Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Love ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: One Love
Author: inuyashagirl5
Rating:  T (Rating may change)
Genre: Action/Romance
Pairing: Yusuke/Kagome
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or Yu Yu Hakusho. InuYasha is owned by Rumiko Takahashi and Yu Yu Hakusho is owned by Yoshihiro Togashi. I only borrow their characters to amuse myself and others.
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Chapter One:

Yusuke was fairly certain this was a very bad idea. He had no desire to be happy and cheerful, even if it was a party amongst friends. Why would he when it had only been one month since Keiko had dumped him? It wouldn't have been so bad if she hadn't thrown the fact that his blood wasn't normal at him, or the fact that if they had any kids, they were likely not to be normal either. But, no. Keiko thought up every excuse she could to dump him and left. So he had every right to refuse Kurama's invitation to a party he was holding at his home. Why hadn't he? Yeah, he didn't have the answer for that.

He knocked on the door and was greeted by Botan, who gave him a wide, happy grin. Yeah, this was the last thing he wanted. 'Stupid, Botan...go away!'  As if sensing his distaste over the lusting reaper, Kurama moved forward to take over the greeting, gently shoving Botan out of the way.

"Yusuke, I'm glad you could make it."

"Hey, Kurama."

He stepped past his friend and into the house. Only a few familiar faces were inside, Keiko included, and Yusuke sneered at her back before turning around and walking back to the door.

"Don't be like that. You're acting like Hiei." Kurama nodded in the direction of the brooding hybrid, who was glaring daggers at some human male talking to his sister.

"Who's the idiot?"

"He came with Keiko."

"Ah." Yusuke attempted to walk forward, but Kurama blocked his path.

"Please, at least stay long enough to see Kuwabara and Shizuru. You've been gone a lot in the past month, I'm certain they want to see you."

"Just keep them away from me then." Yusuke grumbled and turned on his heels. His steps brought him to Hiei's side where he also leaned against the wall, well away from the others.

Kurama frowned at his friend. He really hoped Kuwabara was right and that his cousin could cheer Yusuke up. He hated watching Yusuke be miserable because of Keiko's stupid selfishness. Speaking of Keiko, she looked quite surprised to see Yusuke there and for that, Kurama glared at her for a few moments before walking back into the room with the others.

Kagome was certain this was a very bad idea. She had no idea why she allowed Kazuma to talk her into going. Oh yeah. He hadn't given her a choice. He had said he didn't like seeing her sad and that he was going to make sure she had fun. She wasn't sure how that was possible, but she couldn't resist his demands when he gave her that sad, pathetic look. She really hated that look.

Shizuru had agreed with her brother, then promptly ushered her up the stairs and into Kagome's bedroom to get ready. Kagome, again, didn't have a say in anything as Shizuru rummaged through her drawers and closet, throwing out random clothing items in an attempt to piece together the perfect outfit. At this point, Kagome really missed Sango, because Sango wouldn't do this. 'No, don't think like that! The well is closed and you can't see them! Get over it!'

Many articles of clothing later, Shizuru had forced her into the sapphire blue, satin halter dress and Kagome stuck her tongue out at her reflection, then tugged at the fabric covering her breasts. 'Really, this dress shows too much up here!' She turned half way and pouted. 'At least it goes to my knees...'

"I'm jealous. You're so beautiful." Shizuru stated, then motioned for Kagome to take a seat in the chair, which she did.

"You were always a bad liar, Shizuru." Kagome replied dryly, and gasped as her cousin gave an extra hard tug on her hair, "Alright, alright! Not always!"

"Hmpf. I hate to break it to you, but you're actually very pretty. Whomever told you otherwise was an idiot and I'd like the chance to punch their nose in."

'InuYasha would find that to be absurd, I'm sure... Oh crap, Kagome! Cut it out!'

"Are you girls done yet?" Kazuma's voice called from the other side of the door. "We're already running late!"

"Yes, just a moment. Have some patience, bro!" Shizuru called back and Kagome laughed. Shizuru finished pulling Kagome's hair back into a ponytail, allowing a few raven tendrils to frame her face. "Your black dress sandals will look nice with this dress."
"I feel overdressed."

"Not at all!" Shizuru scoffed, "We're supposed to dress nice. It's a bit of a formal party."

Shizuru pushed her cousin out into the hallway, and shared a knowing smirk with her brother. Kagome was in for a big surprise. Yusuke too.

