!” she practically hissed at them, turning her back to storm away.
Who did those idiots think they were? Threatening her, her family, and demanding things! Why couldn't she meet someone who didn't want to harm her on first sight? Really, it was getting stupid now. First Inu-Yasha, then Shippo, then Miroku, followed by Sango and now these four idiots! ` Life is so unfair!'
`I have a bad feeling, we should finish up here and return home as soon as possible.' Yoru suddenly warned, and Kagome blinked in confusion at her. What did she mean?
Turning her head, she withheld a yelp as she jumped back, “Hey!” she cried out, pointing an indignant finger at Hiei who had suddenly appeared in front of her, “Stop doing that!” it was easy to see her mood was depleting rapidly.
Yoru growled in warning at the insolate demon, yet Hiei paid him no heed as he smirked at her. She gave him a bored look, “What?!” she finally snapped when he didn't say anything.
“We will see what you can and can't protect.” He taunted before disappearing. She turned around, trying to follow him, only to find that she and Yoru were the only ones left in the park.
The wind blew a few leaves from the ground, lifting them to play in her dancing hair. Silence, it truly was an unnerving thing, especially when left with words such as those to contemplate on.
Smiling, she shook her head, “Yes, we will all see. Let the games begin.” She voiced softly, and Yoru nodded in agreement. Turning to her companion, she climbed upon his back before he took off into the air.
“Come on Yoru, let's head home.”
“You better be right about this plan of yours Hiei…” Yusuke grumbled, not really pleased with the way things were going. Who would have thought Kagome could be so unnaturally stubborn! What was so secret she would die before she revealed it?
Kurama gave Hiei a serious look, “What were you thinking. That little display will surely not go unnoticed from a certain Spirit Ruler!” It seemed he was not at all happy either, but for different reasons. He let out a small growl, “You know the rules, it won't stand!” he finally scoffed, and Yusuke shot him a glare.
“Can someone please fill me in with this `plan' you have!” Kuwabara finally snapped, after all, no one had told him anything after they left the park. He still had no idea and it was rather annoying not to know what everyone was so upset about!
Kurama sighed, “Yusuke, you explain, since you seem so willing to participate.” He dryly asked, giving him a deadpanned look. Yusuke simply Keh'd and looked away.
“It's simple really. We let her think there's a threat to her family, when really we are targeting her.” Yusuke explained off handily, brushing an imaginary speck of dust from his shoulder.
Kuwabara frowned, “Then what's the big deal?” he asked, not seeing how the plan was so horrible.
“In order to make her feel threatened about her family, Hiei wants to temporarily kidnap her brother.” Kurama seethed, glaring at the two of them. Yusuke only shrugged while Hiei remained indifferent.
Kuwabara sighed, “I see now.”
“So whose in?” Yusuke questioned, looking at his team with a raised eyebrow. Sure, he knew it would worry her, anger her even, but if it would help her in the end then he would do it. After all, it wasn't like they would hurt or mistreat the kid in anyway; just keep him away long enough for her to worry.
With a sigh Kurama reluctantly raised his hand, he didn't really agree to this idea, but he seen no other way to gather information on her. After all, their main resource was currently keeping secrets from them and not giving any information revolving around the very case he sent them to figure out.
A frown made it's way to his features, come to think of it, that was really odd. Could Koenma already know the secrets behind the stranger that was Kagome? It was highly unlikely, but at the same time, there was a small chance. `I think I need to have another little chat with our Spirit Ruler.'
Kuwabara raised his hand after a moment of thought, “I'm in.” he stated with a small shrug. Hiei simply Hn'ed and zoomed away, leaving the rest to decide on how to approach the idea he left them with. Hey, he gave them the idea; they had to plan on how to go about doing it!
Rolling his eyes Yusuke looked to his remaining group, “So…any ideas on how to do this?”
