Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What would you do? ❯ The legend ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What would you do?
Chapter 4
By: Ldychaos
Co-authored by: Azriel Anarick
Seth Haruta
Disclaimer: Due to unfortunate monetary circumstances, we do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho
Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny.
Robert A. Heinlein
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
The trio had been walking through the woods for about forty-five minutes. They would reach the village soon. During that time the little group got to know each other better.
Tsuta learned a great deal about the two guys during her questioning. She learned all about Kuwabara's love for cats, about his sister, school and miscellaneous information. He appeared to be a good soul to her.
Yuuske was a little more difficult at first. Once she got him going wouldn't stop talking. Yuuske told her all about Keiko and him, about school, and his family situation. She thought he was a tough guy on the outside and softy on the inside.
Yuuske's plan was going accordingly. He was relived that Kuwabara caught on to his intentions of gaining the girl's trust. Yuuske never gave important information to her, but just enough about him that she would trust him and open up to Kuwabara and himself.
“So what's life like in the village?” asked Yuuske in a nonchalant way.
She turned a soft smile toward the rakish looking boy. “It's a very simple life. Very peaceful. We go about our daily lives working together as a community and maintain the rituals of the old times alive. We have an old-style temple up. The whole village keeps it up and running. We get some visitors here and there that like to see how an ancient village was in the Sengoku Jidai. We try to keep that atmosphere running through out the village, as well as the surrounding land that is part of our land.”
“How far does the village property extend?” asked a curious Kuwabara. The more he talked to Tsuta, the more he wanted to know about her. She intrigued him.
“The property lines extend from the other side of the mountain to the outer edges of the forest that meets with Tokyo.”
“Wow that's a lot of land.”
“It was given to our village almost five hundred years ago by the great Lord of the Western Lands. He bid our village to maintain the old ways and traditions, so that a piece of our history would be reserved for all time. The village elders agreed with this stipulation. The lord was the one to erect the shrine on our grounds and made it possible for this village to remain secluded from the influences outside the property. It has been our job for these last 500 years to keep and maintain these lands as natural as possible.”
“How did the Lord know that your village would keep true to the agreement?”
“A head council located in the nearest city monitored our activities, if we broke the contract, then the land would go to the city.”
“Which city was that?”
“At the time it had no true name, now it is known as Tokyo.”
“So you can back track your village history these last 5 centuries?” asked a curious Yuuske.
“Yes we can. We have a timekeeper in our village. He keeps a record of all major occurrences within this property and the surrounding land.”
“Would it be possible for us to speak to this timekeeper? I like history and I'm sure I could learn a lot from him,” he gave her a boyish grin to set her at ease.
She looked forward to trail up ahead, she exclaimed, “Look you can see the village from here.” The two gentlemen looked towards where she pointed through the woods.
She narrowed her eyes towards Yuuske and his question. It appeared innocent enough, but a person could never be too cautious in these situations. She smoothed her expression before the guys could catch her moment of anxiety. She looked towards her left past Kuwabara towards the trees. She couldn't see him. her brother, but she knew he was there. She looked up for about 3 seconds, shook her head, and then turned to Yuuske. “Race yah there. Last one there is a rotten egg!” she screamed back as she took off running.
Yuuske caught her slight movement. He narrowed his eyes towards the girl as she sprinted off towards the village. He casually looked towards Kuwabara though; he actually looked beyond Kuwabara towards the woods behind his friend.
He gave Kuwabara a cocky smile, “Well then let's go. We can't have her showing us up.”
“Right, let's go!” shouted an enthusiastic Kuwabara.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
The young warrior watched the two males run after his sister. He got his sister's message to leave them be. If he knew her then she wanted more information from them.
He made his way quickly towards the village, to warn the others of their arrival. As he ran he looked across towards the forest floor. He saw movement amongst the bushes.
