Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Secret Lover ❯ Rejection, alone time, warning ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
1Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho, nor do I own anything associated with them, except for this story.

Pairing: Kagome/Youko

Rating: M

Kagome: age 19

Youko: Ummm around 300 (?)

Ok, I know I haven’t updated in a while, but I changed the direction this story was taking and I decided to take some of the suggestions you guys have given me into consideration. The ending of this story is still somewhat the same, but how we will get to that ending will be different. I request that you all bear with me on my progress of updates. I have several active stories right now, all with reviewers who want me to update as soon as possible. I’M ONLY HUMAN. I can’t write 30,000 words in one night, or even a week at that. I appreciate those who continue to follow my stories and who review to let me know what they think! REVIEWERS ARE AMAZING, and all you who are reading this and decided to review...you might get a little preview of the next chapter ahead of time...hehe, a little incentive never hurt anyone.

No flames please. If you have that big of a problem with my storyline, or how I portray the characters...then don’t read this story! I don’t deserve to be chewed out because you don’t like my ideas.

WARNING: THERE IS CITRUS CONTENT PRESENT IN THIS CHAPTER. IF YOU ARE NOT OF AGE (18), THEN TURN YOUR ASS AROUND AND DO NOT READ. If you choose not to heed my warning, it is not my fault if you are exposed to something you shouldn’t be exposed to.

Ok, now on with the story!

Kagome watched fondly as Shippo ran around the clearing they were camped in. The altercation with Kouga three days prior was all but forgotten by the inu-tachi. Kouga had been dispatched and their group was once again working their way across the country searching for clues to the location of Naraku. Kagome had a feeling in her gut that she couldn’t displace; one that left a sour taste in her mouth and had her fearing the final battle more than she had before. Maybe the reason was because she had so much more to lose now, or maybe it was a premonition of some sort. She didn’t really know; all she knew was she had a bad feeling and just wanted to get this fight over with so she could raise her kits with her mate and live peacefully.

Kagome and Sango went to the river nearby to fetch water while Inuyasha, Youko, and Shippo went hunting. Miroku and Kilala were in charge of getting the fire ready for dinner. Inuyasha had grumbled about the lack of ramen, but everyone had just ignored him. The hanyou became more irrate the longer he went without food, especially ramen. Once the demons had returned

with a whole string of fish and some rabbits, they set the stew to cook on the fire. Kagome sat down with Youko on her left and Shippo on her right. She decided to voice her concerns about

the upcoming battle.

“I have a question for everyone, and I want you all to answer me with complete truthfulness.”

“Ok, love, ask away.”

“I’ll answer okaa-san!”

“Go on Kagome-chan.”

“Of course Kagome-sama.”


“Ok, do any of you have a bad feeling about the upcoming battle with Naraku? I can’t seem to shed this feeling that something is going to go wrong during that battle.”

“There are forces at work here that we can only imagine Kagome-sama. I have a bad feeling every time we battle Naraku, but no more so now than before.”

“There ain’t no need to act so nervous about this last battle Kagome, we are going to kick Naraku’s ass so hard he won’t know what happened until he’s already in hell.”

“I don’t know Inuyasha...I just can’t help but feel this way. It’s as though someone is trying to let me know in advance about the dangers. I keep having this dream that Naraku kills you all before I can defeat him. Then I find myself in the future with my okaa-san, and I’m a wreck because you all are dead.”

“There is nothing to worry about my love. We have everything under control. No one is going to die except for Naraku. I would never let Naraku win like that.”

“I guess I’m just being silly.”

Sango, who until this moment had kept quiet, decided that now would be a good time to express her feelings on this subject.

“I must agree with Kagome on this one. I don’t know why, but for the last couple of nights I have had some disturbing dreams and feelings. I don’t think Kagome is being silly at all. Some miko’s have psychic abilities and can have premonitions and such. If Kagome thinks something

bad is going to happen, then chances are good that Kagome is telling the truth and somewhat predicting the future as well.”

While that wasn’t exactly the answer she was hoping for from her sister, she was glad that she wasn’t just being paranoid. She was hoping to be proved wrong, but at the same time she was glad she wasn’t alone in her feelings. Kagome looked around their small, rag-tag group and

sighed. How the hell was their small, shaggy group going to defeat a being as evil and powerful as Naraku was? All they could do was pray and have faith in abilities their group possessed.

