Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Replaying History In More Than One Way ❯ Sengoku Jidai ( Chapter 17 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Tbiris: Well, I still haven't hit 100 reviews, but hey it doesn't really matter. I'm just happy that I have so many loyal reviewers. Which I don't have on mediaminer…

Yusuke: You sound pissed about that. What's so special about mediaminer?

Tbiris: It doesn't mess up the formatting for one and I used to have more reviews there.

Keiko: Which you don't now.

Tbiris: Yeah. Once again I'll do review replies at the end so that I can reply to later reviewers.

Yusuke: Did you get rid of Karasu? I haven't seen him for a while.

Tbiris: Nah, he's been sulking for a while when I told him I wouldn't be doing that fic with him in it. So… on with the story.

Chapter 17- Sengoku Jidai

Inu Yasha and Shippo were arguing, as usual.

"She said she wouldn't come back for a while brat!" Inu Yasha said for what was at least the 30th time.

"Wahh! I want Kagome! You're so mean!" Inu Yasha whapped Shippo on the head, a poor attempt to silence Shippo. If possible, Shippo cried harder.

"Inu Yasha!" Inu Yasha froze and slowly turned to see Kagome. His ears twitched and lay flat on his head, the image of a guilty puppy.

"What did I tell you about bullying Shippo!" she scolded.

"Okaa-san!" Shippo launched himself at Kagome, knocking her into Hiei. Shippo blinked in surprise as he noticed the amount of people that had been standing behind his mother. He disappeared in a puff of smoke and appeared behind Inu Yasha.

"Who are they okaa-san?" he squeaked.

"Friends and family. I'll introduce them by name later, when Miroku, Sango, Kikyo and Sesshoumaru join us."

"You aren't calling him here!" Inu Yasha informed her.

"Too late, Inu Yasha." Sesshoumaru stepped out of the shadows of the trees.

"This Sesshoumaru has waited for your return, miko."

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting. If it's not too much to ask, could you get Kikyo, Sango and Miroku for me? In exchange for information as to why I've been gone for so long." Kagome asked. Sesshoumaru remained silent, contemplating the offer.

"Hey, sis," Souta's voice was quiet and timid. "Is he the one that tried to kill you for Tetsusaiga and lost his arm?" Souta asked. Sesshoumaru's cold eyes met Souta's.

"Do not mention that. Just because this Sesshoumaru has decided to let the miko live, does not mean that this Sesshoumaru will hesitate to kill you." Souta trembled at the thought of the cold lord killing him.

"This Sesshoumaru accepts your offer."

A red cloud billowed around his feet; his empty sleeve blew in the wind as he flew towards where the taijiya village once existed. Souta's trembling soon ceased, until his sister turned to him.

"What were you thinking, Souta? He kept trying to kill his own brother."

"Half brother." Inu Yasha muttered.

"For goodness sakes!" Souta stared at his feet, unable to reply.

"Sesshoumaru-sama is the heir of the Western Lands. If he is of age, Kagome, he would expect to be respected. I don't believe that you informed your brother about that," Kurama added.

Inu Yasha shook his head. "It's more my fault than hers. I never told them that he was the Lord, I didn't tell them anything about him beyond the fact that he's my half-brother. I never have been proud of my heritage." He informed. Shippo's eyes grew to the size of dinner plates.

"You mean, that I've purposely annoyed a heir to the Western Lands?!" Shippo began to bang his head on a tree, saying in between each hit.

"Stupid…Shippo…Stupid…Shippo!" Almost everyone gawked at this unusual display, Inu Yasha most of all.

"What's going on koi?" Kikyo appeared on the edge of the trees as Sesshoumaru, Kirara, Sango and Miroku became visible on the horizon.

"H-He's punishing himself for annoying me…"

"Shippo stop it!" Kagome cried. Shippo stopped, complying with his mother's request.

"Kagome-chan!" Kagome soon found herself in a bone-crushing hug, courtesy of Sango. Miroku took his time, creating a holy picture of himself.

"Enough, now explain miko." Sesshoumaru ordered. Kagome nodded and sat down in the grass. Most followed suit, except for Inu Yasha, Hiei and Sesshoumaru.

"Well where should I start?" Kagome pondered this thought for a while before snapping her fingers.

"Introductions. The one in the tree is Hiei, flaming red hair is Kurama, delinquent over there is Yusuke, the idiot over there is Kuwabara, the pink hair is Genkai, little guy is Souta, the old man is my grandfather and last but not least is my mom."

