Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Replaying History In More Than One Way ❯ Secret Revealed ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I've just gotten back from two weeks away, so I thought I should post. The pairing's a love triangle since I couldn't decide (anyone that argues gets fed to… someone) but you won't see anything remotely romantic (I think) until chapter*looks in notebook* 14. I'm evil I know ^_^. My lil bro'll be going me in the author notes later on under the name: evil brother. You have him to thank for some character descriptions such as… Ghetto, Hiei's father and some future items.

Thanks to: Hellblazer, known as Neji on mm.org as well who will be checking for OOCs for me. Unless it's done purposely.

Deviation on mm.org whose fic I referred to for the Japanese of Hiei's attack.

Disclaimer: I don't believe I didn't do this before! I wish, I wish I owned more of YYH and IY… heck I don't even have much of either T_T. Five mangas of YYH no anime, two mangas of IY and one disc of anime (that I got for Christmas). Anyhow how could I create them if my own creativity is low???


inuyuyurrk: I'm glad you think so highly of this fic, and they review more than once with the paring but I only count it once (actually I didn't count at all… just estimated)

FoXy_hOtTiE: it's a triangle. Is that good enough?

ookami san the animelover: too bad. She doesn't have the jewel remember?! Naraku already has it so there isn't much meaning of him coming to her unless he decides to be stupid and pretty much give the jewel to Kagome. All will be explained… in chapter 18…. Hehehe….

black fire angel: I'll read them sometime. I'll try to remember. Am I really a good writer? I only thought I should post this because I haven't seen any fics like this hovering around.

Thanks to: Tsukiyo_Kitsune_tears, kitkat2919 and InuKitsuneMiko.


sunstar kitsune: It depends I think, Naraku's just plain stubborn. Kikyo and Kagome could have been just chance too.

Crimson Colored Cloaked Figure: Can I have that teddy bear now?

Hellblazer: You'll see. I tell you everything in chapter 18 so you'll just have to wait ^_^.

Thanks to: lady rosebit, vines-throughXfate, PriestessKikyoMarie


~*~*~*~- change of place

~*~*~*~*~- end of chapter


thoughts or well, you know what I mean right?

Chapter 5- Secret Revealed

Silence fell as well as night after Kagome's sudden departure. At least, it was until-

"Why are you all just standing there? Naraku's here! Right now!" Koenma shrieked, "Have you at least found out which group's the one?!"

"NO! We just got here dammit!" Yusuke snapped.

"Then you should get your behinds down to the arena! That's where Naraku is!" Koenma yelled before disappearing. The team sighed and got up before breaking into a sprint.


"So we meet again Kagome. This time however, I will not be defeated. Soon the conditions will be matched and I will become immortal!" Naraku laughed. He was standing in the ring; Kagome slightly out of breath clutched her bow and arrows, readying herself for his inevitable attack. She kept her eyes on Naraku, not allowing herself to be distracted.

"Don't count your chickens before they hatch!" Kagome retorted.

"That's Naraku?" someone yelled. Kagome continued to keep her eyes on Naraku, not daring to look back.

"Ah, so that's whom Sango has chosen is it?" Naraku smiled.

"Yusuke," Kagome's eyes widened. Forgetting herself for a moment she turned to look Yusuke in the eye. Hiei and Kurama were slightly behind him and she could hear Kuwabara coming as well.

The next moment a tentacle burst through Kagome's shoulder before retreating back into Naraku's body. Kagome held her shoulder; the pain would be bearable but the poison that would kill her.

"Don't forget about me so easily Kagome," Naraku laughed.

"So you are the one that has seen the past, aren't you Kagome-san?" Kurama stepped forward. Kagome remained silent, her eyes fixated on Naraku.

"Over five hundred years ago my dear Kagome there was a battle fought, I'm certain you know which one. Three days before the full moon Midoriko battled the hanyou that killed her. On the night of the full moon, she created the Shikon no Tama by killing herself to kill the demon. This little jewel is the crystallized souls of the demon and Midoriko. In order for a wish to be made on the jewel so that it will be put to rest-" Naraku stated, but was interrupted by Yusuke.

"OH SHUT UP!" he yelled. Kagome took this opportunity to shoot Naraku. With the speed created by practise, she nocked an arrow, drew the string back and shot. Naraku had anticipated her attack, the moment his attention had wavered.

He dodged her arrow and felt a warning in the wind. He tossed out his miasma, killing Kurama's rose whip with its poison. Kagome continued to shoot, dissipating the miasma.

