Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My pain ❯ The Beginning of it All ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome ran. She ran with all her worth and she panted and forced the air back into her chest. She cradled her son, Shippo to her chest as she continued to run. The forest flew past her in blurred greens, so dark and foreboding that they almost looked to be black. She didn't have time, as she ran through the forest even as the branches and thorns and rocks tore at her skin. Kagome leaped into the air, pushing herself, even with the wounds still oozing blood.
'They are gone,' She thought to herself. 'They are all gone, All of them. Sango, Kirara, Miroku, they are gone because of Naraku. And now that he is gone, Inuyasha, He betrayed me... Betrayed my friends. But then, he was only ever in it for the jewel.' She couldn't stop the angry tears from streaming down her face, but still she didn't break stride.
Kagome hoisted herself over the lip of the well, to fall in, smiling as she felt the beginning of the blue energy to wrap around her in its comforting embrace. But before she could make it to the other side of the well, Inuyasha grabbed her arm, following her down into the well. And his ruby eyes bore into her, a sense of foreboding settling ever further within her stomach.
Once Kagome and Inuyasha reached the other side of the well, he waited for her to extract herself from the well, before he gave case to her again. And while he chased her out of the well house, she left Shippo there, hoping that he would be safe from Inuyasha's grasp. She could only hope...
Kagome ran into the coldness that always came with the December day, especially cold with the feelings of darkness that punctured her very soul. She allowed her eyes to soften, her irises showing the warmth that she had a hard time forcing into them at the sight of the half-breed. The one who had ripped her heart out of her chest time and time again, only to force her back with a blush or a cleverly placed comment or complement. She however, stole away all warmth from her eyes when he leveled a harsh stair at her, looking at her as if he would rather deal with Naraku. It broke her heart again. She had to end him, or allow herself to be ended. And she couldn't let herself end if only for her son.
So Kagome held her arms to her sides, white hot purification energy erupting in torrents from her palms. Suddenly her mind was no longer her own, her body acting of its own accord. And Kagome found herself scared. Scared for the simple fact that she wasn't in control. Her body and her country was at the mercy of her bodies reactions. She watched helplessly as a sword of holy energy sprouted from her left hand, a twin of it in her other hand. Kagome's breath hitched as she charged forward, and one sword sliced its way through Inuyasha's left arm. That left him at a severe disadvantage, and so he made to retreat. But Kagome's body would have nothing to do with that, and his head was severed from his body, before being purified with the rest of him.
Kagome collapsed, spiritually spent, but she remembered Shippo and forced her body upright, reaching into the well, grabbing his small body and settling him on the porch, while she dragged her still bleeding body onto her backyard. She then allowed herself to collapse, to fall to the ground, ragged sobs stealing her breath and shake her body. She let the grief that had started to curl their icy fingers around her soul when Sango, her friend turned sister, Miroku, her father figure, and Kirara, her companion. She let the quiet sobs wrench themselves from her body, she allowed herself to address the wounds that were still so fresh, so raw and undimmed, much like the ones that still seeped blood all over he body.
Her body was numb, but not just from the cold, as much as she wished that were the case. She felt numb from all the pain, from all the sadness that had manifested itself into a feeling that hurt, physically hurt her being when she allowed herself to think of it. But she couldn't dwell on such things, for her Kit was still bleeding and she needed to dress his wound, which was a series of four long nasty claw marks, similar to the ones that currently marred her own once-alabaster skin.
She stumbled into her house, rushing to grab her medical supplies and then running up her stairs, ignoring her mother's confused gaze. Throwing the door to the rest room open, she started running a bath, just warm enough to make her freezing hands burn. She settled his body into the tub, washing his wound, ever so delicately. Ever so softly did she dry his small body and cover his slowly bleeding wounds with gauze and a mixture of painkillers and disinfectants. She then settled himself into her bed, dressed in just a sheet wrapped haphazardly around his body. She then made sure to cover his body in a thick blanket and then she slowly made her way back to the bathroom. She had to patch herself up, previously placing a wash cloth in her mouth to muffle her screams.
