Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ To Follow Fate ❯ Chapter nine ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

What the Heart Knows
        By Japanese dreamer

        Disclaimer : I do not own Inuyasha. No profit was made and it is purely for fun.

Chapter Nine

        When Kagome finally deemed it time to wake up, she slowly opened her eyes and groaned. She slowly sat up in her bed and shivered at the memory of her dream. It was so strange...

8** dreaming**8
         A little Kagome held firmly to her mother's hand. She looked up into the face of her father, but saw only shadows. The little girl reached her hand up toward her father's clawed one. Just before she reached it, he pulled it away and walked away, leaving the little girl to look on confusingly.

8** end dream**8

        She sighed. Her life was so confusing. What was worst was that was the only part of the dream that she could remember. The rest was a blur to her.

        She cautiously got out of bed, not sure how strong her legs were. She stood up slowly, as if she hadn't walked for years. Finding her legs steady, she headed for the bedroom's closet, knowing there would be an outfit there. When she opened the closet her eyebrows rose at the choice of the kimono. It looked to be tight fitting, pure white silk with blood red roses decorating it. A darker shade of red was the inside obi. It showed moderate cleavage, the sides had slits that reached halfway up her thigh, the sleeves were long and opened up at the ends, and on the back was a single blood red rose.

        She slightly wondered who would pick such an outfit for her. But as she studied it closer, she was a note tucked into the obi.

        Please accept this kimono as a gift from me. I had bought it long ago for reasons unknown to me. It feels right to give it to you my sweet. Please accept it and wear it for me today. I will be anticipating your arrival.


        Kagome smiled slightly. She should have known, the sly fox. She quickly reached for it and tried it on. Surprisingly it fit perfectly to her body, almost as if it was made for her. It accentuated her new body and brought out the red in her cheeks. She smiled softly. The silver fox better be ready.

        She slowly exited the room, leaving her hair down, no makeup, nothing needed. As she got closer to the dining room, she could hear the soft conversation. She slowly pushed the door opened and stepped inside.


       &n bsp;Kurama sat next to Shippo and Rin. Shippo, who seemed enraptured, stared at Kurama with a mix of respect and awe. Apparently, he thought Kurama being a silver fox was cool. Youko took this addition to his ego happily.
Kurama, half heartedly, listened to their chatter, though his real focus was on a certain miko. He thought of her reaction when she saw the kimono and wanted to smirk. It was true, he had bought that kimono on impulse, not knowing why. But as he imagined how she would look in it, he was glad he did purchase it.

        Slowly he smelt the jasmine mixed with the forest scent come closer. It was her own unique scent that left him daze. He watched the door, anticipation in him. He watched the door open slowly and watched as she stepped into the room. His breath caught in the back of his throat. An angel, that was all she was, an angel fallen from heaven, no other words could describe her, an angel from heaven.

        He didn't think the kimono could fit anymore perfectly. Her curves showed, and the moderate cleavage was enough to promote his imagination. The roses, his favorite flower were beautiful with her skin. And the white was the only color that seemed truly right for her. All she was missing were the wings on her back.


       &nb sp;Sesshoumaru could barely contain his smirk at the way the red head was trying to detain his youkai side. He saw the strong grip Kurama had on the table, his knuckles turning white, Sesshoumaru wouldn't be surprised if he broke a piece of the table off. It was true, Kagome was a sight to behold. What was funny and uniquely Kagome was that she didn't even know the power she held over the men in the room. This would be interesting indeed, he thought.

        Rin looked up at her mate and saw the flash of a smirk spread over his mouth.

        She frowned and whispered softly, "Don't you dare thinking of doing anything Sesshoumaru. If you do, I will not let you near me for three weeks." Rin said warningly.

        Sesshou maru turned his head away from the others and looked at her. He made a small pout that made Rin giggle. I mean could you imagine it, Sesshoumaru pouting, the stoic Lord of the Western Lands pouting, he would win a comedy contest hands down with all the laughing the audience would do. Rin giggled at her train of thought but stopped when she saw Sessh's raised eyebrow. She became serious again... well as close as she could get to being serious. It didn't help that the image of Sesshou pouting kept replaying in her mind.