A creature wa running before the two strangers, noiselessly. He caught a glimpse of fur and a tail. The creature turned its head and made eye contact with the warrior. It ran off towards the area that surrounded the back of the village.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
The hybrid cat wolf girl was playing in the training room. She had a group of 10 lower class youkai pinned to the north wall, with strategically placed daggers all along the outer edges of their clothing. She was immensely enjoying their screams when she threw a dagger. She was too naïve to realize their cries were of sheer terror.
“Isn't it fun when we all play together? Mew…” she cocked her head to the side and flipped the dagger in the air. Before the tortured youkai realized what happened, the dagger flew through the air and landed next to the youkai in the middle's head.
“AHHHHH!!!” he screamed.
“MEW!! See I told you this game would be fun!” She jumped in exhilaration.
A man's shape darkened the entrance to the practice chamber. His presence commanded youkai and men alike to fall to their knees in homage to the powerful presence before them. His features were indiscernible in the shadows of the doorway.
A low baritone voice was heard across the room, “Yuki cease to play with your toys. I have a job for you.”
She turned with glee. Her master had returned home. “Yes, mi lord.” She walked to her master, tail wagging. The youkai on the wall heaved a sigh of relief; the master had distracted Yuki from her playtime. Finally they would be free to return to their duties and homes.
“I need you to watch these four detectives for me.” He handed her a picture of the four spirit detectives. “They are located in a remote mountain outside Tokyo.”
She took the picture in her hand and committed their faces to her memory bank, “Yes, mi lord. Mew…Can I play with them too?” She gave him a hopeful look, and wagged her tail.
“Not yet Yuki. But soon you'll be able to play with them all that you want,” he smirked. He just loved her innocence.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
Hiei and Kurama stepped through the portal leading into the Makai near the base mountain. There they found at least 400 youkai gathered. It appeared they were making plans as to who would venture next into the mountain. As of yet no one had noticed the entrance of the two powerful beings.
“Well Kurama it seems we have plenty to entertain ourselves with,” Hiei said with a smug look of amusement.
“Do remember to keep some of them alive, we are here for information,” Kurama said irritably but with a sense of readiness for the battle ahead.
Finally their presence was sensed; the gathered group turned and looked at the new arrivals. Murmurs ran through the crowd about the two high-class demons. The youkai wondered if they were here for the item as well.
They began to back away as the unknown youkai stepped forward with smiles on their faces, but then retaliated for fear of them getting to their prize first. They all sprung forward and flung themselves into battle frenzy.
“Fools,” Hiei began to focus on his ice powers; he had finally mastered their techniques. Once he had enough energy he swept his hand forward and leapt into the air, “Diamond winds!”
A wave of cold energy swept forward freezing many of the youkai in a field of rigid ice. Hiei slowly landed with his eyes closed. He pulled the bandana off his head to reveal the jagan, as he did the ice shattered to pieces along with the demons inside. “Too easy, I thought they would at least give us a work out.”
Kurama gracefully lifted into the air and vines began to shape around him, “Buds of the Youkai Vines.” Deadly vines with medium sized flower buds spiraled forward to entangle half the remaining demons. Kurama kept his focus and maintained the vines' powers.
Hiei leaped forward with his katana ready, his cloak flung back with the movements of his attacks. He began to slash away at the youkai whom remain free. He was able to predict their every move with his jagan. He sliced and beat them to a pulp until there was none left.
He stopped and looked at Kumara, “We should give them incentive to talk,” he said as he covered his forehead yet again. His hair and clothes were soaked in the blood of the Youkai so easily disposed. His cloak was slightly torn to reveal his well toned lower stomach.
Kurama turned a menacing look upon the youkai he had trapped. He separated half the demons and questioned the two groups. “Why are you gathered here? What purpose is there for this massive meeting of youkai?” he questioned calmly.
The youkai remained silent, determined to keep their intentions secret. They had no desire to see these two powerful beings get a hold of the artifact they wished to steal.