A smile split her face when the shrine came into view. `Home at last…' she thought relieved, feeling as if a huge weight had been lifted. Yoru roared in agreement, making a quick decent from the safety of the clouds. They landed a few minutes later on the shrine grounds.
Jumping off of Yoru, Kagome gave her companion an appreciative pat on the head. He turned into his smaller form before mewing his appreciation. Chuckling, she picked him up and held him closely in her arms. For some reason she felt safe when she did this, perhaps because of the spiritual connection they shared?
Yet even the safety he supplied could not rid her of this odd feeling of dread. Something was different in the feel of the shrine; a foreboding air clung thickly to the pure energies around. Giving Yoru a nervous glance she quietly walked towards her home, for some strange reason feeling like her movements had to be careful and silent.
She gasped, her eyes widening, when she noticed the slightly ajar door. No longer worrying about the aspect of surprise, she dashed forth with speed she never knew she had. Quickly she entered the eerie house, looking frantically around.
“Mother? Grandpa?” she questioned out first, her voice echoed in the empty silence. Dread deepening she ventured deeper, her breathing increasing with her heart. Yoru looked at he with worry.
“Souta?” she finally called, listening almost painfully to the silence.
She continued into the living room, her legs beginning to quake. Her hands fisted into white knuckled grips as she gazed at the wreckage with horror. Blood smeared across the walls and floors. Chairs were up-turned and tables toppled over. Rip marks, in the shape of claws, tore up the couch and cut through the wallpaper.
Walking further a crunching noise was made, and she looked to her feet to find broken glass. She stepped back and bent down to analyze, and found the source to be from a family picture that had fallen and shattered from the wall.
She stepped out of the living room, tears burning yet remaining unshed in her eyes. She dashed up the stairs, following the trail of scratches and broken objects, to stop when she came to her mother's room. She pushed lightly against the door, and it creaked open with an eerie squeak.
The first thing she saw was a black spider mark burned onto her mother's wall just above the bed frame, a note left in blood scribbled below it. Taking a steadying breath, she stepped forward, walking onto the messy mattress to get a better look.
There is such a thing as the Boogieman.
Yoru dropped from her hands, and her eyes became blank as memories swarmed her. `Mistress?' Yoru tried to contact her, yet she remained unresponsive, `Kagome!' he yelled, but she was somewhere else, in another time….
Tears streamed down her face as lightning crashed outside, casting eerie shadows to crawl along her walls. She shivered and covered her blanket with her face, hiding under its warming and somehow comforting shield. Lighting flashed again and what appeared to be a creepy shadowed face appeared on the wall of her blanket. Small hands quaked as she silently sobbed.
“Go away…” she cried, squeezing her eyes shut.
A voice suddenly chuckled, and her heart froze in fear. She lifted the blanket off her head, honey orbs flashing to the door. Lightning went off to reveal her father standing in the doorframe.
She cried harder.
Scratching his chin he stepped inside, “What's the matter Kagome? Afraid the Boogieman has come to get you?” he taunted, and she shuttered. Why didn't he just leave her alone?
He leaned down before her, elbows resting on the ledge of her bed, “Well?” he questioned, orbs flashing. It was funny, no lightning had gone off.
“There's no such thing as the Boogieman, mama told me so.” She sniffled, wincing away from him, expecting to be beaten for her insolence. Her eyes snapped open in confusion when she heard him softly laugh.
“Mama's a fool little Kagome.” He whispered, and her eyes flared with clamped down rage. Glaring at him she hissed, “No, the only fool I see is you!” and her mouth closed with a snap, what had brought this on?
He growled at her, yanking her off the bed, “I advise you to watch your tongue.” He seethed, his grip around her arm constricting to a painful pressure. She cried out as she tried to rip the hand off, “Let me go!”
He laughed harshly at her and flung her to the wall, “Gladly, I wouldn't want to touch you for more then a second.” His voice lashed at her, and she groaned as her head collided with the wall.
For a moment, neither spoke nor moved.
