Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One More Time ❯ The Confrontation ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hannasuka's Bath and Body was in a large building nestled neatly between a 
Sansame cellphone store and a young adult's clothing store called The Vibe. The bath 
and body store was rather large and well stocked with many rows of shelves lined 
with products ranging between regular bars of soaps to full spa packages. Thankfully 
for Kagome, today it was a slow day. 
The young woman was currently crouched down in an aisle in the back of the store 
near the grouping of combination bath sets she preferred. Kagome's palms were 
pressed to her eyes and her face resembled a tomato. "Oh my god I am such a slut, I 
can't believe I just..." her tone was hushed and high pitched as she berated herself 
out loud. 
The bravado and confidence flew out the window as soon as she hightailed it away 
from the redhead who kissed like a god and tasted like her new favorite candy. She 
quickly hid her aura and used everything she was taught to evade the demons in case 
they decided to follow her; including cutting through alleys, backtracking, and going 
completely out of her way. She moved her hands down, one hand gripping the shelf 
in front of her as she placed her fingers over her lips with the other, her eyes not 
seeing the products in front of her, but reliving the moment. 'Kami, I can still TASTE 
him... Mint and vanilla.' a delightful shiver traveled down her back as she 
remembered the heat in his gaze, the feel of his hands in her hair and on her lower 
back, the sounds he made as he took control of the kiss... Kagome groaned as the 
ache in her lower belly intensified and with another level of embarrassment she 
realized her panties were soaked. 
A throat cleared and Kagome nearly jumped out of her skin as she shot up, laughing 
nervously at being caught daydreaming about her mortifying actions. "Are you 
alright, Miss? Do you need assistance?" the shopkeeper asked. 
Kagome shook her head and sighed before she looked back over to the shelf. 
"Actually... I am looking for a good floral scent... but nothing too overpowering. And 
not the sakura." she wrinkled her nose when she said the name of the flower. 
Kurama smiled politely as Yuusuke patted him roughly on the back, making him 
stumble forward a step. "Aw, Don't get worked up about it buddy." he heard the 
detective say. "I bet it was one of those rabid fan girls, but you never really took 
notice of her because of the pack of them. Maybe she will turn up tomorrow at your 
Hiei sneered, amusement dancing in his eyes as he looked at Kurama. "Yes. 
Tomorrow she will have locks of your hair in love dolls and you will find her sneaking 
around outside your house at night." 
Kurama shuddered at the memory of the stalkers he evaded on a regular basis. He 
even had to have the police involved a few times. "You all felt her energy even before 
she released it. There is no way we have been in a mile radius of her before today 
and you all know it. Not unless she purposely allowed us to feel her energy before 
she even saw or felt us, and it isn't like this is a path we regularly take." 

Keiko pursed her lips as she regarded Kurama for a moment. "You know, she looked 
sort of familiar. A few years ago I went to go visit my cousin Ami... I am pretty sure 
she had a best friend who was sick a lot who looked like that girl should at her age 
now." she stopped when everyone else did in front of a ramen shop. "I will call her 
and ask her how her friends doing." 
Yuusuke clapped his hands as he turned towards the store. "Awesome, now that 
that's settled, let's grab some grub!" 
Chuckling lightly Kurama shook his head. "Thank you, Keiko." he stopped when he 
felt Hiei grab his arm and hold him back as the rest entered and he knew instantly 
what it was about. "The roof?" he simply followed when Hiei flitted toward the alley 
before jumping to the roof. 
Kurama settled himself on the edge of a chimney as he watched Hiei for a moment 
before he spoke. "Do you wish to change the rules?" No one save Genkai knew that 
Kurama and Hiei were sleeping with each other, but the relationship was not serious. 
Though they had loving feelings for each other, they were just not ready to settle and 
commit to one another. They were permitted to seek other partners as long as they 
told the other person that it was a one time part was only bothering Kurama now, as 
he wasn't quite sure that he would want to give up the woman after one time. If he 
found her again and could talk her into it. 
Hiei looked off into the distance, his back to Kurama before he turned and made his 
way towards him. He settled himself next to Kurama, facing him as he straddled the 
chimney. Leaning forward with a gleam in his eye he smirked, one brow raising. "So. 
What does she taste like, fox?" chuckling lightly at the lusty growl from the kitsune, 
Hiei continued. "Share. And it will last until one of the three of us decides she no 
longer fits with us." 
Kurama smiled as his brows raised in shock. This was a first. "Are you certain Hiei?" 
he turned towards the hybrid and straddled the chimney as well, pulling His legs up 
over his own as Hiei wrapped his arms around his neck. 
Shrugging lightly before he leaned forward to nip at Kurama's earlobe Hiei answered. 
"If I find her repulsive, which I doubt by the desire I felt just watching you two, then 
we won't do it." 
Leaning forward to fully wrap his arms around Hiei, Kurama glomped him and 
purred as he nuzzled into his neck. "Let's see what happens. If we can find her 
It was almost dark by the time Kagome 
got back to the shrine with all of her spoils of war. She managed to find a good bath 
set, ironically it smelled a lot like the demon she kissed making her blush as she 
smelled the rose scented set. At least that scent memory wasn't nearly as traumatic. 

