Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Replaying History In More Than One Way ❯ Changes in Sight ( Chapter 15 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Tbiris: No idle chitchat today, just the fic.

Chapter 15- Changes in Sight

Kagome and Hiei had finished their respective lessons and were heading back to the den.

"Kagome." Kagome stopped and looked to Hiei, shocked.

"You used my name," she breathed. Hiei turned to her; his eyes this time were hard, glaring at anything.

"Look at the sunset," he replied. Kagome turned around and gasped.

"It's a rare occasion here. It usually appears when something's about to change, something that's usually steady. I believe that the last time was where the sun shone was when Yusuke was allowed a second chance to live, its odd to have the sun shine so soon after the last time." They sat down and watched the sun set together, until it disappeared from the world once again.

"Why did you kiss Youko?" the question was so sudden, Kagome didn't expect it.

"What? Oh! He kissed me Hiei-kun! I think I was rambling but he was tired of it and wanted me to see him as himself…" Kagome blushed slightly.

Hiei's eyes flashed with a new emotion for a second, during which Kagome saw Shippo flash stronger than Sesshoumaru.

`I should talk to him about that.' She thought.

"Talk to me about what Kagome?" Kagome bit her lip; she'd forgotten that Hiei could read minds.

"After I started teaching you, I, I think your mind linked with mine for a second. I felt pain, hot, cold, like I was healing and destroying, then I knew why you couldn't control your powers all the time. It must be terrible, fighting with yourself all the time. I've helped you by evening out Sesshoumaru and Shippo." Hiei remained silent.

"You've been using me," Hiei stated sadly. Kagome was shocked into silence.

"I'm not your kit!" Hiei stood up, his eyes blazing with anger, and pain.

"I know that Hiei!" Kagome replied, remaining on the ground.

"NO YOU DON'T! I've seen you look at me, but you'd be looking past me! I'm not them Kagome!"

Kagome looked away, to where the sunset had been previously.

"I know what its like Hiei, it was why I avoided Kurama. When I saw him, I'd look and see Inuyasha…" Hiei remained silent.

"Remember," he said, before disappearing into the forest. Kagome stayed where she was, pondering what Hiei had meant by `remember' (actually I forget what I meant too hehehe…. It'll come to me) There was a rustling in the garden. Kagome turned and saw a flash of red.

Kurama made his way to her.

"The others are wondering where you are," he stated. Kagome turned back around and remained silent. Kurama stood in the same position for a while before sitting down beside Kagome. There was a comfortable silence between the two of them.

"I suppose we should head back now," Kagome stated, standing up.

"Wait." Kagome turned back around and looked at Kurama expectantly.

"I want to apologize for Youko's rash behavior before."

"He was justified to do what he did Kurama, I was ignoring you because I know what its like having someone think that you're their past love. Speaking of which…" Kagome pulled out the shards they'd collected in the past month, it was half, give or take a few shards.

"We should go to the past soon, so that we can tell you how we beat Naraku before. I have to tell Kikyo that message too." Kagome stood up and went into the garden, heading back to Youko's den.

A shocked silence was greeted by Kagome's announcement regarding the amount of Shikon no Kakera and the fact that she thought that they'd be able to visit Sengoku Jidai if they wanted to.

"Already?" Yusuke demanded. Kagome nodded.

"We can take a break back home for a day or two and then I'll contact you… somehow." Yusuke's eyes lit up.

"What day is it today?" Yusuke asked eagerly. "Koenma can't interrupt a date since I'm still technically on a mission. If it's the weekend we could go today." Everyone had a small smile -or scowl- on his or her faces at Yusuke's elated state.

"Why don't you call Botan and find out?" Kurama suggested. Yusuke grinned sheepishly. He began to search for the pocket communicator.

After ten seconds of searching, Yusuke held up the communicator.

"Hey Botan!"

"Shh, Yusuke, Enma-sama's here. I can't leave if you're calling for a portal," Botan whispered.

"What day is it Botan?" Yusuke asked.

"Friday." Was the quick reply.

"Look, we'll stay in the same place, can you come by tomorrow, oh and can you ask Keiko today if she'd like to go see a movie with me when I come back?"


"BOTAN!" an outside voice was heard through the communicator

"Sorry sir!"

"If you're talking to the Reikai tantei, then get them here."

"Yes Enma-sama!" The communication device went black. Seconds later Botan appeared on her oar. Silent as a grave, she opened a portal and ushered everyone through it.

"Who are you all?" Enma rumbled, setting everyone trembling.


I know it's short… and I'm sorry for that…but hey, its four pages in a note book…