Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Replaying History In More Than One Way ❯ A Battle of Allies ( Chapter 30 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Okay, so it's partially my fault that this is late, partially my disk. I lost all info and two chapters because it needed formatting. There are two more notices, and then I'll shut up. One, I've decided to take dialogue at the beginning out since it was taking up more space. Two, Pen Against Sword is no longer betaing this. She felt that she wouldn't have much time to correct the grammar and decided to stop. So everyone say goodbye… I'll forward every review for this chapter to her.
Chapter 30- A Battle of Allies
Once again, they were waiting at Genkai's for Botan and a portal. Kurama had been silent for so long that Yusuke suspected that something drastic had happened during his date. Hopefully, Kagome hadn't dumped him. Hiei's smirk - indicating that he knew exactly why Kurama was silent, didn't help. Kagome was more nervous and uptight than usual and, like Kurama was silent. Jin had lost enthusiasm, so that Kuwabara and Yusuke were left in the dark.
Botan finally arrived, bubbling with apologies.
“I'm so sorry about that! I don't know why Enma-daioh wanted to talk to you! How could he say that about Hiei!” Kagome smiled and let Botan continue for a while longer, before Kagome interrupted.
“Everything's been taken care of now Botan-san. Enma-daioh brought my attention to it, so it was fixed.” Botan looked at her, and noticed the new scars that Kagome had acquired from Karasu's attack.
“You look like you went through a blender.” Kagome's smile faltered, her face became grimmer.
“It was a trial,” she sighed. “We have almost no shards again.” Botan nodded, before cutting through the air with her oar, creating a portal to Makai.
They all walked through it, only to feel a rush of cold air around them when they emerged into Makai. Straining her ears, Kagome could hear the sound of clashing swords, the sound of battle. Without an explanation, Jin took off towards the sound. The group followed, the wind had a hint of urgency in it that was left by Jin. It was only after they had started running that Kagome could sense it. Shards, and it was no meager amount. Her eyes widened in surprise before she hardened them, preparing for battle.
The wind grew colder as the sound grew louder. They had reached the end of the trees and witnessed the battle within the clearing. Jin was frozen in disbelief and horror.
He watched as the blows exchanged the two fighters. A female water youkai and a male ice youkai. Both of the fighters' faces were set in determination. Only the whisper of a name distracted a fighter, opening his defenses.
“Touya.” The female would have killed Touya in that moment if Kagome hadn't intervened. She ran in between the two fighters, blocking Touya from her shot. Her eyes dared the female to attack.
“Don't get involved!” The female punched her out of her way, only for several attacks to be pointed at her, a promise should she move. Kagome lay where she fell, dazed from the attack, her hand lay on the necklace, which began to throb.
“You would attack your friend?” Jin had put two and two together when he had seen Kagome look at the female. A cold blizzard began to form as he let his powers go loose. Touya looked at his partner in astonishment before his eyes hardened.
“I do if they get in my way.” Was her short reply.
“Wrong answer.” The voice belonged to neither shinobi, but to the youko. Kurama's eyes had turned into a glowing gold, the rose whip trembled in his hand. Kurama, Touya and Jin started to fight the youkai. Hiei, Yusuke, Kuwabara and Kagome watched; Kagome felt a wave of helplessness overcome her, before she intervened once again. Tears poured down her face from having to watch allies fight each other.
“STOP IT!” she cried. She threw herself in the way of the final attacks. Kurama's eyes went wide, as he turned the whip back into the rose.
Jin reined in the wind and Touya let go of the climate control, however the ice didn't melt as fast as they liked. The youkai lay on the ground, eyes wide. Kagome had still taken damage from all three attacks. Her back was once again laced with blood. Her attention however, was on the female youkai. A small smile made its way onto her face. She knelt down and looked at the youkai straight in the eye.
“I have to wonder which one of us was more stupid. Myself, Kurama of you, Boudan.” Silence followed her statement. Hiei smirked at Kurama's wide-eyed expression.
`It's not like you to be so distracted.' There was a small laugh in Hiei's voice. Kurama sent an annoyed look in Hiei's direction.
Kagome stood and walked to Touya.
“You're Touya?” she asked. Touya nodded slightly.
“I'm Kagome, changer of history.” She introduced herself and held out her hand.
“Per'aps protectress of the Shikon is more appropriate,” Jin suggested. Touya's eyes widened before he smiled and took Kagome's hand.
“I'm glad to see you survived your ordeal at Koorime Island,” he replied. Everybody's eyes went wide.
“H-how did you know about that?” Kagome stammered. Touya shrugged.
“I was in the right place at the right time. I saw Jin and the Koorime chasing after you and thought that it would be best to delay them.”
“If you don't mind,” Boudan interrupted. “Could you tell me why these pestering shinobi are allies?” she demanded.
Kagome blinked, Yusuke started to chuckle.
“It was quite a shocker really. The order of the shinobi was created by one of Kagome's old shard-hunting gang. The order was created to protect the Shikon no Tama and the protectress. Jin and Touya have been doing just that, and keeping the order alive.”
“Don't flatter us,” Touya replied coolly.
Kagome scowled.
“We just can't get along can we!” she yelled. Everyone stepped back in fear and allowed her rant to continue. When she stopped, Touya held out his hand, half of the Shikon no Tama rested on his palm. He placed it into Kagome's hand. Boudan did the same. A pink flare surrounded the Shikon no Kakera, and they began to melt in Kagome's hand, forming an almost complete Shikon no Tama. She looked up at the gang, a smile on her face.
“Shall we visit Kikyo again?”
Kagomente: I was running out of ideas… things needed to fit for the sequel too, plus they've had plenty of time to themselves in Makai. Although a date in a place where you're on constant alert doesn't sound too good does it?
Dawnella: I love that fic!!!! And the entire thing is written, I'm just too lazy to type it up -hides other fanfic project behind her back- hehehehe. It's funny? Never thought it was… I'm not too good at writing humor.
While kilala: Just got them. I feel stupid about everything I did now… but it couldn't be helped. Well I suppose it could have been, but still.
Amin Vanima Mellonea: At least you had it on Toonami. I have to buy everything because they don't show YYH in Canada.
Kagome-reincarnation: You helped. I looked over it harder after reading your comment.
Time and Fate: Ermm… good question… -hides in a corner- what are you talking about? I'm not the author!!!
Thanks to: areyoareyo, Sesshomaruobsessed, firehedgehog, rosefire-shadow666, dark inu fan, sunstar kitsune and hellblazer
Next Chapter: Fourth Encounter
Let me know about spelling and grammar mistakes!