Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Two Worlds Collide ❯ Powers Unknown ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello again! Well I'm back and ready to write! Sorry it took so long, but I had exams this week. Well today was my last day of school so to celebrate I'm gonna write a new chapter so enjoy!
Disclaimer: I wish I owned Yu-Yu and InuYasha, but I don't!
Chapter 4: Powers Unknown
When they had all ordered they found a booth that was surprisingly long enough for all of them to fit in. Kagome sensed a strong connection between all of them. They seemed to be very close, even when Kuwabara had squirted Yusuke with ketchup. She laughed when she saw Yusuke grab Kuwabara by the front of his jacket. Yes they had to be close. If Kagome's friends and Yusuke's friend had all lived in the same time period then they all would have defiantly been friends.
“Hey Kagome right? So what classes do you have with Yusuke and Kurama?” asked Keiko.
“ Uhmmm…. Let me see. There's geometry, english, oh and P.E. But come to think about it. I haven't seen Yusuke in P.E. The only reason I know that he's even in my class is because the coach get saying, trying to imitate the coach, `When ever I meet this Urameshi, kid I swear that I'm gonna make him run laps for every second that he's missed my class!”
Everyone started to laugh. “ Yeah right, You couldn't get Urameshi to come to gym class even if his life depended on it!” said Kuwabara.
“ So it looks like you're gonna be running forever Yusuke. You might not even live to see your sixteenth birthday.” Stated Hiei in his usual stoic voice.
“ Well that coach can keep waiting and just add that time to my tab cus I'm not gonna show up.” Yusuke said while smiling his goof ball smile.
Later they all decided to go to the park and hang out. Kagome was having a great time talking to Botan and Keiko. They seemed really nice. Keiko was extremely smart to her. She was starting to wonder how in the world a girl like her had ended up with a guy like him. He seemed nice enough, but she seemed to be one of those good girl types while Yusuke was the obvious bad boy.
“ Umm, Keiko. I don't mean to be rude or anything, but how did you and Yusuke hook up. I mean I…”
“ You don't get how we could be together?”
“ Don't worry Kagome,” Botan interrupted, “none of us understand this attraction, but in my opinion she just has the thing for the bad boys!”
“ BOTAN!” said an irritated Keiko, “ Don't pay any attention to her. Really Yusuke and I have been friends since we were little. I know that he seems to be rude and has a really bad vocabulary, but he's really a lamb under all of that.”
“ Wow, your boyfriend is like mine. He may seem ruff and his vocab really could use a tweak, but he is such a puppy. I mean you could hardly expect him not to have such a harsh look on the world, considering his ruff up bringing. He always alone, but now that he has friends he seems to be opening up more. I really proud of how far he's come.”
“ Wow! Your boyfriend should really meet Yusuke. They seem almost identical.”
“ Yes! That would be a stellar idea for both of them to meet!” exclaimed Botan.
Yes that would be great if InuYasha could be able to come hang out with us. But these people probably wouldn't be so understand about demons. I wouldn't want to freak them out, seeing as I just met them.
“Maybe I will if he's ever back in town. He travels a lot, because he just can't seem to be in one place long enough.”
“ Hey what are you fine ladies talking about. You know that you shouldn't be walking back here by yourselves. You need a strong man like me around to protect you.” said Kuwabara trying to make himself look strong and manly.
Then Botan said, “ Well Kuwabara that's all nice and dandy, but who's going to protect you from Hiei if he sees you flirting with us back here. You know how protective he is over Yukina. He doesn't want you with her any way so, what do you think he'll do if he sees you here.”
“ Uh, maybe you're right Botan! I'll just catch you all later.” With that he ran to catch back up with the guys.
Keiko giggled at Kagome's puzzled look, “ Yukina is Hiei's baby sister. He really is as protective over her as Botan says. But don't worry about it. Kuwabara is so in love with that girl it almost funny. He would do anything for her. Yet he still has a tendency to have wondering eyes.” She giggled a gain.
Kagome was about to giggle too when she felt a presence behind her. Her time in the Feudal Era had strengthened her awareness. She turned around in time to see an energy beam being shot at them.
She yelled duck and was able to pull Botan and Keiko down with her. She turned and saw that the boys were all right. She and the girls got up and rushed to the boys.
“ You three stay with Koenma! You better protect them your princelyness or you won't have to worry about your father!” threatened Yusuke as he the rest of his team went out to see what was attacking them.
“ Do you think they'll be all right Botan?” asked Kagome.
“ Don't worry dear, they'll be fine!” Botan said trying to reassure her.
Just then they heard a shuffle behind them. Then a creature jumped out at them and tackled Kagome to the ground. Keiko let out a scream, which summoned the boys back to them. They returned in time to see Kagome pinned against with a lizard looking demon holding her by her neck.
“ Demon let her go, or I swear you won't live to regret it!” threatened Yusuke.
“ I'll let her go as soon as she gives me the Shikon jewel.” Now directing his attention back to Kagome he said, “ Now give it to me and you won't have to die a miserably slow death.”
Right when Yusuke was about to power up his spirit gun and Kuwabara his spirit sword something happened that they didn't expect.
Kagome yelled, “ Let me GO!” Then a purple light escaped from her hand. And the demon's arms, which were holding her by the neck, were separated from his body. The others looked on in surprise. “ Now demon you will die!” She let out more energy and destroyed the rest of the body.
Kagome was more surprised then the rest of them. She couldn't take the staring, so she ran away from them, even when they called after her. She just ran. She ran all the way home.
Mean while at the park
“Yusuke what just happened here? Why was she able to do that?” asked Keiko.
“I don't know what happened, but I'm sure as hell am going to find out.”
“ Man, Her power seemed to be like the spirit gun, but it didn't seem to come from spirit energy!” stated Kuwabara.
Kurama, Hiei, and Koenma looked at each other. They were thinking the same thing. The demon had come for the Shikon jewel. That girl had it and they wanted to know why.
Kagome's House
When she had reached her room, she had flopped down on the bed. She had scared herself, not to mention probably freaked out Yusuke and Kurama's friends. The worse part was that she didn't know how she had down it. She didn't think she had the ability to shoot energy out of hands any more. Then a thought struck her. When she had said, “ Now you die!” to the demon she was frightened, because she had sounded exactly like Kikyo. The problem was that she was dead and her soul had returned back to Kagome. What would happen Kikyo was still some how conscious in her. And even worse, what if she was trying to take control.
Man, I'm finally done. Can't believe it. Well I'm going to bed now and enjoy the thought of not having to get up in the morning because there's no more school for three months. Time to relax. Hope everyone has a great summer. See you next chapter, Asta!