She found herself wishing that she hadn't used all of her energy to take down Inuyasha so she could heal her son, he didn't have to have the scars that were sure to mar his young skin. She stared ruefully down at the gauze covered parts of his body, and settled down next to him, his warmth forcing her to drift off into a dreamless sleep, listening to her son's heart beat.
Kagome woke with a start, and was quite displeased when a lightening bolt of pain raced down her body, making her draw in a painful breath. She could feel the blood coating her body where Inuyasha had struck her, where his claws left permanent reminders. But she couldn't dwell on such things. For today was the start of school, an she couldn't afford to be late. She had to retake the year because of her absences. It couldn't be helped.
So Kagome rolled herself out of bed, and continued back to the bathroom. Peeling the sticky, and now rusty colored gauze from her body, she winced when the gauze stuck to the edges of her wounds, bringing the shine of tears not shed to her eyes. But she wouldn't let them fall. She hobbled to her dresser, and pulled out a copy of the boys uniform for her to wear. She couldn't prance about with all of her scars showing. The people at school would think she was being beat on or something. She had the uniform in her hands as she went and took a brief shower, and now that she could smell it, the smell of her own blood made her dizzy.
But she disregarded that in favor of scrubbing the blood from her body. She bathed herself ,wary of the still tender wounds. She dried her body, put on fresh underwear and bra, then she turned her attention to her wounds again, starting the task of dressing them. She sprayed more ointment into her wounds, and re wrapped her wounds, before dressing and tying her hair into a ponytail, and was surprised when her hair came past her waist.
'Oh well' She thought, heading out the door to head for school. She walked calmly, her briefcase slung lazily over her shoulder. She smiled at the thought of a normal school year, with no more demons chasing her about for a stupid jewel. But her smile was short lived as a group of thugs started trailing her. Her pace quickened. She made a turn to try to shake them off, but found herself trapped in an ally way, with the thugs or a high fence as her obstacle to getting to school. Either way she would rip open her wounds.
'But' She reasoned with herself, 'Might as well enjoy the pain...'
So she turned her body, her posture tense as she turned to face about eight tough looking thugs. Only problem with these so called thugs was the small amount of youkai that came from each of them.
“Can I help you boys?” She asked in her calmest voice.
She couldn't help but be worried at the malicious grins that grew upon each of their faces. They closed in on her, and she dropped into a defensive stance, preparing to attack at the first move.
“I don't want any trouble...” She started, before she ducked out of the way of two of the thugs. She continued to evade them, trying to simply escape the ally way.
One of the thugs whispered about 'One slippery as bitch' and she felt the beginnings of anger form onto her face. She ducked out of the way again, but then threw a punch laced with purification energy, and almost smiled at the scream of agony that passed his lips.
“Last chance. Back off.” Kagome spoke, a warning in her voice. As she spoke her hands glowed a brilliant blue, the color of her eyes in this calmness.
A couple of the lackeys took a step back, but the rest held their ground. Kagome sighed and let a burst of purification energy to bust from her and all of them were dead, purified to ashes. Kagome made to rise to a stance again, but her wound reopened, causing her to hold her side, trying to keep the blood off of her jacket. She raced back to the main street, forcing her legs to carry her all the way to school, while she bled on her shirt.
As she reached the school, she forced herself to open her bandages, and found that she had already bled through, so she unwrapped the bandages and forced her energy to act as a second skin, holding in the blood as she re wrapped her bandages. She allowed her body to relax and she pulled her shirt back down, before walking onto the school grounds. Her hands still held the used bandages.
All eyes were on her as she walked past the gate of the school. She smiled at the people around her, until she almost ran into one that had placed themselves in her path. The click of people sneered at her, and she allowed one of her most deceptively sweet smiles to surface on her face, taking the group off guard.
