Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Years Flew By ❯ Little Tatoni and Sesshomaru ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Little Tatoni and Shessomaru

A small and dainty child of only about 10 ish with a tail either wolf or fox, and fragile cute ears

perched on top of her head lay resting under a large cherry blossom tree peacefully...being watched.

Little Shimura's head rose warily, but she did not give up that she knew she

was being watched. Instead she streched, and appeared to be unaware,

of the sneaky little dog boy who had been following her for quite a time now.

She didn't know he was the son of the great Lords of the Western Lands,

she didn't know anything...not even what he looked like, which

meant he was better than most at hiding and tracking.

But today she was going to find out.


Tatoni walked along a green and grassy forest line collecting berries as she did.

When she caught the sight of a white mane behind a high up tree.

She decided this was the time to act, and dashed up the limbs and her foot lashed out,

as she landed gracefully on the ground.

The same was not true for poor little Shessomaru, who fell haplessly, unaware that

she knew of his presence.

"Who are you?" Tatoni asked somewhat politely, hovering over him.

"None of your buisiness!" the indignant little prince said, still on the ground.

"Suit yourself, but stop following me", she said to hm turning her back on him .

"Your not the boss of me" the haughty little boy said getting up.

She turned around and they came face to face. A little to close for comfort.

They backed up awkwardly, and then surveyed the other.

He was her height, maybe a half inch taller, with oh so soft looking white hair

reaching a little past his sholders.

His eyes where the color of honey found in the wild combs of the forest bees.

His skin was pure white, like moonlight captured in a body.

Which made his feminine pink markings stand out more.

He screamed royal. Tatoni thought him cute.


Shessomaru got up and looked into the brown eyes of his latest plaything.

But her eyes were not merely brown like the common folk of the human villages, no.

There was nothing human about them, they seemed to be an endless vortex, of mahogany and reddish chocolate.

They were pretty and so was the rest of her.

She wore rags, but well kept rags...then again anything but what he was wearing was rags to him.

She had short bobed white, gold, hair that curled around her sholders.

She was his height, nay, a bit shorter, but just a bit.

She was lithe, and thin without any chest to speak of yet.

She was what Shessomaru thought was...cute.


"So what do you want with me, little princeling" Tatoni said a bit annoyed.

"That is none of your buisiness either" the haughty boy said.

"Fine, whatever you say...leave me alone okay?"

Tatoni said raising a hand out above her head in a salute, and turning to run away in the forest.

"Hey, I am the son to the Lord of the Western Lands, you will apologize right now!" Sesshomaru yelled speeding up to match her fast pace run.

"You'll have to catch me first princeling!" she yelled behind her, smirking,

her pace getting extremely fast.

But remarkably he was keeping up with her.

They hopped and bounded and ran and ran.

It was a stalemate. They were evenly matched. But little Sesshomaru had a plan.


Tatoni leapt over a log and was surprised to see the little prince

bound to her from her right.

So she bounded away. But she soon realized, but not before it was too late...he was herding her.

But where? That was the question.

She should have taken her own good advice, and stopped this before it started, but hey,

whats life without a little fun and excitment. And this boy was definetly exciting!

Before she had time to anything else, she rounded the corner to find a huge,

huge masion of a house with very high double doors open.

She looked around to the boy and he smirked, and when he tried to put her foot on the brake

, the boy pushed her in the doors and yelled "Father!" at the top of his voice.

Tatoni froze and was staring at a gaint of a man...well she was kinda short.

He had long braided white hair down to his ankles, a traditional warrior motif of clothing

and the most striking gold eyes she had ever seen in her life.

Not even the prince's were that beautiful.

He had a long waist and narrow hips, but slight of chest and his legs were a tad short.

He was handsome, but thats not what was to be respected about him.

It was his power. His sheer power that was entrancing.

The handsome demon man looked down at his son, and Tatoni.

Then he spoke in a deep baritone brass rumble that made Tatoni shake a little.

"Is this prey or playmate, my son?" he said.

"Well father she insulted me, but I think I want to keep her" Shessomaru admitted with the tiniest,

fainest trace of a blush.

"As a slave, or otherwise?" his father asked, almost in a bored tone.

"Well, I-I dunno" he said frankly stammering.

"I am no ones slave!" Tatoni said in an outrage that broke her trance.

Shessomaru's father looked down at her, really looked at her. She was dainty but sturdy, with her tail

and ears it was clear she was a mutt of fox, and wolf probably.

She was pretty now...but his father saw potential. Her spunk, prowness, and obvious

rebellion were qualities he would like to have in his son one day.

He studied her and knew she would be quite beautiful when she grew, and decided two things.

One this girl was to be his son's permenant playmate/companion.

And two...he would have to contain her here with a spell, to keep her here.

He let his energy flow around them, and it breathed upon the walls like moss.

Now, now she would not be able to leave...escape.

"She is yours, and you are hers alike my son, bonded you now are as companions, take care" he said.

"And goodluck future mates"


I DO NOT OWN INUYASHA OR YU YU HAKUSHO. updated at last! grrrr,

i know lol oh and if you didnt know this was a glimpse of Shimura's past,

and her meeting Shessomaru