Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Savior ❯ A date with the reaper ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or Inuyasha
Black tigeress- I admit, when I write this story... it's a little forced sometimes. As to why Hiei wasn't there when Kagome saw Hojo, he didn't come to her school until later. I'm sry about not being detailed enough… and also.. 9 PAGES IS LONG TO ME!!! ><
Nyah- I have finals… so sorry if the story starts to suck… (but then again it might just be me…) U_U
After Sango had run the plan of moving into Kurama's apartments by Miroku and Kagome, they both agreed it would be a great place to move in.
Hiding a smile behind her hand, Kagome coughed slightly. “Why do you want to move there so badly? Is it because of a certain... ki-tsu-neeeeeee?” she drawed out.
Sango frowned at Kagome. “Geez, boys aren't all I think about you know. I was just saying that it was cheap and is conveniently close to everything.” `And I get to `accidentally' run into Kurama.' She added in her mind with a devious smile.
Miroku caught the smile and grinned. “Ah, I see Sango is thinking about sneaking into the kitsune's apartment and having great se-“ but was cut off short when a boomerang found a place on his head.
Kagome watched Miroku drop to the ground unconscious. Sango was huffing, a blush over her cheeks out of anger and embarrassment. “Hentai monk! I'm not that kind of person!” she said through gritted teeth.
“Whatever, at least we'll be close to some teammates.”
Sango nodded in agreement. “Oh yeah, the short one lives their too. But don't worry, he won't do anything while I'm around.”
Kagome looked at her curiously. “What are you saying? That he's dangerous?”
“Yes, the quiet ones are usually unpredictable. Always keep your guard up around him.” Sango said, her eyes narrowing. She would not trust him until he proves himself, which he has yet to do. But the truth is they haven't been around the group for a long period of time, so she couldn't really judge him yet. But she kept her guard up just in case.
“I don't think he is. He seems very… controlled. He's only quiet unless he has something important to say. Hiei doesn't seem like the type to betray his friends anyways.” Kagome stated with a finger on her chin.
Sango looked at her curiously. “And how do you know all this? You act like you know him.”
Kagome shook her head frantically. “No no no! I guess you can say I'm observant?” she asked a little too quickly.
“I guess so…” Shaking her head at her friend's odd behavior, Sango picked up the monk's feet. “I'm going to put him in his room. I'll call Kurama about our moving arrangements.”
“How do you know his number?” Kagome asked with a huge grin across her face. It was funny to see her serious warrior friend love sick.
Sango blushed and gripped harder on the hentai's ankles. “Uh, he… gave it to me.” To avoid other questions, she quickly continued walking towards Miroku's room.
Kagome watched Sango stalk off with a knowing smile. `I hope they get together soon!'
Groaning, Miroku sat up in his bed and rubbed his head. He winced when his hand ran over a sensitive spot. Sure enough, there was a big bump on his head, no doubt from Sango.
Cracking his neck, he sat in the center of his bed in lotus position and started meditating.
With his eyes closed, he started to think about the attack on Kagome a few days ago. A youkai had somehow sensed the jewel, even though Kagome had a strong barrier around it! It really didn't make sense.
Only he and Kagome would be able to sense it. Unless… there was someone around Tokyo with a lot of spirit energy?
He shook his head. That was a foolish thought. He would have sensed someone that powerful if they were lurking around town. But then again there were certain spells that would allow you to hide your energy, but those were back in his time. He doubted there would be any scrolls with useful spells around this era.
Plus Koenma said there hasn't been any monks or miko's with any energy at all for over hundreds of years. No one would have enough knowledge to know how to control his or her power without any guidance.
He shuddered as one name crossed his mind. Naraku. There was absolutely no way he could have lived all these years. They all saw him die! But there was always a slight sliver of chance that he could have survived.
After all, he was one sneaky bastard and never played fair. Who would know if he had secretly left himself another attachment that went into hiding?
Once again, Miroku berated himself. Like he said earlier, there was no way he could be alive. Plus he would have sensed his demonic aura or there would have been more cases in the spirit world.
Opening his eyes, he stared at his right hand. There was nothing there anymore. No kazanaa. Just a faint scar where it healed over.
All his life he had known that someday he was going to die. The thing that scared him the most was when it was going to happen. It was always on his mind. Any day or fight he used the kazanaa, it could have grown to an even a larger size and eventually suck him up.