“Excuse me sirs and madams, but I would very much like to get to my classes and to discard of my bandages, so please move.” Kagome forced the words from her mouth even as she smiled harder.
She wasn't surprised when they didn't move. Instead of moving, they circled her, along with a crowd of students wishing to see a good fight. She smiled harder still.
“So I suppose you aren't going to move, huh? So allow me the pleasure of guessing what it is that you want to pester me with today. Perhaps I am 'stepping on your turf'? Or maybe the problem is that I am so very boring and mundane that you decided that I am not to be allowed into this school?” Kagome said with a small smile, her hair falling in front of her eyes as she started to chuckle silently to herself.
“No it's not that! You are that sickly girl from last year, and we don't want you infesting our school with your diseases! I mean how disgusting!” A girl to the left of her spoke.
Kagome smiled. “Bravo, I haven't heard that one yet.”
“But” She continued, “I have class to get to.” Kagome said before making to walk past the group of petty idiots.
A beefy guy stepped in her way, blocking her way out. Kagome sighed,and moved to sidestep the guy, only to be blocked by another. Another sigh escaped her lips, as she worried her bottom lip.
“Well, I guess I have to make a reputation for myself already” Kagome dropped into a defensive stance, her eyes racing from one face to another.
A big guy charged at her, but she did a back flip out of the way. Then another grabbed her wrist. She twisted her arm around until she held his hand in hers, using his momentum against him, pushing him into another two people. Kagome jumped from place to place, trying to avoid favoring her right side, where her wounds were worst. She did a split to avoid being kicked in the jaw, punching the guy in his balls. She stood again, only this time her wounds reopened again, and forced her to her knees, holding her side as she rolled away from a shin that came close to breaking quite a few of her ribs. She pulled off her over shirt, to avoid staining the poor thing any more. The students gasped at her scars that trailed down her back, over her shoulders, extending all the way up to her collar bones and disappearing under pants and her bandages, which were starting to redden. She sighed ad pulled herself up again, preparing to fight again, her fists up. Only to find that everyone was hesitant to pick their fists up again.
“Whats wrong? You had no trouble beating on me when I was the 'sickly girl'. Whats the big difference for me when I'm scarred?” Kagome hollered, her voice traveling across the school yard.
But none would answer. Her face burned when she felt everyone's eyes on her, boring into every scar on her body. She picked up her jacket and stalked to the school. Their eyes followed her all the way to the door.
By the time she had reached home room, talk was all over the school about the mysterious scarred girl who fought one of the biggest gangs alone while wounded. People now avoided her, as if they didn't before, and she was forced to sit alone, everyone refusing to sit within a seat of her. Suddenly there was a loud ruckus in the hall way, and a group of people entered the class room, apparently late for school. The first of which was a young girl with short brown hair, Keiko was her name, and she sat right next to her as she entered. Along with her, she brought a tall lanky fellow, Kuwabara, a boy with slicked back hair, Yusuke, and a handsome fellow with scarlet hair, Kurama. They all sat around her, and everyone in the class started telling stories about her fight earlier with the gang.
One boy even went so far as to ask them if they were sure about their seats. “You all are sure you wanna sit there? I mean she is a loose cannon! She beat up the entire Yokuzo gang... And she was wounded! God you should see her scars though. You'd think she had been in a war with all of the scars on 'er!” And then he busted into a fit of nervous laughter when Kagome leveled a harsh glare in his direction.
She clicked her tongue and shook her head, before turning her attention to the newcomers.
“That's not what happened at all! First off I just wanted to get into the school. When they refused to move and didn't allow me past them because I was the 'Sickly girl last year. So yea I was wounded when I showed up, but that doesn't mean anything. But when I take off my over shirt to keep myself from bleeding all over it when my wounds reopened, everyone sees my scars and they blew every thing out of proportion.” Kagome huffed an angry sigh, then focused on her classes. First was history, oh the joy.
