Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Savior ❯ Pasts learened ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho.


Okay, someone told me there was a similar story called `savior' and the first 2 chapters sounded the same. Well, someone at mediaminer.org had a story like mine that was yugio (sry.. can't spell) and they said they didn't copy off of me. Well I'm guessing it's the same person so it's okay I guess. Thanks for being nice and telling me though!




After everyone came through the portal, everyone settled in. The inu-gumi (minus Inuyasha) were on the couch while the rekai tentai were standing. Shippo jumped from Kurama's shoulder to Kagome's lap.


Kagome looked around the room. "Who are we suppose to meet?"




She looked around. Behind the desk, a chair turned around to reveal a toddler.


"AWW! How kawaii!"


"Thank you very much for the complement." Koenma said, surprising the living daylights out of the inu-gumi.


"Did that baby just talk?" Shippo asked with wide eyes.


"I think it did…," Sango said with a mirrored expression.


Yusuke and Kuwabara snickered as Kurama tried to hide his amusement behind his hand. Hiei was smirking.


With a sudden cloud of smoke, a teenager appeared where the toddler was, with the word `JR' tattooed on his head. "Does this form suit you?"


Everyone nodded.


"Okay, back to business. I am Koenma, prince of Spirit world."


"Excuse me, but what, may I ask, is Spirit world?" Miroku asked, a hand on his chin.


Koenma sighed. "A long time ago, there were 3 worlds developed. One is Spirit world, which you are in now; the other is Makai, where demons live, and Ningenkai, where you humans live. I am in charge insuring that everything is going okay in both Makai and Ningenkai. So would anyone like to tell me how you traveled from the past to the future?"


"By traveling through a well." Kagome answered, her face betraying no emotions. She was comforted by the fact that Hiei was here, but still kept her guard up.


Yusuke snorted. "A well? That's some lame lie."


Kagome shrugged. "Hey, he asked a question, I answered. It's up to you if you want to believe me or not."


"It does sound a bit bizarre, but it could happen. So tell me, miss…"


"Kagome. And this is Shippo, Sango, and Miroku" she said as everyone acknowledged their name.


Koenma nodded. "Okay Kagome, tell me, what are you exactly? I sense some sort of pure energy coming from you."


"I'm a miko." She said calmly.


Kurama rose an eyebrow. "I thought miko's didn't exist anymore. I've heard the last time one showed up was over 500 years ago."


Yusuke and Kuwbara had confused looks on their faces. "What's a miko?"


"Some one with spiritual powers that can purify a demon." Kurama answered back.




"Anyways, so how far back does the well transport you?" Koenma said, focusing back on the main reason why everyone was here.


"500 years." Kagome said while stroking Shippo's hair.


"Hm. So how did you find out about the well?"


"It's a long story…," Kagome said.


"We have time." Koenma said, while lying back on his chair.


"It all started on my 15th birthday… [Enter story here because we all know it right?] …And then I sealed the well."


Kurama and Koenma stared at her with wide eyes.


"Do you still have the Shikon jewel with you?" Koenma asked.


Kagome pulled out her necklace from her shirt.


Koenma gasped. "Wow, the legendary Shikon Jewel. So you are its guardian?"


"Yes, I've protected it for over a year now."


"I see. If it gets into the wrong hands, there could be disastrous results!" Koenma studied Kagome, who fidgeted under his gaze.


Hiei didn't like the way he was making her feel uncomfortable and a soft low growl escaped his throat. Only Kurama and Shippo heard him. Both looked at him with curious stares. He just glared at them.


"Kagome, I would like to offer you my services. I would like to put the Shikon Jewel into a safe, where it would be held and stay protected. It would be perfectly safe." Koenma said, breaking the silence.


Yusuke snorted again. "Yeah, they sure are nifty! Especially how they kept Kurama and Hiei out!" he said sarcastically.


Kagome took a quick look at Hiei and rose her eyebrows. `You have a lot to explain.' She thought mentally, knowing he would get the message.


`Hn' was the only reply she got back. She rolled her eyes. He really needed to talk more.


"It's quite alright. I'd rather keep it with me. Since I've managed to protect it for so long, it shouldn't be a problem now. Plus I have a barrier around it."


Koenma sighed. "Alright. That explains why I don't feel any power coming from it. But bringing people from the past into the future is against the law. The consequences aren't too pretty. Since you are the one who brought them here, you would be sentenced to work for me for a very, very, long time.


"Is there nothing we can do to help reduce her sentence?" Sango asked, her brown eyes pleading. She didn't want her sister to get in trouble because of them.


Koenma thought for a moment. "I suppose you can. If you want, you can join my Spirit detectives."


