Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ No Reason ❯ Chapter 5

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho.
No Reason
Chapter Five
They arrived at Shippo's castle before nightfall. Nothing had defied them, nothing had even thought to with two mikos around, Shippo of the East and Lord Koenma's Reikai Tentei, nothing was stupid enough. A maid showed everyone to their rooms except Kagome and Shippo.
“How'd you get to be lord?”
“Something about demon adoption with Sesshomaru and no other heirs. They said I was the closest thing to being the heir.”
“I see… Wait, Fluff-kins adopted you?”
“Yeah… I still don't know why though.”
“Doesn't seem like a thing he'd do.”
“So, what's it like?”
“Running a castle, your own lands, what's it like?”
“Truthfully? Very boring. Nothing interesting has happened since Sengoku Jidai. Well, the whole strange demon, Kaishi or whatever, doing the Naraku is interesting. But now it's depressing because my people ask me to search out him and kill him. And I can't… I know other Lords have tried and it never works out. Their squads always end up dead.”
“Want me to show you to your rooms?”
“Sure, but before that… I have one more question to ask.”
“Okay, shoot.”
“Do you have a girlfriend yet? Or better yet, a mate?”
“Anyone you're interested in?”
“Liar! There has to be someone.”
“Aw, you're no fun.”
“Here's your room, good night mom.”
“Night Shippo.”
`My little boy is all grown up…'
Hiei sat outside the miko's room on a convenient tree. He didn't know anything about her yet she intrigued him to no end. So he decided to sleep outside her room… maybe learn something about her. ((coughPERVERTcough)) And just as that thought went through his mind, the young miko in the bed started convulsing. No one seemed to know of it but him so he crept through her open window.
He tried to make her stop to no avail; the miko continued to thrash around on her bed. Grabbing her and holding on tightly, he attempted to calm her, it worked as she stopped moving and started crying. Wondering what was causing her nightmares, Hiei peeked into her mind.
He saw what Kagome had seen, her friends betraying her, unleashing Midoriko and `Kaishi', and imagining the fates of her friends. He pulled out when he sensed she was about to wake. He gently put her under her sheets and left through the window.
Kurama couldn't sleep. It might have been the silver kitsune in him that had kept him up with explicit images of Kagome or it might have been what was to be inevitable; Shuichi was slowly dying. He knew this because a woman had come to him. She had told him that since Youko had merged with Shuichi when he was fated to die before he was born; that he had prolonged his life. But since the woman had said it to him, his suspicions were verified. Youko would have full control when he withered away. Shuichi Minamono would cease to exist and Youko Kurama would live on.
He was walking by many doors not knowing whom they belonged to when he smelled Kagome in one. He could hear faint thrashing movements and the `swish' of a cloak. It seemed Hiei was already on it. He wasn't denying the fact that Kagome wasn't beautiful or that he did in fact want her as did Youko, it was just that he had no time to think of things like that.
`Red, you realize you are going to die a virgin?' Youko said to him.
`Eh? Yeah, so?'
`You seem unperturbed by this. Why?'
`Because it doesn't matter to me.'
`How could it not? You're an eighteen year old virgin on the brink of death!'
`Go to sleep Youko.'
-End Flashback-
And it was true, he didn't care that he died a virgin. He just wanted to finally go. He had been dying for the past few months, even before that woman had come to him a month ago. He hadn't told his friends yet; he didn't know what they'd do. Probably try to find some cure… like he hadn't already tried that.
He paused by the door listening to what was going on. Hiei had managed to calm the girl up, from what he could hear and she was waking up. With another `swish', Hiei was gone. Footsteps could be heard now and they were heading to the door. He stood there, knowing she was going to ask why he was there.
She was remembering what had happened hours ago. It ended before she could get to the toddler's office when she started to feel safe. Flashes of her dream passed through her vision, but she didn't care because she was safe from harm. A small tug on her mind brought her back to reality. She sat up and looked around, no one was there. It must've been her overactive imagination.
Feeling restless, Kagome pulled on a robe and headed to the door. Feeling Kurama's ki, she wondered if he had been in her room. She doubted it though. The one who had entered her room wasn't half-dying. Kurama's human half's ki felt as if it was dying. Maybe that's why he was up.
“Morning Kurama. How are you feeling?”
“Good morning Kagome. Just restless I guess, what about you?”
“Same… You want to take a walk with me?”
“Sure.” The two walked in companionable silence. Kagome headed to where the garden most likely was. She didn't exactly know her way around the castle, but it was similar enough to Sesshomaru's that she wasn't going to get lost easily.
“Your human half, Shuichi is it?”
“What about him?”
“He's dying, isn't he?”
“How'd you know?”
“His ki, it's slowly disappearing. You know you'll have to tell the others soon enough.”
“Mm-hm. I know, I just don't wish to burden them with his death.”
“You'll become Youko afterwards?”
“Another kitsune around couldn't be so bad, now could it?”
“Haha, you don't know him. He's quite… promiscuous.”
“Most kitsune are, I'm just glad I don't know anything about Shippo's sex life. That would just be odd.”
“Yes, I suppose it would.” Kagome had finally gotten them to the garden, and a lovely garden it was. The sun was just coming up so they sat on a bench silently. The sunrise was breathtaking, the colours glowing brightly on the fading black sky. Kurama looked over at Kagome, her smile was joyful but her eyes radiated sadness.
“Yes, Kurama?”
“Why are you up?”
“It was because of a nightmare. About my friends and their betrayal.”
“Shippo told me their Fates, I wonder what happened to Inuyasha…?”
“Your situation is fairly confusing, Kagome. Especially about Midoriko.”
“Yeah, I know… I just don't want everybody knowing. Most of it's really personal and I'm not just going to tell a bunch of strangers my entire personal life. You guys already know the vague details. No offense, or anything.”
“None taken, Kagome.”
The sun had risen and they walked back into the castle, awaiting them was breakfast.
“Kaishi, they have arrived at the kitsune's palace.”
“Indeed they have, Naraku. When they leave, we send it.”
Blah. Yeah, I so went there. Oh dull thud. Er, don't ask… ^^ Shuichi dies and Youko lives. Simple matters… Er, I guess… Kag/Kur = Kag/Youko. Live with it. Vote!
Kag/Hiei - 6 <-- The current winner
Kag/Kur… or Kag/Youko - 4 ((Rose Fury, you can only vote once for a pairing for the current chapter))
Kag/Yus - 2
Kag/Sess - 1 <-- The current loser
Sess/Riko - 4 <-- The other current winner
Sess/Kag - 1 <-- The other current loser… wait, they're the same…
Keep a'votin! You can also vote for no pairings… which could be easier… hmmm…
And think of alternative pairings for the other peoples. Like… Yus/Kei (they could get back together…) or Kur/Bot or Kur/Kei or Yus/Bot or Hiei/Bot or you get the point. ^^ I want to give you readers a partial part in this story.
Also, I will not do YAOI or YURI pairings. Major no-no. I know Kitty, you'd want me too… You fucking yaoi freak, but no. There will be no yaoi… or yuri… Hehe, I own Yuri! Erm… from Shadow Hearts: Covenant. Good game, I guess…
Umm… vote please! *Hugs reader*