Yusuke grumbled to himself as Botan stuck herself to his side, her arms wrapping around his waist, and try as he might, he couldn't get her to let go. The damn ferry girl was being persistent, and why the hell did Keiko look pissed about it? 'Oh wait. It's Keiko. She's always upset about something.'  He rolled his eyes as Botan, again, told him how good he looked, and how happy she was to see that he hadn't slicked his hair back. 'Like I care what you think... I thought Kurama agreed to keep them away from me? Where the fuck is Kurama? Where the hell is Kuwabara for that matter?!'

"Stupid girl, you do realize he isn't paying any attention to you?" Hiei narrowed his claret eyes on Botan, who scowled back at the hybrid. He growled at her, taking one step towards her, and as expected, she shrank back in fear, then fled. Yusuke sighed.

"Thanks man."


"You'd think she'd take the hint after the first three times I tried to peel her off of me."

"You must've forgot who you were dealing with." Hiei smirked, making Yusuke chuckled. It was the first time that night that Yusuke had the urge to grin, but one glance at the still glaring Keiko put him right back in a sour mood.

"Where the fuck is Kuwabara? His slow ass better get here soon so I can leave!"

That wasn't going to happen, Hiei knew. Kurama had filled him in on the surprise guest that was coming with the Kuwabara siblings, and old friend of sorts. He wasn't sure if it would do any good, not that he really cared anyway. However, even he was getting tired of Keiko's constant glares directed at his teammate. The girl had some nerve to give that look to Yusuke after what she had said and done.

"Stupid girl." He directed a glare of his own at her. 'See how she likes it...'

Kurama gave a relieved sigh as he opened the door and greeted Kuwabara, Shizuru and... 'Oh dear...a priestess. A very sexy one too...'

"This is our cousin, Kagome. Kagome, this is..."

"Kurama." He smiled at the blushing and slightly awed girl. He offered his hand and she accepted it without hesitation. He felt a faint ripple of pure energy brush against his palm and then the girl winked at him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Kurama."

"The pleasure is all mine, Lady Kagome." He kissed her knuckles and grinned at the smirk she gave him. "You know?"

"Oh, yes. Kazuma didn't tell you?" At the negative shake of his head, Kagome rolled her eyes. "Well, he can be forgetful sometimes."

"Hey!" Kuwabara shouted, having taken offense to Kagome's words, "I didn't get the chance to tell him, alright!"

Kagome grinned at her cousin, whose face was scrunched up in annoyance. She couldn't help but to laugh at him when he was like this. She turned her attention back to the demon in front of her and sighed softly. It wouldn't hurt to give a few minor details.

"I am a priestess, though, I'm guessing you could tell. I'm afraid I haven't been able to hold all of my energy within me, so I really hope that I don't make you and your friends uncomfortable."

"You're not emitting enough to be considered a threat. At least, not to me and if you're not going to cause a problem, the others will be alright as well."

"I hope so." She smiled softly. 'I really, really hope so. I feel very comfortable here already.'

"There you are! Dammit, Kuwabara, what the fuck took you so long?" Yusuke shouted from behind them and Kurama watched as Kagome blinked a few times before looking up at her male cousin, who was grinning madly.

"Yusuke, please! Don't be so rude in front of the guests!" Kurama admonished his friend, turning part way so Kagome could be seen.

"What the heck are..." The words died in his throat as soon as he met the eyes of the blue-eyed woman standing in front of Kurama, blue eyes that he swore were really familiar.

"Oh, Yusuke, you remember Kagome, don't you?" Shizuru had grabbed Kagome by the shoulders and steered her to stand directly in front of Yusuke. His brown eyes widened in recognition and Kagome took another step closer on her own.

"Wow...look at you!" She reached up to touch his cheek. "You've gotten so tall!"

"And you haven't." He replied as he caught her hand in his and pulled her closer. "But, damn! You're hot, Kagome!"

"Um...thanks, I think." Kagome laughed softly and brought her arms up to hug him.

"Alright, already!" Kuwabara gave the pair a shove towards the living room. "The other guests are in there, not out here in the hallway!"

With a bit of reluctance, Yusuke withdrew from the hug, but kept one hand on the small of Kagome's back as he led her into the other room. Kurama, Kuwabara and Shizuru followed, grinning at the pair ahead of them.

