Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Years Flew By ❯ Suprise, Suprise ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Surprise, Surprise

It was the final round of the Dark Tournament, Genkia had died and Koenma was supposed to send in a replacement. Yusuke, Hiei, Kurama, and Kuwabara were all standing, hoping Koenma's replacement would show up before they got disqualified.

Juri was almost down to the last count when the doors slowly moved aside. The shadows had covered the person completely, they could sense no power from the fighter, whoever they were they covered their ki.

But soon the fighter emerged from the darkness, first a foot, followed by a delicate leg; soon the whole figure came forward, revealing the someone to be none other than Shimura herself.

Shimura stood before them in a fighting outfit, the top covering her torso, leaving her stomach bare, and baggy flaring maroon pants (Inuyasha pants).

Everyone gasped especially Kurama, and Hiei.

"Wha…What?", Yusuke finally managed, to choke out.

"Shimura?! What are you doing here?!, you could get hurt!", Kuwabara yelled.

Shimura's head jerked up at the mention of her name and she burst into laughter at his dim-witted words.

"Not likely, Yusuke", she said between her laughter.

"What are you doing here?! This is no place for you", Hiei bellowed, fearing for her safety.

"Oh, contraire, thisis where I belong.. by the way it's good to see you, I really should have guessed you a demon Hiei", she said.

"Y-You know?", Hiei shot daggers at Boton, who was shuffling her feet, awkwardly.

"She made me!", Boton yelled in protest.

"Shimura", Kurama whispered, unable to believe his eyes.

"I am sorry, that is all I can say for right now…Kurama.", she said, not looking at him, but at the opponents. She knew everything, and she was still processing it. It was hard for her to come back to this life, yet she was forced to.

"Are, Are you a demon, or something?", Kuwabara said, looking at her questioningly.

"Well as a matter of fact…yes", she answered as she approached them.

"The match is about to begin, Team Urameshi,", Juri called from the ring.

" Yeah, yeah, give us a minute", Kuwabara responded.

"What do you mean you're a demon?", Yusuke yelled at her.

"Did I happen to stutter?", she coolly replied.

"I- B-But you look human", he stuttered, in disbelief.

"Have you noticed anything repetitive in my everyday accessories?"

"That necklace", Hiei responded.

"Precisely, it gives me my human appearance, and helps me blend, I would apologize but that wouldn't really be demon of me, now would It." she said with a smile.

"Damn, you're a bad guy Shimura?" Yusuke said.

"Well lucky enough for you I'm on your side, but stick around and you'll see how bad I can be", she said with a mischievous grin.

"Team Urameshi, please step up for the first match!" Juri announced.

The faceless swordsman stepped up to the ring and Shimura stepped, up to receive him. But, before she could, Hiei and Kurama both stepped up to stop her.

"Believe it or not I'm faster than you and if you try and stop me, you will be disqualified", she said as she suddenly was on the edge of the ring.

She saw that they had little care if they were disqualified, and advanced further, but her words then stopped them.

"Do you really have that little faith in me?" she said with a sorrowful look.

"We know you are good at fighting humans, but this is different", Kurama pleaded.

"Don't worry I've been killing for several hundred years", she said with extreme confidence.

They backed off but they were extremely anxious, and their bodies were tensed, to run to her rescue, they would not let her get hurt.

Shimura then approached the swordsman and looked boldly into the masked fighters face, although she could not see it she promised herself she would not be afraid.

"O.k. well looks like we've got our fighters, soooo…let the match begin!", Juri announced.

Shimura stood there quietly sizing up her opponent, then without warning the swordsman created a giant axe out of thin air. When he swung the heavy blade she easily dodged to the side, and again looked at her opponents expectantly. He sped up in his attacks until she had thoroughly proved herself faster than him. But by converting all his energy into raw speed, he rushed at her, this time making contact,. or so he thought.

A huge dust cloud had appeared around the ring and the stadium could not see anything but had a horrible feeling she was gone…

Yet when the dust had settled down it revealed her standing off to the side arms folded casually, and wearing a satisfied smile.

"This is over!", she cried as she leapt at him, but halfway there she suddenly disappeared. Bui looked around him not even sensing her.

