Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Years Flew By ❯ The Ruse That Proved Lethal ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Ruse That Proved Perilous

"Wow! Two player on team Toguro have been totally, and utterly wiped out by the newly formed, and ready to kill SHIMURA!", the cat girl announcer cried as even the demons in the stands booing earlier, were clapping and cheering on Shimura's onslaught of destruction.

"She hasn't even received one scratch, by the team we held highest, while completely annihilating two fighters! But unfortunately we have to wait another hour or so, to see the next fight, so until the next round of the last match, please feel free to get refreshments in the lobby.", Juri said, as she sighed and jumped off the ring, man this job was getting to be too much.

Shimura walked calmly down the steps to her teammates, hands in her pockets as she glanced around the stadium nonchalantly.

"Nice work!", Yusuke said eyeing her.

"I'm glad Yusuke-sama approves", she said with a mock bow.

Kuwabara then came up to her and just stared, as if she was an alien.

"Boo!", she said, as he jumped 6 feet in the air and screamed, to the amusement of everybody.

But he persisted and she soon found him petting her ears, while Yusuke was stroking her tail.

"This is not a petting zoo!", she said annoyed.

Kurama couldn't help but laugh, and even Hiei chuckled a little.

"I'm glad you find this amusing", she said in a humoring tone.

"Forgive me Miss Kitsune", Hiei said in a laughing voice.

"I am not a Kitsune, Hiei", she said with a remorseful voice.

They stopped laughing and watched her carefully.

"It doesn't matter what you are", Kurama comforted.

"You would not know", she said with a tone that clearly meant not to mess with it.

"So I am fighting next time as well", she said more than asked, they knew she would anyway.

They knew she was stronger than them and would not let them fight anyway, they had no choice but to let her destroy to her heart's content.

They wanted to argue but knew they would lose. She was stronger than them.

"How did you become so strong?", Kuwabara asked, "Who was your sensei?".

"I taught myself how to survive", she replied.

"Didn't your demon mom, or dad help you out?"

"I am an orphan as a human and as a demon, and I don't wish to talk about it." she said ending the conversation.

"So what's your real name?", Kurama inquired.

"Tatoni", she replied.

"The Tatoni?!", Kurama said in awe.

"The Kitsune of the White Flame", Hiei said with a thunderstruck and respectful tone.

"What's that?", Kuwabara asked curious, at what they were amazed about.

"She's the only one to ever wield the Flame of Inari", Kurama said looking at the demon woman in front of him who looked away, as if not listening.

"Flame of Inari? Sound really powerful.", Yusuke said.

"Is that kinda like Shorty's Dragon thing?", Kuwabara stammered.

"Yes, but infinitely more powerful than the Dragon, The fox goddess Inari herself is the source of the White Flame", Hiei informed solemnly.

"Sounds powerful alright", Yusuke thought out loud.

"It is", Hiei, retorted, "The great Tatoni was a infamous assassin, known for her power and efficiency the same. But it is said she disappeared after a while, fading into the past…as a phantom.".

There was a silence and all eyes were on Tatoni. The demon that once would strike fear into the hearts of everyone. The demon that was told to have killed all who stood in her way.

The demon who was said to have lived for around 600 years, and the experience to match. But deep within her impregnable face, and masquerade, she was really just a broken woman who was weary of the demonic brutality.

But in order for her to help her newfound friends she had to reveal her real self, for whom she once was, and would be from now on.

"Wow, sounds like you are strong, you more than likely could beat us", Yusuke mumbled after a while.

She shrugged her shoulders acknowledging him. While Kuwabara was still entranced with her tail, he wanted to touch it so bad. She saw this and backed away, nearer to Kurama, who was extremely amused.

"Would you abstain from staring at my tail it's exasperating", she sighed.

Kurama snickered and smirked but in real life he wanted to caress the silky mane as well. When she moved close to him, he could smell her.

The refreshing scent of fresh lilies wafted around them, pleasantly. She caught him eyeing her tail and flicked it across his arm grinning.

"I guess Kuwabara's not the only one, I see, don't you have one of your own somewhere?" she said looking at his backside.

