Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Replaying History In More Than One Way ❯ A Risky Battle Part 2 ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Tbiris: Well I' back again.

Yusuke: Why the hell do YOU get to skip school?

Tbiris: I didn't, school finished after a barbeque. So to celebrate, I'm posting

Karasu: That's just because you have nothing better to do.

Tbiris: well, that too…

Keiko: sigh there isn't any hope for you is there?

Tbiris: nope.

Keiko: well, reply to ScottisFae, Shesshy-Slipperz/S.Wooz, animebaby08060, sunstar kitsune and Yusuke brat then.

Tbiris: okay then, ScottishFae, thanks, I got the idea when I was bored with nothing to do… the things boredom inspire… hehehe sorry `bout that... it's what I do if I can't write… the pairing's Kur/Kag though…

Shesshy-Slipperz/S.Wooz I now have some ideas I will follow up on if I can write, ch.24's starting to piss me off. I just can't write right now for some reason…

Animebaby08060, what was so wrong? Enlighten me.

How is she involved…. Give me a sec to look things over sunstar kitsune… let's see… involved…whom? Kagome or that OC? If you mean the part where Kagome healed Kurama… I couldn't kill Kurama unless I wanted an angry mob outside my door…

Shadows… well Yusuke brat it's who Kagome sees behind a character. Like how she sees Sango behind Yusuke, like a shadow. It isn't the actually person but it's like they get something from (or similar to) the character that shadows them. Kuwabara's spiritual powers, Yusuke's a demon killer, Hiei's cold nature and works with fire, Kurama's rose whip works a bit like the Kaze no Kizu. The fainter the shadow the less the character being shadowed is like the shadow. I hope that helps…

So enough of my blabbering, now for the actual story (and if anyone knows how I can fix the paragraphing on ff.net please tell me!)

Chapter 10-A Risky Battle Part 2

Her suspicions were correct. Kouga's form was behind the wolf, but slightly faint, but not as faint as Shippo was with Hiei.

`Note to self, try and bring out Shippo more.' Kagome thought.

As usual, the battle wasn't going too well for Kuwabara. Of course with his dismal speed the wolf was able to just let Kuwabara through him, since he was given enough time to focus his energy. Finally Kuwabara was able to get in some strokes that is until the wolf transformed his right arm into a rapier and was able to block every stroke and counterattack each time. Finally the wolf changed the rapier into an overlarge hammer and whacked Kuwabara into the audience. The announcer began to count and by the time she'd finished counting, Kuwabara stood at the edge of the ring.

The wolf got out of the ring, but instead of heading to his team, he headed for the Urameshi team. He stopped in front of Kagome.

"Without you I would have died," he told her. Kagome blinked and shook her head.

"Body parts take longer to heal. Besides, I caused the damage," she replied.

"You aren't fighting are you?" Kagome nodded, looking at the detachment.

"I have business with his master," she replied.

"Well then, good luck. Remember this Shintaku." Kagome smiled and nodded. So the last battle began, the first one that would be a matter of life and death.

Kagome and the detachment stepped into the ring, both were silent until the detachment spoke.

"Naraku wished for me to convey his best wishes to you," the spider spat. Kagome stood still; unlike her usual self she was emotionless. The spider scoffed at her attitude.

"Do you think you could beat me? You couldn't even kill Kagura!"

"That was years ago," Kagome whispered. Her aura flew around her, showing her potential as a miko.

"I'm called Ruijiten, so that you know your killer."

"You talk big but you're hiding behind your master's reputation." Kagome raised her bow again and shot a purification arrow.

Ruijiten disappeared and reappeared behind her, stabbing her arm with one of his threads. Kagome spun around and cut him with an arrowhead. His skin burned where the arrow cut him in the side. Ruijiten ran backwards, out of arm's reach. Kagome threw away her bow since one of her arms was useless. Her hair was whipped in the wind caused by the flow of power she summoned. Ruijiten disappeared again but before he could stab her again, Kagome wheeled around and blasted him with her raw powers.

Unfortunately, her aim was a little off and only a quarter of Ruijiten's body was destroyed. Kagome was panting, she'd poured a majority of her powers into that one shot. She fell onto her knees; there was a gap in the stands where the remainder of the attack had hit the stands. Ruijiten was evidently tired as well, then the words that would decide the match, were heard from Kagome's mouth.

"No more feints and tricks, one last attack to decide everything. We hit with everything we have left." Ruijiten was still before he nodded, signing what could be his death wish.

