Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Treasure Buried Deep Within ❯ TBDW3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Chapter Three

Shaking his head slightly, Kurama berated himself for feeling disappointed when the small hand that had grasped onto his own removed itself. Kagome shifted away from him a bit and was practically ignoring him. Her attention wasn't on the blond with the gun but she was staring out the window at the landscape.

Kurama wasn't used to being ignored. It just --- didn't happen.

Kurama observed as the human beside him wrapped her arms around herself in a warming hug, a poor effort to stop her shivering as the helicopter appeared to be heading North if the temperature reflected any clue. Her cool sapphire eyes met his emerald ones. "Cold?" He asked, with a hint of a smile tilting the corners of his lips.

Kagome merely nodded, before closing her eyes. "I wonder how far up north we'll be heading," she asked quietly enough that the spirit detective could hardly hear her. "I just seem to be getting colder and colder." She looked down at her clothing, definitely warm weather articles. It provided great protection in a sandstorm, but wouldn't help much in snow. "I'm not exactly dressed for the northern climate."

"Mmm," Kurama replied uncommitted. 'Why don't you offer to warm her up?' the voice of Youko began to make his presence known. Kurama closed his eyes tight, he had thought to have reigned in the suggestions of his Kitsune spirit and tried to make him conform. If he hadn't promised to study and learn everything he could about ancient treasures as a bribe, college would have been too much of an obstacle with so many hormone driven individuals.

'Ah you know better than that! I have urges that can only be suppressed for so long. You can't deny that I am a part of you Shuuichi Minamino,' Youko replied stretching his aura to fill up the body that he shared with Minamino. Kagome looked over and eyed him strangely during his brief rise in youki. 'Look at her; you wouldn't even let me touch those hips when they were swaying back and forth so tantalizing.'

'Do you think she sensed that?' Kurama asked his alter ego, ignoring the last complaint and concerned with Kagome having looked over at him as his demonic aura increased. Youko shrugged; then he wrapped his arms around their soul with the intention of causing many of Kurama's reservations to relax.

'Does it matter?' Youko asked back, golden eyes raking over the delicious treat before him. 'I've been so very good to you Kurama. All through undergraduate I lay dormant for the most part, except for the occasional party mind you. I shared with you all my knowledge.'

'What is your point?' Kurama demanded, watching as Kagome scooted closer to him again in the seat from the corner of his eye while he kept his gaze fixed on the blond man who looked like a WWF reject sitting across from them.

'My point is that I deserve a little fun. What do you say to having some fun with this little damsel? She's quite lovely and obviously intelligent. You know I love a good mystery.' That was as close to begging that Youko ever got. He continued to caress their soul, hoping to gain more influence by lowering his human half's stone facade. 'She's a puzzle I'd like to examine inside and out.' Youko licked his lips in anticipation as he allowed visions of his intentions to flash through his avatar's mind.

Kurama tried diligently to ignore the tempting images. 'She's my partner. I can't get involved with someone I have to spend so much time with. I don't want to deal with another obsessive girl.' Kurama countered, not allowing Youko to persuade him so easily. The memories of the obsessive fan club from his high school were too fresh to be forgotten.

Youko retracted his hands and stepped as far away as he could in his limited space. He lifted a hand to his chin and looked contemplative. 'Since she is your partner it makes perfect sense that you should become involved with her. Just think; if she was your lover then you wouldn't have to worry about her betraying you.'

Kurama took a deep breath; he needed to keep his wits when dealing with Youko. 'How do you figure that? Was Kuronue YOUR lover? Did he betray you?.'

Youko shrugged arrogantly as he hugged their soul once more. 'Kuronoue wasn't my lover, he was my best friend. You don't betray your best friend. But in answer to your former question, it's easy; no one has ever betrayed this kitsune after I took them for a lover. Who would want to lose such a great deal such as me?' He appraised Kagome once more. 'You've never let me unleash the full extent of my powers. I think it's only fair that you allow me this one carnal pleasure. You only let me out when I have to kill some sort of monster threatening mankind.'

'You act as if my lifestyle is murder.'

'It's quite wicked torture. I haven't had a lover in the past 23 years! Ever since I've met you I've been denied.' Youko's voice reflected his frustration and to make sure his point was stretched to it's full potential he made sure that Kurama could feel his pain.

"Hmmm," Kurama groaned through his clenched teeth as he could feel his blood rush to a certain anatomical feature some inches below his belt. Kagome looked at him concerned as one of her soft, cool hands rested upon his forearm.

"Are you okay?"

Youko began snickering and used Kurama's distraction of keeping his hormones in check to make his move. He melded his arm with Kurama's and placed it easily over Kagome's shoulder, drawing her closer to his warmth. "I'm fine, but you're still shivering." He cooed seductively.

Kagome's face grew a faint pink in her embarrassment from her alluring partner but she didn't throw the arm off from around her and instead snuggled a bit closer to the offered warmth. Her eyes focused on the man across from them. "Um….sir, how much further are we traveling?"