The memory of her sudden backbone might actually help her as time went on. 
She had stopped at The Vibe and picked up a handful of cute summer dresses as 
well, it was the first time she really had been shopping since the jewel had been 
shattered, so much like her current dress she was wearing now, everything she 
owned was getting way too short as she got taller and everything was way too tight 
around her curves. The selection of borderline risque undergarment sets were hard 
to look through but she managed to find a few pairs of silky soft ones that wouldn't 
be too terrible to travel in. She was glad she didn't travel in her school uniform 
anymore and wondered what she was thinking back then. 'Anyone who seen me on a 
daily basis knew what my underwear looked like, thanks to that skirt.' she thought 
Stepping into the house, she quickly kicked off her shoes and put on her slippers as 
she shut the door behind her. "Mama, I'm home! Did Inuyasha come get me yet?" 
she started towards her bedroom. 
Kun-loon peeked out of the kitchen and smiled softly at her daughter as she passed 
by. "No dear he hasn't. I took the liberty of making a few extra bentos for you to take 
with you this time and I had Souta pick up your friends favorite treats while you were 
out. Did you get everything you needed?" 
Smiling brightly, Kagome kissed her mother as she passed by her. "Yes Mama, I got 
everything. Though I do wish I could have picked up a few more clothes, this will do 
until I get back. Thanks for the treats, I know they will enjoy it Mama, they love your 
cooking!" She ran up the stairs with her bags and threw them on her bed before 
removing items from her yellow backpack and adding stuff that she just purchased to 
the beat up old bag. She stopped and picked up the medium sized black bag that was 
left, a smirk coming to her face as she carefully put it on top of everything else before 
zipping her backpack closed. Her special present for Inuyasha. 
Throwing the backpack into her back with a grunt, Kagome started down the steps, 
meeting her Mother at the door and taking the bag she had prepared for her she a 
grateful smile. "Thanks again Mama. Be back as soon as I can!" she kissed her Mother 
on the cheek before throwing her shoes on, grabbing her bow and arrows, and 
rushing out the door and down the steps. In no time she was down the steps to the 
well and was surrounded by the blue glow of magic. 
"Kagome!" Kagome nearly dropped the bag of food and her bow as she caught 
Shippou as he launched himself in her arms. "Did you bring me more Pocky?" He 
jumped down just as quickly to paw at the extra bag she carried. 
Kagome laughed as she shook her head and looked around the hut. Miroku was 
nursing another lump on his head and Sango was sitting a few seats away glaring at 
the man before they both turned and offered their words of welcome backs. Kaede 
was preparing a pot of boiling water for tea and Inuyasha was unaccounted for still. 
Settling herself against the wall next to Sango, Kagome shook off her backpack before 
she opened the bag and started handing out the goodies. "Courtesy of Mama, bentos 

for everyone! And... Pocky and Lollypops for Shippou, soda and beef jerky for Miroku, 
raspberry tea and white chocolate chip cookies for Sango." She pulled out a separate 
bag for Kaede. "And these are the herbs you wanted, Kaede. We also found a bunch 
of different blended teas you can try." 
Kagome sat back and contemplated everything that had happened over the last 
twenty four hours as everyone dug into their treats, a half smile on her face. Taking a 
deep breath she leaned her head back against the hut and felt her stomach drop 
when she felt Kikyou and Inuyashas auras heading their way. She locked eyes with 
Miroku who tensed as well before reaching in her bag and removing the black bag. 
"Shippou, stay in here with Kaede. Sango, Miroku, and I need to have some adult 
time." she stood and quickly moved to the exit as she grabbed her weapon, noticing 
the others doing the same. 
They moved closer to the edge of the river so the flowing water would distort their 
conversation and prying ears of the other villagers would not hear as they waited for 
the two. Kagome took a deep breath and gave Sango and Miroku a quick run down. "I 
came back earlier today. Almost walked right into Inuyasha and Kikyou having sex. 
My guess is he is bringing her into the pack." she heard them both gasp in shock. 
Sango shook her head and stepped closer to Kagome, stepping into a defensive 
position. Miroku followed suit. "Less than a week ago she tried to steal your soul and 
he pulls this shit? Over my dead body. She won't be anywhere near you, Kagome" 
Sango vowed as she glared in the direction they were coming from. 
Kagome shook her head and leaned casually against a boulder. "No Sango. If that is 
his choice, we will deal with it. But there will be stipulations and I will have words 
with the both of them." she watched as they stepped into view, her eyes narrowing a 
moment before she cleared her expression to her normal smile. "We will be diligent 
and watch our backs. I don't trust her, or his judgement. But I have a feeling we need 
her for the final battle." 
Inuyasha puffed out his chest as he came closer, his arms crossing in front of him as 
he looked between them all. "Glad you all are here, I got an announcement. Kikyou 
will be joining us from now on. Kagome, you can go home now, we don't need you 
Kagome lowered her head, her fingers steepled in front of her as Sango and Miroku 
began arguing against Inuyasha's decision. "I follow Kagome, not you." Sango said 
firmly. Miroku nodded and agreed. "I don't know what's been going on lately with 
you Inuyasha, but you need to consider your actions carefully. Kagome is your friend 
and you should not throw her friendship away so casually." the monk said. 
Inuyasha scoffed and turned towards Kikyou, his ears flattening to his head. "I don't 
know what the big deal is, she is always complainin' about wantin' to go back home 
for those 'tests' and that school of hers. Now she can be there all the time!" 
Sango rolled her eyes and threw one hand up in the air. "You really don't pay any 

