Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Replaying History In More Than One Way ❯ Tricksters ( Chapter 21 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Tbiris: Well, one last update until exams. So I'm not going to blather before or after, so everything will be said next chapter.

Chapter 21- Tricksters

A cold hand clapped over Kuwabara's mouth, startling him awake.
         'It's us, baka. Don't speak.'
Kuwabara thought, confused.
         'Call me that again and you're staying here for the demons to play with.' A different hand touched his.
         'Hai, it's her. She's telling you that stealth is needed. We need you to wake Yusuke, if I wake him, he'll shout.' Kuwabara felt the chains give way. He mad his way to Yusuke and whispered in his ear. Yusuke remained asleep
         Finally another figure whispered in Yusuke's ear. He shot awake and nearly shouted. Another figure held out a small flame, it was Hiei. Jin had woken up Yusuke and someone had changed Kagome during the night. She was now in a low cut dress with a neckline that couldn't be defined as a neckline. There was a necklace that seemed somewhat familiar.
         'Lead the way Jin.' Jin nodded and lead them out of the hideout. A scream of anger followed them.
         "Run!" Yusuke yelled. Jin took to the air with Kuwabara while Hiei ran with Kagome in his arms. Yusuke and Kurama both felt their demons sides take over, and let them aid their escape. They all ran like hell was chasing them.
         "Someon' tryin' ta manipulate tha win'!" Jin yelled over the gusts of air he was creating.
         "That's Kagura! She uses wind for her attacks, her fan is her channel," Kagome yelled back.
         "'ell she ain't gonna be followin' for long!" Jin dropped Kuwabara to Yusuke and swooped down.
         "'ead east, wh'n you reach the split tre' before a clearin'"
         "Be careful! And thanks Jin," Kagome warned. Jin flashed her a smile.
"Anythin' for a lass like yaself. We shinobi work for tha shikon 'n' ourselves. We'll 'elp ya anyway we can." Jin pulled up, and remained where he was.
         "Wait! The true shards!"
         "They wer' stole' from meh. Touya has half of what I did thoug' I'll meet up with ya later', a simple win' sorc'ress won't kill meh!" Jin yelled back. They all fought not to look back at the shinobi as they left him behind.
         "Are you certain we can trust him?" Kuwabara demanded. He was still stung by Jin's actions.
         "If you're that blind Kuwabara, I outta drop you on your ass right here." Yusuke replied.
         "The shinobi have a reputation as tricksters in this era. Naraku hasn't been here long enough to pick up that nice little deadly bit of information," Youko replied. Silence followed as they ran away from Naraku.
         "Here." Hiei turned suddenly, causing Yusuke to fall down in surprise. Kagome clung to Hiei as the wind whipped at her, the dress was whipping at her legs as they ran. Youko kept pace with Hiei. They remained silent, but Kagome watched them carefully; they looked like they were planning something. She squeaked slightly as Hiei shifted her to Youko's arms. Youko and Hiei shared a knowing smile.
         "What!?" Kagome demanded. Youko faked a hurt expression.
         "Why Kagome, don't tell me you've forgotten me again. I could use the same remedy as last time in hopes to jog your memory." He suggested. Kagome shook her head quickly.
         "I'm not that bad of a kisser am I?" he asked, still faking the hurt expression.. Kagome blushed before burying her head in Youko's shirt. They heard a muffled.
         "No, did you have to mention that in front of Hiei?" Hiei gave her a smirk.
         "I tend to like to stay on top of things, I already knew why he kissed you, miko." Kagome was about to retort before Youko and Hiei stopped suddenly. She turned her head to see an arrow, her mouth opened slightly in surprise.
         They were surrounded by shinobi. One's belt was almost black with a brown suit.
         "Well, we seem to have caught some intruders." The voice was male. Youko set Kagome down on her feet, just as Yusuke entered- whilst swearing- before his eyes widened as spears were pointed at he and Kuwabara's throats.
         "We're friends of Jin," Yusuke informed them. The leader turned to him.
         "Where is the proof of that?" the leader demanded harshly. Kagome stepped forward.
         "Where is Touya?" she retorted. The leader scowled at her.
         "Stay silent if you value your life." Kagome glared at him.
         "Answer." The moment she said that one word, earth spikes began to crawl up her legs until a series of plants met them and they stopped their advance.
         "Leave her out of this," Youko rumbled.has gone with the rest of Jin's squadron to find him." Kagome closed her eyes, her body began to glow as she tried to sense his shards.
         "He's cloaking them, I can't feel them anymore."
         "Kukukukuku, then I will not worry about you finding them. Kagura should have killed him by now." The shinobi looked to their leader, cofused. Gleaming red eyes met Kagome's.
         "Spirit Gun!" The kugutsu burst into pieces. Kagome's face remained impassive. The Shikon no Kakera caused this, as well as Naraku's longing for it and it's protectress.
         At this time, a water-related shinobi burst in, disheveled and covered in blood.
         "Jin, Touya, trap," he panted, out of breath. He only then noticed the tension in the clearing, with the tantei being threatened by several arrows or spears.
         "Our leader has been long dead. Jin was the first to notice, and struck a bargain with the man that stole our best's life. He tricked him, as he has tricked us all. Jin will soon die if you cannot help him." Kagome left at a run, as the weapons were lowered. She ran into a wall of vegetation. She looked to Youko.
         "I can't let you go, Kagome," he stated. His form shimmered as he turned into his human form, the danger gone. Kagme stared at the plant wall. A water-related shinobi put a hand on her shoulder.
         "We have heard the call of the Shikon no Tama. Our creator taught us how to hear it. It's crying for you, for it's true protectress. Our job, our reason of existence is to protect her. Somehow, our founder knew it would reappear. Our first loyalty is to protect you, the second is to keep the order alive. Trust the kitsune and the forbidden one." Kagome raised her head sorrowfully.
         "It's my fault," she whispered, tears streaming down her face. The necklace throbbed once before stilling.
         "It isn't your damn fault Kagome!" Yusuke yelled. "If you hadn't made that plan with Jin, we'd still be stuck there!" Kagome remained silent, but Yusuke's words didn't have an effect on her. She was stuck in her memories, memories of the last time she'd been captured.

~$ Kagome's POV $~
was just there, unable to move, unable to think. I'd gotten lucky that it was Naraku's time of the month. (AN: That sounds wrong, but everyone knows what I mean, right?) Onigumo had free reign. He had set me free and told me he knew of his mistake and that he wished to help. The corrupted shards were returned to me. I snapped out of my little flashback, but I remained in my mind. I should have remembered that the souls of the demons were tied to Onigumo's soul! Now Jin's facing Kagura and Kanna on his own. I stood, a plan formed in my mind.

~$ End POV $~

Kagome turned to Kurama and walked steadily towards him, stopping only to pick up a bow and arrow lying close to her. She kissed him fully on the lips. Kurama was shocked at her forwardness, before letting down his plant barrier. Kagome drew back and shot an arrow in from of Kurama and Hiei, creating a barrier.
         "Sorry," she said before running in the direction they'd come from. Yusuke, cursing once again, followed her while Kuwabara tried to cut through the barrier. Several shinobi followed Kagome and the other less-skilled ones tried to help Kurama and Hiei break through the self-healing barrier.

End of a cliffie only to see another one ^_^.