Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ To Follow Fate ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Quote: "True love is like ghosts, which everybody talks about but few have seen. "

" " speaking < > thinking

~Chapter Two~

Kagome chocked on a bitter laugh. That was all he wanted, the damned jewel that hung around her neck, nothing else.

Inuyasha stood behind staring at her back. Kikyou was not far behind him. He looked at his love's reincarnation. That was what she was to him, his love's reincarnation. She turned back to him than and Inuyasha's eyes widened.

Kagome was paler than usual, her eyes had dark bags under them and the eyes them self were slightly red, she looked weary, exhausted.

Shippo was in her arms, practically clinging to her as if afraid she would disappear.

The time had come.

Kagome's attention diverted from Inuyasha to the small kit that had become her pup over the years

"You will always be my pup Shippo, that will never change."

Shippo now was trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes. He had to be strong for his momma, just like Sesshoumaru said.

"I will always be watching you, no matter where I am. I love you with my whole heart, my little pup."

Shippo now could not hold it back. He cried into his mother's chest trying his best to stop but not succeeding.

"Shh... my pup. Do not be sad."

"Momma, I love you so much. Don't leave me!"

"My job is done here. You will be okay without me. Just remember that I will always be near you, I will never leave you."

But promise me one thing Shippo."

Shippo looked into his mother's sad eyes. How he so wanted to stay with her. Just to stay in her arms forever and love her forever.

"Go stay with Miroku and Sango, they will take care of you my pup. And take this."

Kagome held up a necklace that had half a heart at the bottom. She held up another one that had the other half.

It was a small trinket. It seemed almost impractical. But it represented something deep between her and her pup.

"See you have half my heart and I have half yours."

Shippo nodded and smiled, taking the necklace.

He jumped out of his mother's arms running toward the village. He stopped right before he entered the forest, looking back one more time, tear drops trekking down his face, before leaving.

Kagome felt her heart constrict.

Kagome watched until Shippo disappeared into the surrounding forest. Half her heart went with him. She turned back to finally face Inuyasha. She knew she couldn't avoid it any longer. It was inevitable.

"The Jewel is complete, Inuyasha. You can finally wish for whatever you want."

Kagome's word sounded cold to her and Inuyasha's ears.

Slowly she took the jewel off of her neck. The jewel glowed a pink and pulsed in her hands. She handed it to Inuyasha who took it in his clawed hand. Once gone from Kagome's palm, it stopped pulsing and the glow dissipated soon after.

"Make a wish Inuyasha and be happy with it, for I could not give you the happiness you wanted. Maybe this can."

Inuyasha's eyes widened at her words. When he looked up to ask what she meant her eyes were on something else. He looked behind him and his eyes widened even more.

There Kikyou stood her arrow taut and pulled back on her bow, her aim toward Kagome.

But Kagome wasn't afraid, she was ready for this, she had anticipated this. What ever happened to her now, she didn't care. When Inuyasha made his wish she would be forced to go back to the future, separating her from everything she loved and cherished. If she died, she didn't care for at least than, the pain would stop.

Death was an easy thing, Kagome thought, it was living that was hard.

"Kikyou what are you doing?" Inuyasha shouted, confused at his love's actions.

"Getting back my soul," Kikyou answered and let the arrow fly. Inuyasha's eyes seemed glued to Kikyou's form, eyes taking in the sadistic gleam in her eyes. By the time he snapped out of his stupor it was too late.

The arrow hit her side, slicing the flesh enough so that it would be incapable of healing fast enough to be saved.

Kagome staggered back but did not scream out, she would not give Kikyou the pleasure of seeing her in pain.

Blood seeped passed her hand as Kagome clutched her sides. She dropped to her knees the pain flowing through every fiber of her being. She looked straight at Kikyou, no fear, no hatred reflected in her eye, nothing.

Inuyasha looked on in horror as Kagome was hit.

He quickly went to her side when he saw her fall to her knees, eyes wide with disbelief.

Kagome looked up into the eyes of the person she loved so much.

Tears were forming in Inuyasha's eyes.

"Make your wish and be happy Inuyasha. That is all I wanted to do. Is make you happy."

Kagome was steadily losing energy, her eyes dropping from the tiredness.

"Kagome... why didn't you move? You could have escaped. Why would you willingly die?" Inuyasha whispered.

Kagome smiled, a soft smile. "Because there isn't a reason for me to live any more. I have no purpose. Haven't you realized yet Inuyasha?"

<Realize what?> But the answer shone clear in her blue-grey eyes, clear as day.

He looked at her face. So innocent, so unlike Kikyou. How could he compare them?

Her breaths now, were coming in short pants. Kagome used the last of the energy to open her eyes and look at Inuyasha's handsome face. She reached up a hand and cupped his face.

"Be happy for me Inuyasha. That is all I've wanted for you"

Inuyasha held the hand to his cheek, basking in the last warmth of it.

"I'll always remember you Inuyasha."

"I lov..."

But she never finished. Her hand became limp and her eyes finally closed fully for the last time. Her soul left her body and rose, heading toward Kikyou.

Kikyou smirked when it entered her body.

Inuyasha's eyes widened. < Kagome. >

The tears finally fell from his eyes, flowing down her hand. Suddenly the jewel pulsed in his hand. He looked down at it.

He raised it to his eyes. He knew what he would wish for. And he knew it would make him happy.

"Shikon No Tama, I call upon you to grant my wish." The jewel pulsed brighter in his hand until it fully enveloped him in a pink light.

Kikyou looked on with both shock and amazement.

< What would he wish for? >

{Of course, he would wish for you to be alive again. What else would he wish for}, a voice said in Kikyou's head.

Kikyou nodded, < Yes, what else would he wish for? >

Inuyasha opened his eyes to look at Kagome once again. Yes, this wish would truly make him happy.

Kikyou was suddenly nervous when he looked at Kagome instead of her.

< What is he thinking. >

"I wish..."

But before she could hear anything else, a blinding light shot out from the jewel blinding her.

When Kikyou opened her eyes, she saw Inuyasha staring at the spot Kagome was laying. When Kikyou turned to look at the spot she gasped. Kagome was gone.