attention do you? She finished school last year, you moron!" she sneered at 
Everyone but Kagome stopped and turned towards the west when they felt the pulse 
of Sesshomaru's familiar energy, everyone tensing as it started getting closer. 
Inuyasha cursed as they noticed the energy from the north that was most definitely 
Kouga also closing in on their location. Just as Inuyasha pulled out the tessaiga, they 
were further surprised when Kagome stood with a smile and dusted off the back of 
her dress with one hand as she spoke. "Well, it's about time!" she exclaimed loudly. 
Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at Kagome as she stood, pointing his sword in her 
direction. "What the fuck does that mean, wench?" 
The clearing was suddenly very still and very silent as Kagome slowly turned towards 
Inuyasha. Just as Sesshomaru and Kouga came into sight, her eyes lit with the fires of 
hell. "Sit." the command was guttural, almost inhuman and Inuyasha slammed into 
the ground with such force that the earth beneath their feet quaked. Just as Kikyou 
moved to draw her bow, Kagome pointed at her. "You point that Kami be damned 
bow at me EVER again you golem, I swear I will shove that bow so far up your ass you 
will be spitting toothpicks for a month." the words caused everyone including Kikyou 
to freeze. 
Taking a deep breath Kagome turned back towards Sesshomaru and Kouga, bowing 
deeply before smiling brightly. Sesshomaru was cold as usual, but a small spark of 
amusement was in his eyes. Kouga was doing nothing to hold back his laughter. 
"Welcome Lord Sesshomaru-sama. Kouga. I was just about to inform my pack of the 
new alliance." she turned towards Miroku and Sango, taking into their shocked but 
excited looks. "As of today, Lord Sesshomaru and Kouga will be joining our pack." 
"Bullshit!" they heard from the crater as Inuyasha tried to pull himself up out of the 
hole. "No way they are joining, and he ain't my Alpha!" 
Kagome ignored the outburst, as did everyone else. "Both have agreed. Inuyasha is 
upset because Sesshomaru is the eldest in the pack, and his brother, therefore he is 
Alpha. All decisions will go through him and the alpha female..." she turned towards 
Sesshomaru, picking up the black bag she had dropped earlier. 
Sesshomaru turned towards Kagome and nodded once before watching Inuyasha get 
to his feet. "You have proven yourself a remarkable Alpha female, and you will 
remain as such, Kagome." it was the first time he had said her name, but he refused 
to call her the same thing as the the undead one could be construed as. 
Kagome nodded and bowed to Sesshomaru. "Thank you, Sesshomaru- sama. " she 
straightened and walked towards Inuyasha, stopping a little in front of him. she 
waited into he stood in front of her before she spoke. "Inuyasha, you have a choice. 
You can accept this, or go off on your own with Kikyou. But know this. I am done. You 
will not dictate who I spend time with. you will not decide who will court me, or who I 

Slamming the bag into his chest she narrowed her eyes. "You can sleep with Kikyou 
or whoever else, whenever you want. I don't care. I bought you some lube, so don't 
steal my lotion anymore. Don't scent mark me. If I decide to have a booty call with 
Sesshomaru or an orgy with my entire pack with the exception of you, Kikyou, 
Shippou, and Kilala, you will shut your mouth and find a quiet place to hang out til we 
are done. From this moment forward, you are that guy I once knew." she turned and 
walked away, ignoring the shocked expressions of the demons and humans around 
her as she headed back to Kaede's hut. 
Inuyasha's face was tomato red as he sputtered and dropped the bag, his ears 
twitching. "I! Wha... " he watched her walk off unable to articulate a response. 
Slowly, Kikyou leaned towards Inuyasha and whispered, "What's a toothpick?" 
Sesshomaru turned towards Sango and Miroku. "Explain this 'Booty Call'"