Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Savior ❯ A new threat? ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho

Eh, I'm not really happy with this chapter but whatever right? Be for warned… this chapter is a little too sappy… even for me.










Kagome was utterly bored. She had finished her chores and had nothing to do. Sango was currently on a date with Kurama and Miroku was playing video games with Souta and Shippo.


Sighing, she pushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear. Earlier, her mom had told her she still had to go to school. She had also suggested that Sango and Miroku join her. The only problem was, they had no education from this time. Plus they don't have any records.


Fiddling with her communicator, she finally decided to call Botan. Her cheery voice came loud and clear from the communicator. "Hello, what can I do for you?"


"Hey Botan, It's me Kagome. Do you think you could ask Koenma if Sango and Miroku would be able to go to school with me?"


There was a moment of silence. "Sure, Koenma will create fake records for them."


Kagome sighed in relief "Ok, thanks! Bye!"




Putting the communicator back on her desk, she thought about Hiei. `It almost seems like he was hiding something last night.' She thought. `I wonder what it is…' Shrugging, she decided to go out for some ice cream.


-Some where in Makai-

"So are you sure these will work?" a deep voice asked.


The youkai grinned, showing yellow stained teeth. "Yes, they were made by a powerful Monk. I guarantee they will work."


Ruby eyes glared at the youkai as he put down several pieces of gold coins. "They better, or else it will be your life."



Around 11 o'clock, Kurama had came by the Higurashi Shrine, asking if Sango would like to spend the day with him.


He decided to teach and show her things about the modern world that Kagome hadn't.


Around noon, they stopped at a nice Italian restaurant.


They were currently walking around down town, enjoying each others company till they ran into Kuwabara.


"Hello Kuwabara."


"What's up you guys? Are you on a date or something?"


Sango blushed while Kurama smiled. "Yes, something like that. I was just showing her around. What are you up to?"


Kuwabara had a dreamy look on his face. "I'm going to see Yukina."


"Yukina?" Sango asked aloud.


Kurama nodded. "She is Hiei's half sister" he whispered to her. Kuwabara still didn't know Yukina and Hiei's relation.


"Yeah, I saved her from some bad people who wanted her tear gems." Kuwabara said while puffing out his chest.


"I believe we all did. Hiei was the one who actually saved her." Kurama added.


He pouted. "Well, I still helped! Ah my beautiful Yukina!"


Kurama sighed at his friend's behavior. Hopefully he wouldn't scare the poor girl away.


Sango pondered what he said. `Tear gems… don't ice maidens make those?' She thought harder. `Wait a sec… if she's Hiei's half sister, and he's a fire youkai, that means he's a …' "Forbidden child!" she said out loud as her eyes widened.


Both red heads looked at her strangely. She blushed lightly. "Sorry, I was just thinking out loud."


Kurama stared at her for a moment. `Did she say forbidden child?' he questioned to himself. He didn't like anyone who judged his friends by what they were.


`You can't blame her. After all, she is a youkai exterminator. Speaking of which, I would love to see her in her exterminator outfit. They were quiet… fitting' Youko purred out.


`She would probably kill you if she saw you.'


`Ah, but she is a challenge. I make her fall in love with us.'


He tuned the mental fox out. Kuwabara finally snapped out of his stupor and had started to leave. "I'll see you guys later! My darling Yukina awaits!" he said as he ran off with a cloud of dust trailing behind him.


Kurama turned on the charm, and smiled at Sango. "Would you like to go walk around in the park?"


Sango blushed. `He's so handsome… But that's bad! He's part youkai… sort of.' She nodded. "Sure, I would love to."


It was a nice sunny day, and many people were in the park. There were people doing various activities, like sports, sleeping, and reading. There were trees along the path they were walking, which kept them cool in the shade. Various flowers bloomed everywhere, and also bordered the path.


Sango was too enthralled in everything that she didn't notice some little kids running straight at her. Unfortunately for her, they knocked into her, making her lose her balance. Kurama quickly caught her before she hit the ground.


They both blushed lightly. "Thank you", she said quietly.


Kurama just smiled. "No problem."


What made Sango blush even more was that their fingers had some how interlocked and stayed that way.


They walked in silence for a few minutes. Still thinking about what Kuwabara said about Hiei earlier, a question plagued her mind.


"So how come Hiei is working for Koenma? He doesn't seem like the type to take orders."


Kurama glanced at her through the corner of his eye. `What is she getting at?' "Hiei has had a bad past. Certain situations have led him to do things he may have regretted, even though he wouldn't admit it. So now he's paying the price."


Sango rose an eyebrow. "Things like what? Killing people?"


He nodded sadly. "Yes, because of his heritage, he grew cold and heartless. But he hasn't killed anyone lately unless it's apart of our job. He's loyal to his teammates and a great fighter."


She let this sink in. `Hm, so he's a bit dangerous isn't he? I'll keep an eye out for him…'


Just then their communicators went off. Kurama quickly answered his. "Hello?"


"Kurama? A B class demon has escaped. Kagome has already tracked it down." An English voice answered.


Sango gasped. "Botan, tell us the location, NOW!"


"It's a few blocks down from where you guys are."


