Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mitternacht ❯ Mitternacht ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Gefriert das Blut dir in den Adern
Schnürt dir Angst die Kehle zu
Hörst du dein Herz und die Glocken schlagen
ist es Nacht
Mitternacht, E Nomine
Her breath escaped her in short gasps as she pounded across the land, the cold night air wrapped around her form. Her knees ached, her feet hurt, and her chest and lungs were undergoing sheer agony. And still, despite her determination, she caught flickers of silver in the corner of her eye, spurring her on to greater speeds. She knew it was becoming far too easy for the youkai. He could've caught her long ago, were it not for the fact he was drawing this out. After all, they were running across an open plain. And as Kagome's eyes strained to see through the shadows, she saw a forest looming ahead of her. `Why did I have to get separated from Inuyasha on the night of the new moon?!' Kagome screamed at herself. She darted into the forest, ducking under branches, leaping over large tree roots, and dodging around the trees themselves. And soon, the trees became so dense she couldn't see anything, not even her nose. Kagome stopped, feeling a few sticks snap under her weight.
Reaching out tentatively, Kagome slowly felt a large tree. Using her feet, she then discovered the large tree roots. Hoping that it wasn't too late, she dove for the ground and burrowed herself into the dirt and under the tree, hoping that its smell would cover her own. She clamped her hands over her mouth to stifle her ragged breaths, but her heart continued to beat loudly in her ears, and she was sure the pounding of her blood in her veins was audible. She had no choice now but to remain under the tree roots until morning when Inuyasha would come looking for her.
Kagome jumped when she heard a twig snap. `He's coming!' She trembled and shrunk back further, curling into a small ball. She shifted uncomfortably, feeling the dirt stick to her and stain her clothing, but she would rather be dirty than dead. `I don't want to die!' And then the forest became silent. Kagome swallowed and forced herself to be as still and silent as she could. She was so very terrified. It was dark out, and so she couldn't see. She was at a disadvantage. As she sat there, she could feel the stinging of several cuts and slices she couldn't remember getting. Kagome sat there and prayed and prayed and prayed, thinking maybe, just maybe he couldn't find her. Unfortunately, it was not to be so. Several thick vines wrapped around her form, dragging her from her shelter under the tree and into the night. Kagome struggled viciously, squirming, clawing, ripping and even biting, but the plants were immune. The vines dragged her to the tree opposite the one she had been hiding under and bound her there, struggling for all she was worth. She bit deeply into one of the vines and mananged to split it open. The juice was disgustingly bitter, and made her jerk back and shudder and try not to think of the taste that brought bile up her throat.
It quickly became apparent to Kagome that her struggles were futile. There were too many vines, and she had no weapon to combat them. She was pinned helplessly against the tree for any youkai to take advantage of. Kagome felt tears gather in her eyes, but refused to let them fall. All she could do was sit there and wait. It was obvious to Kagome she would not be getting out of this situation, and after all those years of near death situations, her luck had finally run out. As Kagome contemplated her fate, a figure dropped down before her unnoticed.
“ I see that you have realized that your resistance is useless,” the figure said. Kagome froze, her heart pounding, and she whipped her head around, trying to pinpoint the source the voice. It was unnerving, being unable to see anything.
“ Youko Kurama…” Kagome said softly. He chuckled, and Kagome heard the gentle swish of his clothing as he circled her. Kagome pressed herself tightly against the tree, wishing she hadn't been so foolish to pick up that pendant.
A few months ago, Kagome and the others had been passing through a bamboo grove that surrounded a fief controlled by a youkai lord. While walking, Kagome had come across a pretty necklace. It was a red jewel of some sort set in gold and hung on a delicate but surprisingly strong chain also made of gold. She had decided to keep it against her friends' advice, and now she was paying for it. She should've known that such a pretty trinket had to have belonged to someone, but to torment her at all hours of the day and chase her across Japan was a bit much in her opinion. He had spent several weeks whispering in her ear and disappearing when she turned around. It only occurred when she was alone, and her friends thought she was going mad and that the necklace was the cause. Kagome had also been fairly certain of that too, at first, but then she had managed to glimpse the youkai tormenting her. At that time, she had been so desperate, she was going to give the pendant to him, but she had left it at home. That event had occurred a few weeks ago, and now Kagome had the necklace on her person. She was more than willing to give it to him, Youko Kurama, if it meant he would leave her alone. However, Kagome didn't see the point in chasing her out here when she was sure that after all his threats he was finally going to go through with them. And no one would hear her screaming, out here in the forest in the middle of the night. Kagome swallowed.
