Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Years Flew By ❯ Acceptance ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

When Shimura got home she went straight to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle, she didn't have aa junk food. She carelessly took a sip and headed to the back yard. She sat down in the love seat andat her beautiful yard; she had done all the work herself and was quite pleased. It was really a delightful place to see; lilies swaying to and fro while the extremely tall and well kept hedges made it virtually impossible to see it to the yard. She had made a special corner where she dedicated it strictly to roses, white, pink, yellow, red, she wasn't partial to any color she loved them all equally. As she sat she wondered about the previous afternoon. Those boys, what where their names? She couldn't remember but she had a distinct liking to the black haired one, he seemedwelllike her. As for the other one she sensed she could easily become friends with, if not more. He attracted her in a curious way. Well no matter she was sure she would have a run it with them soon enough.
had had enough.

"Kurama you baka fox! Why did you not leave when I said so", Hiei said in an angered voice.

"Well it was time to go back to school", Kurama said a little shocked at Hiei's words. Had he been enjoying the girl's company? Of course not that's absurd.

"Like I said I don't want to go back to that wretched place" Hiei said recovering his cool.

"I can't make you do anything you don't want to Hiei, you know that" Kurama said trying his reverse psychology and walking away.

"Your right fox" Hiei said getting his bag and walking swiftly to the school.
woke up to the same dreaded alarm clock as before. She got up and wondered if she should even go to school, what with the incident yesterday with the teacher. But she decided to go if only to spite him. She showered and dressed, then walked down stairs. She thought she would leave early, so she could stop by the meadow. She had always enjoyed a romp through the flowers. Shimura walked out the door and resolved she would jog. She felt good and she had to get some of this energy out this human body could only take so much. When she got there she dropped her bag and sprinted out into the open meadow.
had finished that day of school and was exhausted, she wouldn't admit it but sitting all day really wore him out. When the last period of the day rang he was immediately relieved. He had to sit next to a strange girl that stared at him, it was unnerving and annoying. Kurama said she liked him! Hiei was even more freaked out. Kurama had asked him if he had wanted to sleep in their guest bedroom but he declined saying he didn't need his pity. So he would sleep in the same tree he had slept in the other night. He leapt up to a bough and slept till dawn.
had gotten out of school and asked Hiei if he had wanted to join him and his mother. He could sleep in the guest bedroom. Hiei haughtily replied that he didn't need his pity. Sometimes he was so stubborn. This afternoon had been so weird he thought to himself. Hiei was actually upset that he scared that pretty girl away. Kurama wondered about what they talked of. That was the same girl who got in trouble at English this morning. She had been extremely calm. Kurama assumed she was new like himself and Hiei. Kurama felt strange around her, as if he would have to stay on his toes while around her. But strangely enough it wasn't at all unpleasant. He hit the bed and didn't wake up for dinner.
woke up early and decided to take a walk before Kurama was up. He jotted down the lane and into a foresty part of the area wanting to go to the meadow nearby. He walked until he got to the edge and stopped, he heard something. He looked over to see Shimura! She was jumping, and running, and kicking. She was actually quite good and accurate. But she was acting like a whelp! He silently stepped behind a tree as she turned around expecting to see some one. Could she sense him? No that would be impossible. Finally she resumed her sparing, fighting with her imaginary enemy. Hiei decided he would give her someone to fight with so he jumped in just as she sent a strong kick. Hiei hadn't been expecting that. She was so fast, It was unbelievable! She stepped back immediately stunned.

"What were you doing?"

"Hmmpmh", was her only reply do to the fact that he was busy dealing with his nose bleed.
quickly tore a piece of her uniform off and exceedingly gently held it to his nose. Hiei was shocked by her actions and couldn't speak when she softly tilted his head back. He regained himself and pushed her away holding the cloth himself.

"Nothing I just tripped and fell."

"Into my foot?"

"Of course notI was, never mind what where you doing?", Hiei shot back.

"I was uhhexercising."

"Hmph.Some exercisizing."

"Look I'm really sorry, it doesn't look like it's stopping, why don't you come to my house we still have time and I could patch you up."

"Well you did get me into this mess"

"Do you have these mood swings all the time?", Shimura asked amused.

"That's just me, sorry if I dissapoint you.", Hiei said in mock politness.

" Hey take it easyyou don't dissapoint me I accept you."
was shocked none had said those words to him before.

"I don't expect anything from you either.", she said helping him up.

"Come lets go before school starts"