Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Then and Now ❯ Surprise! ( Chapter 3 )
Then and Now: Chapter 3
A/N: Thanks to: (from FF.Net)
SunStar Kitsune-Good point…I'm gonna need a slight revision to correct that…Nothing big though…
Balletanimerose-I'll try!
Kawaiipnay-Yes, yes he is…BAD DOG!!!
Ptbear-glad u liked it.
Rayame325-Thanks! Hope it was worth the wait!
Sacaku-Well, here it is!
SilverIvy-My Youko HAD to be in it(lol)!
The Couples Writer- I know! There just aren't enough of them. I hope that this will be a decently long fic! And, YES! More people should review! It's a writer's inspiration to write more!
Sapphirefoxgirl- I did decide to make it Hiei/Sango instead of Miroku/Sango, though there will be a little of that at first.
(From MediaMiner.Org)
Kayoko-I'm trying, honest! I'll have more out soon…I hope!
Zillah-Lot's more!
Solqua-Thanks! I'd read a few and figured "Hey! I could do that!
Summerdancer-Thank you! I tried really hard to keep everyone as "in character" as possible.
Fanfic fanaticim a poet and I didn't know it-I'll try!
Foxylilraven-I know! Inu sucks…BAD DOG!!!
Hissori tenshi-I couldn't resist it either(lol)!
Flygirl 13-Trying!
Hieifan92-Thanks, I'll try!
FoXy hOtTiE-I'm glad you like it! I'll try to get new chapters up ASAP.
GemJewel-You'll have to wait and see!
(And from AdultFanFiction.Net)
KAtzztar-My ONLY AFF.Net reviewer!
Okay, that's all for now. Keep those reviews comming. I'll try to address all new reviews each chapter.
On with chapter 3!
Oh no! Okaa-sama! How could we forget!? Shuiichi demanded of his youkai counterpart.
<Shit, you're right...Let's get the medicine and take it back to Shiori-kun. We should be able to find a number for the shrine in the phone book. We'll apologise and ask if we can postpone dinner. I hate to wait but I don't see an alternative.>
You're right, I'm afraid...Lets get that medicine.
"Tadaima!" The young miko called out as she opened the door to the shrine.
"Kaa-san! I missed you! I helped catch a thiefatthestoreearlierandaredhairedboytrippedhimandheknowsaboutdemonsandhe' scomingoverfordinnertonight!"
"Shippo I didn't understand a word you said."
"Oh, Kagome! I met this nice young man at the store today! He helped Shippo catch a boy who was trying to steal my purse, so I invited him to dinner. He knows about kitsune, too(that's not a typo. In Japanese you don't have plurals. You give a number to diferentiate(sp?) between one and several)!"
"A modern boy? This should be interesting. I'm going to go study. These tests are brutal!"
"Okay, dear. I'll call you when dinner is ready."
"Kaa-san, what's so special about this test? Isn't it like the others?"
"No, this one is much more important, so it's harder. This is THE one that decides whether I go to high school or not. And if so, if it's a good one."
"Oh, I just remembered! Kagome-chan, You got a letter from Meiou Academy yesterday. I'm sorry I forgot to give it to you." Mama said, digging through a pile of letters. "Here it is!'
"Thanks, Mama. I wonder why they sent this? I havent even applied yet."
"Okaa-san, I brought you your medicine. Do you remember where you put the phone books? I need to make a call soon,"
"What about? I don't need a doctor if that's what you're thinking. I feel much better now, after that nap."
"No, it's not to a doctor. I was invited to dinner tonight, and I accepted before I remembered that I was supposed to bring you medicine. I need to tell Higurashi-sama that I can't go tonight."
"Higurashi? Isn't that the name of that old temple?" Shiori asked.
"Yes, that's where she said she was from. I was hoping to find a number..." Shuiichi said, hoping to lead the conversation back to getting the book.
"You can't cancel, Shu-chan! If the owner of a shrine invites you to a meal, then you must go! It's a great honor! Your step-father will be home soon. Just go and enjoy yourself."
"(Sigh) Alright, Okaa-san. But you rest while I'm gone."
"Alright, Doctor.(giggle)"
Kagome read the letter for the fifth time:
Dear Ms. Higurashi:
I am writing to inform you of your acceptance into Meiou Academy. Your late father arranged for you to come here, fully paid, ten years ago. I am aware also, however, of your recent troubles in regards to your health, which has caused some trouble with your schooling. Due to the unusual circumstances of the situation, I have arranged for one of our very brightest students to tutor you. Tutoring will commence the week following your Entrance exams. The name of your tutor is Minamino Shuiichi.
She couldn't believe her eyes. Her father had arranged for her to go to the most prestigious High school in Japan? Why hadn't her mother mentioned it. She didn't have a 'poker face', she just didn't lie well.
"Kagome! Our guest is here! Come talk with him while I set the table." Mama called up.
"Alright!" Kagome hurried down the stairs, eager to meet the strange boy her mother had told her about.
Sorry it was so short, but I wanted to hurry and update. Plus, I hope that the next chapter will be pretty long. Remember to review!
Ja ne!