        "My threat is still there Sesshoumaru." Rin said. Sesshoumaru sighed a fake sigh that didn't lessen the glare Rin gave him.

        Kagome walked over to the table, not aware of the hungry gazes she were receiving from the male demons in the room. Though, she did feel it after awhile and was slightly peeved. I mean, who wouldn't noticed make demons staring at you after a while? She spoke loud enough so that she knew that they all would here.

        "If you stare at me any longer, i'll castrate you than beat the hell out of you and make sure you won't be able to fulfill your dirty thoughts." She said menancingly.

    &nbs p;   Kurama too, had noticed the attention his red rose was getting from the male demons in the room. Right than, he would love to take one of the guards by the door and ripped him apart piece by piece. He was just about to when Kagome spoke.

        Youko laughed. 'Now there's a women that can take care of herself.'

        Kurama smiled slightly. I hope you haven't forgotten Youko that, you're me so that we are included in the group she was threatening.

        Youko laughed again. 'She wouldn't touch us.'

        You sure? Kurama asked.

        Kagome shot Kurama a fierce look that said, i-mean-my-threat-and-just-because-you-kissed-me-doesn't-excuse-you. That got even Youko shivering. Though with fear or desire, Kurama didn't wan to know.


    &nb sp;   The guards at the door paled considerably, causing the girls in the room to laugh, Kurama looked slightly scared and shocked, which made Yusuke laugh, of course, Hiei was once again indifferent but his slight shift away from Kagome didn't go unnoticed.
        Kagome turned to her kit and smiled. "If I ever hear you speak like that Shippo i'll make those rules apply to you too.

        Shippo laughed nervously and cracked a small smile. "You sure know how to make a guy feel scared Mama."

        Everyone laughed. "Trust me, it's because of all the arrogant, cocky, male's I've met."

        "And who might be in that list Kagome?" Rin asked in her own teasing manner.

        Kagome smirked. "Well lets see, your mate right there, his brother too, though I think he's got an arrogant attitude that was worst than Inuyasha's" Sesshoumaru shot her a glare that made roll around with laughter. Kagome giggled but stop when Sesshoumaru shot her another look.

        "Okay. Oh and my cousin Yusuke over here, god knows how his girlfriend Keiko can stand him and his ice cold friend Hiei who just loves to glare at me cause I can beat him in a match." She received another glare from her cousin and the koorime who shot her a death glare. Kagome giggled quietly. "Oh and how can I forget the most cockiest and egotistically challenged male here. And guess who the crown goes too.... Why Kurama you've won the prize."

        Yusuke laughed out loud, tears forming in his eyes. Everyone laughed, even Hiei, amazing in itself, right? Kurama just looked straight at her, mischievousness flowing through him.

        'This will be fun' Youko said.

        Yes indeed, getting Kagome Hiragashi will be our greatest challenge to accomplish.

        'I will get her Kurama. She's mine'

        She's ours.Kurama said.

        'That's more like it Kurama.' Youko said.

         After breakfast.....

        Eve ryone was currently outside, enjoying a day off from the confusion and work they were doing. Sesshoumaru leaning against a tree, Rin below him sitting down with her back leaning against his legs. Yusuke was not far, not under the shade of the tree but laid out on the soft grass that surrounded the castle enjoying the sun's warmth. Koenma was still in the castle, after all he was the prince and had work to do. Shippo lay next to Yusuke, getting to know his uncle, much to Kagome's pleasure. Hiei was laying on one of the branches of the tree, watching the others.

        Kagome was sitting her arms supporting behind her, her legs straight out in front her, under the same tree Sessh and Rin were in. Kurama right next to her.

        Kagome knew not how he got there but he was there always next to her. She had been sitting, enjoying the coolness of the shade the tree provided when she felt a weight on her thighs. Kurama, who failed miserably at this, tried to act like he had fallen asleep, but instead of falling backwards he fell to the side, his head coincidently falling on Kagome's thighs.

