Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Tree and the Well: What Was Left Unsaid. ❯ Will the really Naraku please stand (and destroy the fake) ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Mouse: Dumb people making me write (grumble)
Sam: I see the complaints are starting early today.
Mouse: (glares)
Sam: (Sighs and rolls her to the computer, she in one of the rolling desk chairs) Now be a good writer and give your readers what they want. (pats her on the head and walks off)
Mouse: I hate you,… you know that right… RIGHT?!!!!
Will the really Naraku please stand (and destroy the fake)
The world has changed since he last saw it but it made no really different to him, after all he has a nose, it will lead him to his quarry. Years ago he was sealed, thanks to a miko, in a deep cave, now thanks to a few loop holes he was out again, not unsealed though, just out, think of it as and out of body thing. He was out and he had learned that his book was still in use, by a human no less, his mark prove that much. Yes, that spider burn mark was his, it was his sign, his mark, placed on all his work… but he did not make this … this thing that took his name. No he didn't but he would take care of it none the less.
It didn't take him long to find the place, and to get raid of the guards ah blood how good it was to smell it once more; he walked on his prey near.
“Who are you? And how did you find me?” it sneered when it saw him.
“Why I'm you and I am your maker here to destroy his unwanted toy,” he cooed back.
I won't bore you with details of this exchange but they were quick and bloody leaving our unknown killer the victory and what we call Naraku dead.
Koenma sat at his desk finishing paper worker when a small girl with void eyes, dressed in white, and caring a broken mirror was teleported into his office. She was beaten up badly but she looked ahead as she smiled sadly at him.
“A message am I to pass, my master is gone, his maker came for him,” a two halves of a head and a still beating heart appeared in front of her “This is all that is left, Onigumo, Naraku, is no more,” and with that she busted into flames and was gone before Koenmon could react to it.
Who ever said that a good night's sleep would cure things lied. Kane felt awful, if he didn't know any better he would have swore that Sesshomaru had used him as a punching bag last night………. Last night! Unheeded flashes of nightmares came to dance in his mind flashes of blood, the scrap of screams, the pure joy of evil…. Oh for love of everything he felt sick, thankfully it was only a dream right?
`it wasn't a dream boy, it was really. i killed them using your body, or should i say our body? since you are now sharing it with me and the mutt, but he is, how would you say, pinned up for now'
`you did not forget us did you? the spirits that where with you in the mirror? you recall us don't you? we didn't recombine like we should have, so you are now living with your past lives. by the way i did have fun last night, unfortunately i think i tainted the shikon no tama shard that is hidden by you heart, what a shame,' it laughed.
NO! Damn he felt sick, really sick right now, he could feel the darkness trying to gain control over him, luckily he managed to force it back… for now.
`how long can you keep that up boy? you're exhausted from our break out and i won't let you rest to gain your strength back, that jewel will become as black as i want it to be, and you shall fall under my control just like the half-breed did. so go ahead an fight it will make things more fun, for me that is.'
Shit…. With that last thought he clasped out the floor of his bedroom.
Slowly Kane opened his eyes, and steadied the destroyed landscape before him. He was in his head, his mind's eye. He could feel the cold and death that this place promised, he wanted to run.
“Oi, runt”
Casting a look behind him he saw the white hair man with doggy ears that was with him in the mirror. However a closer look told him that this man would not be able to help him, for he was pinned to a tree in the landscape of his mind.
“Get out of here; you're in no shape to face him. If he catches you he'll do you the same way he did me, and once your trapped as well then there'll be no one left to stand in his way of taking over the whole body for ever.”
Yes running was a good idea but to where was the question in here that other spirit ruled he could not out run him here, he had to wake up, and there was only one way to do that….
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“Ouch” he hissed as he rub his arm, that had been a foretelling, he was allowed to escape he knew that, damn it he was being toyed with.
Going downstairs he sighed, what was he going to do about this thing?
“Are you sure?” came Sesshomaru voice from the study, “I see, yes I understand, thank you” followed by the click of the phone.
“Well?” crept out Shippo's voice.
“Naraku is dead, we have been given a month to get our affairs in line before we leave.”
“They're looking into it as we speak, they don't like the looks of thing any more than we do.”
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>& gt;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;>
`you know there's a lot i can do in a month' came the sickening voice in the back of Kane's mind, a small dark smile was felt as it said `what do you think they would do if they knew the true bare of that name was still alive? and before you go and think about doing anything heroic let be tell you right now that i won't let you, i can control you that much already.'