It had happened almost in an instant. He had been so angry and frustrated, and was finally relieved to hear Kuwabara's big mouth. He wouldn't have been able to avoid confronting Keiko for much longer, and he had been thankful for the distraction. Then Kagome was there, and all of the anger and frustration he had felt washed away as he got lost in her deep blue eyes. He hadn't seen those eyes in awhile, and he realized now just how much he had missed them, and her.

He led her past a few sets of curious eyes, including Hiei, and then led her to the couch where they could sit and talk, and he could ignore what ever look Keiko chose to give him.

Kagome smiled at him as he sat next to her on the couch, sitting sideways and giving his back to a red-faced, and notably pissed off, Keiko. Kagome didn't pay her any attention, directing her focus solely on the man she hadn't seen in almost five years. She didn't have to ask about Keiko, she already knew through a rant Kazuma had had a few nights before. The details had been confusing, since Kazuma was rambling, but by the end she had gotten the gist of it. Keiko couldn't accept Yusuke for what he was and had ended their relationship. Kagome believed it to be selfish, but she wasn't one to talk. She had wanted InuYasha to choose her over Kikyo...which he hadn't. That had been many months ago now.

She blinked a few times, to push back the tears that sprung forth at her stray thoughts. She avoided Yusuke's concerned gaze and took the time to admire the beautifully decorated room. The walls were a deep burgundy, trimmed in and off-white. A few photos decorated the wall and the mantle of the fireplace. It was simple, and that was probably why she loved it so much.

"Whomever decorated did a wonderful job. This room is pretty." She murmured, bring her gaze back to Yusuke and smiling. "Don't you think so?"

"It's alright. Kurama's mom probably did all the decorating. She has a knack for it." Yusuke answered, his eyes sweeping over her face, "Are you okay?"

"Oh, yes. I'm fine, Yusuke." She smiled in return, placing her hand on top of his. "How have you been? Kazuma, said the two of you were in and out of trouble a lot these past couple of years."

"Did he now?"

"Uh-huh. To be honest, I wasn't surprised too much. You and trouble go hand in hand. I guess, it was the type of trouble you were in that surprised me."

"What do you mean?"

She leaned in slightly closer to him, and smirked when his gaze seemed to linger slightly longer on her lips before traveling a little lower. She placed one hand over her chest and cleared her throat.

"You've been busy fighting demons." She whispered. Yusuke's eyes shot back up to hers, wide and confused. "It's alright. I did them same thing over the past few years, different time period though. Really, don't look so shocked, Yusuke. Kazuma and I shared a lot of stories the other day over the phone. He talked a lot about you. I'm glad the two of you became good friends after all."

"It looks like we'll have to share some stories at some point too."

"That sounds nice. You could come visit me at the shrine. My family is away for the week, so they won't be a nuisance."

"You're home alone? How come?"

"I don't like my aunt. She's rude to my mother, telling her she's a horrible cook and that she couldn't understand what her brother saw in her. She tells Souta he's a horrible, spoiled brat that doesn't deserve half the things he gets. She's quite annoying and I didn't want to hear it." Kagome explained while scowling. "Of course, I get it the worst because my father hadn't listened to her when it came to naming me. She wanted my name to be Akina...like her, but my father agreed with my mother for a name. So, she resorts to calling me a whore, and many things along those lines."

"Why does your family even bother going?"

"It's my grandfather. She's his only daughter, so he has to visit her at least once every year. I'm just glad I got to stay home. I'd much rather spend time alone than with that bitter old tart." Kagome shook her head a few times. It was time to get this conversation going in a better direction. "So, yeah, you should come over sometime."

"I'd love to." Yusuke replied. The pair paused as they heard someone sigh loudly from behind Yusuke. They both glanced in the direction the sound had come from to find Keiko standing closer than before and with her back to them. Yusuke scowled and turned back to Kagome. The girl had he mouth covered, obviously trying to hide that she was laughing. "What's so funny?"

"I'll tell you later." Kagome replied and grinned when he glared, "I promise. So, when are you available? Kazuma makes it sound like you've been busy lately."

"I have nothing going on at the moment, and even if I did, I'd put it on hold to spend time with you." At that, Keiko laughed and Yusuke was about to spin around and tell her off, but Kagome placed a hand on his arm. He relaxed under her touch and scooped her hand between both of his. She smiled at him, and again, his anger faded.

"I am honored that you would be so considerate for my sake. It must be wonderful to be so busy, especially with what you do."