Kagome and Ruijiten focused their energies and then, let them loose. A wave of threads met a wave of purification energy. The two began to cancel each other out, and then small tendrils of purification energy began to seep into the holes made in the attack. Ruijiten was blasted apart, but his attack remained. Kagome remained in the mass of poisonous materials. With all of her powers gone from that one attack, it seemed hopeless.

"Well, it seems that we'll have to call that one a draw…" a reigun entered the mass of threads, breaking them apart and exposing Kagome lying down, barely conscious, her right arm was purple; the poison spreading through her system.

~*~Kagome's POV~*~

The world flashed black and clear, I could only hear catches of what was being said. Someone interfered was my guess because I'm disqualified. At least there was one less detachment to take care of.

~*~ End POV~*~

Yusuke ran to Kagome after she lost consciousness. Kurama followed, aided by Kuwabara. Looking to her arm, Kurama knelt down and searched his pockets for a remedy. He pulled out a leaf and pressed it to the wound, Kagome jerked and flailed as Kurama pulled away the bloodstained cure.

"She'll have to be carried," Kurama stated, looking at Kuwabara.

"I'm not doing it! How do I know if she won't slam me to the ground if she finds out?" Kuwabara yelled. Yusuke and Kurama stared at Kuwabara as the announcer asked them to move quickly so that the tournament could continue.

"Oh fine, I'll do it! But if she does slam me, you're getting a pummeling Urameshi!"

Kuwabara lifted Kagome up and Kurama leaned on Yusuke for support.

"We need to get Hiei and then we'll go home for a bit to let Kagome recover," Kurama planned.

"As long as I get to see Yukina," Kuwabara replied. The trek back to their room was long and tedious. When they reached the room Hiei was conscious.

"You need to work more on your poisons."

"Hello to you too Hiei, I didn't want to kill you," Kurama replied. Yusuke searched his pockets for the communicator, a hard task since he was still supporting Kurama (it isn't easy, believe me…) until Kurama stood alone. Yusuke looked at Kurama a question in his eyes.

"I'll be able to support my own weight unless something heavy is added to my own weight." Satisfied with Kurama's explanation, Yusuke continued his search for the communicator.

"Ah! Here we are!"

Held in his hand was what seemed to be a compact, however when opened, it seemed more like a small computer. Yusuke pressed a few buttons and Botan's face appeared.

"Hey Botan, could we get a portal down here?" Yusuke asked.

"You're done already?! I'll come by." The screen went black.

Yusuke closed the communicator and put it in his pocket when they heard knocking. Kurama moved to the door and opened it a crack, cautious in case it was youkai trying to attack them.

"Hey there Kurama didn't forget about us did ya?" Shizuru asked. Kurama opened the door fully; Keiko was behind Shizuru as well as Boudan and Shintaku.

"They said that they wanted to talk to you," Keiko answered Kurama's unspoken question. He nodded and moved to let them all in. The girls and guests filed in, Boudan looked at Kurama critically.

"You didn't really try against me did you?" she accused.

"Not many have the claim of beating me," Kurama skillfully evaded answering the question.

Boudan scoffed at his lack of answer and Shintaku turned his attention from his comrade bickering with Kurama to Kagome.

"She's got a lot of potential, she can't channel it properly though. At this point she could turn into a dark miko if she's persuaded to. When she wakes up, tell her that we'll help her any way we could, once we finish the Dark Tournament of course."

"Actually there is one thing," Botan said, popping up behind Shintaku, causing him to jump

"Where'd you come from?" he yelled, catching everyone's attention.

"Reikai, and you could help them collect Shikon no Kakera!"

Shintaku caught Boudan's eye and nodded.

"We'll help. Most of the shards will have pierced the barrier and gone to Makai. It would be best to start searching there." Boudan turned her eyes back to Kurama.

"Your seeds have been returned." Kurama's eyes widened as his hand flew to his hair, all of his seeds were there.

"Hn, you should pay more attention fox," Hiei commented. Boudan looked at him.

"How do you know if you'd do any better hybrid?" Hiei disappeared and then had his katana at her throat.

"Hiei! You go first!" Botan called. Hiei's eyes flickered.

"Hn, to Genkai's no doubt." He casually walked through the portal followed by the girls and his teammates.

"Good luck!" Botan chirped, walking into the portal, which disappeared. The scene remained as a plateau.

"They need more luck than us," Boudan commented. Shintaku nodded.

"A lot more." As one they left the now vacant room, ready for whatever came to them.


Another chapter done. Shintaku means trust and Ruijiten means similarity. So, to all of those unfortunate enough to have suffered a full day of school, ummm… I forgot what I was gonna say… hehehe.