Hiei approached one of the groups, “I should tear their minds apart and take the information from there.”
“Now Hiei, is that anyway to speak to these cooperative youkai?”
The youkai trembled upon hearing Hiei's name. They looked at Kurama and realized who he was as well.
Kurama flicked his wrists and the vines began to tighten around the bodies of the youkai. “There are other non violent ways of dealing with our guests.” He concentrated on the buds dotting along the vines. The buds began to bloom. “Now would you like to answer our questions, or see how hospitable I can be?” he smirked at the youkai.
One of the youkai spoke up, “We were gathered peacefully, and enjoying a wonderful day until you two showed up and ruined our fun.”
“Wrong answer,” the flowers around the youkai that spoke began to glow. They drained his life force and dropped a dried up corpse unto the ground. “Who's next?” Kurama looked around the remaining youkai and noticed one in the back. This youkai was shaking and praying to the Kami for salvation.
“You're next, please step forward” Kurama smirked.
`Like he had a choice fox.' Hiei crossed his arms in boredom. `This is taking too long, let me get the information my way and we can leave these cowards.'
`Now, now Hiei, patience is a virtue,' answered Youko.
`Look who's talking, the spirit that ripped a youkai's soul out because he was going to miss the coming out of the Victoria's Secret spring line.'
`That was different,' Youko projected an image of him turning around with his arms crossed in a huff.
`Could we get back to the issue at hand and discuss this later?' asked an irritable Kurama.
The shaking youkai began to tremble even more in Kurama's immediate presence.
“What can you tell us or should I extend my hospitality to you as well?” smiled Kurama.
The youkai shook so hard it was difficult to decipher what he said, “Wwweeee hearrrrd aaa ruumoor that a pooowwerfuul jewwel waaasss looccatted in a cavee innnnn thththe niniinnnggenkaaaiii.”1
“Interesting. Why so many for one little jewel?”
“Nooonnnee hhas beeen abbble to surrvvivve theee monnnssster thaaat proooteectts it.”2
“How many have tried?”
“Hunnddredds ovvveerr thee yearrrs.”3
“What kind of monster is there? Could it be a youkai?”
“Nooone hass livvved loonnng ennouuugh to say.”4
“What about this jewel? Why is everyone so interested in it?”
“Pooowwweer. Pleeaseee, I ddoon't knooow annnything elssse, plleasse lletttt me gggo,”5 begged the fearful youkai.
The group of youkai knew they were no match for the two upper class youkai. They hoped to be released and sent home.
“What do you think Hiei? Should we let them go or give them over to Koenma?”
The youkai quaked more upon the mention of the demi-god's name. He was not known to be merciful to youkai that had ill intentions towards the Ningenkai.
Hiei smirked, “Wait a moment.” He project an image into the youkai's minds of what would occur if they ever crossed paths again or stepped into the Ningenkai. The youkai became pale and struggled to get away and never show their faces again. “That should do it.”
Kurama flicked his wrist and released the youkai. “We need to get back to Yuuske and warn him not to enter the cave until we have a plan of attack.”
Kurama opened his communicator and called forth Botan. “Botan we need a portal to get to Yuuske. He's walking into a trap.”
“On my way!” came the cheery voice through the communicator.
A portal opened before them, and Botan flew threw. She closed the portal she just used, and opened one leading to where Yuuske was located.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
Meanwhile,back with Yuuske and company
They finally reached the village. It was quaint little village with old Sengoku Jidai styled huts. Everyone in the village appeared to be doing one job or another to keep up the village. Some were working in the fields to the right of the village, others were weaving, and the rest were going about with the daily chores of a village from that time period.
Tsuta won their race there. She left the two guys trailing after her. She cocked an eyebrow at the two that stopped next to her to heave and puff for breath. “Don't tell me you're tired?” she giggled.
Yuuske straightened immediately as if he hadn't just been bent over in agony. “Naw, just wanted to give you a show.”