The conversation dropped of after that and the group ate their dinner in relative silence, periodically broken up by inquiries made by Shippo about random things. As Sango and Miroku cleaned the bowls and other dishes, Kagome and Shippo set up her bed roll. They had been forced to get the double because Youko refused to lay down unless he could hold her in his arms all night long. Inuyasha jumped into a tree close by and took up watch for the next couple of hours.

Hours Later

Youko curled his arms more securely around his mate and snuggled her closer to his body. Shippo was secured in her arms and the two were resting easily. He had refrained from voicing his true opinions earlier because he didn’t want to worry Kagome more than she already was, but he had been having some similar feelings about this battle coming up. Ever since Kagura had shown up after he kicked Kouga’s ass, he had this niggling feeling that all was not as it seemed. It was hard to put a claw on, but his senses had become stronger since Kuronue’s death, and right now they were screaming at something that was coming. He couldn’t identify the exact problem, but something big was going to happen, he just hoped that they all lived through it.

Kagome shifted restlessly, unconsciously reacting to his troubled feelings. Youko decided that he needed to get some sleep and settled down for the rest of the night. Sd

The next morning, the inu-tachi made breakfast and cleaned up camp as fast as they could. They were on the road sometime around 8am and continued their journey. They hadn’t heard any rumors about Naraku lately so they decided to walk until they came upon a clue or a shikon shard, whichever came first.

All day long the group trekked across the rugged terrain of Japan, each lost withing their own thoughts. Kagome wondering about her family, on either side of the well, and the possibility of an unborn kit sometime soon. Youko was thinking of the best way to destroy Naraku while

keeping Kagome from being harmed. Miroku and Sango were actually thinking along the same lines, each wondering when they could get married and what would happen with the Kazanna and Kohaku. Inuyasha was just ready to kick Naraku’s ass for all the shit he had put Inuyasha through. Shippo was scared about the final battle, but excited about the idea that as soon as

Naraku was defeated he could live in peace with his okaa and otou. No one realized how far they had traveled by dusk.

The inu-tachi were quickly approaching a small village in the northern territory of Japan. There were people milling about in the middle of town; everyone getting their affairs done before the sun set. As their small group started to walk down the main street, people began to turn their heads to see them approaching. At first no one moved; no one spoke; no one blinked. Suddenly there was a flurry of movement; the villagers shouting and running around like crazy people. Doors were being slammed shut and children were yanked into their homes while the villagers

tried to ward against the oncoming youkai. Kagome was immensely perturbed and pissed. These villagers didn’t even know them, and they hadn’t shown any sign of being here to kill everyone. There was no need to act this extreme to a group of travelers, albeit youkai travelers. Kagome was even dressed in her miko garbs.

The inu-tachi made their way to the headman’s hut and knocked on the side of the doorway, hoping that someone would allow them to speak with him and find somewhere to stay for the night. After knocking a couple more times, there was a small whisper heard from the other side of the door.

“Who would disturb the headman at this hour?”

Kagome decided to speak up for the group since she was dressed as a miko.

“We are but a small group of travelers seeking lodgings for the night.”

“There are youkai with you...there are no lodgings in this village for youkai.”

The man was no longer whispering, but there was a shrill quality to his voice that let the group know he wasn’t as brave as he wanted that statement to sound.

“Why are there no lodgings for youkai in your village?”

Kagome blatantly ignored the ‘Duh’ looks that she was receiving from her companions and focused on the answer that the man would give. She knew that what she had to say wouldn’t make any difference to this man, but maybe if she could understand how these people thought she might be able to counteract their opinions in the future.

“You are a miko? How can you be a miko, yet have youkai traits? Are you a dark miko? Why have you come here? Are you here to destroy us, or just here to for sport?”

Kagome listened as questions tumbled from the obviously frightened man as he tried to make sense of the situation at hand. He was afraid that Kagome and her friends were here to kill the village. When she tried to see this from their point of view she could almost understand why they were so afraid of youkai, and why they reacted to their presence with such a negative display. Yet, understanding did not mean she agreed with them, nor that she supported their behavior.

