Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What would you do? ❯ Work together ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What would you do?
Chapter 5
By: Ldychaos
Co-authored by:
Azriel Anarick
Seth Haruta
Disclaimer: Due to unfortunate monetary circumstances, we do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho
Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny.
Robert A. Heinlein
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Koenma steadily typed at the computer when a portal opened and the rekai tentai stormed into his office.
“What the fuck is going on here Koenma?! You better start talking fast before that pacifier gets shoved where you don't want it!!”
“That is no way to talk to a superior.”
“Superior? SUPERIOR! I'll show you superior!” Yuuske got ready to jump Koenma.
“ENOUGH!” yelled Hiei. Everyone ceased their actions and stared at Hiei. They had never seen him lose his patience that way. Everyone now noticed how close to the breaking point Hiei was.
`What has occurred to the apparition for him to behave this way Kurama?' Youko projected an image of himself with his head quirked to the side.
`I have no knowledge of any occurrences for him to behave in this fashion.'
`Do you think he will kill the two idiots in this state of mind?' Youko wagged his tail, pulled up a chair and made popcorn appear in his hand; as he watched the show through Kurama's eyes.
`Not funny Youko. This is a serious situation; we need to work together to get this case solved.' Kurama rubbed his temples.
`Well then try talking to him through the link, see if he responds.' Youko stretched and began to nap in the back of Kurama's mind.
`Finally, some peace and quiet.'
`I heard that!'
Kurama sighed, `Hiei what has occurred to cause you to react this way to Yuuske?'
`Hn. I tire of their incessant chatter. They have nothing useful to say except to rant about each other. You would think that they had grown out of it by now.'
`That is Yuuske's and Koenma's way of dealing with high stress situations.'
Yuuske turned an angry look upon Hiei. He said, “Listen Hiei-”
“I believe this would be an opportune time to speak of what we have each learned about our mission. Would you not say so, Koenma?” came the voice of reason from Kurama.
“You are correct, Kurama.” Koenma turned to survey the group. He examined the dried blood on Hiei with suspicious eyes. `At least there are demons left in Makai,' he sighed. “Now what information were you able to gather, Yuuske?” he directed his gaze at the spirit detective.
“There is a village leading into the mountain area you designated. It was like stepping into the pages of a history book. Everything went according to the old ways of Sengoku Jidai.” Kurama looked a t Yuuske with an inquiring look. “It was like time was frozen there. The huts, the activities, even the shrine was from that time period.”
“Did any information arise as to supernatural incidents within that area?” asked a pensive Koenma.
“Well not exactly, but this village girl told me a legend about the forest and a miko. The miko died protecting her adopted kitsune son almost five hundred years ago from an evil hanyou. Supposedly her spirit resides in the area protecting the village and helping those that seek her.”
Hiei narrowed his eyes at Yuuske's words. `Strange.'
“And you, Kurama and Hiei, what did you learn from the Makai?” questioned Koenma.
“When we arrived, there was a massive gathering of youkai. It was necessary to gain their attention and cooperation.” Hiei snickered at Kurama's choice of words.
“How did you accomplish this?” he gave Hiei a pointed look, especially at the clothes that were partially ripped off his body.
A smirk spread across Hiei's face. He crossed his arms and said, “Kurama spoke to a part of the group of gathered youkai. He received information from one of them. I cleaned up around him.”
Kurama added, “It appeared they were deciding who would pass the barrier into the Ningenkai. Hiei and I could not allow such an occurrence.”
`Since when does Hiei talk so much?' Yuuske pondered, `This mission is turning out to be more than we thought.'
Koenma's next words interrupted Yuuske's train of thought. “What did you discover from these youkai?”
Hiei looked towards Kurama, `What do you think Fox? Should we tell them everything or should we question them instead?'
`If you don't share information then you can't learn anything new from them,' stated Youko.
`He's correct Hiei. We should tell them what we know in a fashion and see what we can come up with,' Kurama looked over at the apparition.