Without any warning she appeared behind him, and with one flick of her wrist, she had broker the neck of the fighter, instantly winning the match. Amidst the boos from the crowd Shimura grabbed the huge fighter by his armor and threw him out of the ring.

"Next", she said triumphantly.

"What a spectacular fight! There wasn't enough blood, but it's nice to see a girl kick some butt now and then!" Juri shouted into the microphone.

"But without further ado let's present the next fight, Karasu vs. Shimura!" Juri then broadcasted.

Karasu entered the ring, hands shoved in his pockets, swinging his head to and fro. Ever since he saw the little female he thought her a wonderful plaything, although he still was interested in Kurama, she would be even more fun. Small and delicate, a fleet footed beauty she was in her own right, and the apparent connection she had with Kurama was appealing as well. Yes, he could, and would use her, for his own twisted enjoyment.

She stood confidently head held high as the black haired fiend entered the ring.

"So shall I begin this match?", she asked calmly.

"Be my guest", he replied coolly.

"O.k. I think I will", she responded.

She formed an energy ball, and tossed it at him. Then again Shimura's toss was a 150-mile an hour fastball. Even so he dodged, knowing she hadn't actually meant to hit him…yet.

"You'll have to do a little bit better, he said through his mask.

"I think you and I both know I didn't try and damage you", she said equally amused.

"I think I should make you work a little, no?" he asked.

"Hmm", she said thoughtfully.

He then flew towards her jumping in the air, as he hurdled down on her, only for her to avoid his attack. He half meant to hit her. He tried this several more times, several different ways. Although he didn't get her any other of the times. He finally decided it was time to get more serious. This time he whirled on her as fast as he could. She very narrowly escaped falling and quickly getting up. But it was too late by then. As soon as she got up he grabbed her roughly and put her hands behind her back, binding them with one hand, leaving the other free.

"Well, I've got you now", he whispered in her ear.

He pushed her hair back from behind her neck, she didn't dare breath let alone move, he could kill her instantly and would.

"Your heart is beating very fast", he said his breath tickling her ear through his mask.

"Get off of me", she whispered dangerously.

"You're in no position to give me orders", he replied, letting his free hand to go to her throat, caressing it.

"So warm", he murmured.

Kurama was watching from the sidelines. How dare he touch her?!

Shimura knew she had to do something fast, this was the only chance she would get. She pulled away as fast as she could and ripped off her necklace. A blinding light filled the stadium. When the light finally faded it revealed a most astonishing sight.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*

She stood 6'0 tall; her hair was still blonde but now had intermingling strands of white. She had beautiful, warm mahogany eyes and a single freckle under her left eye.

She came complete with perfect fuzzy ears, centered on her head. And finished off with a long flowing tail, twisting elegantly around her leg. Along with an ideal body, she had grown in some places considerably.

"Wh-what's this?", Karasu said breathlessly.

Kurama was stunned he had never in his life seen something so majestic as the magnificent, and stunningly dazzling goddess before him. Even Yoko was speechless, for once. She was the ideal mate, strong and brave, charming, gorgeous classy…who could ask for more?

How does it feel, to be the prey now?", the new demon formed Shimura said, her voice slightly deeper and velvety.

"W-what is this?" Karasu exclaimed as he withdrew, power was practically pouring out of her, he was honestly frightened, as she unsheathed her long claws.

"This, is the real me", she said, answering the final question to pass the lips of the demon again. For now his fate was sealed.

With blinding velocity she struck him deep in the chest before he could draw a breath. She sliced him clean open, and when she was finished she cleaned her hands of him by wiping the blood from her talons, onto his shirt, and discarding the body as she had done Bui. True enough she was a demon, but who said she had to be gory?

Team Urameshi stood awe struck and slack jawed at the powerful being who had just obliterated their enemy, in a most brutal way. She was truly a strong demon and they were starting to be apprehensive, toward the new Shimura, it was hard not to be frightened of anyone 30x stronger than you.

Well anyways that's it, it may seem hard to believe but it gets tons better. Oh I don't feel like doing that stupid quote tonight. I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho, never will, blah blah blah I don't own anything in relation to it, please don't sue me…. lets see what else? Oh yeah, Shimura's mine no one else's and …yeah.