“Just because some of us are youkai does not mean that we are hear to eat you or kill you. If you had taken the time to look, you would have realized that there are also a monk and youkai exterminator among us. Why would we be traveling with them if we were destroyers? You shouldn’t judge everyone by their appearances.”

“I don’t need to listen to you, youkai! Maybe you bewitched the monk and exterminator and they are being forced to do your bidding? How do I know that you aren’t here to do the same to us? Begone with you all before we have to run you out!”

Kagome sighed sadly and followed what he said. She lead their group out of the frightened village, wondering where they were going to spend the night now that the village was out of the question. Hopefully there were some springs or a river nearby that they could get water from. All of her water bottles were empty, and she wished to take a bath. Shippo was sitting upon her shoulder wondering why every village they came to didn’t seem to want him or Inuyasha, and now Youko and Kagome. Contrary to popular belief, Shippo was actually quite intelligent, but he couldn’t seem to grasp why humans were always so skittish around them. Inuyasha had saved hundreds of humans over the years, and Kagome used to be human. He, himself, had always been kind to humans, with the small exception of his first meeting with Kagome and Inuyasha.

Kagome could tell that her little kit was trying to figure out exactly what was happening, and she was sad that she would have to explain the animosity to him. He was so young, and she wasn’t sure he would be able to completely comprehend the entire situation.

Youko watched Kagome as she sadly pulled Shippo from her shoulder and cuddled him to her chest as they walked. He was pissed, but not surprised by the reaction of the villagers. He had always been treated this way by humans, and he had a feeling that humans would continue to treat him this way for a long time to come. Just saying the world ‘youkai’ stuck fear in the hearts of many humans. Looking at Kagome and their kit, he knew that the two would need to be comforted after this fiasco.

The group reached a relatively decent clearing in which they could camp for the night. Miroku immediately dragged Sango off to collect firewood the minute she had set her things down. Kilala followed swiftly after, making sure the stupid hentai didn’t push her mistress further than she was ready to go.

Inuyasha headed out into the forest to vent his own frustrations at the stupidity of humans, and to catch some meat for dinner. He spoke briefly with Youko, letting him know that he should stay with Kagome and calm her frazzled nerves. Inuyasha would take care of the hunting for the night. Shippo started to roll out the sleeping bag that he shared with his parents, yet when they asked if he wanted to join them in the nearby hot spring, he told them that he would be ok at camp and that he would like sometime to think by himself.

Kagome started to protest, but Youko shushed her. He understood the kit’s feelings. Shippo was curious about exactly what was happening and how he should handle the situation, and he needed time to think in order to figure out his answer. Youko began to steer Kagome towards the spring, intent upon helping her cope with this blow to her fragile, loving human heart.

The two kitsunes reached the spring after a 10 minute walk and began to shed their clothing. Youko would have loved nothing more than to bask in this moment alone with his mate, but he understood that now was not the time. Right now, she needed his comfort and support, not his desire and lust. He reached for her hand and the two waded into the spring and sat themselves upon a hidden ledge under the surface. Youko was trying really hard to keep his hands to himself, but Kagome kept making it harder and harder...well, there was more than one thing getting hard. It started with Kagome leaning into him, seeking comfort. She leaned back into his

chest and lay her head upon his shoulder. Her hand drifted down until it rested on his upper thigh, dangerously close to a certain part of him that was more than happy to have her hand near. His resolve was slowly dissolving into nothing when suddenly Kagome took matters into her own hands. She was remembering the last time they had made love in a hot spring; the feel of his hands as he fondled her breasts; the movement of his body as he slide down, his face resting in the V of her legs; the swish of his tongue as he pleasured her in ways she would never forget...sitting in this hot spring was no longer enough. She needed to feel that he loved her, just as she was.