"Who represents us? You said that you were going to find people like us," Inu Yasha demanded. Inu Yasha's head had another friendly greeting with Miroku's staff.

"Be polite Inu Yasha, I can feel their power from here."

"Glad to see you haven't changed Inu-kun. You're shadowing Kurama over there, but he's more polite than you could ever be, he had another soul, a kitsune." Kurama smiled slightly and nudged Kuwabara.

"What? Oh, I'm shadowed by Miroku." Miroku looked horrified and turned to Kagome, his face begging her to tell him this wasn't true.

"I'm shadowed by Sango," Yusuke muttered. Sango looked at him, puzzled as to why she would shadow him.

"He's the equivalent of a taijiya in my time Sango," Kagome explained.

"Who are you shrimp?" Inu Yasha demanded from his tree. Kuwabara, Yusuke and Kurama began to laugh. The moment after the word 'shrimp' Inu Yasha found Hiei in front of him with his katana against his neck.

"You're lucky to escape with your life. The idiot down there is the only one that gets away with that, since he's a friend of the detective. You are the miko's friend. Count that as your blessing. I have killed people for less." Hiei disappeared again and reappeared in front of his laughing comrades. Kurama stopped the moment Hiei had landed, but Yusuke and Kuwabara didn't have as much control over themselves.

"SHUT UP!!!" Yusuke and Kuwabara flinched. Kagome glared at the three off them, before continuing.

"Hiei's shadowed by-"

"Sesshoumaru," Inu Yasha finished.

"And Shippo," Kagome added.

"WHAT?!" Sango, Inu Yasha and Shippo yelled.

"My cold half-brother and SHIPPO! How does that work out?"

"Opposing elements, fire and ice," Hiei replied calmly.

"A forbidden child," Sesshoumaru's eyes flicked to Hiei, whom glared at the cold lord.

"A barrier between the two sides will be the only way he can survive." Sesshoumaru comment, staring straight at Kagome.

"But who could--? No, no, absolutely not!" Kagome replied. He wanted her to do the barrier!

"It is the only way Kagome-sama. My barrier wouldn't last and it must be holy powers, otherwise the two sides will eventually break it." Miroku had caught on to Sesshoumaru's suggestion and gave the details.

"I could kill him Miroku!" Kagome shouted.

"I will die anyway if you don't miko," Hiei replied harshly. Kagome lowered her head, knowing that she had lost this argument. Kurama attempted to change the subject to something more comfortable for all of them.

"You have yet to introduce us to them Kagome."

"Inu Yasha's in the tree, Shippo's the kit, Sesshoumaru's the other one with silver hair, Sango's got the boomerang so don't get her angry, Miroku the pervert is the 'holy' one."

"I'm hurt Kagome-sama, why would you ever accuse me of being perverted. I am but a humble monk." Miroku's head soon met Hiraikotsu, once again.

"The one that looks like me is my incarnation, Kikyo." Kagome finished. A cold stare from Sesshoumaru told her that she'd have to start explaining.

"You all know that I went to the Dark Tournament to find people with similar talents… I went because shortly before I felt a miasma, one that could only belong to Naraku, enter the living world. With it, I felt the Shikon no Tama." There were several gasps of horror at this statement.

"I met more than these four at the Dark Tournament, it's more convenient if I travel with them though." Kagome sighed. "I had to break the jewel again." Inu Yasha looked at her haughtily.

"Keh! You're so weak, it's no wonder you had to shatter it!" Once again Inu Yasha was held at sword point, Kagome hadn't noticed since her eyes were fixated on her shoes.

"Shattered! You had to shatter such an amazing artifact Kagome!" Grandfather yelled.

"Shut up you old geezer. She came back from the battle unconscious from poison and blood loss." Genkai hit Grandfather over the head and glared at Hiei and Inu Yasha. Reluctantly, Hiei sheathed his katana.

"Poisoned?" Inu Yasha whispered.

"I… I was being stupid again." Kagome let a tear fall, making sure that her face was out of Inu Yasha's line of sight.

"It was partially my fault as well," Yusuke added.

"I never thought I'd see you apologize for distracting someone, accepting responsibility for something so small. Maybe there's still hope for you," Genkai commented. Yusuke retorted, and another fight between the two began.

"What happened Kagome?" Souta asked timidly. Kagome lifted her head. Her eyes were distant.

"Well, it had started at the Dark Tournament…" Kagome began.


Well, I did have review replies, but my computer has to convert it to a rtf file, and I don't want to do that so review replies will be next chapter. Thanks go to ShadowVixen90 whom from now on shall be checking grammar.