Kagome closed her eyes, as if her mind could will the creature before her away. `Go away…just leave me alone…' she chanted over and over, until footsteps snapped her out of her mantra and she opened her eyes to gaze into his.
“You are a fool, just like your mother.” He finally declared, shaking his head, “You'd be surprised at how many Boogiemen there actually is.” He sighed, stepping away from her, preparing to depart.
Kagome sat up, “The only Boogieman around here is you!” she yelled, tears streaming down her cheeks. She was terrified, yet fear always made her brave. She clenched her fists, “I don't care what you say, mama is not a fool and if she says Boogiemen don't exist then they don't!”
Her father paused for a moment at the door. Her breath hitched as she waited to see what he would do. A sinister smile crept upon his lips and he whispered with deadly seriousness, “There is such a thing as the Boogieman.” Before he departed, closing the door with a small snap.
She didn't move for her spot for the rest of the night…
“It can't be possible…” she whispered to herself, still staring blankly at the wall. Yoru growled, biting at her toes. She yelped and looked down to her neko friend, who glared up at her, `Don't even block me from you again!' Yoru snapped, and she blinked in surprise.
The neko sighed, `You put a barrier around your mind, I could not reach you to get you to look at this.' He explained, nudging at a piece of rolled up paper with his paw. Frowning she bent down and grabbed it, unrolling it to examine its contents.
We have your mother.
Her hand fisted, crumpling the paper into a ball before tossing it out the window. Looking to Yoru she picked him up, dashing out of the room as he cried his protests.
“We're going to see Sango and Miroku.” She calmly explained, speeding down the stairs out the still open doorway, “I need their help.”
Yoru instantly stopped his bickering and nodded his agreement. If a plan was needed, then at least the monk could come up with a relatively good one. Not that the slayer was bad, but the monk was better in that particular field of strategy and plan.
It only took a few moments for her to come across the well house. She abruptly stopped as a strange noise came from inside. Yoru looked up to her, and she looked down to him with worried and confused eyes.
“What should I do?” she finally asked him, and he gave her a pointed stare, `Go inside of course.' He stated like it was nothing, and, biting her lower lip, she slid open the door and walked inside the dark well house.
A sob broke the tense silence, and Kagome's eyes widened, “Souta!” she cried, dashing down the stairs to his form hidden in the corner. She gently placed a hand on him, only to frown when he flinched away from her touch, sobbing uncontrollably.
“Souta?” she questioned hesitantly, shaking him slightly, trying to urge him to look at her. Yoru softly nudged his back from Kagome's lap, purring reassuringly. The boy remained unresponsive, still only crying and hiding his face.
“Don't look at me!” he suddenly cut off, his voice harsh and full of hidden hate, “Please, don't…why Kagome why?” he broke into sobs again, his body quacking with emotion. She backed away from him slightly in surprise.
Yoru growled at her and bumped his head on her stomach, urging her to continue the confrontation. She only mutely nodded at him, before placing her hand once more on Souta and turning him to face her.
“Souta, tell me what-”
“It was him! You said he was good but look what he did! Grandpa is dead and mom is missing!” He finally snapped, his sorrow replaced with rage as he roughly pushed her away. Her blood froze at his words, `Grandpa is…dead?'
Souta growled, “You weren't even here to protect us, it's all your fault! We trusted you and because of that we trusted him!” He screamed, turning away from her again. Her eyes welled up with tears, “Souta…who?” she finally asked, and silence stretched between them.
Slowly he turned to look at her, his eyes locking on with hers and she found herself lost in the endless betrayal swirling within them.

Finally, he whispered, “Inu-Yasha.”
………………………&# 8230;..
Ok! That's where I'm ending this chapter! Sorry it took me so long, but writers block really is evil and I got busy. I have a life to believe it or not! <.<; really, I do…yes….ANYWAYS! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and thanks to all who have reviewed and supported me! Really, they help a lot, get my creative flow going and my will to write rise. Well, bye all!
Thanks again for still baring with me and reading!