As soon as she got the information, Sango was off. Kurama quickly thanked botan and shut his communicator, and started running after Sango.


-With Kagome-

In an ally, Kagome quickly dodged the knifes that were aimed for her head. She panted hard as she looked at the youkai in front of her.


It was a female kuma youkai. Her hair and eyes were a deep brown, and her fangs poked out from her mouth. Her hair was a little longer than shoulder length and swayed in the wind. Her ears were pointed and she had long claws. She wore a short red kimono with black flowers imprinted on it. "I can feel the jewel pulsing. Where is it?" she demanded.


Kagome instinctively clutched the jewel under her shirt. "You'll never get it. I won't allow it!" She got into battle stance, prepared to attack or defend. `All this because I wanted to get some stupid ice cream!' she screamed in her head.


The youkai attacked, throwing more knifes at her. Kagome managed to dodge most of them, but two of them hit her. One in the left arm, the other in her right thigh.


"ARG!" she clutched her arm and leg as she fell to the ground. Huffing, she tried to stand up as best as she could, her right leg barely helped her stand up and her left arm was limp.


The female smirked. "This is going to be easier then I thought. You know, you could just make it easier for yourself and give the jewel to me."


Kagome glared at the youkai. "I think not!" She lifted her hand and shot balls of energy at her.


Caught off guard, the youkai got hit once, but quickly avoided the others. She ran fast towards kagome, her claws pointed and ready to attack.


Kagome prepared herself for the attack, when a sudden black blur appeared in front of her. She recognized his ki. "Hiei…" she whispered.


He quickly ran towards the female youkai, his katana out. His attacks were quick and precise.


The youkai was too stunned to do anything. Hiei jumped back in front of Kagome protectively.


There were many cuts all over the youkai's body. Her eyes narrowed and her lip curled into a snarl. "I'll deal with you later forbidden one. Keep the jewel nice and safe for me will ya priestess?" she taunted, and in a flash she was gone.


Kagome finally collapsed to the ground as her wounds throbbed. Hiei quickly turned around and examined her wounds. Blood was running down her arms and legs, staining her clothes. He quickly pulled the knifes out as she yelped in pain.


Ripping off pieces of his cloak, he tied them securely around her wounds. "Are you ok?"


Kagome nodded weakly. "Just hurts like a bitch, that's all. Thanks for saving me… again."


Hiei gently picked her up and kissed her on the forehead. "Be more careful next time."


She snuggled to his chest. "Okay. By the way… what did she mean by forbidden one?"


As soon as she asked that question, Sango and Kurama showed up out of breath. "Kagome, are you okay?" Sango asked.


Kagome nodded. "Just a few injuries, I could heal them in no time."


Kurama took notice of how his teammate securely held her. His suspicions grew. `He has been acting differently lately. I wonder if it's because of Kagome…?' He shook his head. They had only met yesterday, plus his reclusive friend wouldn't take a liking to a demoness, much less a ningen… would he? Things were getting a little confusing.


"So what attacked you?" he asked Kagome.


"A female kuma youkai. She… wanted the shikon jewel."


Both Sango and her had puzzled expressions. Sango waved her hand at them. "Go, heal your wounds. We'll talk about it later ok?"


Kagome nodded. When Hiei moved, the sun reflected something off his neck. Kurama noticed that and squinted his eyes, and he saw a… dog collar? `What the?' Before he could mention anything about it, they were off.


Sango sighed. "Hm, that's really weird. How could a youkai sense the shikon jewel? Kagome has a powerful protective shield around it no one should be able to sense it, it just doesn't add up."


Kurama nodded in agreement. But focused back on the short youkai. Something was going on with him, and he intended to find out.


`Hm, now that everyone is gone, shall we go back to entertaining the huntress?'


Snapping out of his thoughts, he nodded to himself. He took Sango's hand, bringing her attention to him. "Shall we continue our little date?"


Blushing, she nodded, as he continued to lead her around town.



Jumping through her window in into her room, Hiei set Kagome down gently on the bed. Wincing, she carefully unwrapped the pieces of cloth to look at her injuries. Putting her hand over it, she healed her self. There was a flash of pink light, and when she removed her hand, it was completely healed. No scars were left either.


After she healed her wounds, she went into the bathroom and cleaned the blood off. When she was in new clothes, she shook her head sadly at her bloodstained clothes. "I liked this outfit too…," she said while she pouted.


Throwing them away, she sat back down on the bed next to Hiei. "Did you get hurt?" He shook his head. Smiling, she hugged his arm and laid her head on his shoulder.


She thought back to the fight. `With the barrier around the jewel's power, only someone with high spiritual power should feel it. Like Miroku… this could be bad if a youkai knows about it.'


Reading her thoughts, he brought her into his lap and nuzzled her neck to calm her down. Her body relaxed, she would forget about her problems for now. But another thing bugged her. "Hiei?"




"You never did get to tell me what that youkai meant. How are you forbidden?"


He didn't answer her, but kept nuzzling her neck. Not for her comfort, but for his own. Inwardly sighing, he began the explanation. "Fire youkai and ice youkai are forbidden to mate. Their offspring would be killed when caught. I am one of those children, but has managed to escape death."


