Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unmarked ❯ The Thief ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Title: The Thief

Author: Beautiful Dreamer1

Online Post: December 24, 2004. 3:15 PM

Chapter Summary: Faulty information to could to led to various consequences.

Rating: PG-13 for now

Implied Pairings: SessHiei - KurHiei - InuKag - MirSan - YusKei - KuwYuk.

Story timeline: YYH- Years after Hiei was tossed of the Glacier but before he got the jagan implant. IY- Occurs sometime after Sesshomaru allowed Rin to follow him.



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Hiei fixed his eyes on the high towers inside the palace's gates. His ruby eyes navigated within the darkness of a moonless night as the small demon shifted effortlessly through the forest. The Shadow Assassin was one of the titles he was given by demons living in the demon world. However, his venture to the human realm was not strictly for the purpose of a hired kill. He had heard rumors of a great dog demon dieing and leaving his son a great sword forged from his very own fang. The stories spread around the Makai told that the sword called Tetsusaiga could kill one hundred demons with a single stroke of the wrist. The owner of the weapon was said, to be living in the human world's western territory. No solid information could be found in the Makai to confirm the rumors, so the best way to find out was to go to the west himself and track down any leads. The sword was a powerful tool he wanted to have in his possession.



Hiei easily slipped through the dog lord's guards. He swiftly maneuvered through the alleyways that housed both demons, and surprisingly/ repulsively to Hiei, it contained humans as well. At that moment, the half fire demon could not decide what sicken him more, the lack of tight security around the castle or the allowance of human followers. Hiei scoffed at the scene before returning to more important matters that deserved his utmost attention.



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The breeze drifting through the window had the thief's scent to Sesshomaru's sensitive nose. The dog lord lingered in bed, toying with the idea to wait for the demon or meet his uninvited guest on the way. Sesshomaru decided to remain in his futon, hoping that the bandit would realize that he kept no valuables of great worth within the confines of the palace. `Foolish demon…' The Lord of the Western Land thought, as he could smell the demon advancing quickly towards his chamber.



It was easy to tell the demon was either a thief or assassin. He ruled out assassin because whom would want to hire such a low-leveled demon to murder anything. Moreover, the incoming demon was doing a fine job evading the guards patrolling the grounds due to the lack of blood and commotion from his followers. Therefore, Sesshomaru allowed the demon to approach him.


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The room was dark as Hiei crept inside with caution while passing an unoccupied futon. The short demon scanned the minimal decorated room that held nothing of great interest except for the sword. Displayed within the indent of the wall was the sword begin cradle at each end with wooden supports. Hiei moved closer to grasp the weapon but hesitated to remove the sword when he saw the empty holders behind the Tenseiga. His senses were telling Hiei something was off. `No heist should be so pitifully easy; especially for a sword could kill 100 demons. The lord of this castle could not be this stupid.' Hiei reasoned. Full awareness hit him too late as threatening presence loomed over him and at that point, Sesshomaru's poisonous claws ripped across Hiei's back.



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Sesshomaru had been watching at that precise moment Hiei entered from the shadows just outside the door of his bedroom. The dog lord saw him stretch out a hand towards Tenseiga. Sesshomaru had witness enough to understand Hiei's purpose. The snowed haired demon could hear the groan of pain as his nails racked through the dark material.



Hiei stumbled backwards with sword in hand. Hiei, instinctively, unsheathes the blade in his hand and went into a fighting stance. The blood draining from the opening on his back fueled Hiei with anger and determination. Sesshomaru's usual stoic face slipped a bit to confusion from Hiei's action of withdrawing the sword.



"Are you seriously planning on killing me with that sword?" Sesshomaru's voice maintained his normal passive tone although still baffled.



"Of course, you fool and you'll be the first I test the Tetsusaiga." Hiei spoke with confidence even though his body is weakened by the poison coursing in his vein.



`I understand, now. This demon believes I possess the Tetsusaiga and came to steal it from me.' Sesshomaru thought to himself before saying, "It appears that you are the only fool in the room. You can not harm with that sword."



"We'll see about that." With great effort Hiei managed to charge, as Sesshomaru stood fearless as the sword sliced through the dog demon's midsection. A smirk graced Hiei's mouth as he landed behind Sesshomaru.



"I had enough..." Sesshomaru reached for his other sword, Tokijin. Extending Tokijin in the direction of Hiei, the blade throbbed and waves of energy-- shots through the room. Quickly, Hiei dodged the incoming assault until overwhelming amount nausea hit him. One of the waves, managed to cut the outside of Hiei's wrist, making him drop the Tenseiga. The plaster and floor crumbled in the wake of attack and causing dust fly around them. Slowly, the particles stilled on the ground along with Hiei, who struggled to get up.



Sesshomaru's white hair swaggered as he walked over to the body, ready to put an end to Hiei's life. At that moment, a pulsing aura emanated from the Tenseiga. Sesshomaru looked down at the sword.



`Tenseiga… Why do you want me to spare the life of this lowly bandit?' Sesshomaru quietly questioned the swords reason, while turning his attention back to the--now-- unconscious Hiei.


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To Be Continued…..


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