Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Our Love's Forgotten ❯ Our Love's Forgotten ( Chapter 1 )
First, Samantha and Naraku were together, Sesshomaru and Kaela were together, and
enjoy my story!!! ^_^ Hope you love it at least
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"Kaela, there's Kagome. Good we're not late."
"No, I told you we wouldn't be late Samantha, Where's Sango? I thought she was with Kagome."
"Yea me too. HEY KAGOME!" Kagome looked their way, saw them, then waved.
"Hey guys, where's Sango? I thought she was with you."
"KAGOME! KAELA! SAMANTHA! WAIT UP!" Sango came running up to them.
"Whew, are we late?"
"No, the funeral is going to start in 10 minutes, we better hurry." Kaela said looking up from her watch.
The girls walked up to the Higurashi Shrine, so they could meet everyone else there.
"Lady Kagome, Lady Sango, Lady Samantha, Lady Kaela, its good your here."
"Why, Lord Sesshomaru, we couldn't miss this, for Samantha." Kaela looked back at Samantha.
"Lady Samantha, are you ok?" Sesshomaru asked the mourning mate.
"I miss Lord Naraku, its not the same without my love. Why did he have to get killed?"
Samantha started crying.
"It's ok Samantha, we're here for you." Kaela hugged her in comfort.
"I know, I just miss him, that's all." They all walked up to the crowd, around Naraku's coffin.
"Lady Samantha, how are you doing?"
"Fine Kurama, how's your girlfriend doing?"
"We broke up."
"Oh, that's sad."
"Not really, it wasn't working out anyways." Kurama put his arm around Samantha,
to comfort her.
"Thanks Kurama. Oh, Boton, can I ask a question of you?"
"Sure Lady Samantha, what can I do?"
"Can you look into the spirit world, and see if Naraku made it through ok?"
"Yes M' lady, I will." Boton disappeared into the spirit world.
They had the funeral, and a mourning service for Samantha and Naraku.
"Lady Samantha, how are you doing?"
"Oh, Lord Inuyasha, I'm fine. How are you?"
"Please don't call me 'Lord', it sounds like my brother. And I'm doing fine, considering
it's a funeral for your dead mate."
"Yea, but, I'll move on, right?"
"Yes, you will. It's just a matter of time." They had refreshments and then everyone left.
On the way home, (Samantha and Kaela live together) Samantha felt a disturbance.
"Kaela? Do you feel that?"
"Yea, what is it?"
"I don't know, but I think it has something to do with Naraku's spirit." Just then Boton appeared.
"Lady Samantha. Lord Naraku's spirit is nowhere to be found. It must have been stolen."
"Oh great, it wasn't enough to kill him, they had to steal his spirit, too? Kaela,
We have to find out who stole his spirit, will you help us Boton?"
"Yes, I'll get the others too." Boton disappeared again to get the gang.
"Hold on, let's transform into our youkai self, so we can use our senses, ok Kaela?"
"Ok, that's a good idea." They started glowing silver, then they were their youkai self now.
"HEY GUYS OVER HERE! THEY'RE OVER HERE!" Boton came hovering over, followed
by Kurama, Hiei, Kuwabara,Yusuke, Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, Sango, and Kagome.
"Ok, let's go." Samantha started leading the people away, but some didn't move.
"What is it? Come on, let's go people!"
"Wouldn't it be easier if we split up?" Yusuke suggested
"Ok, I guess. Um, Kaela and I will be the leaders, since we have the powers to do so."
"Ok, I'll choose Hiei, Yusuke, Kuwabara and Sesshomaru, you have the rest, ok Samantha?"
"Ok, can I talk to you for a second, alone!" Samantha dragged Kaela away from the group.
"What was the big idea, sticking me with the weakest? All the strongest I have is Inuyasha,
and Kurama. Sango and Kagome, they can't handle what we're about to do."
"Samantha! These are our friends, what is the matter with you?"
"What's the matter with me? My mate's spirit was just stolen, What do you think is
wrong with me?" Samantha looked at Kaela with sadness.
"I can't do this Kaela, it's to hard."
"You can do it, I have faith in you." Kaela smiled at her, then we went back to the group.
"You ready? Let's go!" Samantha took her group and went one way, Kaela took her
group and went the other way.
THAT'S IT!!! So far so good???? Dunno, I'll know when Kaela reads it, yea you Kaela,
I need your opinion, along with everyone else who reads it. ^_^ ok?