All three of them (Shippo was falling asleep) had confused looks on their faces.


"Spirit detectives go on missions for me and help protect ningenkai from youkai. My spirit detectives are right behind you." Koenma said gesturing towards Yusuke and his group.


Kagome bit her bottom lip. She looked over at Sango and Miroku. They both nodded to her. "Okay, fine. We accept. So can you all introduce yourselves?"


"Keh, I'm Yusuke."


"I'm Kuwabara."

"My name is Kurama. Nice to meet you."


"Hn. Hiei."


Clapping his hands together, Koenma smiled. "Great! Now that everyone knows each other, here are some communicators! I'll have either Botan or I contact you when you're needed."


"Who's Botan?" Miroku asked. His interest spiked when he heard a female name.


Kagome and Sango looked at each other and sighed. There he goes again.


"Ah, Botan is my assistant. BOTAN! Come in here!"


A girl with cotton candy blue hair and bubblegum pink eyes came in. She was dressed in a white kimono with pink and red cherry blossoms on it. (I can't remember how she's dressed…)


"Hello! Are you the new Spirit detectives?" she asked with her English accent.


They all nodded. "Nice to meet you! I'm Botan!"


The girls smiled. They would become good friends. "I'm Kagome, and this little guy in my lap is Shippo." She said while looking down at the slumbering kit.


"And I'm Sango."


Miroku had a lecherous grin on his face. He got up from the couch and grabbed her hand. "Will you bear my child?"


Botan blushed before an oar appeared in her hand. She smacked him hard on the head, rendering him unconscious. "Ugh! Men!"


Kagome giggled while Sango rolled his eyes. Typical Miroku.


"Well, I guess I'll get you back home. The Higurashi shrine right?" Botan asked after recovering from the Miroku incident.


Kagome nodded. "Okay! Well here we go!" She opened up a blue portal, as everyone stepped in.


After dragging the unconscious Miroku through, Kagome asked, "Would you guys like to stay for dinner? I think my mom is cooking Oden!" `Mmm, oden…' Thinking about oden, she started drooling with a glazed look in her eyes.


Botan smiled. "Sure! Why not!"


Yusuke shrugged. "I won't pass up a free meal."


Kuwabara was day dreaming about kitties…


And Hiei just `HN'ed.


Seeing as Kagome was in her `oden trance', Sango led everyone indoors.


Blinking, Kagome was brought back to reality when she noticed everyone left. She frowned. Strong arms embraced her from behind.


"Hello Hiei, when did everyone go inside?"


"While you were thinking about oden."


"Ah yes, oden…" she said with a dreamily look on her face, as she started to space out again.


Hiei hugged her tighter. He nipped her neck before soothing it with his tongue.


The nip brought her back into reality. She giggled when he licked her. "Mmm that felt nice," she said while she leaned back on him.


He continued tasting her neck, enjoying her soft, quiet moans. "We should stop. The others are waiting. Plus, I don't want to wake up Shippo."


She cradled Shippo to her chest. He was still sound asleep.


Hiei reluctantly let go.


Kagome turned around and kissed him. She slipped in a little tongue, and then pulled away with a mischievous grin on her face. "Now let's hurry before everyone eats all the oden up!"


Turning around, she made a quick get away towards the house.


Hiei just smirked. `We'll pick off where we left off later…' He silently followed behind her.


Neither Hiei, nor Kagome knew Shippo had been awake the whole time. He smiled softly. `It's about time okaasan found someone since Inuyasha.'



Hiei didn't like much ningen food, so he decided to stay in the Goshinboku and wait until everyone was finished. The energy from the tree allowed him to rest easier.


Inside the house, everyone was sitting down at the table already. The order was Yusuke, Kuwabara, Botan, Miroku (much to botans displeasure), Sango, and Kurama. Kagome walked over and sat in-between Yusuke and Kurama with the now awake Shippo.


Getting some food for Shippo, she quickly grabbed a bowl for herself and took a lot of oden. She began happily eating while everyone watched her scarf down the food in surprise. Her bowl was cleaned in less then a minute. Everyone watched as she took another bowl full.


Feeling eyes on her, she looked up. "What?" she said spitting out food.


Everyone grimaced and ducked under the flying food.


"Okaasan, maybe you should talk without food in your mouth."


Kagome blushed while everyone at the table softly snickered. "So Kurama, what are you exactly? A kitsune or a human?" kagome asked before stuffing her mouth again.


"Yes, I've been wondering the same thing," said Sango.


Kurama inhaled, "Well you see, there was this kitsune thief name Youko… (You all know it right? You should at least…) and so now I have his spirit residing in my body."