“Right,” she continued to look at a hunched over Kuwabara that appeared to be about to pass out.
“He's fine, don't worry. Right Kuwabara?” Yuuske patted him on the back.
Kuwabara straightened out, scratched his head and said, “Right Urameshi.”
“Come this way and I'll give you a tour of the village.” She leaded them off into the village.
An hour later after questioning each other, Yuuske and Tsuta realized they wouldn't learn anything about the secrets they were holding from each other. Tsuta looked towards the rooftops before her and saw her brother's eyes amongst the decorative arches of the Kami's temple. She narrowed her eyes to him and slightly nodded her head. The eyes disappeared. `Good, he got the message, now to get these two there without suspicion.'
“You said you were interested in the history of the village?” Yuuske nodded at her. “Would you also be interested in the legend about the forest behind the village?” she asked with an inquiring voice.
Yuuske's eyes lit up with triumph, `Finally, she's going to tell us something useful.' He nodded at her and said, “Sure, sounds like fun.”
She led them to the back of the village, “Five hundred years ago a powerful priestess protected these lands from evil monsters known as youkai. Have you ever heard about those?” Yuuske shook his head; Kuwabara was about to say something when Yuuske hit him in the back of the head. “Well they roamed these lands freely during that time, causing terror and havoc amongst the villages. It was said that during that time that an evil hanyou arose. This priestess battled this malicious hanyou for four years along with some companions she acquired during the years. It all came down to one last final battle. Her friends were struck down before her; she grabbed her surrogate son, a kitsune kit, and took him to a safe place within the mountains. The hanyou followed them there. That was where the final moments of her life were spent. She gave her life to protect her son and kill that atrocity of life. It is said she still resides in the forest protecting this village and those that come to her for help.”
They reached the back of the village. There were two statues on either side of the trail which lead into the mist.
The statue on the left was of a priestess holding a bow and arrow in firing position, her eyes staring into the souls of those that approached her, gauging to see if you were worthy enough to approach. She wore the traditional priestess garb, her long hair flowing down her back freely. Her head was cocked slightly to the left, her stance made it look like she was trying to hide the lily in her right ear from outsiders. It was as if she didn't wish for you to see the softer side of the warrior before you.
The statue of the maiden to the right was the same priestess in her same garb. She was kneeing before all in what appeared to be homage to everything around her. Her hands were laid over her heart. A soft smile graced her features, with her eyes peering into any that approached her, as if attempting to easy your troubles and worries. Her hair flowed down her back loose and free to play in the wind. Upon closer inspection you could see a lethal dagger tucked into the waistband of her hakamas. She was not as defenseless as she appeared. She was ready to strike out at those who endangered the ones she loved and protected.
Both statues were of the same girl. She appeared to be no more than eighteen years old. But it was her eyes that made you realize just how old she was in experience. She was a person who overcame a lot of evil and saw more than any young girl should have experienced in life. It was the hope that twinkled in her eyes that touched the hearts of the worthy that stood before her.
A woman appeared out of the mist and bowed before the kneeling priestess. She had a sleeping child in her arms. She kneeled before the statue and placed flowers before the young priestess. She prayed, clutching her child to her. You could hear her whispered, “Thank you,” to the statue.
Yuuske approached the kneeling woman. He helped her to stand, when she looked up to thank him, he could see she wasn't just any woman and child; she was an elemental youkai, as well as the child. Yuuske gave no outward reaction to this discovery. He asked, “Why do you thank the statue of a priestess?”
Her eyes brimmed with tears and looked down at her sleeping child. She turned her eyes to Yuuske's, “Because she answered my prayers and healed my child when no one else could.” The woman realized who Yuuske was but held no fear for him, as he was being so gentle with her.
“Healed your child, how?”
“You have come seeking help from her as well. She will answer it. Do not worry; she is not prejudice as other priestesses are. She helps those with good in their hearts and has the strength to seek her.” She glanced at Kuwabara, “Your friend will not find what he seeks here, and her purity frightens him.”