Keiko snorted, and her male companion frowned, his gaze catching with Kagome's. He gave her a small, apologetic smile and attempted to coax Keiko to join him in the kitchen. She refused, stating that she preferred to be where the others were and not separate. Kagome frowned at her refusal. It was obvious the girl was eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Don't make that face, Kagome and especially don't bite your lip like that." Yusuke's fingers brushed against her lower lip that she wasn't even aware she had started to chew on. His caress was gentle and she released her lip from the hold. "I have an idea."

He stood quickly, taking her hands and pulling her to her feet. He led her away from the couch and over to a chair across the room. He sat first, then pulled her down to sit on his lap. Kagome chanced a glance at Keiko. The girl was seething. Kagome smirked, and settled back against Yusuke. He didn't complain about the arrangement, instead his arms encircled her waist and held her close.

"Jealous much?" Kagome murmured, making Yusuke chuckle. She turned her head slightly to face him, "So, when can I expect you to stop by?"

"Tonight?" He wiggled his eyebrows at her and she laughed.

"Still a pervert, I see!"

"Ah, probably more than before." He answered with a smirk, "So, how about it? Want me to come keep you safe? Hate for you to get eaten by a big scaly demon while you sleep."

"As if that could happen!" Kagome laughed loudly, making Yusuke smiled just a bit more at the pleasant sound, "The last big scaly demon I saw got an arrow lodged between its eyes. Though, I'm sure being purified hurt more than the arrow itself."

"Seriously?" Yusuke sat up a little straighter, a new intense sparkle entering his warm, brown eyes. "You're capable of that?"

"That and more, but I only do such things when necessary. I don't go out looking to kill demons. As a matter of fact, I like demons. I have quite a few as friends, you included."

"Damn, I didn't think it was possible for you to get any sexier, but you just proved me wrong!"

Kagome ignored his last comment, her eyes shifting to stare down at the floor. His words sounded odd to her, not being used to such compliments. She shook it off, as usual, and changed the direction of the conversation again.

"How long have you known Kurama? Kazuma didn't mention much about him." She felt his body go rigid after her question, and she looked up at him to see that he was visibly angry and looking away from her. "What is it? Did I say something wrong?"

She cowered back, preparing herself for his possible outburst of anger at her. She'd seen this reaction from InuYasha. She had obviously asked him something stupid or something he felt was an insult. She wouldn't be surprised if it was both. A soft growl emanated from his chest.

"I should have known you'd be curious about him. What girl isn't?" He snarled, and she blinked at him. She hadn't been expecting his anger to be jealousy.

"I'm afraid you are mistaken. I'm not interested in him in the manner you are thinking." She reached for his face, wanting him to look at her while she explained herself. He allowed her to do so, watching with wary eyes. "I wanted to know how long you have known him. He wasn't amongst your few friends when I last saw you. It may come as a surprise to you, but I honestly worried you wouldn't make any friends."

"Sorry." He muttered quietly, "It's just, I've had girls get close to me only to ask me about him. It's very annoying."

"Well, he does seem nice. I can see why girls would like him, but he's not my type. I'd still like to be friends with him though. I'm curious about his breed."

"You really are amazing." Yusuke pulled her back against him, forcing her to lay her head on his shoulder if she didn't want to pull a neck muscle.

He gave a soft sigh before he quietly launched into how he had met Kurama. She listened as he explained about the three artifacts and the three who had stolen them. He gestured towards Kurama first, then towards the wall to their left to the one named Hiei. They were two of the three thieves, the other he had forgotten the name and was deemed unimportant because he had been defeated.

Kurama had been the second thief he had gone after. He had been in possession of a special mirror called the Forlorn Hope, and was preparing to use it for what Yusuke deemed a noble cause. Kurama's human mother had been terribly ill and close to death and Kurama was preparing to give up his own life in order to save her.

But, Yusuke had stepped in and offered part of his own life to the mirror so Kurama could live and in the end, they had both lived and Kurama's mother had made a full recovery. Kurama had been a close friend and ally since. That had been a little over five years ago.

"And you said I was amazing! Fuck, Yusuke! I didn't know you could be so noble!" Kagome threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, "You have to tell me more!"

"I will, but not tonight." Yusuke glanced around the room, noticing that some of the guests had already left. Kurama, Hiei and Yukina were talking quietly together to their left. Keiko and Botan had gathered in the doorway to the kitchen and were glaring hatefully at Kagome. "I think your cousins left."

"Those jerks." Kagome pouted, "I don't even know the way back to their house."

"Don't worry. I'll walk you there." He stood with his arms still around her waist and set her down. "You can tell me a story of your own on the way."


