Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Replaying History In More Than One Way ❯ Land of the Koorime ( Chapter 25 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Tbiris: If anyone asks me about the pairings again I'm gonna start:
1) Cutting people `s body parts off
2) Update slower because no one reads these -sometimes- important notices.
Yusuke: That's people for you.
Keiko: You know you fit into that category too sometimes. You aren't the brightest tool in the shed.
Yusuke: Shaddup.
Karasu: She has a point. Someone ask tbiris what the pairing is. I want to see some body parts ^_^.
Tbiris: Sadistic crow. Whisper and Taking Over by Evanescence was what I was listening to when this was being written, and there are points where it probably shows really well.
Chapter 25- Land of the Koorime
They were hidden in some of the debris; several layers of various protective layers surrounded their current campsite. The first level to pass was a row of man/demon-eating plants. They mostly went for the lesser demons so that they didn't risk complete indigestion from the power. That's Kurama for you.
The second was a barrier of wind that only some of the faster demons could pass without getting sucking in, who else could do that but Jin?
Thirdly, was a barrier made of spirit energy that both Yusuke and Kuwabara maintained. Only a few of the spiritually talented demons could pass.
The final barrier could not be seen. Hiei had imbedded some of his energy into the earth to freeze and identify the person. He was able to construct it mainly due to the Jagan.
Only Kuwabara and Kagome could not leave the safety of the site. Kuwabara wasn't fast enough to pass Jin's barrier and Kagome couldn't really move without risking opening her wounds. The wounds were heaviest on her legs, left arm, stomach and back, the areas where Karasu's bombs had exploded.
She openly admitted that she was in no condition to move without aid. That itself spoke of the harshness of her injuries.
Kurama gave her herbs to lessen the pain at every meal; he spent most of his time outside of their hideout, searching for herbs or scouting with Hiei. Jin took his place by Kagome's side. He would leave every now and then, but stayed close to Kagome, protecting the protectress. Kuwabara and Yusuke stayed with Kagome, listening raptly to her stories about the past and how it had taught her so much.
Some days later, Hiei brought back a rumor of a shard. He refused to say where it was, only that he knew where to find it. Kagome didn't push the subject when she realized that it held something painful for Hiei. Kurama and Jin stopped as well.
Two days later, Kagome had healed herself-with Kurama's help-enough to travel. Her powers had yet to return, but she insisted on following the rumor and promised that she wouldn't fight with her powers. The gang followed Hiei for a week.
He stopped and looked up.
“It's up there,” he stated. His eyes were filled with many emotions, mainly loss and hatred.
“Koorime Island,” Kurama whispered. No more words were needed as Jin summoned a twister to carry the others to the island, before he followed them.
The area of the island they had landed on was silent. Hiei was staring down the edge of the island at Makai. A simple grave was behind him, with only a few words:
Let her be a lesson to all'.
The group respected the silence and Hiei's silent
“You aren't welcome,” a cold voice cut through the silence. Everyone turned around; Hiei's gaze was colder than ever before.
“You killed her.” Hiei stepped towards her, a cold breeze around him, yet a fire in his eyes. The Koorime met Hiei's gaze calmly.
“We're looking for a Shikon no Kakera and we heard that you had one,” Kagome interceded.
The Koorime looked to Kagome, her eyes held sadness.
“He has possessed you, and uses you to get power.” With a snap of her fingers, Kagome was held back and guards surrounded them, arrows and spears pointing at them. A ward was placed on all of them and all barriers created fell.
Yusuke, Kuwabara and Kurama were normal humans, Jin was a powerless demon and Kagome's barrier vanished. Hiei was once again at war with himself.
For once, in his entire life, Hiei screamed. Kagome fought against the Koorime and her eyes met Hiei's suddenly blue ones. Kagome looked past him for a moment and saw all of her hard work disappearing. Shippo was fading.
Time slowed down, black stones hit the floor as Hiei cried in pain. Kurama's stature showed his shock. Yusuke and Kuwabara were clenching their hands so hard that they bled. Jin's eyes showed hopelessness. Kagome was distressed. For once in her life force, she broke her promise. She reached into her life and threw it at the ward as one of the guards moved a spear to Hiei's throat.
Unable to take the power, the ward broke. Kagome tackled the guard down and shielded Hiei before pouring the remnants of her life into a barrier for Hiei, and rooted it there permanently.
Everyone stood still as a small `tink' was heard and the necklace fell off. The dragon and rose were weak, fading.
“She's dying.” It didn't seem like Kurama, until he jumped into action, leaping towards her, ignoring the spears and arrows.
The Koorime blocked him. “We will supply her with energy. You will go into captivity quietly and none,” her eyes flickered to an unconscious Hiei, “of you will be hurt.” Kurama looked distraught, but despite his instincts, he nodded.
They were all in a warded cell; the Koorime had said they would be moved into special rooms later on. Hiei looked at disgusted at the thought and upon questioning the others found out that those rooms were in the breeding center.
Forbidden children were killed in several different ways and males were put up for adoption. When they questioned Hiei why he was given such a `death' that he could survive, they got no answers.
Kurama had remained silent the entire time; his hand kept fiddling with Kagome's necklace. It had just appeared after a few hours. He had a feeling that something was very wrong.
They were moved into the `special' rooms the next day. They had many visitors, but they all left after many failed conversations or receiving multiple threats. The Reikai tantei had found out that the rooms were warded as well, but it hadn't stopped Yusuke from punching a hole in the wall out of frustration.
Finally there were no more visitors to Yusuke, Kuwabara and Jin's joy. Kurama and Hiei didn't care, the one person that had torn out all of their barriers, the one person they could truly relax around wasn't there.
They didn't eat and rarely drank, so immersed into their thoughts. Until there was one day where someone knocked on Kurama's door. When he didn't move, the door opened, he turned his head to look at the person and froze.
Well this got out earlier than expected.
Jade-8199: YAY!!!! Thank you for being one of THE ONLY FRICKIN PEOPLE THAT READ MY NOTES!!!!!! Thanks for the plushies too ^^.Touya has half of what Kagome had. Which was….ermmmmmmmmmm a lot. ^^;. Jin had some too but his were stolen, by whom… I'll let you guess.
Dark Inu Fan: YUP! I had to think of a way to show Karasu's level afterall… it was hard…
Jinenji: …You're kidding me…hmmm, I didn't consider that as necromancy. I think of it when there's no soul or a different soul. Yup, in a gist… hmmm, close so… I KNOW! *hands you Kagome keychain* YAY!!! FELLOW FRESHMAN!!! I have to study hard in Geography but I don't have to for math, it's easy. Ermmmm. I forgot about Jin's accent?
Eternal Light/ Fire Dragon: … you'll have to see. She'll appear again though.
Sesshoumaruobsessed: YOU GOT IT! *hands you Hiei plushie*
Fluffy-moon tai-tickledorteen: that author's note was for you by the way.
Battousai126: author's note was mainly for you.
Thank you to all reviewers that DIDN'T ask more than once and those who never asked.
Next chapter: Admittance