`Hn,' he pointedly looked at Kurama.
Kurama sighed and turned back to Koenma, “We were informed they were seeking to dispose of a creature lurking within the mountain, in a cave. It appears that all whom have attempted to seek this creature have been disposed of by said creature.”
Koenma thought of the recent similar situation with the weasel youkai. He narrowed his eyes in thought. He looked the partners over with an inquisitive expression, “What did they seek there?”
Hiei's eyes widened slightly in surprise; he did not believe Koenma capable of discerning their thought of the artifact. “They seek an object of power.”
Kurama was taken by surprise; he thought Hiei would be unwilling to disclose this information to the demi-god. `Is there a reason for this sudden cooperation?'
`He knows more than we believe. This is bigger than we know or wish to know.'
`How do you know that, Apparition?' inquired Youko.
`Did you not feel it? The brief sensation of being watched while we collected Yuuske and Kuwabara.'
`Do you believe it was the presence of the wolf from the mist?' responded Kurama.
`Is that what you really believe, Fox?' Hiei closed the mind link.
`He has a point, Red. The wolf was surrounded by the presence in the forest, not emitting the presence.'
Kurama thought over Youko's observation. It was true the presence of the wolf was domineering, power, feral, and so much more. The presence was curious; it almost felt like…home?
Youko listened to Kurama's thoughts. Home…was that what he felt? No, there was more to it. He had felt this power once before, long, long ago. But where is the question.
Their attention reverted to Koenma when he addressed a question to Yuuske. “Yuuske, did you approach the area of the forest Kurama mentioned?”
“We got close. We didn't go in, but there was a trail from the village into the mountain. But…” Yuuske didn't know how to describe what he felt coming from the forest; it was something he had never felt before.
“Tell us everything, Yuuske, don't leave anything out,” responded Koenma. A picture of the possibilities of what this `creature' could be started to formulate in his mind.
Yuuske looked over at Kurama and Hiei, “There were these two statues on either side of trail.” He turned towards Koenma now, “I can't explain it very well, but they called to me. Right, Kuwabara?” he turned back to look at Kuwabara.
Kuwabara stood behind the others all that time unresponsive to any of their comments. He was in a comatose-like state, whispering words too soft for even the demi-god to hear.
Kurama turned to Kuwabara, worry evident in his eyes, “Kuwabara, what did you feel when you saw the statue?”
“I felt her pain, loneliness, despair, hope, a wide spectrum of emotions and turmoil. It was too much,” Kuwabara began to shiver.
“What was too much?”
“Her emotions, her power, they overwhelm me.”
“Was there anything else you sensed?” Kurama continued to use a soft tone of voice to encourage Kuwabara to speak.
“She has been through so much waiting there to be freed.”
“Who Kuwabara?” came the gentle whisper from Kurama, the intensity of Kurama's eyes caught everyone else's attention.
Kuwabara looked Kurama in the eyes, “The girl from the statues, the maiden forever immortalized in stone. She wishes to be set free. She cries out for help, when others can't see her.”
“What is she?” asked Hiei.
Koenma noticed Hiei was engrossed in the thoughts of the maiden, but why would Hiei of all people be so intrigued by her. Could he sense something about her that they couldn't? Was this a trap to lure in the detectives and destroy them? He wouldn't put it passed his father to come up with an elaborate plan to destroy his team. The more time his father had on his hands the worse things went for him and his group. If he didn't know better, he would be sure his father didn't want him to succeed, but rather to come to a downfall before the other gods and be judged unworthy to gain reign of the Reikai.
Kuwabara scrunched his face in concentration, “I'm not sure, her aura was very powerful. She didn't have the aura of a demon, but she wasn't exactly human either from her energy signals.”
“Was her aura malevolent?” asked Kurama.
“No, she's good at heart, but well protected.” answered Kuwabara.
“What do you mean `well protected'?” asked Yuuske.