During his quests on finding Naraku, he was always on the lookout for a female to bear him a son. So at least he would die knowing that he had a family.
Miroku had to do a lot of things because of the kazanaa. Deep down, he even had a problem with someone bearing his child. Sure you would think that sex was the only thing that went through his head (and it was a major majority of it but he also thought about other things like Naraku, or Sango's butt…), but he was really scared to make a commitment to someone.
If he died while fighting Naraku, or the kazanaa ended up being his demise, he would know that he was leaving people behind. Utterly heartbroken and alone. That was a reason why he didn't want to get attached to anyone.
Hm, death. It was now a laughable thing. For now he could die as an old man, not by some curse given to him by a spider hanyou.
A cotton candy blue-haired girl came into his mind. It was so ironic how he fell in love with the deity of death. And now he had nothing to hold him back from having a relationship.
Smirking, he unraveled his legs and walked over to a table. Picking up the communicator, he pressed a button and soon the face of the one he was thinking about appeared.
Botan's concerned face appeared. “Is something wrong Miroku?”
He shook his head. “No no. I'm sorry I didn't mean to alert you. I was just wondering, could you come over to the shrine for a moment?”
The ferry girl looked at the innocent looking monk for a second before deciding to trust him. “Alright… I'll be over in a second.” And then the screen went blank.
Smirking to himself, Miroku took a quick glance in the mirror. His hair looked fine and the bump on his head was slowly disappearing.
The tight shirt he was wearing defined his muscles, and the tight jeans made him look extra tasty. Today he would try to get the grim reaper out on a date!
After the discussion between Sango and Miroku, Kagome set out to go find Hiei. The idea of moving very close to Spike made her want to giggle out of pure happiness.
No sooner had she reached the bottom of the shrine steps then Hiei appeared. She `eeped' and nearly jumped out of her skin. She glared hard at the shorter of the two who was smirking at her out of amusement.
SLAM! Down he went into the ground. Lifting his head up from the cement, his eyebrow began to twitch out of aggravation.
“Onna! What did you do that for?” he growled as he picked himself from out of the body case his body had made from the sheer force of the spell.
It was Kagome's turn for her eye to twitch. “Don't call me `onna'! And you're the one who popped out at me! Geez! Can't you give a girl a warning before you materialize out of no where?” she yelled as she crossed her arms and glared down at him.
Sparks began to fly between the two as they made eye contact with each other.
“Higurashi san!”
Kagome grimaced as she heard that voice. Turning around, she saw a happy Hojo walking down the sidewalk towards her with the familiar goofy smile on his face.
Hiei glared at the on coming male who somehow knew Kagome. With a scowl on his face, he stood possessively in front of Kagome.
By the time Hojo reached the two, Kagome was sweating out of anticipation and nervousness. Spike struck her as the jealous type and seeing that he could be a hothead at times and not follow ningen customs (such as not killing a potential contestant when it comes to courting/dating), she was afraid on Hojo's behalf. Hopefully she wouldn't have to call the hospital.
“Hello Higurashi san! And who is this with you?” the ever-so polite boy asked casually.
“Hi Hojo… this is Spi- uh erm Hiei.” She finished with an awkward smile.
Hiei's ears pricked at the name `Hojo'. `It was the name of the male the exterminator was talking about.' His mouth twisted into a malicious smirk as he thought about all the things he could do to keep this `hojo' guy away from Kagome.
“Hiei, this is Hojo, a fellow classmate.”
He just nodded. He decided to save the bloodshed till later after he felt how nervous Kagome was from the bracelets and her aura.
Inwardly Kagome sighed. Spike didn't do anything… yet.
“I was wondering if you were well enough to go on a date today.” Hojo asked ignoring Hiei's presense completely.
The fire youkai's eyes narrowed. Was the ningen boy so foolish to ask her out in front of him? Apparently so.
“She is not available. And never will be.” He said in a deep voice with a hidden threat underneath. He wrapped an arm around Kagome's waist and crushed her to his body as his youki flickered around him angrily.
Any normal human wouldn't have been able to feel the youki. Or at least identify what it was, but the look on Hojo's face showed shock. Hiei's eyes narrowed even more. He sensed he was 100% ningen but something was… off about him. What angered him more was that he couldn't figure out what.
