Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Replaying History In More Than One Way ❯ The Planning ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Tbiris: I swear everyone's out to get me!

Yusuke: You're just saying that because you argued with your beta!

Tbiris: Keiko, do the honours

Keiko *slaps Yusuke*

Yusuke: Ouch! Why do you work with her Keiko?

Kurama: Maybe because tbiris actually lets the two of you date?

Tbiris: Ah! Yes you just reminded me of something I had to do Kurama! *flips a coin* Heads, looks like your lucky day!

Kurama: What? My Lucky day what do you mean?!

Tbiris: Sore wa himitsu desu! (That's a Secret)

Yusuke: Aren't you going to reply to your wonderful reviewers?

Tbiris: Nah, gave up on it, but I'm still going to answer questions or claims of OOCness that I will prove wrong! Or right…..

Keiko: Well wasn't there one comment due to the pairings from Youko_love and a comment about the rosary from blueraven?

Tbiris: Oh yeah…. Um, it's a love triangle and there isn't gonna be much romance `cause…. I can't write the stuff. Shut up is a command like if I told you to `shut up' then it's like commanding you to shut your mouth. How's it an insult? Besides saying that you talk too much.

Yusuke: HA! You're an incompetent writer!

Tbiris: I'll give you back to Neji and tell her to feed you to Hiei.

Kurama: Neji isn't lending me to you forever you know.

Tbiris: Yeah… life sucks T_T. Well then, on with the story!

P.S. Please no one kill me on ch.20!

Chapter 8-The Planning

A shouting match was erupting when they arrived. Botan looked at Keiko and Kagome arguing before walking to Yusuke and quietly asking him.

"What happened?" Yusuke's simple response was a shrug.

"All that I know is that it's fun to watch," Yusuke replied. Botan would've retorted, but it was odd to see the two strong-willed girls have a battle of wills.

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT KEIKO!" Kagome yelled.

"WELL YOU SHOULD AT LEAT TELL ME THE DETAILS!" Keiko yelled back. Kagome paused, then sighed giving up the battle.

"Yusuke's going to want to kill me," Kagome muttered. Then louder she said. "Fine, I'll tell you, but not here." Without further adieu she grabbed Keiko's arm and dragged her off.

There was dead silence as everyone memorized the moments of argument.

"Now we know what happens when Keiko and Kagome get angry at each other," Kurama noted, breaking the silence. Hiei turned around,

"Not that I care but the baka's lying on the ground," Hiei stated, slightly amused. Botan blinked and looked back at Kuwabara.

"Oh, I pushed him through and I guess I landed on him," Botan laughed. Kurama turned to the poison covered arena,

"We should go and plan our next battle," Kurama suggested. The rest of the conscious team members agreed upon this suggestion, Kuwabara regained consciousness right before his team members left sight.

"Hey guys! Wait for meeeeee!" Kuwabara yelled as he ran to catch up.


Kurama was making three cups of tea and two cups of coffee when there was a knock on the door. Yusuke opened the door to see Kagome, Keiko and Shizuru. Before Yusuke could protest Kagome gave him a hard glare.

"Say a word about Keiko and Shizuru being here and you'll have a rosary," she warned. Yusuke and Kuwabara shut their mouths, but Keiko looked at Kagome a question in her eyes.

"Do you remember what I said about Inu Yasha `sitting'?" Keiko and Shizuru nodded.

"Kuwabara has the same thing, except it's better if he `shuts up.'" Kuwabara smashed into the ground, much to Shizuru's amusement.

"As Amusing as this is, we're fighting within the hour and we do need a plan," Kurama said, bringing the cups of hot tea and coffee and handing them out. Botan, Kagome, Keiko and Shizuru moved into the room, closing the door behind them. Keiko sat in between Yusuke and Kurama on a sofa. Shizuru was beside her brother on the love seat (that's a two person couch by the way) but Kagome, Botan and Hiei remained standing.

There was a comfortable silence whilst everyone sipped his or her coffee or tea.

"So Kagome, you've fought this Naraku guy before. When he didn't draw his power from the jewel," Yusuke began.