“And so the first thing we will be going over is mythology for the era about 500 years ago. Would anyone happen to know what that time period was called?” the teacher droned on, and Kagome perked up.
Kagome rose her hand, but so did Kurama. She shot him a dirty look and rose her hand higher. The teacher sighed and looked at the newest delinquent raising her hand. He decided he might as well get a good laugh out of her before giving the question to Kurama. So he picked Kagome with a wave of his hand. Kagome smiled at him.
“Ahem... Well sir, the era about 500 years ago is referred to as the Shoujo Jidai, and if I may be so bold to ask, what folk lore are we to be learning?” Kagome said in a loud voice.
The teacher frowned and sighed, figuring that there was no comedy coming from the new girl.
“Yes that is correct. We will be learning about the stories of a man turned half demon who caused a lot of suffering in the Shoujo Jidai.” The teacher started to read aloud from a mythology book about the epic tale that Kagome had lived through.
Kagome raised her hand. The teacher called on her. “Yes Miss Higurashi?”
“Would it be all right if I retold the story? Because you are starting at the wrong place, Sir.” Kagome said calmly, and then smiled at her teachers confused expression.
She stood and walked to the front of class. Taking the text book that was in his hand, she closed it, throwing it into its slot in his book shelf.
“That book, I am afraid, is wrong. Lets start at the right beginning, shall we? Ok, so 600 years ago, a powerful priestess by the name of Midoriko roamed the lands of Japan, eradicating malicious demons every where she went. Until one grand battle, with 3 demons, which took place in a cave. She fought for several days and nights, until she was wounded terribly and had no chance of ever winning. So in a last ditch effort to stop these evil youkai, Midoriko forced her soul, and the souls of the three youkai out of their bodies, forcing their souls to wage war in a jewel, a jewel called the Shikon, or the jewel of four souls.
This jewel passed through many evil persons, human, half breed, and full demon, until a few years later, where a village of demon slayers came to possess the jewel. But the jewel was also passed on, to a miko named Kikyo, who became the protector of the Shikon jewel. However, the hands of fate are cruel. She found a bandit named Onigumo, who harbored feelings for Kikyo, but was bound to a cave due to severe burns that would stay with him his entire life. Kikyo also had a love interest, named Inuyasha, a half breed who had intended to steal the jewel away to become full demon.
Onigumo discovered this and became hateful. So he called a mass of demons to his body, offering them his body in sacrifice to become what was known as Naraku, a being who was not Demon, human, or half breed. He then set about a plan, in which made Kikyo and Inuyasha think they betrayed each other, ending in Kikyo's death and Inuyasha's imprisonment to a tree for a fifty years. After those fifty years, Naraku had crossed many people, curing a Monk and his family to have a void in his right hand, eradicated the same Demon slayer village, terrorized the entirety of Japan and led up to a quest involving A monk, a demon slayer, a demon fox kit, Inuyasha the half breed, a fire cat, and a time traveling woman from around our time period. This is how the story goes, told as memorized from the scrolls in the shrine that serves as my home.” Kagome finished telling this tale right before the class ended.
She then walked out of the room, feeling light as air and happier than she had felt in a long time. The rest of the school day continued like that, until she was called by the archery team, a squad she had been part of the year prior, and she smiled at the sight of Keiko, who was dressed in the school's archery squad uniforms, miko Garbs. Kagome took a few minuets to change into her garbs in the changing section of the Archery area. Kagome took three quivers of arrows and grabbed a bow that the archery club has specially made for her, her being their best participant. She got the bow made of ancient wood as a prize.
Kagome picked up an arrow from the quiver. She ran the wood along her lips, and strung her bow. She took aim. Calming breath. And let go.
The arrow hit the target in the center of the bulls eye. Kagome continued to fire the powerless arrows one after another, and couldn't help but smile at the resounding crack that came with hitting the target.
Little did she know she was being watched.