A soft hand caressed his face. He looked up from her neck and saw her gentle eyes looking at him. "I don't care what type of youkai you are Hiei. After all, you belong to me", she said as she lightly tugged on the collar.


He growled playfully and pinned her to the bed and started tickling her. Her laughs echoed around the room, as they started rolling on the bed. "Okay, okay! You win!"


Hiei moved and laid down on the bed next to her. He gathered her in his arms, and pulled her into an embrace, with her head under his chin. Smiling to herself, she snuggled up to him.


"… I haven't told you the full extent of why I'm working for Koenma."


Kagome's eyebrow lifted curiously. "Go on…" she drawled out.


"It has to do a lot with my past. Would you like to see it?" he asked quietly.


She nodded into his chest. "Yes."


His jagan glowed as scenes flooded into Kagome's head. She saw him as a child, getting kicked of the ice maidens island, how roughly he was treated by Mukuro, battle scenes of his sword ripping through the flesh of many, the dark tournament, everything.


Tears flowed from her eyes and down her cheeks as she saw all the painful things he had to endure all his life. She cried the tears that he himself could not shed. She burrowed her face in his chest as she sobbed.


Sitting up, he cradled her carefully in his arms as he gently rocked her back and forth. He kissed her on the temple as he ran his hands through her hair lightly. He continued stroking her hair until she calmed down.


Sniffing a bit, she looked at him with puffy red eyes. "I'm sorry about all the things you had to go through."


His emotionless mask slipped as looked at her with compassionate eyes. "You don't have to be sorry about anything. Nothing's your fault."


"You sure showed everyone ne?" Hugging him tighter she continued. "You grew to be strong and have managed to live through all the hardships. I'm proud of you. Do you regret anything you've done in the past?"


"Yes, but I can't change the past."


"…So that's why you're working for Koenma?"


He nodded.


She sighed. Spike had gone through a lot. Even she wouldn't be able to be as strong as he is today. So in a way she admired him for his strength, even if she didn't approve of all the things he had done. As long as he felt something for it, she was ok with it. She was even happier to know he trusted her enough to let her view his past.


Reaching into his pocket, Hiei pulled out two silver bracelets that had teardrop shaped sapphire gems engraved on them. Nudging Kagome, he handed them to her. "Here."


She gasped at the bracelets in her hands. "They're beautiful!" she exclaimed as she put them on. She admired them as she inspected them on her wrists. Turning around, she pecked him on the lips before crushing him in a hug. "Thank you!"


She got up from his lap and went towards her mirror on her desk. They matched her eyes. `They look pretty good on me if I do say so myself!' she commented to herself while giggling.


He smirked. She didn't know what they could do yet… "They allow me to feel your emotions. So if you're ever in danger, I'll know."


"Hm." She said as she turned around to smile at him.


"And that's not all. Come." He commanded.


The gems glowed briefly before Kagome started moving on her own towards Hiei. She tried walking the other way or just plain stopping, but it didn't work. It was like she didn't have any control over her own body! "What the heck is going on Hiei?!" she screamed while glaring at him.


He just chucked lightly. "This is payback for not allowing me to take off the collar." He opened his arms as she walked into them.


She growled. But it was soon replaced with a sadistic smirk. `I'm glad I put that spell on the collar… now for the subduing word…' "SIT!"


The collar glowed before he was forced to the ground with Kagome underneath him. `Stupid kagome! I should have done that after I got away from him…' After wiggling from under him, she smirked. "Pay backs a bitch ne?"


Hiei quickly rose from the floor and tugged at the collar. He was instantly shocked.


"Only I can take it off." She said with a victorious voice.


He smirked at her. `So she thinks she's one eh?' "And only I can take those off."


Raising an eyebrow, she tried removing the bracelets, only to find that they wouldn't come off. She growled low at him. "Why you-!"


In a flash he had his arms around her. "Now now, is that the way to thank me for getting you a present?"


"SIT!" Once again, she found herself on the floor, with Hiei on top. `I have got to stop doing that!' she screamed to herself.


He growled. "Stop doing that!"


She stuck her tongue out at him. "Make me!"


"Fine." He growled out. His fang poked out as he smirked a toothy smirk at her [Km: Did that just make sense?]. "Kiss me."


Once again, she found her body moved on its own as she kissed Hiei just as he had said too. He smirked into her mouth as he felt her anger level rise. He stuck his tongue into her mouth just to piss her off more.


When they parted she glared at him with such anger that he would have burst into flames if she were a fire youkai. Too bad she wasn't. "How many commands can you give me with these things?!" she yelled as her bracelets jingled on her wrists.


"Hn." And in a flash he was gone, leaving a fuming miko alone in her room.






YARG! I know I made Hiei to OOC! I'm sorry! Gomen! FORGIVE ME! *Hits head on the wall over and over* I didn't mean for Hiei to sound all sensitive… but too late. This story isn't going where I wanted it to go, or at least this chapter. Plus, I couldn't think of a right curse thing on the bracelets. But oh well. Sorry about everyone's personality! I just can't get them right. Please R&R! Be kind if you flame!