"No, Naraku was already gathering Shikon no Kakera when I first met him," Kagome shuddered. "Kikyo knew him before he became Naraku and then fell into Naraku's trap." Yusuke sighed before slumping in his seat.

"We're doomed."

"No, Naraku's power has in fact been greatly reduced," Botan commented in her usual all happy tone.

"WHAT?" Yusuke and Kuwabara yelled.

"Look, the reason we're here is so that we know what you're planning and we won't worry too much," Shizuru stated. "So can we please get planning?" Yusuke made a face.

"Well, it would be suspicious if Yusuke were to lose, and if he didn't go against the team leader. Unless it happens to be the detachment," Kurama commented, sipping his tea.

"Here, here," Botan said.

"I lose a lot of my battles, like the last tournaments it wouldn't be suspicious if I lost," Kuwabara added, scratching his head. "But both Kurama and Hiei are really good." Hiei got an evil smirk at this comment.

"So the baka does know who's better than him." Kuwabara looked highly offended but caught Kagome's glare and remained silent.

"We don't have to be there though," Kurama added.

"Something mysterious could happen to us," Hiei added. Kagome looked between the two youkai. They both looked like they knew what they were doing.

"Don't do anything too fatal Hiei, Kurama," Kagome warned.

Hiei caught Kurama's eye.

`So who and what will it be?"

`Flip a coin heads you're out of battle and tails I'm out of battle, the winner chooses the fate?' Kurama pulled a coin out of his pocket.

`Hn,' Kurama thought for a while, then he flipped the coin, and it landed on… heads.

"It seems like Hiei will be poisoned in the near future," Kurama stated.

"Hn." Hiei's eyes flashed with irritation for a moment, then with acceptance.

"Very well fox, check your remedies first." Kurama laughed at Hiei's comment.

"I'll make sure that the poison works slowly, then you'll probably be able to override it eventually."

Shizuru finished her coffee.

"You should get the poison ready then, you have around twenty minutes left. Now that I know my bro'll be risking his life, I'll try not to worry too much. Coming Keiko?" Keiko nodded and stood up.

"Be careful Yusuke!" Shizuru left, closely followed by Keiko and Botan.

"Watch your backs," Yusuke warned as they left. Keiko flashed him a smile back at him and closed the door.

"Who are we fighting against?" Kagome asked, sitting down on the couch. Hiei looked at her sceptically before answering.

"Death of Life." Kagome nodded slowly, she had heard the team name before, but where? She listed the names of their fighters in her head, then she remembered.

"They're the team with the detachment. They should have a new member…" Kagome trailed off.

"Lets not worry about that right now," Kurama suggested, whilst sorting through various seeds. Kagome smiled,

"It's part of my nature to worry about my friends," she noticed Hiei's glare, "and allies" she added.

"The wolf might not kill his opponent since I healed his arm, but I can't be sure," Kagome thought out loud.

"What are their abilities?" Yusuke asked. Kagome paused, recollecting her memories of the one fight she had seen them in.

"The worm demon died, the wolf has a humanoid form, objects can pass through him and his right arm can turn into weapons. The bat uses its screech to immobilize the opponent and then throws multiple claws at the opponent. The spider demon has a humanoid form as well and like Naraku he works with poison."

"Speaking of poison," Hiei said, looking to Kurama. All of his seeds had disappeared into various hiding places. Kurama offered a small smile. Hiei's eyes flashed to him, then to his partially drunk tea.

"You need to work on your hiding skills regarding poison fox."

"That's only because you knew I'd be poisoning you Hiei," Kurama replied. Hiei didn't grace this comment with a reply, besides getting his tea and taking a sip.

`It tastes awful fox,' he complained.

`I should have warned you, it would taste better if you drank it all at once,' Kurama replied. Hiei took the advice and immediately doubled over after finishing the tea.

"Damn Kurama, remind me to never get on your bad side," Yusuke said awestruck.

"Don't get on my bad side Yusuke, Hiei will be unconscious in," Kurama was cut off by a soft `thump'

"Never mind."

"I'm going to the arena," Kagome informed them as they moved Hiei into what may have been a more comfortable position.

"We'll see you then Kagome-san," Kuwabara replied.


Well, I'm kinda running out of ideas at ch.22… so anyone that has an idea is welcome to share!