The man watched them dispassionately and didn't answer.

The two sat silently in the company of the unfriendly man. 'This trip is so boring. Let me kiss her. Just once and I'll leave you alone for the rest of the day.' Youko offered as he licked a fanged tooth in anticipation.

'You can't just kiss a total stranger. It's just not done. Besides, what about diseases?' Kurama tried to be logical, completely satisfied to have his arm around Kagome, even though it wasn't his idea. He wasn't about to complain.

'First off, you don't get sick because I don't get sick. Secondly, look at her. Does she look like she's disease ridden? I don't think so. And lastly,' Youko paused, a disappointed growl coming to his throat. 'Damn you Kurama now we're about to land.'

"Can you tell us where we are now?" Kurama asked the silent, armed man, ignoring how Youko was now cursing inside of his mind.

"Svalbard," the brute replied dispassionately once the helicopter landed on the launch pad. He stepped out of the chopper and ushered with his gun for the pair of archeologists to follow.

"Norway?" Kagome asked confused. The man simply looked at her.

Kurama moved his hand to the small of Kagome's back; he couldn't resist the simple gesture. Not with Youko's constant banter urging him to do more. He could at least sooth the Kitsune with some small compromises without endangering his working relationship with his new partner.

The island, north of the Norwegian mainland was quite cold. It was one of the few land masses before the polar icecap. It wasn't snowing, but the ground was covered in a white icy sheet. The sun was still low in the East so it was still early morning.

"Why would Sir Thomas Slate be here?" Kagome asked Kurama quietly.

He was wondering that himself. "I'm sure it will be explained soon enough, Kagome." Kurama was trying to search the landscape for any sort of unusual activity. But, seeing as he had never been there before and there was little, if any vegetation, he wasn't able to sense very much. There did seem to be some sort of spiritual energy radiating from Kagome, but he would investigate that at his leisure during their acquaintance. The energy seemed to disappear a moment after he felt it.

"There," the blond pointed towards a large white, domed tent about twenty yards away. After the two archeologists cast one another a wary look they went in the direction of the tent.

A very disheveled British Lord emerged from the tent. His coppery hair and beard were streaked with silver from middle age and worry lines creased his forehead. "Thank God you're here Higurashi." He smiled at the young woman before turning to Kurama. "You must be Minamino." He extended his hand towards the younger man.

Kurama reluctantly moved his hand away from Kagome's back, where Youko had some how influenced it to creep lower, but thankfully it was still well above the danger zone. He took Sir Slate's hand in a firm grip. "It's an honor sir."

"Can you explain what is going on Sir Thomas?" Kagome interjected. She had met the multi-billionaire twice before. He was eccentric, but not quite this random in his demands. What could possibly be more important that a find like the Trojan Horse!?

"Step inside," Sir Slate urged them to follow him inside the white tent.

"Why are we here of all places?" Kagome inquired as soon as the tent flap was shut behind them.

Sir Slate ran his hands across his face, obviously tired. "It wasn't my choice to meet here. I received this ransom note early this morning. It led me here, to this tent. And here I discovered the severity of the threat."

Kurama interrupted, "Excuse me. You said a ransom note and a threat. What exactly happened? How does this concern Kagome and me?"

"My son and daughter have been kidnapped. I know the man that did it. I couldn't contact the authorities because he would have no qualms about killing them and it ruins the challenge. He and I used to be good friends until we had a falling out." Sir Slate began to explain.

"Some falling out," Kagome muttered. Youko snickered inside Kurama's head. 'I like her fire! Let me make her fire blaze! Come on Kurama, forget this old man. This damn island is cold. It's the perfect excuse to warm her up.'

Kurama ignored Youko and Sir Slate continued in the ensuing silence. "Either I fork over 5 billion American dollars and hope that he hasn't harmed my children, or I can solve the clues he left."

"Clues?" Kagome asked confused. She flashed Kurama a look as if to say 'Is this for real?'

"He and I were both the best at solving mysteries. So, since he recently escaped the maximum security prison for some of Britain's most famous criminal masterminds he decided to capitalize on our association. For 5 billion dollars I can have my children back unharmed. Or, I have week to solve the ultimate 'Treasure-Hunt' and find them myself or with the help of a few others, but not alerting the authorities." Sir Slate explained. He looked expectantly at the two graduate students before him.

"You want us to go on a scavenger hunt, more-or-less and locate your children?" Kurama clarified.

Sir Slate nodded. "Exactly my boy, that's exactly what I want. I may be wealthy, but five billion is an astronomical amount and my pockets are only so deep. If I can have them found by the two brightest mystery solvers within the week I have saved a great deal."

"And your first clue led you to this island?" Kagome asked.

Sir Slate nodded and handed Kurama a slip of parchment. "This is the next hint. I have acquired a pilot and an advanced aircraft. It is capable of flying from London to New York in approximately one hour.

