Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Replaying History In More Than One Way ❯ Lessons ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Tbiris: *glowers*

Yusuke: Did I miss something?

Tbiris: Shut up Yusuke.

Keiko: She does seem in a worse mood now that I think about it

Tbiris: *glares at computer*

Karasu: She lost the disk with the entire story on it, and the first 2/3 of the story. She had to retype it.

Tbiris: Damn them….

Keiko: I suppose you aren't replying to the reviews then…

Tbiris: When I feel better….

Chapter 12- Lessons

Kagome was fixated by Makai, the red sky, the odd wind and the environment. She kept twisting her head around, trying to absorb her new surroundings.

"Stop acting like an owl miko," Hiei growled. Kagome jumped and laughed nervously. Her bow and arrows were on her back within reach, her bow, strung. Kurama was more wary, expecting an attack at any moment, whilst Hiei blended in with the forest as he jumped from tree to tree as their sentry. Yusuke and Kuwabara however, let's just say that it was surprising that they hadn't been attacked yet.

Finally, tired of all the noise the two delinquents were making, Hiei glared at them from his tree. Seconds later, their clothing had caught fire. Yelping loudly, they tried to extinguish the flames, when this task had been carried out they both glared at Hiei.

"Hn," was his reply. Only two people had noticed that Hiei's ki had gone much higher than needed to set fire to most items. Both Kurama and Kagome started making plans to get the fire demon to tell them what had transpired.

"There's a Shikon no Kakera west of here," Kagome stated, breaking the silence. Hiei switched directions and jumped down from the trees. A loud scream was heard from the west, in the exact direction Hiei had gone. Hiei returned; his katana was stained with blood.

"There's more coming," he stated. A second howl was heard, this one being of rage since its plan of a surprise attack was shattered. A dozen demons surrounded them. The one that had assumed the position of leader due to its size stepped forward.

"Give us… the Shikon no Kakera," he gurgled. A reply, courtesy of Yusuke flew into his face, blowing him apart. The demons screeched at the loss of their leader and charged the reikai tantei. Kurama, Kagome and Yusuke teamed up to destroy half whilst Kuwabara destroyed a quarter. Hiei got the rest of them, it was a good strategy until Kuwabara nearly cut off Hiei's head, causing him to dodge and miss his current target. It went for Kagome, whose back was turned.

_$_Kagome's POV _$_

I froze as I saw the demon running at me out of the corner of my eye. I can't shoot him properly at this close range, running is also out of the question, and I'd cause Yusuke and Kurama to lose their concentration. I hate it when this happens! KUSO!

_$_End POV_$_

Luckily, a shotgun blasted the demon before the demon could attack.

"Arigato Yusuke-san," Kagome sighed in relief.

"No problem, What happened Hiei" Yusuke demanded

"The idiot would have taken off my head," was the curt reply. This was met by a series of protests from Kuwabara. Hiei however, wasn't listening as he stared at Kagome. She returned the stare, but pulled away after a moment.

"You don't use short range weapons." It was a statement, not a question. Kagome nodded glumly. How many times she had to rely on Inuyasha to save her from those situations flashed.

"Nor I Hiei," Kurama added. Yusuke snorted.

"Yeah right Kurama. You have enough control over that whip that you can stop most people from getting near you. If that fails, you have your grass sword."

Hiei removed his eyes from Kagome as he motioned for everyone to follow him. He led them to a clearing nearby. Everyone started to set up camp, when they had finished Hiei motioned to Kagome.

"Come miko," he ordered. Normally Kagome would protest about being called 'miko' and not by her proper name, but it was a perfect opportunity to put her plan into action.

She followed him into another clearing, where he cut down a sapling.

"I could teach you how to use a sword, maybe knives, but what would there be so that it would be worthwhile for me?" Hiei's voice remained indifferent as he offered Kagome training. Kagome smiled inwardly, things would work out just fine.

"I can help you," she replied. Hiei looked at her, his gaze clearly said, 'with what?'

"Control." Hiei started snapping the branches off of the sapling.

"You noticed," he whispered. Kagome shook her head, telling him that she had only guessed.

"I'll teach you, and you will aid me," he replied. Hiei tossed her a bokken (that's a wooden sword)

"Defend." Without any hesitation, Hiei attacked with the blunt end of his katana.

Startled, Kagome barely blocked his first strike and was hit by a counter-attack.

"Archery and swordsmanship are side by side. You can do better than that." Hiei attacked once again, this time Kagome did a little better, until Hiei began moving around more.

"That's enough." Hiei hadn't even broken a sweat whilst Kagome was panting for breath.

"I'll start after I eat," Kagome stated after she caught her breath.

"Make sure the others don't find out about this miko," Hiei growled. Kagome nodded as she left for the camp.


Kagome returned to the separate clearing with a full stomach and a teaching plan in her head. Hiei had remained in the clearing, practicing with his katana. Kagome watched what she could as Hiei flitted in many different directions, his katana merely a blur. Kagome waited until he had stopped, before motioning that he should sit down.

"Think of what times you had in your life that made you happy, and concentrate on them."

Hiei looked at her as if she was crazy. "I don't have any."

Kagome shook her head. "Everyone has one, it could have been for just a moment of happiness, of accomplishment. Think back to your childhood." Hiei scoffed, his childhood had been hell as well. Then he remembered the (please tell me the name!) ice stone Ruri had given him before he had been thrown off of the island, to remind him that he was loved. He thought of his sister, when he had found her, underneath all the shock, he had felt wanted, could that be happiness? He concentrated on those two memories. Kagome smiled. Shippo's faint figure had become more defined.

"Each time you're about to lose control try thinking of those memories to calm you down," she suggested. "I'll think of other ways later, for now that should help." Hiei nodded, as he left for the camp. As he brushed Kagome, a flash of feelings hit her. Pain, hot, cold, healing, destruction, she felt them all at once, and realization hit her; it was no wonder that Hiei lost control, and couldn't always keep it. He was at war within himself.


*growls* I lost the damn disk with the beginning of the chapter… well actually someone took it out of the computer at school when I forgot it there…damn.

Next chapter: The Western Lands (if someone guesses roughly what happens then I'll give 'em something)