Yuuske turned to see Kuwabara staring into the eyes of the warrior priestess. He had never seen that expression Kuwabara's face before, an expression of fear and panic. He turned back to the woman but she was gone. He walked towards Kuwabara to see what was wrong with him. He could see nothing to fear from the statue. It almost appeared to accept him. “What's wrong Kuwabara? What do you see?”
A portal opened between the two statues. Hiei, Kurama and Botan came through the portal and it closed right after them. The villagers scrambled to the area, weapons at ready. The warrior boy dropped out of a tree and landed next to his sister. He handed her a sword.
She unsheathed the sword and got into a battle stance. A wolf emerged from the mist and growled at the youkai and lady of death.
“Tsuta, what's going on; what are you doing?” asked a confused Yuuske. He looked around the now oddly dresses villagers and their weapons. He slowly made his way backwards towards the trio that arrived, while he dragged Kuwabara with him. Kuwabara was staring at the wolf.
“I'm sorry Yuuske, but we can't let you leave this place,” she gripped the sword tighter. “Please just stand down. We will take care of the dangerous youkai next to you, then, if you pass the test we will see what will happen, what the elders decide to do with you.”
“Little taijiya do you really think that you and these pathetic villagers can take us on?” provoked Hiei. Blood from the youkai he killed dripped from his hands onto the floor. His stomach was smeared with the blood.
“What's a taijiya?” asked Yuuske.
“An exterminator, a youkai exterminator to be specific. I thought your kind had ceased to exist,” stated Kurama.
“Don't worry youkai; we'll take very good care of you. We've done it before and we'll do it to the ones that follow you here. This is a holy place and you're kind will not taint the spirits here,” she stated.
“Hn, empty threats-”
“Enough Hiei, Botan open a portal and get us out of here now!” Yuuske was becoming agitated.
“Who do you think you are, ordering me around, detective?” glared Hiei.
Botan opened the portal. Kurama grabbed Hiei and walked through the portal. Yuuske looked at Tsuta before he grabbed Kuwabara and hurried through as well. Botan was the last to enter before the portal closed in on itself.
“What will happen now sister?” asked the warrior boy.
“I don't know Kaze,” she lowered her weapon.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
Author's notes
Just incase you can't read up above here is the translation of the youkai's words.
1 “We heard a rumor that a powerful jewel was located in a cave in the Ningenkai.”
2 “No one has been able to survive the monster that protects it.”
3 “Hundreds over the years.”
4 “No one has lived long enough to say.”
5 “Power. Please I don't know anything else, please let me go,”
Hey people sorry it took so long, but Azie and I were arguing over this chapter. I made it longer too. Hope you like, any critiques are accepted, but no flaming.
Thank you to Raizen, Tori~chan and Heartstar for reviewing the last chapter. Your reviews mean a lot to me. It lets me know if you guys like the story or not. Now I have to apologize to you guys but someone asked me not to end on cliffhangers, unfortunately it's the only way I know to keep you guys interested in the story and keep coming back for more. If I didn't do that then you guys won't keep reading right? So please forgive me for the cliffhangers, I'll try to keep them within limits. Unless I'm feeling real bad and leave you with a real juicy cliffy. Also sorry if there are any grammar errors my beta is out for summer and we won't see each other as often, so until I see her the chapters will be unedited. So if you see any mistakes please tell me. If anyone has questions up to this point, please comment and I'll explain what you don't understand. Hopefully in the next chapter Kagome will make an appearance we'll have to wait and see what happens.
Seth and Azie are working on some pics for this story so as soon as their done with those we'll post them.
Due to the fact that media miner has become very strict on their no author notes chapters, if you wish to know what is going on in the process of the story writing and what not; we, Azie, seth, and myself, will post comments up in the review area or on myspace. You can find the site address under my author profile. Enjoy!