"SPIRIT WAVE!" Yusuke sent out a wave of his energy, forcing the miasma away. Hiei saw that he could not use his katana* against this foe and removed the coverings on his right arm; and summoned his greatest, most deadly attack.

"Jaou Ensatsu Kokuryuu Ha!" Naraku seemed to be devoured within the flames, until a white light surrounded him.

"LOOK OUT!" Kagome yelled. The dragon rebounded towards Hiei. He stood his ground and took the full blast. Naraku began to laugh again, infuriating Kagome.

"You aren't suited to motherhood Kagome, you've lost you kit again," Naraku told her.

"The full moon, the alliance, a hanyou, a youkai, two taijiya and powerful spiritual energy. You've brought me all the conditions I need to make a wish and have the jewel disappear. You aren't suited to be the Shikon's protectress either it seems." Kagome's eyes burned with anger. Her bow trembled in her hand. Then, she saw the opening she'd been looking for. Faster than before, fueled with anger, she shot. The arrow flew towards Naraku, it's aim seemed true.

(I seriously thought about ending it here)

"Just what were you aiming at?" Yusuke demanded. Naraku's hand was demolished, but his face wasn't contorted with pain, but rage as he looked at what had been in his hand. The Shikon no Tama was pierced by the arrow. Floating in the air, it began to crack; all eyes were on it. They all heard a soft ethereal voice say. So it begins again, as the Shikon shattered and swooshed away. (Do you have any idea how long it took me to actually find a verb that would describe it appropriately?) Naraku's eyes turned red as he turned to Kagome.

"Damn you," he hissed. "Damn you and your arrows!"

He stepped forwards menacingly; his miasma swirled around him, reaching for Kagome seeking to kill her. Kagome stood her ground, defiant, as she always seemed in Naraku's eyes. As the miasma touched her it writhed back, burned by her powers.

"You will die, you will die as Kikyo did," he vowed. Then he disappeared into the darkness. Kagome stood still before turning and she walked towards the reikai tantei*. Before she got there, she fainted from blood loss.


The reikai tantei were barely keeping the miasma away. Kuwabara's sword may have completely demolished it but we all know Kuwabara isn't good at thinking on his feet. Yusuke's spirit wave was effective, but the miasma just kept coming. Hiei and Kurama were unconscious. Everything seemed absolutely hopeless, until a light flew to each of them; four shards. A barrier was erected by each shard around its bearer.

Kurama slowly stirred, regaining consciousness. His eyes were still partially unfocused. He sat up and pulled out a rose, using its thorns he slit his wrist to bleed out the poison. Soon he was fully conscious, using his rose once again he cut a bandage and tied it around his wrist. He looked for a certain someone, Kagome to be precise. He saw her through the miasma. Kurama quickly assessed the situation, Hiei was recovering from absorbing his dragon, Yusuke and Kuwabara were confused about the barrier.

Right now, Kurama was concerned about Kagome; he knew from experience that Hiei would be fine. But Kagome was their last hope; she knew Naraku's weak points and how he was defeated before. He made his way to her, the shard clutched in his hand. He knelt down beside her fallen body. The injury on her shoulder was serious; he planted a seed within it. It sprouted and the plant eventually stopped the bleeding.

Yusuke and Kuwabara soon emerged from the miasma, carrying Hiei between them.

"Why'd ya leave him?" Kuwabara accused. Kurama smiled weakly.

"I knew Hiei would be fine, Kagome-san however." He didn't need to finish his sentence, the plant and blood on her clothes spoke for itself. None of them had taken note of Botan's arrival; they were absorbed into their thoughts.

"Hey guys! Koenma wants… what happened here?" Botan asked.

"It seems Naraku is currently deadlier than Toguro ever was," Kurama replied. They all looked at Botan expectantly, waiting for any new information.

"Naraku's main powers currently lie with his skills regarding trickery; added to by his ability to shape shift," Kagome stated, now kneeling. They could all tell that she was straining herself to remain upright.

"Why don't we go to Reikai? I'm sure that Koenma can help you with your wound," Botan suggested. Kagome nodded weakly, and made to stand, failing miserably. As she fell Yusuke caught her, holding her upright. Her vision began to waver again, Kagome blinked, trying to clear her vision but instead she began to see blackness again.

Damn poison she thought before giving up completely.


A cliffy again. So sorry, not. She isn't going to meet Koenma by the way, that'll happen later on ^_^. Review please.