Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Was Once Lost Now Found ❯ Secrets Betweed Demons ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
THANKS TO 'kagome15' MY ONLY REVIEWER!!!!!!!!!

Ever since they had left the spirit world Kurama’s eyes had been shifting from forest green to Yoko’s golden. Everyone could tell he was trying his best to suppress the fox demon inside of him, and was failing miserably.

Soon they were all walking towards the sunset shrine with the legendary Yoko Kurama instead of the human Suiichi Minamino. He wore his regular white pants with matching shirt that was ripped down the middle of the front so it hung limply open.

The same battle seemed to be raging within the Fire apparition as well, his demon side in a frenzy to be let out. His blood red eyes swerled with supressed emotions.

But he wouldn’t let it out so easily like Suiichi had, Hiei closed his eyes for several moments trying his best not to think of Kagome. Clearing his head once again he opened his eyes again to his normal indifrent expression.

'Kagome.' He thought. Shes was one of the vary few that had know he was a Forbidden Child, yet still accepted him.

This he pondered over, the same as Yoko must be doing now, that was over 500 years ago, could she possibly still be alive now? She had just vanished after that thing with Naraku. How had she managed to hide from the two of them for so long? Why would she want to?

He was pulled abruptly from his own thoughts by the fox’s telepathic voice in his head.

‘Hiei?’ came Yoko’s tone.

‘What fox?’ He asked a little annoyed that he had let his guard down as far as to let the tree hugger in his head.

‘Watch it! I’m not a tree hugger!’ Yoko suddenly got a mischievous glint in his eye and looked toward a confused Hiei.

‘And if I recall correctly little Kagome had her own nickname for you as well...’ Kurama made a move as if to say something out loud.

“NO!” Hiei growled causing the others to turn and look at him. Hiei’s gaze remained locked with Kurama’s.

“Hn." Was his simple response.

Yusuke and Kuwabara who had been fighting over something stupid, looked totally lost. Botan just looked curious.

The look on her face reminded him of when the fox found something he didn’t know about. Foxes are curious creatures by nature, and Botan’s look reminded him so much of Kurama at that moment.

“Are we there yet?” Kuwabara asked retreating back into his normal life of stupidity.

“Almost, one more block.” Yusuke replied a little shaky.

Yusuke kept glancing back at the two demons that were currently talking about something in hushed tones so he couldn't hear.

He caught clips and phrases he continued to listen while Botan gazed off into her own little world and Kuwabara mumbled thing like ‘kitty and Yukina’ (sorry, i'm not a kuwabara hater, it just, i don't know what to do with him.)

“Kurama...what are we gonna’ do if it’s really her?” Yusuke heard Hiei asked quietly. Yoko’s response he didn’t catch.

“But you and I both know she would never tell...would she?” Kurama asked

“Of course not.” Came Hiei uncharacteristicly (is that a word?) unsure voice.

Yusuke sighed.

“Ok everyone" he said "this is the shrine.” ‘And if I know my cousin she already knows were here...’ he kept the last part to himself.

“You mean we have to climb all these stares?” Kuwabara asked

Hiei scowled “No baka only you and Yusuke do.” With that he jumped up and land gracefully at the top flight.

Botan smiled and followed after on her oar. Then Kurama who just repeated Hiei’s method of climbing.

Kuwabara sighed defeat and climbed his was up closely followed by Yusuke.

.10 minutes later.

“Are... we... there...yet?” Kuwabara asked in between huffs and wheezes of air.

“Yah dumb fuck were here.” Yusuke said watching Kuwabaka closely.

“About time too.” Said a female voice from behind them. “I recognized your aura Yusuke, Kuwabara, but what I wanna know is are why you’ve brought two demons with you.

Hiei and Kurama turned at the same moment after hearing her voice.

Kagome faltered and her eyes lit up on Hiei

“Hiei-Kun... is it really you?” she asked her eyes never leavening him.

Slowly he nodded. Kagome swallowed and let a tear fall down her check. She let out a wail that could make Sesshomaru bawl on his knees.

Instantly she was in front of him her arms wrapped around his neck crying her heart out.

“I thought you were dead!” she wailed, “I’m so glad you ok Hiei.”

Hiei knew this was coming but instead of pushing her away like he had always done in the past, he wrapped his arms around her waist and held her closer ignoring the growl coming from Yusuke. (Yes in this Fic Hiei is taller than kag, just use your imagination.)

“Shhh its ok now, I’m here my friend” everyone who heard this ceased all movement and breathing except Kurama of course.

Once Kagome was under control again she let go of Hiei and looked around. A broad grin appeared on her face.

“You on the other hand, Yoko, (who is still in his fox form) I don’t know...” she looked to Hiei

“Should I be happy to see him again?”

“Hn” was Hiei’s only reply.

“Come now lady Kagome...” he said with a lechous grin.

(Remember Yoko and Suiichi are two completely different souls so they act different too.)

“Your just like Miroku.” She sighed.

“And if I remember correctly you two became fast friends.” The fox’s grin became wider showing two fangs.

Hiei growled.

“Yoko...” he warned. “Relax Hiei I would never steal you mate-to-be. I liked that Sango girl anyway.”

“M-m-mate-to-be?!” Yusuke stuttered. His eyes as wide as saucers.

(I think I’ll leave it at that. watches the people come closer brandishing pancakes and other greasy foods of doom ok! Ok! Fine!)

“Relax Yusuke its just a way to make them angry.” And he was right Hiei was blushing lightly and practically had steam coming out his ears. Nonetheless what he had said was making Yusuke steam as well.

“You don’t joke about stuff like that!” he yelled

“Oh?” Kurama replied with a sly smirk.

Yusuke growled and was soon joined by Hiei.

“Yoko dear?” kagome asked sweetly. Every one looked at her like she was crazy. They failed to notice the evil glint in her eyes.

"Ahem," she cleared her voice.

Then she grinned and Hiei caught on remembering that she had done the same thing to Yoko as she had done to the Inu youkai.

“SIT!” Yoko crashed face first into the dirt by means of a subduing spell.

[Somewhere 500 years in the past]

“I’m sorry brother but I can let you go to the well.” Sesshomaru stated calmly.

“AND WHY THE HELL NOT?!” he yelled, only to have his subduing roseary glow an ominous blue before he crashed into the ground followed by a streem of curses.

"wow," shippo said from the side lines, "I didn't know Kagome could 'sit' Inuyasha in her time..."

"Me eather." Sango and Miroku said in unison.

Inuyasha sputed a bit before geting up and continuing his argument with his half-brother.

“Because I promised Kagome I wouldn’t let you though until the designated amount of time was up. And you still have another 5 ½ minutes in this era before I can let you go.” Sesshomaru told him.

“Scence when do you care about my affairs?” Inuyasha shot back

Sesshomaru sighed quietly.

“When I adopted her as our sister did you forget?”


“I knew you couldn't hold your Sake.” Sesshomaru said before moving aside to let his half-wit brother through then following after.

Ok now I’m done. Please Review!!!