“Didn't you sense it Urameshi?” Yuuske shook his head no, “The forest around her is alive with power. The mist is a barrier, so others like us and the Reikai sensors can't sense or see their power. Within the mist's protection are her guardians. They protect her from those that wish to cause her harm or use her for their own gain.”
“How do you know all of this human?” asked a suspicious Hiei.
“The wolf from the mist, he is one that protects her. I became connected somehow to the happenings in the barrier when I looked at the statue of her fighting. I don't understand how it happened but it did,” he looked towards the fire apparition.
`What are you thinking Hiei?' asked Youko, who was highly intrigued with this mystery girl.
`There is more to this than he knows about, he is correct. Her spirit calls out; I could hear her calling to me,' contemplated Hiei.
`I didn't exactly hear her, but I sensed her welcoming presence drawing me to her,' responded Kurama.
`Hn. This does not bode well. The four of us have had some kind of contact with this thing.'
`What did you feel, Apparition?' smirked Youko.
`None of your business, Fox.'
`She got to you too, huh?' grinned Youko.
`Hn,' and Hiei closed the link.
`It appears you are correct, Youko,' observed Kurama.
Youko flicked his hair back, `Aren't I always?'
Kurama rolled his eyes.
Koenma cleared his throat to bring the detectives attention back to himself. Everyone turned to him and awaited his orders.
“All of you must return to the village and get to this girl. If she is dangerous, eliminate her; if she is not and she is the source of these strange occurrences and power, and then bring her back here. Botan will open a portal to the village.”
Yuuske turned to Hiei, “Since we are going back, I would suggest that you change. Your style is what set off the villagers in the first place.”
“Hn,” Hiei narrowed his eyes in return to the comment. `Since when is he so eloquent with his words…'
`I was just thinking that too, Shorty,' pondered Youko.
`If the two haven't noticed, he's changed a lot over the last year; especially with what happened to Keiko,' responded Kurama.
`He's still wrapped up in that? I thought he would have gotten over it by now,' Youko crossed his arms.
`Have you gotten over Kuronue, Fox?' smirked Hiei.
Youko's eyes glittered with remembrance of his lost friend and partner. He retreated to the back of Kurama's mind and closed his link from the other two.
`Does that answer your question, Hiei?'
`Hn,' Hiei closed himself off from Kurama and left Koenma's office. Hiei went to the room assigned to the detectives for the occasions that they could not return home from a mission. He cleaned up, changed his clothes and returned to the office to join the others.
Yuuske turned to Botan, “Let's get this over with.”
Botan nodded. She turned around and opened a portal back to the village. Yuuske stepped through the portal followed by Hiei, Kurama, and lastly Kuwabara.
Botan looked back at Koenma, “Are you sure about this?”
“There is no other way. We must find out what is happening. There is strife amongst the ranks of the Kami's. A war is being waged, and we're stuck in the middle of all this muck.”
Botan nodded and followed the detectives.
“What will happen to them?” Koenma sighed as he turned into his teenage form.
A woman stepped from the shadows to stand next to Koenma's desk. “Even I do not know what the future will bring.”
Koenma turned to the Kami next to him. “The others do not trust me, do they?”
“They have their reservations as to whether or not you will stand on the path of righteousness or self-gain when the time arrives to reveal all.”
“What do you believe, Amaterasu?”
She smiled, “What will be, will be.”
“What will happen if we win?”
“Let us not speak of things we are unsure about,” she walked towards the office door. “Remember, the events of tonight will change the course for all time.” Amaterasu looked Koenma in the eyes and left.
“Where do the Kami seek help, when there is none to be had?” sighed Koenma.
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Sorry about the long wait. There was a recent death in the family. I hope this chapter is up to your expectations, if not please leave me a message and I will make changes to the chapter. Hopefully the next one won't take as long to release. Please review and tell me what you think, constructive criticism really does help us make this a good story everyone can enjoy.
Ldy Chaos