        Kagome raised a curved eyebrow but received no response from Kurama who had his eyes close, fiending sleep. Kagome knew better though and by the smirked that formed on Kurama's face her thoughts were confirmed. But she didn't bother pushing him away. It felt nice to have some one near again, someone who held interest in her... only her.

        She absent mindlly used one of her hands to run through his silky red hair. Kurama's smirk grew into a contended smile. He took in a deep breath of her scent and relaxed. He felt like he could stay this way forever. Not moving, just like this, content. He had never met anyone so brave and outgoing, feisty but sweet, caring but hard when the time needed her to be. She was all anyone could want. And he wanted her more than he had wanted anything else.

        The other's watched in amusement at the fox's antics but looking at the two, you couldn't help but envy how perfect the looked together. Like a puzzle, fitting together, not always perfect but always fit to form the true picture. It was just so easy to forget that they an upcoming battle was heading for them. But for right now, none of that mattered only that they were together.

        While sitting there, she thought over the events of the last week. It was than that she remembered something. How did Yusuke know Sesshoumaur? The only way that you got to know Sesshoumaru is if you... fought... him. Kagome groaned, it seem fighting was everywhere. She would ask them about it later.

        Kurama looked up at the sound.

        "Anything wrong?"

        Kagome smiled.

        "It wouldn't be any trouble for you to remove your head from my lap right?"

        Kurama looked up at her, a pout forming.
 &nb sp;      "Now you don't want me too really move right?"

        "Yes I do."

        Kurama pouted again. "Well I'm sorry but I'm just too tired."

        Kagome's eyebrow twitched at him. Without any hesitation what so ever, she grabbed a handful of dirt in her right hand and proceeded to dump it on Kurama's face.

        Yusuke gave out choked laugh, soon joined in by everyone else.

        Kurama sputtered, dirt in his mouth, and quickly sat up.

        Kagome smirked, trying her best to hold in her own laughter.

        Kurama wiped off the dirt from his face, dirt streaks appearing on his devilish handsome face. Kagome's control broke and she let out her laughter.

        Kurama looked at her and listened to her laugh. It seemed to be a sound sent from heaven in its self. He looked at her clean white cheek, red appearing on her flushed face from all her laughing. Without another thought, he gave her a kiss, leaving a smudge of dirt behind.
 &nbs p;      Shippo let out a hoot of laughter. Kagome glared at him but giggled. She couldn't ignore the tingling feeling she felt where Kurama had kissed her.

        She wiped off her cheek, pushing Kurama down playfully. "Not funny."

        Kurama laughed and put his arms around her waist. It seemed so natural, as if the gesture had been done thousands of time before. It would seem maybe that a love was growing between them after all.
  & nbsp;     For just a moment, the thoughts of fighting her father was tucked away in her mind. Her joy now focused on the cluster of people around her, her family both old and new. She would protect them at all cost. She looked at Kurama. There was no use denying it now. The signs were clear. She was in love. What else could it be?

        She leaned into the embrace, just enjoying the warmth.

        Kurama's mind though, was not at ease as hers were. He knew there were many things that Kagome kept from them. There were so many secrets hidden in the depths of her mind. It still amazed him how she exuberated innocence but experienced more than they could ever hope too. He held her closer, enjoying her scent. He would have her as his mate. No one else could compare, no one else could even come close to her. She was his... simple as that.

        He closed his eyes. But how long could this last? What would happen after the upcoming battle? Would they stay together? He hated himself for doubting their love but he couldn't help it. He loved her so much that he knew if she were to leave he wouldn't be able to live... wouldn't be able to function right with out her... the world would lose its meaning it him. She was his sanity, his life. It was scary to think that in the few weeks that he knew her that these feelings would surface. It terrified him to know she was at the very center... at the very core of the battle and it pained him to know that he might lose her. He looked at her again. Making a silent vow to himself... if she died, so would he, he promised this on the red rose that grew in his heart.