Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where My Heart Lies ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )
Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha or Yu Yu Hakusho.
Summary: Kagome is heartbroken, and the Shikon no Tama is complete, also the gang is dead. Naraku is still alive but is in her time. Kagome cannot come back to her time, because Naraku put a spell on the well. Koenma starts to notice the people in the Ningenkai are randomly dying. He then spots a youkai, but the youkai is not from the Makai. He sends the Reikai Tantei to destroy the youkai who is killing all the humans in the Ningenkai. Will the Reikai Tantei figure out who this youkai? Will Kagome get back to her own era?
A/n: Kagome and Kurama are 18 in this fic, while Yusuke and Kuwabara are 17. And Hiei, well he only looks like 18; but he, of course, is not18.
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Feudal Era:
It was dark, and the stars glistening out in the midnight sky. The moon was a
crescent shape, and it seemed to shine its light on a figure, in the middle of the Inuyasha
forest. The figure was sitting on the edge of a well covered in vines. The figure's eyes
clouded with sadness and grief. Anger, hatred, and sorrow rolled off her aura. The sky
became clouded, as if she controlled the weather by her emotions. It started to rain…
hard, and thunder had clashed through the midnight sky.
A tear slowly dripped down to the wet ground. The figure did not move from her
spot. "Why…?" She whispered, as more tears escaped from her eyes. "Why did you
leave me?"
/Child/ She heard someone say. She looked around but saw no one. /Child, it is I,
Midoriko, I have come to inform you something important. /
"Midoriko?" She asked.
/Hai, it is, I, Midoriko./
"What is it, Midoriko-sama?" She asked.
/Naraku's spell on the well will weaken on the night of a red moon. Before the red
moon, you shall train to be stronger. Once the spell is weakened, you will make some new
"Who are these companions do you speak of, Midoriko-sama?"
/Do not worry about that right now, child. Train and you will become strong
enough to defeat Naraku, but know this. You cannot defeat Naraku by yourself. You
would need the help of these new companions and never be too confident./
"But when will the red moon appear?"
/It will appear in a year, child./
"A YEAR?!" She shouted, but it was not loud enough to disturb anyone while
people are asleep.
/Yes, a year but that you should not have any concern about that. You will return
to your time./
"Okay, Midoriko-sama. I will do all that I could to defeat him, even if it costs my
life. I assure you that I will defeat him." She said with determination.
/Good luck, child… Kagome…my daughter…/ With that said, Kagome gasped.
How could she be Midoriko's daughter? She was not born, during this time or before that.
She would ask that question later, if Midoriko ever came back and talked to her that is.
She walked out of the Inuyasha forest with determination. She headed towards
Kaede's hut knowing that the old miko would be there.
As she entered Kaede's hut, she noticed something peculiar. She scanned the
room for any signs of disturbance and found none. She looked at where Kaede lied and
walked over to the old miko.
"Kaede, I have something important to tell you." Kagome said. The old miko did
not move. She just lied still. "Kaede…?" Kagome asked. She kneeled near Kaede and
moved Kaede to face her.
"KAEDE!" Kagome screamed out. She woke up the whole village, who rushed
towards there. They all crowded the hut's entrance. One of the village men walked inside
the hut.
"Kagome-sama, is there something wrong?" The village man asked. Kagome
looked at him, tears streaming down her face.
"K-kaede's… dead…" Kagome whispered. The village man gasped.
"I will tell the villagers, and we will give her a proper burial." He said. It was a
night of sorrowfulness for many, especially for Kagome. She had lost the only one who
mostly could understand her. The one who was like a grandmother to her and now she's
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A/n: Hope you enjoyed it. This just came up on my mind, and I had to write… err... type it. Well, tell me what you think of it.