“ I can give you that necklace now if you let one of my hands go,” Kagome told him. Claws traced a feather light trail around Kagome's neck, causing her to shiver from fear.
“ I'd prefer to take it off your bleeding corpse,” Youko hissed lightly. A cold feeling gripped her heart, and Kagome struggled even harder to keep her tears at bay. She really didn't want to die. His large hands pressed more firmly against her and began running up and down her bound form.
“ But I suppose, since you're so willing to give it to me, that I can leave you alive,” he continued. Kagome trembled when a hand brushed her breast. What made it even more frightening was that Kagome couldn't see him, had no way of predicting his next movement. She flinched when one of the hands dipped into her pocket, probing in a deceivingly gentle motion, closing around the pendant tucked away in her clothing. As it was removed from her person, Kagome heard the gentle chink of the chain links moving against each other.
“ Will you please let me go now?” Kagome asked, desperation tainting her voice.
“ This pendant belonged to my partner, you know. His name was Kuronue,” Youko said, ignoring Kagome's question. Kagome fell silent, listening to Youko.
“ He died because of this pendant. Got impaled on several bamboo plants. We were stealing from that very fief that you and your friends were going across,” Youko continued. Kagome stared straight ahead of her, unsure of where else to look, even though she couldn't see anything. This was really beginning to get a bit disturbing.
“ Speaking of your friends, I saw something that interested me. I had heard rumors that hanyou could turn into humans, but I didn't know they were true until I witnessed that hanyou, Inuyasha, turn into one. It was quite suprising. I can understand why people would want to keep that sort of thing a secret,” Youko said. Kagome's eyes widened, her heart thudded in her chest painfully. `He found out about Inuyasha's weakness!'
“ Please! Please don't tell anyone, I beg you. I'll do anything, just please, please don't tell anyone,” Kagome begged, a few tears dripping down her face.
“ You are so quick to give up anything to keep your friend's weakness secret, yet when it comes to your own life you seem so docile. How very noble of you,” Youko spoke softly, his breath caressing her ear. Kagome bit her lip as her throat constricted. He wiped away another set of tears, almost…tenderly. She trembled underneath his hand. His grip tightened, turning her head in his direction.
“ Anything, you say? I think I might be willing to take you up on that offer,” Youko said conversationally. Hope fluttered in Kagome's chest.
“ You know, Kagome-chan, you look very beautiful right now, all trussed up like that. It looks like you've just had a good tumble in the woods. But you don't feel that way, do you, Kagome-chan?” The fox youkai spoke. When Kagome didn't reply, his grip tightened further. Getting the idea, Kagome answered him.
“ N-no,” she stuttered. The youkai let go of her face, but then began to thread his fingers through her hair.
“ W-what are you doing?” Kagome asked.
“ Touching you,” came the simple reply. The clawed hands traveled from her hair down her neck and along her torso, feeling every inch of her. Kagome could tell he was sitting in front of her when the silky feeling of his tunic brushed across her nose. She trembled under his touch, wondering what he had in store for her. While she sat there, skin becoming hypersensitive to him, Kagome became aware of the vines sliding sensuously across her form, but still kept her bound firmly to the tree. She shuddered when one squeezed her thigh before creeping upward, sparking a warm, tingling feeling in her lower belly. `Oh…this feels nice…' Indeed, as soon as Kagome began to relax, the combination of Youko's hands and his vines created a pleasureable feeling in her body, making her squirm in search of…something. He laughed softly in her ear.
