Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What happened, What will happen with my love ❯ now or then? ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the character unless I lay claim to them thx bye.

When you lose everything

Last chapter:

Her maniacal laughter rang out through the now eerie silence that had come to pass.

It was her turn now she would pay then Naraku will be next.

I watched him, so much sadness, so much betrayal, I understand now, I understand him, too much sadness and betrayal, too much for anyone, I will help him. I will help my love.

I turned on Kikyo with a calm serenity that I had now become my mask for all my hearts' pain. My power flared to about three-hundredths of its percentage but that was enough to make her slightly scared.

Now was the first time I really saw her, she is truly pathetic, I used to feel pity for her but now all I feel is loathing. She betrayed Inuyasha, she turned to aid Naraku, she helped to slaughter my family (don't forget she considers her friends as her family) she is truly revolting with what she has become.

It is her time to go back to hell where she belongs. She has already had enough time to earn redemption now it is time to pay for her sins, her weaknesses.

" Why hello Kikyo, surprised to see this much power from me, I do hope you realize this is only three-hundredths of it. You have been living on borrowed time and now it is time to go back to your home, in hell."

I saw a scared look cross her face before her mask of resolve came up.

"Well this is a surprise reincarnation, I never thought you to have the courage to even try and attempt to face me. I hope you realize what your doing." Kikyo sneered

" I am not your reincarnation, I am Midorikos' daughter and goddess of purity, heaven, hell, and dreams. I am guardian of the Shikon No Tama and the realms. I only look as I do because while the jewel was in my body it gave me certain attributes to make my body feel like a home to it, which explains my looks.

Do you honestly think you should be here Kikyo, I know what you feel like because I have in empathy do to me being a goddess, I know that now all you feel is hate and malice. Could being betrayed truly make you this hateful, what else happened to you? I sense you will not tell me even though I already know so I will let it be. Say hello to my friend Persephone while you're in hell will you."

I started to chant this spell that had suddenly come to mind during my speech.

I am the goddess of the realms,

The protector of so many and yet still so few,

I know what must be done with this being who only carries

Malicious feelings,

I condemn thee to hell witch is where you truly belong,

You belong there for forever long,

I am sorry,

But it must be so,

I condemn thee to hell.

Suddenly a ball of fire from hell appeared in my hand I threw it directly at Kikyo. I heard her scream and then the ball left.

I quickly did a similar spell for Naraku and to hell he went but with much more suffering then Kikyo had gotten.

I turned to Inuyasha and ran quickly over to him. I tried to heal him but it was to late. He told me everything from my previous flashback and I vowed never to be weak again.

I went to bury my family but noticed that Shippo and Sesshomaru were still moving. I ran over to my adopted son and my surrogate brother and quickly healed them. It would take awhile but soon they would wake up and feel much better. I continued with the burial of my family and sent them all to heaven where they belong. Just when I had finished I heard my brother and son walk up to me.


I am very happy they are alive at least now I have someone, I just hope they still want me when they know what happened during the battle.

" Momma, what happened, did everyone go away?" Shippo asked as innocent as ever.

How am I supposed to tell him he's lost so much and now I'm all he has left? I will have to be strong, for Shippo.

"Sesshomaru Shippo would you please follow me inside there are many things that I need to tell you?" My voice was weary and I think you could hear my heart shatter while I said them.

I went foreword to Keade's hut and I could hear and feel the others follow. Once I got inside I told them to sit down so the tale could be told. It took about an hour because I left nothing out I was crying by the end. Can you believe it, a crying goddess? I told them I was going to patrol and left them to think about all I had said.

I hope they don't hate me now that they know about me. I hope they still love me. I hope they wont leave me alone…with my pain…my broken heart and depressed soul.

End flashback

Kagome's POV

I had just come out of this flashback and noticed that the water had a pink tinge to it. I knew I had to heal my arm and get to bed. I quickly lifted my faintly blue glowing hand to my cut wrist. I noticed the multitude of scars on both arms. I could always heal my arms of the scars but I liked them. They were a reminder of what I had gone through, what I had lost. When I started cutting myself I placed a spell on my arm so that the scars would go away when I had one real moment of happiness where I didn't fell guilt, or anger, or just pain.

I got out of the bath and wrapped a fuzzy dark blue towel around my slender body. I had started to gain a deeper appreciation of dark colors after what had happened to me.

Oh yeah your all probably wondering about my family aren't you. Well my mom, grandpa, and Souta were all kinda wierded out at first but eventually they got over that and back to their usual selves. Sesshomaru and Shippo were, well lets just say they were normal but wanted to help train me more so in their opinion I would be "safe." Once Shippo got over his despair of losing most of his family, again, everything changed…

Wow I actually did a cliffie its amanzin! Have fun

Lets just say when I tell the rest of this you will be enraptured. This story is going to be a little weird so if you have any question just ask. Oh yeah I know this doesn't seem like a crossover yet but trust me it will in the next chapter or so. Well that's all I got to say. Luv everyone, please review!!!