"I-I wasn't-", he said with a blush, and then turned to her.

"How did you know?"

"Boton told me", she said, now dead serious.

"What is the matter?", he asked, gently.

"Nothing", she whispered as a shadow crossed her face.

She had learned much to her dismay, that he was the legendary Yoko Kurama, the Crusher of Hearts, and the King of One Night Stands.

Everywhere leaving broken hearts in his wake. She would not be one of those pretty faces he screwed and left; she couldn't give her heart to him. She could never trust her heart to him as anything but a friend.

When she thought he was human, she pathetically fell for the seemingly innocent boy. No, she would never be dominated by anyone like that; she had come too far for that. It would be difficult but she could handle it, she could handle anything.

But falling in love is something no one could be prepared, or handle, it was the moonlit shadow on a sunny day that reached up and grabbed you, pulling you into it's endless abyss.

"Team Urameshi please present a fighter" Juri called out as the break was over.

Shimura stepped up, as did the older, green haired Toguro brother. He was indifferent to a battle with a female, although she was the legendary demon, rumored to be the strongest alive.

"Let the match begin!"

He began to meditate hard, his body emitting a dangerous and eerie green glow. Murmuring something his first attack was missed, although his power had increased greatly.

A long arm shot out as fast as lightening Shimura had dodged and was behind him, attacking him. He had sensed the assault and narrowly evaded her claws.

They both jumped back, opposite of each other. Shimura quickly formed a brilliant white fireball and hit him with it rapidly. In that moment he faltered and she seized the moment. Forming a massive fireball she hurdling toward him, in a last attempt he did the unspeakable.

In a desperate attempt he transformed into a small Inu child as a last effort to save his life, playing on what might be her soft side…yet he didn't have a clue how far home this struck. There and then she stopped dead in her tracks, a glazed look of recollection, sorrow, and grief filled her eyes. She then stopped dead in her tracks,…no it couldn't be…

"Inuyasha?", she said her voice filled with tender compassion.

She walked over as if in a trance of a past memory. She then knelt and pulled him close to her chest in a maternal way.

"Please don't leave me again", she whispered, as she nuzzled his white hair affectionately.


The Whole of Team Urameshi was in silent shock, as was the rest of the audience. She was cradling the enemy!

Kurama had realized the demon was trying to play on her weak side, but for her to go into a zoned out state like this…it was unbelievable!

"What is she doing?" Yusuke shouted exasperatedly.

"I've heard of maternal instincts, but this is ridicules", Hiei responded wide-eyed and bewildered.

"What ever it is I'm gonna snap her out of it. HEY SHIMURA IT"S A TRAP! HE"S NOT REALLY A KID!", Yusuke shouted.


Shimura's eyes snapped open, but by then it was too late. He had already impaled her on a newly transformed spear arm. He returned to his original form as he stood up, and watched her. Strangely enough there were tiny little gems everywhere on the ground beside her.

The attack barely missed her heart, she stood, and staggered back badly wounded, she looked up, she had been tricked!

She was livid with fury; no one would mess with her emotions like that and live! Her tail flicked madly, as her anger fueled her energy immensely. She was pissed.

She brought a clawed hand to her wound and sent flying terrible energy slashes.

"Blades of Blood!" she screamed as her eyes turned blood red.

Her attack had not missed the target. She had killed him, and only after did she feel his hit. She looked down and realized she was bleeding profusely. But she straightened up and looked fiercely into the eyes of Toguro, her own eyes still red with fury.

Toguro's eyes widened, it was like looking the devil in the face! Pure might, and strength put together with unbridled fury. He turned and ran, along with Sakio , but was stopped and brought to justice by Kuwabara and Yusuke, who were all too happy to beat the craap out of them.

Only when they had done this, did Tatoni step, down with grace only a true warrior could pull off. There Kurama was waiting for her admiration filling his eyes. She managed a weak smile and fainted into his awaiting arms. But she had done it. She had defeated Team Toguro, and she would live to tell the tale.


I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or Inuyasha, nor anything in relation except Shimura.

So you like? Oh and I want to give a shout out to Sailor_Wolf, Blah Blah the rest of your long ass name! Hi "K"!