Sango nodded. "I've never heard of that being done before…"


Green eyes gazed into brown. He chucked softly. "Yes, it is quite rare. It was a last resort after all."


"Where's Hiei?" Sango asked, looking around. "I don't see him around here."


"Shorty isn't very social." Kuwabara said from the other end of the table.


"Ah, I see. What type of youkai is he?"


Kagome looked up and stared at the reikai tentai. She was curious to know too.


Kurama was the one that answered. "He is a fire youkai."


"Hm." Was all Sango said before she continued eating.


Dinner went on for 2 more hours. They swapped stories. They learned how Yusuke became a spirit detective, and about Naraku and his evil deeds. They also learned a little about each other's lives.


Around 10 everyone started to depart.


"I'll see you guys around. I've got to get up early tomorrow for a date with Keiko." Yusuke said while yawing.


"Yes, we wouldn't want to overstay our welcome" Kurama politely said.


Mrs. H smiled. She liked that boy; he had a lot of charm, and was very polite too.


After all the goodbyes, it was almost 11 o'clock.


Kagome sighed. It had been an eventful day. She turned to her mom. "Okaasan?"


Mrs. H looked up from the dishes. "Yes?"


"You know how I told you about our new job right?"


She nodded.


Kagome continued, "Well, maybe we should move out. I mean the missions might go on till very late hours and I don't want me or my friends to impose in the household."


Mrs. H smiled. "I understand. Why don't we get you an apartment? After all, you three are crammed into your room right?"


Kagome beamed. "Thank's kaasan!" she said as she hugged her.


She quickly ran to go tell Miroku and Sango, who were watching TV on the couch.


As the day finally ended, she said goodnight to everyone headed upstairs. Miroku and Sango were ok with the idea of moving out. Now all she needed to do was talk to Shippo.


After he had eaten dinner, he went into Souta's room to play. Kagome peered into Souta's room, and giggled.


Shippo was on Souta's bed hugging his pillow, while Souta was sprawled out on the floor holding a water gun. She covered them both with blankets and kissed their foreheads before she turned off the lights and closed the door.


Walking into her room, she dug around some of the shopping bags from earlier. When Sango and Shippo were occupied with trying on clothes, Kagome had slipped out and went to another store. She bought a black leather collar that had a silver plate on it. She had it engraved. It said:


Owner: Kagome Higurashi


She smiled. This was a present for a certain someone. The only problem was how she was going to get it on him. He would probably put up a fight. Putting a finger to her chin, she started cooking up plans when she felt his youki.


`Speak of the devil…' she thought to herself. Walking over to the window she opened it.


A black blur quickly tackled her to the bed. Using this as an opportunity, she quickly slipped on the collar.


Hiei looked a little surprised. He fingered the collar and gave her a curious look. "What is this?" he asked aloud.


She just smirked sexily at him. "Oh, just something that says who you belong to."


He smirked back. "Really."


"Enough talking." She tugged on the collar and brought his face towards hers tilt heir lips met.


He moved so he was on top of her, but his body weight wasn't crushing her. He nibbled on her lip until she moaned. He thrust his tongue into her mouth, savoring the taste of her mouth.


After several minutes of making out, Kagome broke off the kiss. She rolled over, and pinned him down.


"So do you want to tell me why you're a spirit detective?" she asked.


Hiei just stared at her. He knew she was going to ask him sooner or later. But would she still except him after she learned about his past? She had accepted the jagan but would someone as pure as her be able to trust him?


She started to frown. He was being awfully quiet. She lowered her body onto his, with her face in the crook of his neck. She wrapped her arms around his neck. `Maybe he felt uncomfortable with the question…'


He wrapped his arms around her, and hugged her tightly. Minutes passed by before he finally started talking. "I'm on probation."


Kagome was starting to fall asleep before he spoke again. She nuzzled his neck to signal him to continue.


"I stole something from Koenma." For some reason, he couldn't tell her that he's killed millions. That the bloods of innocents have soaked his hands.


She let this soak in. "So your on probation for being a thief? Well that's not so bad."


They entered a comfortable silence. Her breathing had deepened and her hold on him slacked. He carefully lifted her off him and tucked her into bed. He softly kissed her on the lips before disappearing out the window.



When he got back into his room, he looked in the mirror and read the collar. He smirked slightly. So she was his master huh? Interesting. He tried taking off the collar, when a spark of miko energy zapped him.


He rose an eyebrow. `Why that little vixen…' he thought to himself. Letting go of the collar her looked out the window. He would get her back later.






YA HA! I haven't updated this story in a loooong time… sorry! But I hope you enjoy this chapter! I'm planning a little action in the next chapter but I dunnoe! Please R&R!