They approached Kurama, and Kagome was introduced to Hiei and Yukina. Yukina had been sweet and friendly and Kagome silently wished she could spend more time with her. Hiei had acted indifferent when he was introduced, but Kagome hadn't minded one bit. He reminded her a little of Sesshomaru and he had come to like her in the end. Maybe Hiei would as well one day.

'I'll just have to spend more time visiting my cousins. I'm sure they won't mind.'

"Are the two of you heading off?" Kurama questioned the pair, giving a short side glance at Keiko and Botan as they drew closer to the group.

"Yeah. She doesn't know how to get back to Kuwabara's place, figured I'd walk her there. I'd hate for someone to come along and steal her." Yusuke grinned and chuckled as Kagome pouted.

"He's underestimating me." She replied, her eyes narrowing on Yusuke who was still grinning.

"Yeah, yeah! Say your goodbyes while I get my coat." He tapped the top of her head playfully before walking towards the front door.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Lady Kagome. I do hope we see you again. I haven't seen Yusuke's eyes look so alive in awhile." Kurama shook her hand and added, "I'd love to hear how the two of you met."

"Then I'll just have to stop by again, won't I?"

"We'd like that." Yukina smiled at her and took her hand into hers, "Please, promise you'll visit again?"

"I promise." She gave a curt nod as she shook her hand, then stepped back, "It was very nice to meet you as well, Hiei."

Hiei looked at her and gave a short nod of his own.

"Well then, off we go." Yusuke put his faded, blue denim jacket over her shoulders and steered her away from the two girls who had stepped closer. "I'll be in touch, Kurama. Don't think I'll be going to the Makai for a few days though."

"I understand. Be safe you two."

It was as they were walking away that Keiko couldn't keep silent anymore and opened her mouth to protest.

"You have got to be kidding me! Do you even  know what you're allowing to walk you home?"

Kagome took a deep breath and then spun around to face the red-faced girl. She handed Yusuke his jacket back and stepped forward. The girl had crossed the line. She had to deal with the consequences.

"Did you just refer to Yusuke as a what? Let me tell you something, you jealous little twit. He isn't a what, he's a demon. You know, just like these three I'm standing next to." She gestured to Kurama, Hiei and Yukina with her thumb. "You have some nerve looking down on them like that when they are clearly your betters."

"You bitch!" Keiko's hand swung out fast, but never connected. Kagome held the girl's wrist in a tight grip and sneered at her. "Let go of me you little whore!"

There was a loud snarl behind her, and Kagome knew Yusuke was seething mad at Keiko's comment. She released her aura enough to brush against him in an attempt to calm him as she spoke again to Keiko.

"In order to be a whore, one must give their innocence and lay with many. Any demon, and even your reaper friend, can tell I have yet to give up my purity. You, on the other hand, clearly have. Either that, or your aura is seriously tainted with hatred and jealousy."

She released Keiko and spun on her heels, walking back to Yusuke who was still visibly upset. She smiled at him as she cupped his cheek and he leaned into the touch, and yet again his anger left him. He really could get used to it.

"You really don't care that his blood is different? That any child the two of you create won't be normal?" Keiko tried again to get on Kagome's nerves, but Kagome wasn't having it.

"Not that I'm thinking of having children any time soon, but, I'd hope my sons would be as strong and handsome as their father. I'd hope our daughters had the same color eyes as their father." She began, and stopped as Yusuke interrupted her.

"Oh, no way. Our daughters have to have your eyes, Kagome! Do you even realize how beautiful they are?"

"As you can see, I'm not at all concerned about the blood running through his veins, because it's not about that at all. Yusuke is wonderful. He's strong and caring and definitely the type to put his life on the line to save a friend. I admire anyone who is like that." She frowned at Keiko, "You were really stupid to let him go. I'm sure though, that it was your own selfishness that led you to do so."

Kagome gave one last nod to the trio of demons, then gave Yusuke a small shove towards the door. She was done dealing with Keiko, but she knew the girl was about to get scolded by Kurama. The red-head refused to let her follow them and ordered her to sit down.

Together, Yusuke and Kagome stepped out into the bitter cold. Kagome shivered and mentally cursed Shizuru for choosing the sleeveless dress on a frigid winter night. Yusuke sensed her discomfort and once again put his jacket over her shoulders, then put his arm around her and pulled her close to his body in an attempt to keep her warm.