“ Like that, do you?” knowing that she had to answer his question, she nodded furiously. He stopped touching her rather abruptly, letting his vines finish the job. The thick plants cut away her panties and forces her skirt to ride up until her entire lower half of her body was exposed. They manipulated her body into position, her legs spread wide and her arms pinned to her side. And then it touched her. Kagome's back bowed sharply, trying to search out that elusive friction that had just been so briefly granted to her. The vine continued to lightly stroke her, collecting moisture along its length. When it flicked her clit, the coiling in her stomach broke and Kagome cried out. Dazed as she was, she didn't even noticed as the vines released her slack body. She did however notice when Youko removed the rest of her clothing.
“ That felt very nice, didn't it?” Kagome nodded dumbly in response to his inquiry. She was sure he was smirking. His hands briefly roved over her body before pulling her closer to him. She could tell because she could feel his silk clothing brushing on her skin.
“ I have brought you to the pleasure you desired, surely you can do the same for me,” Youko said in her ear. Kagome tugged on her lip with her teeth, breaking the skin. A tongue flicked said lip, licking up the blood. She was swallowed and steeled herself. `This is for you, Inuyasha…' She reached out tentatively and touched skin. It was Youko's face. Traveling down, she came in contact with his shoulders. Kagome brushed aside his tunic, where it fell to his waist, leaving his chest bare to her exploring hands. When she came in contact with his nipple, she paused. Kagome knew from the knowledge of her own body that she enjoyed it when she touched her nipples, but would he? Kagome flicked it with her finger, and gave a small smile when she heard a slight intake of breath. She pinched it lightly and turned it in her fingers. She brought her mouth down on his chest, moving until she found the other peak, and nipped and licked at it. She started to move southward once more, and when it strained to hard on her back, she lightly pushed Youko backwards, surprised when he complied. Now, with her overtop him, she could continue more easily. However, once she came to the waistband of his pants, she stopped. She was very, very nervous. She had never seen this part of the male anatomy before, unless one were to count the pictures in her biology book, but Kagome definitely didn't count that. Would a youkai's…thing…be different from a human's? Kagome nibbled on her lip some more before making a decision. `I'll come back to this part later!' She surged up his body, towards to where she knew his head would be. She felt more than heard him snicker, and Kagome frowned to herself. Gently feeling around, she found his ears. Kagome felt Youko's body tense beneath her, but when she began to stroke the satiny fur, he relaxed, a purr-like sound erupting from his chest. When Kagome felt she had gather enough of her nerve, she began to slide back down his body, unintentionally rubbing her own against him. Slowly she slid off his pants, her breath becoming ragged. Feeling around, she found his erection. Kagome palmed it curiously, glad she could not see it in the dark. It had a curious feel, hard, but soft. Exploring further showed her he had no pubic hair, and Kagome jumped when she came in contact with his balls. They were heavy and covered in a soft skin, and judging from the strangled sounds coming from Youko, very sensitive.
Gathering her courage, Kagome leaned down and gave a tentative lick. She felt the shudder go through his body, and Kagome felt her lips twist in a smile. `After all that torment he gave me…I finally have my chance to get back at him!' Kagome delighted in the feminine power she had just then. It was almost enough to make her feel better about the whole situation, but she was not foolish enough to forget her fear that was lying just beneath the pleasure she was experiencing.
Kagome continually gave small licks up and down his shaft, occasionally adding in a nibble here and there, pleased with Youko's reactions to her torture. His hips gave small jerks, trying to find something to thrust his erection into it, but Kagome's mouth remained elusive. A hand tangled in her hair, and a growl stopped her. Had she done something wrong?
“ Kiss it,” Youko rasped. Kagome froze. Kiss it? He wanted her to kiss him? The hand tightened, and Kagome hastened to do as he had bid. He still held her life in his hands, and she should be grateful that this was all she had to do to ensure that Inuyasha's weakness would remain secret. Bending down, Kagome placed an open mouthed kiss on the tip of his erection. However, this was exactly what Youko had been looking for as he thrust up into her mouth. As it bumped against the back of her throat, Kagome could feel her gag reflex working. She struggled to hold back the bile and suck on Youko at the same time. He thrust shallowly into her mouth, and Kagome learned to breathe and suck at the same time, remembering to give his balls occasional strokes from her hands. When Kagome thought he was going to release his seed, she began to prepare herself, but there was no need. Youko pulled free of her mouth, pushed her over and flipped her so she was on her hands and knees and positioned himself above her. He swept the hair away from her neck and leaned over so his breath caressed her.
