Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We meet again ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2:

Kagome lived at the Sunset Shrine from that day on like a normal girl till she was fifteen. That was till she turned fifteen and she was pulled down a well on the shrine grounds. (Sorry I'm not going to write the whole thing about the well and there adventures.)

The inu gang plus Sesshomaru had just finished the final battle with Naraku and all his detachments. In the end the jewel was complete and there quest for revenge was over.

"It is time for a wish to be made and for me to return home, my friends," said a sad yet happy voice of Kagome. She was holding the whole jewel in her hand as made her wish.

`I wish that all my friends had what there hearts truly desire.' Kagome told the jewel.

`Your wish was unselfish therefore your wish will be granted the jewel of four souls will no longer exist and I will be free. I must thank you my child, it has been hundreds of years since my soul was trapped in the jewel, and you have been able to do what no one before you could do.'

The jewel then faded away from Kagome's hand as she opened her eyes. She opened her eyes to see all her companions staring at her.

"What did you wish for," asked Sango.

"I wished for all your hearts desire." Kagome told them.

Then out of the bushes stepped Kohaku and Kikyo.

"Kohaku has no memories of what had happened and Kikyo is now alive with a new soul, a inu youkai soul at that." Kagome said.

The Rin started to glow silver, when the glow died down there was Rin as an inu youkai.

"This was Sesshomaru's wish." Kagome told them. "Rin's wish was to be with Sesshou forever. Shippo's was to be with me and Miroku was to have lots of children with Sango." Sango started to blush madly at this.

Kagome swiped Shippo up into her arms. The they all headed to the bone eaters well to say there goodbyes. That was what they planned on anyways. When they got to the well though, it didn't work. Kagome broke down in tear because she thought she would never see her family again. Sango tried to calm down her sisterly friend to no avail. Then Kagome picked up the weeping girl.

"You may all follow me to my castle. Kagome and her kit will be living with me from now on." Sesshou told them. With that he started to head to his castle in the west. Kagome looked up through teary eyes and stared at the Western Lord.

"Thank you, Sesshy," she whispered before drifting off to sleep.

"You are welcome little sister," he whispered back.

They all decided to stay with Kagome at Sesshomaru's castle. It had been many years now and Miroku and Sango had long since died. They were all trying to figure out why Kagome had not really aged at all. It was clear she was no youkai but then again she was no human. But what she was they didn't know.

Around two hundred years had past and Sesshomaru had became the King of Makai. He was tired of having Inuyasha and his wench living with them and so he gave them a castle of there own as far away from his as possible. That had also given Kagome and Shippo more time to there training and studies, which wasn't a plus in there minds.

It was now the same day that Kagome had left down the well for the final time. She had been watching her family over the years and found out that they weren't truly her family at all. She had been having dreams that seemed like da ja vu to her. She assumed they were her memories coming back to her. That had been going on for over a year now.

She had been searching for her real family for a while and Sesshou was also trying to help her.

Today Kagome had decided to go see her grandmother. She went into the dining area to see Sesshou getting ready to leave.

Where are you going today," she asked him curiously.

He sighed, "I am going to meet with King Yama. I shall return later little one and please look after Rin while I am gone." She nodded her head and smile brightly at him. "I want you home before I return though." With that he was gone.

"Shippo! Rin!" Kagome called out to the two.

"Coming momma," "Coming Auntie," were the replies she got.

"What do you two say to going and visiting grandma?" Kagome asked them.

"Yukina to right momma," asked Shippo, innocently.

"Yes Yukina to," she told him. She then created a portal to Genkai's shrine.