They walked for awhile in silence. Kagome's gaze was forward, while Yusuke's eyes went back and forth from the cloudy night sky down to Kagome's profile. She really had grown to be very stunning, so very different from the young girl he had met and protected so many years ago. He was glad that she still possessed the fiery temper he had admired. If she had stayed, he may have even considered attending school just to spend time with her.

But, she hadn't stayed. That one day she had been bullied and beaten had been enough for her to stay away. He couldn't blame her, those guys had continued to bully anyone they felt like for many years until one day they messed with the wrong kid and finally learned what it was like to feel pain.

He had missed her, though they had only spent that one day together on the roof of the school. Now that he really remembered it, that had also been the day he had met Kuwabara too. Weird that the two of them could be cousins. There was no family resemblance.

And now, he was even more tempted to be near her. He wasn't sure as to why that was, but he wasn't going to complain. She had stood up for him this time, and her words made him feel better, that not every girl would be repulsed by him.

"How much longer will it take to get there?" Kagome asked, breaking him from his thoughts.

"Not long. Another five minutes at the most." Yusuke replied, "So how long are you staying at Kuwabara's place anyways?"

"Just tonight. Shizuru is driving me home tomorrow morning."

"You have to give me your address tonight so I can come over."

"I'm sure Shizuru would be more than happy to let you come with us tomorrow. I'm sure they'd let you stay tonight too if you asked." Kagome paused in her walking to look up at the nearby street light. She grinned and held her hand up to catch a falling snowflake, "Hn. I knew it was going to snow tonight. I'm glad."

"How come?" he questioned. She didn't respond and he didn't like how her blue eyes dulled slightly with sadness, just like they had earlier in the night. "What is it, Kagome? What's wrong?"

"Huh?" She blinked innocently at him then shook her head, "Damn it's cold out here! Hurry up and get me to my cousin's place before I get hypothermia!"

He frowned at her, but conceded and they resumed their walking. The snow picked up around them and Kagome watched with soft eyes, but remained silent for the rest of the walk.

'She'll tell me when she's ready.' Yusuke was sure of it. She had said she'd share some of her stories with him and it was possible her momentary sadness would be explained along the way. "Here we are. See? It wasn't too far."

He knocked loudly on the door and they waited a few seconds before Kazuma opened the door wide and with a goofy grin.

"I'd wipe that stupid smile off your face if I were you, Kazuma. I'm three seconds away from forcing one of my heels up your nose." Kagome did a good impersonation of a growl, which only succeeded in making both the males within hearing distance laugh at her. She turned her glare on Yusuke, "I have two heels, you know!"

"Yes, but you're too short to shove them up either of our noses." He was quick to retort and playfully patted the top of her head. He dodged her attempt at hitting him in the chest, then stepped in behind Kuwabara, "Your cousin is crazy."

"You're so not funny, Yusuke." Kagome stepped into the hallway and slipped her shoes off by the door. Yusuke snorted as she shrank two inches.

"You haven't grown much since then have you?" He watched her pout, then his gaze shifted slightly lower. "Yeah, scratch that. I was wrong. You have grown since then."

"Hey man, save that perverted shit for girls that aren't related to me." Kuwabara scolded his friend. "It's not right talking to a girl like that."

Kagome narrowed her eyes at Yusuke and slapped his arm as she passed by him, moving further into the apartment in search of Shizuru. There was noise coming from the kitchen, so she headed that way. She needed something to drink anyways.

"Who's idea was it?" Yusuke leaned back against the wall and looked up at his friend, "She obviously didn't know she was going to see me tonight."

"Does it matter? You had fun tonight, didn't ya?" Kuwabara grinned, "Well, take your coat off. Shizuru figured you'd be staying the night. She's already picked out a couple horror movies to watch too. Kagome loves them, but she scares easily."

"Hell, if you guys don't mind me staying, then I'll stay. No point heading back out into that shit tonight, only to have to come back tomorrow." He tossed his jacket onto the rack, kicked his shoes off and followed Kuwabara towards the living room. The girl's soft laughter caught his attention and his eyes met with Kagome's briefly. She smiled at him, then disappeared into Shizuru's room.

He was slightly tempted to sneak closer to the door to eavesdrop on them, certain they'd have a bit of girl talk before joining them, but decided against it. It wouldn't do well to get caught by them and Kuwabara probably wouldn't like it either.

Besides, he had a feeling he'd hear it all eventually. She did still owe him a story of her own, and he was going to hold her to it.