Kurama opened the parchment and held it open in front of himself as Kagome leaned over to read it with him, her chest lightly brushed against his arm and it took a great deal of control to ignore the sensation and concentrate on the parchment. "I am the fall that marked the end of the Middle Ages."

"Sounds like something off Jeopardy," Kagome remarked as she scoured her memory in search of the answer.

Kurama offered a weak smile at the joke, trying to think of some great power that was sacked in the mid 1400s.

Kagome had a grin spread across her face. "And I thought we wouldn't be going back to Turkey anytime soon. What is the Byzantine Empire?"

Kurama looked down at the girl, obviously impressed. "The fall of Constantinople, brilliant!"

Kagome poked him in the ribs. "You aren't the only one to graduate with high honors."

'Look, she can't keep her hands off me. Do something about that!' Youko was quick to point out to Kurama. Kurama grabbed her wrist and gently pulled her poking appendage away. He held firmly to her small wrist as he turned to Sir Slate. "She's correct. Where is our aircraft?"

A small vibration could be felt within the ground and Sir Slate smiled. "That should be him now. Come, let me introduce you to him. Also, he has about one-million dollars at his disposal for you to use on this little quest. I'm confident in your abilities. And you will be richly rewarded for your services."


Kagome kept sneaking glances at her handsome partner, Kurama. Why he would go by a name like that she was curious. Plus, his aloof and yet obviously intelligent personality reminded her a great deal of Sesshoumaru. But then, occasionally she thought she caught a glint of some lustful glimmer like Miroku's in his emerald eyes as they would appear to flash golden.

She tried to clear her head of such thoughts. She hadn't thought about the Feudal Era in a while. Ever since the last battle with Naraku and she had been sent back here without a means of returning. She missed her friends terribly and had no clue what had happened to them. She could only hope that they found happiness in her absence.

A sad sigh escaped her lips as her eyes darkened in her inner thoughts. "Kagome?" The soothing tenor of her mysterious partner broke into her thoughts. She looked to her side and noticed concerned emerald orbs shining down on her.

"God you're sexy," Kagome said to herself. Her hand flew up to her mouth, a crimson blush staining her cheeks as she looked away. "Oh, I did not just say that out loud."

Kurama had begun to laugh at her quietly and he rested his hand lightly on the back of her neck, stroking the area briefly with his thumb causing her to turn back towards him, his emerald eyes flecked with gold. "Apparently you did say it out loud." He smiled sincerely at her. "Don't worry, I know I am." He couldn't prevent Youko's arrogance from commenting.

"Kurama! What the hell are you doing here?" A gruff voice shouted out, gaining the couple's attention. A young man around their same age with dark hair stood outside a midnight black aircraft that looked other-worldly.

Kagome almost shouted in glee when the pilot distracted her from further embarrassment from her gorgeous, now obviously arrogant, partner. "You know each other?" Kagome asked, trying to reclaim her dignity.

The young man walked past Kurama and offered his hand to Kagome. "Yusuke Yurameshi. And you are?" He greeted, dark chocolate orbs promising mischief and adventure all rolled in one dangerous combination.

Kagome fitted her small hand into his large one and smiled sweetly. "Kagome Higurashi. You are our pilot, I presume?"

A self-assured smirk was the reply. "I'm the best there is." He looked over at Kurama. "Well I certainly didn't expect to see you here of all places."

"Small world," Kurama replied. 'He's still holding her hand. Quickly remove it or I will do it myself with my Rose Whip. Only, I don't care if it is recoverable. He's touching my woman! She called me sexy; don't let that twerp taint her with his stupidity. Curse Keiko for dumping him and leaving him one horny bastard.'

Kagome seemed to realize Yusuke hadn't released her hand and pulled it away. "You two know each other?" She asked looking from one man to the next. Emerald and chocolate clashed like titans.

"We used to work together back in high school," Kurama answered looking down at Kagome and placing his hand back on the small of her back. "Come, we don't have time to lose."

Yusuke watched as the two walked off without him and quickly made his way to the pilot's seat. He looked at his passengers. "I suggest you strap down tight, this baby goes at incredible speeds."

"Of course," Kurama replied as he helped Kagome strap in tight.

"You don't have to do that," Kagome assured him trying to slap away his hands from her safety belt. Kurama ignored her and made sure it was secure before grinning at her confidently in a tooth-paste worthy commercial fashion.

"No, I didn't have to, but I thought you'd enjoy having my sexy self helping you." He teased before settling back in his seat and fastening himself in. He was going to have to meditate a great deal during this flight. Youko's persistence was too intense for him to ignore and the whole process of flirting was foreign to Kurama. He would have to focus so he could be sharp.

"You're not that great," Kagome muttered under her breath. A flash of hurt swept through emerald pools. She then smiled up at him. "I think we'll get along great. I'm proud to put my mind together with yours."

"Mmm," Kurama answered with a thoughtful expression, ignoring comments that Youko made about other things he'd like to combine with her.