“ You have such a beautiful neck, Kagome-chan. It's so small. I could strangle you with one hand, but you'd never notice, because I was fucking you senseless,” Youko said. Kagome shuddered and whimpered, her fear returning full force. Youko's hands returned to her body, massaging her breasts and touching her secret place. She could feel liquid dripping down her thighs, was that really from her own body? And then he was inside her in one swift movement. Kagome's arms gave out under the force of his thrust, leaving her hips high in the air. Little mewls and gasps of pleasure escape from Kagome's lips as Youko continued to pump into her. She arched her back when he hit that sweet spot deep inside her that Kagome had never come close to touching.
“ You look so pretty down there, writhing in pleasure underneath me. Inuyasha must mean a lot to you, to give yourself up so easily for him. But you're not thinking of Inuyasha are you?” Youko growled at her. Her answering moan was enough for him. Indeed, all Kagome could think of was how he kept thrusting in her, how good it felt, especially when the harsh ground of the forest floor rubbed against her hypersensitive skin in all the right places. And then she orgasmed and she could feel something warm rushing into her body and knew Youko had too. He pulled his flaccid member out of her, and Kagome struggled to even her breathing, pushing herself upright. And Youko was behind her, holding her tight to his form.
“ W-what?”
“ You didn't think we were done, did you Kagome-chan? The night is still young, and no one's around. Besides, I haven't made you scream for me yet, made you beg for release. And there's so many things I'd like to try, with you as my participant. No, I'm going to keep you here for a long time, Kagome-chan,” Youko told her. Kagome trembled, and could feel the heat reigniting in her lower belly. The youkai laughed.
“ How strange you are, Kagome-chan. It seems your own fear fuels your pleasure. No wonder you liked being bound so much,” he said. Kagome found herself on the ground again, vines wrapped around her body, stroking her again. Her breasts were pushed up, and Kagome moaned when Youko latched on to them, one being sucked, the other rolling between his fingers. It wasn't long before Youko was inside her again, thrusting, her legs wrapped around her waist. And it wasn't long after that that Kagome was orgasming again, crying out loudly. Youko was right; she was going to be there for a very long time.
Kagome hummed to herself, shouldering her backpack.
“ Well, it looks like I have everything. I'll see you guys later,” Kagome told Sango and Miroku. Inuyasha and Shippo had gone to another village to get some supplies for Kaede. Shippo had only gone along because Inuyasha had promised to teach him how to hunt. Kirara had gone with the two, since Inuyasha would be gone during the night of the new moon. It was a good thing, knowing they were bonding together. Sometimes, Kagome felt that those with youkai blood felt a little strange, being around three humans.
“ Have a nice visit with your family, Kagome-chan,” Sango told her friend. Miroku nodded; he was too busy trying to reach over and grope Sango to reply. Kagome grinned a little and set off.
It had been a month ago when Sango had found Kagome in the forest alone, crying silently. She had been dressed, yes, but was incredibly dirty and sore, and there were suspicious red marks all over her form. It had taken Kagome nearly a week in her time to fully recover, and then they began to search for jewel shards again. Now Kagome was going home again. She was looking forward to eating some of her mother's oden. In Kagome's opinion, it was the best in the world.
Kagome looked at the horizon, where the sun was disappearing. Its light cast red and pink streaks across the darkening sky. It was definitely an awesome sight.
“ If only Tokyo had such beautiful skies…” Kagome murmured to herself. She started off towards Inuyasha's Forest, resuming her humming.
By the time she reached the edge of the forest, the sky was completely purple and quickly becoming black. Kagome had to hurry if she hoped to be able to get to the well without use of her flashlight. She continued at a brisk pace. Kagome had just gotten towards the center of the forest when she froze involuntarily. Vines creeped up her legs, keeping her in place. Fear shot down her spine, and Kagome shook violently when she felt that presence behind her again. Youko leaned down, his lips caressing her ear.
“ It's nice to see you again, Kagome-chan.”
When your blood freezes in your veins
When you can't breathe of fear
You hear your heart and the bells pound
It is night
- Midnight, E Nomine