Kagome wrapped her arms around Hiei's neck and tried to calm him down. She could feel the anger rolling off him in waves and she didn't want to have to `sit' him again. Especially since she didn't want to have to explain how she did that.
“Sorry Hojo. I'm currently dating Hiei.” If Hojo didn't get the message to back off now, he would end up dead the next morning.
Hojo's eyes hardened when they fell on Hiei, but softened when he looked at Kagome. “I see. When did you meet him?” He had asked her out on several occasions, but never once had he seen this short guy. When did he come into the picture?
“Uh, about…” Kagome shut her mouth and started thinking. How long had she known him? Her mind skimmed though all the memories she had with him. To tell the truth, she only met him no longer then a week ago! But she wasn't about to tell Hojo that! So she lied. “A few months. Heh heh…”
She ignored the curious look Hiei gave her and tried to smile. She never was good at lying.
But if Hojo did notice that she was lying, he didn't show it. He just nodded thoughtfully. “Ah, well I guess he just stole you right under my nose.” He said with a half hearted laugh. “I'm sorry I bothered you Higurashi san and I'll see you at school. Hiei.” He said with a small bow before turning around and walking away.
Kagome let out a huge sigh of relief. She thought he would never go away. Turning around in Hiei's arm she smiled. “Anyways! I have something wonder-“
“You will not see him anymore.”
She looked down at Hiei with a confused stare. “Huh?”
Hiei resisted rolling his eyes. “That ningen boy. I want you to stay away from him.”
Kagome would have been touched by his possessiveness since that meant he obviously liked her and was maybe a little jealous but anger overwhelmed her thinking. “First you interrupt me, then you tell me who I cannot see? Hello! I can't not see him! He goes to my school! What do you want me to do? Run away every time I see him coming?!”
He shrugged. “If necessary, then yes.”
She resisted the urge to move her arms from his neck and replace them with her hands. Gritting her teeth, she counted to 10 inside her head. As her anger decreased in a downward spiral, she took a deep breath and tried to keep a level head.
“I will not completely avoid Hojo, but I won't hang out with him outside school.”
Hiei was about to protest when he saw that evil glint in her eye, promising another humiliating `sit'. So instead he stuck with a slight nod of his head.
Smiling happily once more, she started to giggle. “Guess what? We're moving into the apartments you live in! And what's even better is that we're going to stay in the room across from yours!”
Kissing her on the lips, Hiei smirked. Now that they lived closer, there was no telling what he could do with her once he got her alone…
“Spike… Spiiiiiiiiike… SPIKE!” she screamed into his ear as a last resort to get his attention.
He winced and covered his sensitive ears. Hiei glared hard at the girl. “What?” he growled.
Kagome just sighed and put her hands on her hips. “I asked you want you wanted to do?” Seeing the smirk grow on his face and the lust being to build in his eyes she quickly added, “And it has to be something where we keep our clothes on and our hands to ourselves.” She said firmly.
Hiei shrugged. Grabbing his hand, Kagome started leading him down the street.
Hojo came from behind a building and watched the couple leave. He had heard everything they had talked about. `So she's going to be moving closer to him hm? I better do something before things get too serious between the two.'
He glared hard at the spiky haired bastard who was a little too close to Kagome for his comfort. When he had talked to them earlier he had felt a strong amount of youki emitting from the short one, making it obvious that he wasn't human.
`I wonder how Kagome got involved with a youkai.' With one last glance at the couple, he put his hands in his pockets and walked away.
Botan was in her usual kimono and flew into ningenkai on her oar. Spotting the familiar shrine, she landed quietly and held her oar firmly.
She was a bit suspicious when Miroku called her out and wasn't in any danger. She could only imagine the perverted stuff he could be thinking of when he called her. But she came none the less thanks to her curiosity.
When he came out in his tight clothes, Botan blushed and covered her face with a kimono sleeve.
Miroku approached her and immediately held on to her free hand. “Hello Botan, I'm glad you came.” He said as he kissed her hand and gave her a charming grin.
Her knees turned into jello as she looked into his deep lavender eyes. But suddenly became stiff when she felt a hand grope her backside.
With her temple throbbing, she grabbed her oar and smacked him hard in the head, producing a large red bump on his head.
“Ow… Getting hit twice in the same place can not be good for my head.” Miroku said as he rubbed his head. “But it was worth the pain.”