Kagome moved into Youko’s lap, situating her body so that she cradled his aching manhood in the apex of her thighs. She spread her legs so that he sprang forward between them, visible and trapped by her legs. She began to squirm around him, brushing her silken lips along the length of him; letting him feel her as she was wrapped around him. His arms came around her, attempting to still her movements as he growled that he wouldn’t last long, but Kagome was far from done. She had this unexplainable need to feel him begging, lusting, and wanting her. She needed to have him below her, allowing her to ride him into oblivion until neither of them could move any longer. Yet, at the same time, she needed to tease him until he couldn’t form coherent sentences; until he couldn’t move a muscle for fear of coming. She shifted a few more times as he tried to grasp her slippery thighs to still her infuriating movements.

“If you move...even a fraction of an inch...I will not be accountable for my actions.”

Kagome smiled devilishly at the huskiness of his voice as it ghosted past her ear, tickling the fine hairs and sending tingles up and down her spine. Heat pooled in her lower belly, tightening her inner muscles, as she grew more aroused. Now was not the time for playing and teasing. Right now, they both needed to satisfy the urgency that coursed through their veins.

Kagome quickly levered herself up as she grasped his thickened length, and sat herself down upon his cock. She began a steady rhythm; impaling herself upon him time after time. She thrilled at the scorching feel of his manhood invading her body, inciting her senses to riot. He began thrusting up into her as she came down; his body moving faster than she could keep up with in the position she was in. She could feel the tightly wound coil inside of her threatening to snap and she urged Youko to move a little faster. He leaned over her shoulder to whisper close to her left ear.

“You like this mate? You like feeling my hard cock pushing into your soft, slick body? Do you want me to go faster?”

Kagome was almost as incoherent as she had wanted him to be.

“Yes...faster...oh kami...YOUKO!

Her climax shattered upon her as she fairly howled his name to the heavens. She would have made any coyote youkai proud. She was amazed that even after all the time they had coupled, he could still make her feel this way; as though it were the first time.

Youko was reeling from her howl and then the clenching spasms of her tight sheath around his aching flesh. He tried his best to hold off his release, but her climax was too much for him to handle. He shuddered as her inner muscles milked his climax from him. ‘Damn, I hope it’s always this good.’

Exhausted, the two kitsune youkai settled down for some cuddling; her body still settled atop his.


The two of them enjoyed the warmth of the spring for a while longer before they decided it was time to get out and see if Shippo was in need of some family cuddling. Kagome was worried that leaving him to himself was a bad idea, but when the two of them walked into camp everyone was there and waiting for them. Shippo was all smiles as he raced to his okaa and otou. Miroku and Sango were sitting close together, Sango blushing lightly as Miroku smiled smuggly. Kilala was sitting next to Sango, curled into a ball. Inuyasha was hunkered down near the base of a tree, Tetsusaiga laying across his lap, his customary scowl in place upon his face. All in all, the group looked the same as always, as though nothing had ever happened in that village. Kagome decided that she would act the same way. If everyone else was ok with what happened, she would leave it alone for now. Who knew how many more ‘normal’ days they had left. Kagome wanted to spend as much time with everyone as she could.

The inu-tachi ate their dinner with smiles and stories, preparing for the night ahead. As they were preparing their beds for the setting of the sun, a strange noise came from a cluster of trees off to the side of camp. Everyone looked over and raced for their weapons as Kagura appeared. She motioned for them to be quiet as she threw a wad of paper to Inuyasha. Just as quickly as she had appeared, she was gone.

Inuyasha quickly unfolded the piece of paper and read the words aloud.

“Naraku is coming. Be prepared for battle 2 days from now. He may strike before, so always be on guard. The miko should sense him before she appears. He will use puppets. Don’t fuck this up.”

“Who the hell does that wench think she’s dealing with?! ‘Don’t fuck this up.’ What the fuck! The next time I see that bitch, I’m going to smack that smile off her damn face!”

The group let Inuyasha rant about the stupid note as they all began to form battle strategies. It seemed the final battle was finally here and they wanted to be completely ready for it. They didn’t want to fuck this up. There was too much riding on them to lose this battle now.

Ok. Wow, that was long. I hope you all enjoyed this. I think I have carpal tunnel now. Anyways, I’ll try to update this one more often, it is one of my favorites and I’m truly sorry that I let it fall to the wayside. I have about 5 open stories right now and I just can’t type that much all the time. Ok, well, everyone leave me a review and let me know what you think, and if you have any suggestions. Ja Ne for now!