Botan frowned at the serene look on his face, as he no doubt was thinking about her ass. “Is that all you ever think about?” she asked a little hurt. Did this guy just lust after her? Nothing more?
Noticing her change in demeanor, Miroku smiled softly. “Sorry, old habit. Can't quite get rid of it.” Clearing his throat, he tried again. “Would you like to accompany me on a date today?”
The ferry girl was surprised. The way he acted around girls, she thought for sure he had just called her over to ask her if she wanted to bear his child or something along those lines.
“I guess so, since Koenma said he didn't need me.” she said with a thoughtful look on her face.
Miroku wanted to jump out of joy. But that would ruin his cool composure. “Great! Do you want to change into something more comfortable? Or do you prefer to stay in your kimono?”
With a poof Botan's clothes had changed from a kimono to some tight pants with a light blue shirt and a gray jacket over it. “Will this do?”
His eyes roamed up and down her body. Smiling he nodded. “Yes, yes it will.”
~At the movies~
It was only Miroku's second time being at the movie theaters and he still couldn't figure out anything. Kagome's mother had given him money to pay for the tickets and food, so everything was okay in the money department.
Sitting down in the food-stained chairs, Miroku observed the large room. It still amazed him how people from this time could project something actually happening onto a big screen.
Botan stifled a giggle as she watched Miroku look around at everything with curious eyes like a child. Earlier, he had a hard time choosing out candy and asked what everything was on the menu (much to Botan's embarrassment).
What was even more embarrassing was when he tried to hit on the girl behind the counter. She had to resist the urge to summon her oar and hit him until he grew some brains!
Moving around in her seat, she stared at the screen. They were watching some horror movie about this guy who trapped people and made them kill themselves. It was made in America so they decided to check it out.
Soon the lights turned off and the film began to play.
Halfway during the movie Botan had latched onto Miroku, hiding her face to avoid the gruesome scenes. She shivered at the screams and shouts of the victims in the movie blasted all around her.
Miroku wasn't paying attention to the movie at all. He was more centered on the girl holding on to him like a lifeline. Placing a hand on her back, he rubbed soothing circles to help calm the shaking girl down.
“Is it over yet?” she whispered into his shirt.
A loud scream and the noise of a saw going were her answer. She flinched once more and buried her face even deeper into his shirt.
“You know it's not real.” Miroku said trying to get her over her fear.
Botan nodded. “I know.” Even though she was the grim reaper, she still hated seeing people die.
Miroku leaned his cheek against her blue hair. It was nice to have someone in his arms, even if she was scared half to death.
For the rest of the movie, Botan was glued to Miroku's side, who had his arms casually around her. When the lights turned on, Botan blushed at how close they were to each other.
“Uh… sorry!” she stammered as she tried to pull away from his embrace. But of course Miroku would have none of that so instead he pulled her back to his chest.
“It's okay. I'm comfortable, how about you?” he said as a smile tugged at his lips.
Botan blushed harder but didn't try to get out of his arms. As much as she hated to admit it, she kind of liked being in his arms.
Minutes past by until the whole theater was empty. “I think we should go now.” As she tried to get out of his firm embrace, she was once again pulled back to him.
“I don't think I want to let you go just yet.” He said with a smirk on his face.
With a flush face, she turned away from him. “Stop joking around! Let's go.”
Letting out a dramatic sigh, Miroku reluctantly let go. A red faced Botan quickly distanced herself and stood up and grabbed her discarded jacket. In one swift move, Miroku kissed her on the cheek and started walking up the aisle ways.
“Ready to go?” he asked and smirked when he saw her frozen in shock. He always did have a way with woman.
Authores note: Yay! Another chapter done! I hope you read this because I have a few important things to say. 1. I'm going to slow down Kagome and Hiei's relationship because Kagome seems a little too easy… my bad. 2. I'm going to try to work in the Sango/Kurama and Botan/Mir relationships though it's kinda hard and last but not least 3. I was wondering if anyone would like to help me with this story. I need help sorting things out, and I admit that the chapters would come out faster if I had a little help. No worries though because I'm not going to give up on this story! YA HA!
Also~ Mukuro isn't bad.. I apologize for that in chapter 8. She wasn't one of the people who beat Hiei as a child.. it was bandits… sorry for the false info! R&R!